def persistent_compute(mi_mats, max_dim, bg, time_stamp, basename, tmpdir, process_id, tlabel): # Compute persistent entropy and save to temporary file N = len(mi_mats) if os.path.isdir(tmpdir) == False: os.mkdir(tmpdir) outfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, basename) outstr = defaultdict(list) stats = defaultdict(list) for i in range(N): mimat = mi_mats[i] idx = bg + i # Calculate distance matrix #print(process_id, i, bg, idx, mimat[3][26]) if tlabel == 'MI': netmeasures = nm.pearson(mimat) dist = np.sqrt(1.0 - netmeasures[0]**2) for j in range(dist.shape[0]): dist[j, j] = 0 else: # trace dist, bures_dist, bures_angle dist = dm.compute_distance(mimat, tlabel) dgms = ph.compute_ph_unit(dist, max_dim=max_dim) for j, dgm in enumerate(dgms): for pt in dgm: outstr[j].append('{} {} {} {}'.format(pt[0], pt[1], 1, idx)) npent, pent, pnorm, maxnorm = ph.measure_diagram(dgm, p=2) stats[j].append('{} {} {} {} {}'.format(idx, npent, pent, pnorm, maxnorm)) # Save diagrams to file txt for j, ostr in outstr.items(): with open('{}_ph_dim_{}_{}.txt'.format(outfile, j, process_id), 'w') as file_hdl: file_hdl.write('\n'.join(ostr)) # Save stats to file txt for j, ostr in stats.items(): with open('{}_stats_dim_{}_{}.txt'.format(outfile, j, process_id), 'w') as file_hdl: file_hdl.write('\n'.join(ostr)) print('Finished process {} with bg={}, ed={}, outfile={}'.format( process_id, bg, bg + N, outfile))
def main(PostProcess=False, ShowPlots=True, Persistent=False, pdim=0, L=30): """ Introductory example for openMPS to simulate the finite size statics of the transverse Ising model. Two modes are available when running the example from command line: * ``python --PostProcess=F`` : runs the MPSFortLib to determine the ground state statics of the Ising model. (default if ``--PostProcess`` not present.) * ``python --PostProcess=T`` : plotting the results of the simulation run before. * The option ``--ShowPlots=T`` (``--ShowPlots=F``) lets you turn on (off) the GUI windows with the plots. Default to on if not passed to the command line. """ # Build spin operators for spin-1/2 system # Transform to perserve Z2 symmetry Operators = mps.BuildSpinOperators(0.5) Operators['sigmax'] = 2 * Operators['sz'] Operators['sigmaz'] = (Operators['splus'] + Operators['sminus']) Operators['gen'] = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1.]]) # Define Hamiltonian of transverse Ising model H = mps.MPO(Operators) # Note the J parameter in the transverse Ising Hamiltonian # has been set to 1, we are modelling a ferromagnetic chain. H.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sigmaz', 'sigmaz'], hparam='J', weight=-1.0) H.AddMPOTerm('site', 'sigmax', hparam='g', weight=-1.0) # Observables and convergence parameters myObservables = mps.Observables(Operators) #myObservables.AddObservable('corr', ['sigmaz', 'sigmaz'], 'zz') #myObservables.AddObservable('DensityMatrix_i', []) #myObservables.AddObservable('DensityMatrix_ij', []) myObservables.AddObservable('MI', True) myConv = mps.MPSConvParam(max_bond_dimension=200, variance_tol=1E-10, local_tol=1E-10, max_num_sweeps=6) #modparam = ['max_bond_dimension', 'max_num_sweeps'] #myConv.AddModifiedConvergenceParameters(0, modparam, [80, 4]) # Specify constants and parameter lists J = 1.0 glist = np.linspace(0.1, 2.1, 41) parameters = [] for g in glist: parameters.append({ 'simtype': 'Finite', # Directories 'job_ID': 'Ising_Statics', 'unique_ID': 'g_' + str(g), 'Write_Directory': 'TMP_ISING_01_L_{}/'.format(L), 'Output_Directory': 'OUTPUTS_ISING_01_L_{}/'.format(L), # System size and Hamiltonian parameters 'L': L, 'J': J, 'g': g, # ObservablesConvergence parameters 'verbose': 1, 'MPSObservables': myObservables, 'MPSConvergenceParameters': myConv, 'logfile': True, # Z2 symmetry 'Discrete_generators': ['gen'], 'Discrete_quantum_numbers': [0] }) # Write Fortran-readable main files MainFiles = mps.WriteFiles(parameters, Operators, H, PostProcess=PostProcess) # Run the simulations and quit if we are not just Post if (not PostProcess): if os.path.isfile('./Execute_MPSMain'): RunDir = './' else: RunDir = None mps.runMPS(MainFiles, RunDir=RunDir) return # PostProcess # ----------- dmat_list = [] MI_list = [] Outputs = mps.ReadStaticObservables(parameters) for Output in Outputs: print(Output['converged']) if Persistent: netmeasures = nm.pearson(Output['MI']) dist = 1.0 - np.abs(netmeasures[0]) for i in range(L): dist[i, i] = 0.0 dmat_list.append(dist) MI_list.append(Output['MI'][3][26])'seaborn-colorblind')'seaborn-whitegrid') plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.rc('mathtext', fontset='cm') timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000.0) if (not Persistent): plt.scatter(glist, MI_list) plt.xlabel(r"transverse field coupling " r"$g$", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r"Mutual information (4,27)", fontsize=16) plt.savefig('MI_L_{}_{}.pdf'.format(L, timestamp), bbox_inches='tight') return npent_list, pent_list, pnorm_list = ph.compute_ph( out_path='./diagrams_{}_{}'.format(L, timestamp), fig_path='./figs_{}_{}'.format(L, timestamp), basename='ising', dmat_list=dmat_list, plot=True, pdim=pdim) # Save txt np.savetxt('stats_L_{}_{}.txt'.format(L, timestamp), list(zip(glist, npent_list, pent_list, pnorm_list)), fmt='%.18g') # Plot fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.scatter(glist, pnorm_list, c='red') ax1.set_xlabel(r"transverse field coupling " r"$g$", fontsize=16) ax1.set_ylabel(r"p-norm persistence", fontsize=16) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('normalize persistent entropy', fontsize=16) ax2.scatter(glist, npent_list, c='blue') #plt.xlim((0, 2)) #plt.ylim((0, 1)) if (ShowPlots): plt.savefig('IsingStatic_L_{}_ph_dim_{}_{}.pdf'.format( L, pdim, timestamp), bbox_inches='tight') return