def _decompose_movie(img_vid, caffemodel_abs, results_dir, args): images, stats = load_movie(img_vid, args) num_images = images.shape[0] orig_filename = os.path.basename(img_vid)[:-4] full_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'decompositions_sRGB', orig_filename + '.mp4') # generate baseline reflectance video save_movie_baseline(full_path, images, stats) # set network size to movie size args.height = stats[1] args.width = stats[0] net = create_network(args) net.load_blobs_from(caffemodel_abs) print("Decompose movie") start_predicting = timeit.default_timer() results = net.predict(images, post_batch_callbacks=[ProgressIndicator()], out_blob_names=['reflectance', 'shading']) stop_predicting = timeit.default_timer() prediction_time = stop_predicting-start_predicting print("Predicting", num_images, "frames took", prediction_time, "seconds, i.e., ", prediction_time/num_images, "per frame and", num_images/prediction_time, "fps.") reflectances = results['reflectance'] shadings = results['shading'] save_movie_combined(full_path, images, reflectances, shadings, stats) save_movie_separate(full_path, images, reflectances, shadings, stats)
def main(): """ This method will initialize the scale test deployment based on the global \ config parameters mentioned on file """ print "\n\n" print_scale_test_config() print "\n\n" print "Starting Scale Test Deployment" for i in range(NETWORK_COUNT): i += 1 network_name = NETWORK_NAME_PREFFIX + "_" + str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" create_network(network_name, network_cidr) print "=" * 50 print "\n\n" print "Scale Test Deployment Completed" print "\n\n"
def main(): """ This method will initialize the scale test deployment based on the global \ config parameters mentioned on file """ print "\n\n" print_scale_test_config() print "\n\n" print "Starting Scale Test Deployment" for i in range(NETWORK_COUNT): i += 1 network_name = NETWORK_NAME_PREFFIX + '_' + str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" create_network(network_name, network_cidr) print "=" * 50 print "\n\n" print "Scale Test Deployment Completed" print "\n\n"
def _decompose_single_image_in_full_size(img_vid, caffemodel_abs, results_dir, args): img = _read_img(img_vid) # set network size to image size args.height, args.width = img.shape[1:] net = create_network(args) net.load_blobs_from(caffemodel_abs) # get decomposition of blob reflectance, shading, RS_est = _decompose_3d_blob(img, net) # output name is input name (in another folder) orig_filename = os.path.basename(img_vid)[:-4] # in the case they all have the same name (e.g. in MIT intrinsic), prepend # the directory name: # dirname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(img_vid)) # orig_filename = dirname + '_' + os.path.basename(img_vid)[:-4] # png actually does not look that much better than jpg # but is way bigger file size (since lossless compression). # IIW decompositions are all given in png img_format = '.png' # img_format = '.jpg' # decompose without scaling in linear full_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'decompositions_linear', orig_filename + '-r' + img_format) _save_img(full_path, reflectance, scale2Max=False, convert2sRGB=False) full_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'decompositions_linear', orig_filename + '-s' + img_format) _save_img(full_path, shading, scale2Max=False, convert2sRGB=False) full_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'decompositions_linear', orig_filename + '-RS_est' + img_format) _save_img(full_path, RS_est, scale2Max=False, convert2sRGB=False) # and in sRGB full_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'decompositions_sRGB', orig_filename + '-r' + img_format) _save_img(full_path, reflectance, scale2Max=False, convert2sRGB=True) full_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'decompositions_sRGB', orig_filename + '-s' + img_format) _save_img(full_path, shading, scale2Max=False, convert2sRGB=True) full_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'decompositions_sRGB', orig_filename + '-RS_est' + img_format) _save_img(full_path, RS_est, scale2Max=False, convert2sRGB=True)
def __init__(self, memory: BaseMemory, img_size: Tuple, nov_thresh: float = 0.25, novelty_loss_type: str = 'MSE', train_epochs_per_iter: int = 1, learning_rate: float = 0.001): """Initializes the Brain by creating CNN and AE Args: memory: BaseMemory A memory object that implements BaseMemory (such as PriorityBasedMemory) img_size: Tuple The image size of each grain from the agent's field of view nov_thresh : float (Currently deprecated). The novelty cutoff used in training novelty_loss_type: str A string indicating which novelty function to use (MSE or MAE) train_epochs_per_iter: int Number of epochs to train for in a single training session learning_rate: float Learning rate for neural network optimizer """ assert train_epochs_per_iter > 0 self._memory = memory self._img_size = img_size self._train_epochs_per_iter = train_epochs_per_iter self._nov_thresh = nov_thresh self._batch_size = 4 self._novelty_loss_type = novelty_loss_type self._learning_rate = learning_rate self._loss_functions = { \ "mae": tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsoluteError(), \ "mse": tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(), \ } if novelty_loss_type.lower() not in self._loss_functions: print("Novelty loss type not recognized. Exiting.") exit(1) self.novelty_function = self._loss_functions[novelty_loss_type.lower()] # Create network and optimizer self._network = networks.create_network(img_size) self._optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate)
def _decompose_numpy(img_vid, caffemodel_abs, results_dir, args): # read input numpy file. Expect input in 'images' to have shape: # (num_images, height, width, channels) with np.load(img_vid) as npzFile: images = npzFile['images'] # print(images.shape) # convert to blob for caffe (assume once linear, and once sRGB) input_as_is = np.transpose(images/255, (0, 3, 1, 2)) # print(input_as_is.shape) # set network size to image size args.height, args.width = input_as_is.shape[2:] net = create_network(args) net.load_blobs_from(caffemodel_abs) # get decomposition of blob (once assumed as linear, once as sRGB) # unchanged (when assuming input to be linear, output will be kept that) R_from_input, S_from_input, r_from_input = _decompose_4d_blob(input_as_is, net) R_from_input = np.transpose(R_from_input, (0, 2, 3, 1)) S_from_input = np.transpose(S_from_input, (0, 2, 3, 1)) r_from_input = np.transpose(r_from_input, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # when converting input from sRGB, undo with R and S input_converted_to_linear = srgb_to_rgb(input_as_is) R, S, r = _decompose_4d_blob(input_converted_to_linear, net) R_back_to_sRGB = np.transpose(rgb_to_srgb(R), (0, 2, 3, 1)) S_back_to_sRGB = np.transpose(rgb_to_srgb(S), (0, 2, 3, 1)) r_back_to_sRGB = np.transpose(rgb_to_srgb(r), (0, 2, 3, 1)) # save as numpy file back to where original filename was np.savez_compressed(img_vid[:-4] + '_decomposed.npz', images=images, R_back_to_sRGB=R_back_to_sRGB, S_back_to_sRGB=S_back_to_sRGB, r_back_to_sRGB=r_back_to_sRGB, R_from_input=R_from_input, S_from_input=S_from_input, r_from_input=r_from_input, )
def main(): args = TrainOptions().parse() device = torch.device('cuda') if (not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available()) else torch.device('cpu') if not os.path.exists(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output) env = create_env(args) network = create_network(args, env.action_space.n, env.observation_space.shape) optimizer = Adam(network.parameters(), policy = AnnealedEpsilonGreedyPolicy(epsilon_max=args.epsilon_max, epsilon_min=args.epsilon_min, exploration_steps=args.exp_steps) memory = SimpleExperienceReplay(max_size=args.mem_max, batch_size=args.batch_size) logger = Logger() agent = create_agent(args, env, network, policy, memory, optimizer, logger) # train agent agent.learn(n_episodes=args.n_ep, ep_max_step=args.ep_max_step, replay_start_size=args.replay_start, save_every=args.freq_save_model, update_target_every=args.freq_target_update, render_every=args.freq_render)
def fit_predict_net(args, results_dir): """Train or test the network.""" caffe.set_mode_gpu() # run on GPU # collection_name = 'cluster' # not used in code release net_params, description = get_description(args) snapshot_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'snapshots') draw_net_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, 'networks', net_params + '.png') additional_info = '_{}_{}_{}'.format(args.height, args.width, args.sRGB_linear) def getData(description): """Wrapper around the external getData using the given args.""" return _getData(args.dataset, description + additional_info, args.comparisonsType) # progress indicator # progress = WHDRProgressIndicator(1, 1, 1) # progress = WHDRProgressIndicator(50, 100, 0.01) # the scales are just for human display, not for loss computation! progress = WHDRProgressIndicator(args.loss_scale_whdr, args.loss_scale_boundaries01, args.loss_scale_lambert) flags_fit = ['fit', 'f', 'train'] flags_predict = ['predict', 'p', 'test', 'val'] if args.stage in (flags_fit + flags_predict): print("Descriptive string:", description) # create the network of type networkType # print("Create network.") net = create_network(args, draw_net_filename) # print("Network created.") # if len(args.iterations) > 1: # print("Use only one number of iterations for the maximum number" # "of iterations to train. Will use the one provided last") # iterations = args.iterations[-1] iterations = args.iterations if args.iterations is None: if args.stage in flags_fit: raise Exception("Number of iterations was not set!") else: iterations = 1 # dummy # get data if not args.test: if args.stage in flags_fit: # no test mode, stage fit X = getData('trainValTest_train') # print("CHANGE AGAIN, READING DUMMY DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") # X = getData('dummy_train') # print("CHANGE AGAIN, READING DUMMY DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") # no test mode, stage predict and fit X_val = getData('trainValTest_val') else: # --test=1 if args.stage in flags_fit: # test mode, stage fit # train = trainValTest_train + trainValTest_val # X = getData('train') # instead use a most of the previous validation set for # training and leave only small validation X = getData('bigTrainMiniValTest_train') # as described above, bigger train set, small validation X_val = getData('bigTrainMiniValTest_val') elif args.stage in flags_predict: # test mode, stage predict # test data is only used when in --test=1 --stage=predict X_val = getData('trainValTest_test') # Define result extractor log_results = ['whdr_original', 'loss_whdr_hinge', 'whdr_original_level0', 'loss_whdr_hinge_level0', 'loss_boundaries01', 'loss_boundaries_reflectance', 'loss_boundaries_shading', 'loss_lambert'] result_extractors = [] for log_blob in log_results: result_extractors.append(ResultExtractor(log_blob, log_blob)) combineLosses = CombineLosses(args.loss_scale_whdr, args.loss_scale_lambert) result_extractors.append(combineLosses) log_results.append('loss_combined') # to tell the JSONLogger # Snapshots # snapshots_prefix = os.path.join(snapshot_dir, description + '_') snapshots_prefix = os.path.join(snapshot_dir, description) # print("snapshots prefix:", snapshots_prefix) checkpoint_interval = min(args.checkpoint_interval, iterations) print("Checkpointing every", args.checkpoint_interval, "iterations.") # Run the training. solver = _get_solver(args, snapshots_prefix) # print('name_prefix', snapshots_prefix, # 'iterations', checkpoint_interval) checkptr = CheckpointerIncludingRename(name_prefix=snapshots_prefix, iterations=checkpoint_interval) # json logs # filename will be prefixed with barrista_ and .json will be appended # json_log = JSONLogger(os.path.join(results_dir, 'logs'), # description + '_' + str(iterations), # {'train': logging}) train_cb = list(result_extractors) # train_cb.append(json_log) # for now do not use the json logger train_cb.append(checkptr) # test_cb = list(result_extractors) # test_cb.extend([json_log]) train_cb.append(progress) # test_cb.append(progress) # print("Log the following blobs:") # for re in result_extractors: # print('key:', re._cbparam_key, 'and layer_name:', re._layer_name) if args.stage in flags_fit: running_average = RunningAverage(X['images'].shape[0], args.batch_size) train_cb.append(running_average) start_train = timeit.default_timer() # print("Testing every", args.test_interval, "iterations.") print("Starting the training for", iterations, "iterations.") # flush the stdout (write content to file in cluster) for debugging sys.stdout.flush() if args.startOver: if args.predictCaffemodel: print("Load initial weights from:", args.predictCaffemodel) net.load_blobs_from(args.predictCaffemodel), # number of iterations solver, X, # test_interval=args.test_interval, # X_val=X_val, train_callbacks=train_cb, # test_callbacks=test_cb, allow_test_phase_for_train=True, ) end_train = timeit.default_timer() training_time = end_train-start_train print("Total training time on node", platform.node(), "is", training_time) # in the end evaluate the final model curr_iter = iterations cm = '_barrista_iter_{}.caffemodel'.format(curr_iter) caffemodel = description + cm print("Now predict data from val and evaluate the WHDR on it.") score = _predictCaffemodel(X_val, net, caffemodel, results_dir, args) args.score = score args.datetime = args.training_time = training_time # write everything into database # write_to_database(collection_name, args) # and evaluate all intermediate models print("Test all intermediate caffemodels.") json_val = [] json_train = [] scores = [] for i in range(checkpoint_interval, # start from first trained iterations+1, checkpoint_interval): curr_iter = i cm = '_barrista_iter_{}.caffemodel'.format(curr_iter) caffemodel = description + cm # save progression of val val_score = _predictCaffemodel(X_val, net, caffemodel, results_dir, args) json_val.append({"NumIters": curr_iter, "WHDR": val_score }) # # if you also want to see the progression of train # # (takes longer!) # train_score = _predictCaffemodel(X, # net, # caffemodel, # results_dir, # args) # json_train.append({"NumIters": curr_iter, # "WHDR": train_score # }) # # also insert into database # args.iterations = curr_iter # args.score = val_score # args.datetime = # write_to_database(collection_name, args) scores.append(val_score) print("Ran iteration", i, "of", iterations, "with validation score", val_score) sys.stdout.flush() filename = os.path.join(results_dir, 'progressions', "barrista_" + description + ".json") with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump({"test": json_val, "train": json_train}, outfile) print("Final score in % (the best one):") # print(score) print(min(scores)) if args.predictCaffemodel and args.stage in flags_predict: # X_val = getData('dummy_val') # should already be loaded # parse parameters for network from filename caffemodel_abs = args.predictCaffemodel caffemodel_rel = os.path.basename(args.predictCaffemodel) desc_split = caffemodel_rel.split('_') # print("split description:", desc_split) args.networkType = desc_split[0] args.numLayers = int(desc_split[1][1:]) args.num_filters_log = int(np.log2(int(desc_split[2][1:]))) args.kernel_pad = int((int(desc_split[3][1:]) - 1) / 2) args.RS_est_mode = desc_split[6] args.whdr_delta_margin_ratio_dense = (desc_split[7][3:] + '_' + desc_split[8] + '_' + desc_split[9] + '_' + desc_split[10]) args.iterations = int(desc_split[-1][:-11]) print("Inferred parameters:", "\nnetworkType:", args.networkType, "\nnumLayers:", args.numLayers, "\nkernel_pad:", args.kernel_pad, "\nnum_filters_log", args.num_filters_log, "\nRS_est_mode:", args.RS_est_mode, "\niterations:", args.iterations, "\nwhdr_delta_mar_r_d:", args.whdr_delta_margin_ratio_dense, ) scores = [] if args.decompose: print("Decompose input") files_to_decompose = [] for entry in args.decompose: if os.path.isfile(entry): files_to_decompose.append(entry) elif os.path.isdir(entry): # files_to_decompose.extend(os.listdir(entry)) for f in os.listdir(entry): files_to_decompose.append(os.path.join(entry, f)) else: print(entry, "is neither a file nor folder") for i, img_vid in enumerate(tqdm(files_to_decompose)): try: if is_image(img_vid): # old version, can be removed (does resizing to # 256 x 256 and then upscales again) # _decompose_images(img_vid, caffemodel_abs, # results_dir, args) # new version (does full resolution) _decompose_single_image_in_full_size(img_vid, caffemodel_abs, results_dir, args) elif is_movie(img_vid): _decompose_movie(img_vid, caffemodel_abs, results_dir, args) elif is_numpy(img_vid): _decompose_numpy(img_vid, caffemodel_abs, results_dir, args) else: print("\nFile", img_vid, "neither recognized as image, nor movie") except: print("Decomposing file", img_vid, "was not possible") traceback.print_exc() return else: msg = "stage '{}' is currently not implemented!".format(args.stage) raise Exception(msg)
def main(): """ This method will initialize the scale test deployment based on the global \ config parameters mentioned on file and creates the router with \ external gateway connectivity to public network. """ tenant_data = [] router_data = [] test_data = [] test_count={} if TENANT_CREATION == True: print "\n" print_scale_test_config() print "\n" pdb.set_trace() print "Starting Scale Test Deployment" index = TENANT_BASE_INDEX for i in range(1, TENANT_COUNT + 1): tenant_name = TENANT_NAME_PREFIX + '-' + str(index) index += 1 try: tenant_data.append(create_tenant(tenant_name)) except Exception as exc: print "Exception occured on Tenant Creation: %s" % (exc.message) pass test_count["tenant_count"]=len(tenant_data) for tenant in tenant_data: #test= {'count': {'tenant_count': len(tenant_data)}} #test_count.append(test) router_dict = {} prefix = tenant['tenant_name'] router_name = prefix + '-router' router_dict['tenant_name'] = tenant['tenant_name'] router_dict['router_name'] = router_name router_dict['network_vlan'] = {} router_dict['router_detail'] = {} router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = {} router_dict['iproute_data'] = {} router_dict['interface_data'] = [] router_dict['nat_data'] = [] router = neutron.list_routers(name=EXTERNAL_NETWORK)['routers'] if not router: router_info = neutron.create_router({'router': { 'name': router_name, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id']}}) router = router_info['router'] status = True elif router[0]['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: router = router[0] status = True else: router = {} status = False router_dict['router_status'] = status networks = neutron.list_networks(name=EXTERNAL_NETWORK) network_id = networks['networks'][0]['id'] neutron.add_gateway_router(router['id'], {'network_id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id']}) router_id = router['id'] print(' - Created Router %s' % router['name']) for i in range(1, NETWORK_COUNT + 1): network_index = str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" test_data.append(create_network(tenant, router, network_index, network_cidr)) network_vlan = {} for entry in test_data: network_vlan[str(entry['network_data']['network_vlan_id'])] = \ entry['network_data']['network_name'] router_dict['network_vlan'] = network_vlan else: print "\n" print "=" * 50 print "Discovering Tenant Topology on Scale Test Deployment" print "=" * 50 try: pdb.set_trace() for i in range(len(TENANT_NAME)): tenant_name = TENANT_NAME[i] tenant_data.append(discover_tenant(tenant_name)) #test= {'count': {'tenant_count': len(tenant_data)}} #test_count.append(test) for tenant in tenant_data: router_dict = {} prefix = tenant['tenant_name'] router_name = prefix + '-router' router_dict['tenant_name'] = tenant['tenant_name'] router_dict['tenant_id'] = tenant['tenant_id'] router_dict['router_name'] = router_name router_dict['network_vlan'] = {} router_dict['router_detail'] = {} router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = {} router_dict['iproute_data'] = {} router_dict['interface_data'] = [] router_dict['nat_data'] = [] pdb.set_trace() router = neutron.list_routers(name=router_name)['routers'][0] if router['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: print(' - Router %s Discovered' % router_name) status = True else: print(' - Router %s Not Found' % router_name) status = False router_id = router['id'] router_dict['router_status'] = status router_data.append(router_dict) #test1= {'count': {'router_count': len(router_data)}} #test_count.append(test1) test_count["router_count"]=len(router_data) for i in range(1, NETWORK_COUNT + 1): network_index = str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" network_name = prefix + '-net-' + network_index subnet_name = prefix + "-subnet-" + network_index ins_data = [] networks = neutron.list_networks(name=network_name)['networks'] for i in range(len(networks)): if networks[i]['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: network_id = networks[i]['id'] network_vlan = networks[i]['provider:segmentation_id'] print(' - Network %s Discovered' % network_name) print(' - Network ID %s Discovered' % network_id) print(' - VLAN ID %s Discovered' % network_vlan) status = True for j in range(1, VM_COUNT + 1): vm_name = network_name + '-vm-' + str(j) ins_data.append(discover_vm_on_network(tenant['tenant_name'], vm_name, network_id)) else: print(' - Network %s Not Found' % network_name) status = False result = {'network_data': {'tenant_name': tenant['tenant_name'], 'network_name': network_name, 'network_cidr': network_cidr, 'subnet_name': subnet_name, 'network_id': network_id, 'network_vlan_id': network_vlan, 'status':status}, 'instance_data': ins_data} test_data.append(result) test_count["network_count"]=test_data except Exception: print "\n" print(' - Tenant %s Not Found' % tenant_name) print "\n" print "=" * 50 print "Scale Test Discovery Completed" print "=" * 50 print "*" * 80 print "Scale Test Deployment OpenStack Report" print "*" * 80 print "\n" print " Tenant Discovery Results " print print_tenant_info(tenant_data) print "\n" print " Router Discovery Results " print print_router_info(router_data) print "\n" print " Network Discovery Results " print print_network_info(test_data) print "\n" print " Instance Discovery Results " print print_instance_info(test_data) print "\n" print " Tenant Name, Router Name, Network Name " print print_discovered_tenant(tenant_data,router_data,test_data) print "\n" print" Overall Count of resources" print print_consolidated_count(test_count)
# Create an Denoising AE for each time step compression_layer = [] for i in range(num_steps): # alternate GPU assignment gpu_id = 0 if i % 2 == 0 else 1 with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(gpu_id)): network_params = { 'keep_prob': keep_prob, 'reg_param': reg_param, 'noise_param': noise_param, 'sizes': [num_input, num_units, num_input], 'activations': [tf.nn.sigmoid, tf.identity] } network = create_network('DenoisingAutoEncoder', X, X, network_params) prediction = network.create_prediction() cost = network.create_cost() optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost) denoisingAE = dict(prediction=prediction, cost=cost, name='in_layer_denoising_ae_{}'.format(i + 1), optimizer=optimizer) compression_layer.append(denoisingAE) with tf.device('/gpu:0'): network_params = {
# Create Networks # network_params = {'keep_prob': keep_prob, # 'reg_param': reg_param, # 'sizes': [num_input * num_steps, 250, 4, 250, # num_input * num_steps], # 'activations': [tf.nn.relu, tf.nn.sigmoid, tf.nn.relu, # tf.identity]} network_params = { 'num_units': num_units, 'num_steps': num_steps, 'num_out': num_out } model_name = 'LSTM RNN' network = create_network('LSTM_RNN', X, Y, network_params) prediction = network.create_prediction() cost = network.create_cost() optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost) init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: if args.train else saver.restore(sess, 'model.ckpt') if args.train: costs = [] for epoch in range(training_epochs): avg_cost = 0 for i in range(training_size):
def main(): """ This method will initialize the scale test deployment based on the global \ config parameters mentioned on file and creates the router with \ external gateway connectivity to public network. """ tenant_data = [] router_data = [] test_data = [] test_count={} if TENANT_CREATION == True: print "\n" print_scale_test_config() print "\n" pdb.set_trace() print "Starting Scale Test Deployment" index = TENANT_BASE_INDEX for i in range(1, TENANT_COUNT + 1): tenant_name = TENANT_NAME_PREFIX + '-' + str(index) index += 1 try: tenant_data.append(create_tenant(tenant_name)) except Exception as exc: print "Exception occured on Tenant Creation: %s" % (exc.message) pass test_count["tenant_count"]=len(tenant_data) for tenant in tenant_data: #test= {'count': {'tenant_count': len(tenant_data)}} #test_count.append(test) router_dict = {} prefix = tenant['tenant_name'] router_name = prefix + '-router' router_dict['tenant_name'] = tenant['tenant_name'] router_dict['router_name'] = router_name router_dict['network_vlan'] = {} router_dict['router_detail'] = {} router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = {} router_dict['iproute_data'] = {} router_dict['interface_data'] = [] router_dict['nat_data'] = [] router = neutron.list_routers(name=EXTERNAL_NETWORK)['routers'] if not router: router_info = neutron.create_router({'router': { 'name': router_name, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id']}}) router = router_info['router'] status = True elif router[0]['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: router = router[0] status = True else: router = {} status = False router_dict['router_status'] = status networks = neutron.list_networks(name=EXTERNAL_NETWORK) network_id = networks['networks'][0]['id'] neutron.add_gateway_router(router['id'], {'network_id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id']}) router_id = router['id'] print(' - Created Router %s' % router['name']) for i in range(1, NETWORK_COUNT + 1): network_index = str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" test_data.append(create_network(tenant, router, network_index, network_cidr)) network_vlan = {} for entry in test_data: network_vlan[str(entry['network_data']['network_vlan_id'])] = \ entry['network_data']['network_name'] router_dict['network_vlan'] = network_vlan else: print "\n" print "=" * 50 print "Discovering Tenant Topology on Scale Test Deployment" print "=" * 50 try: for i in range(len(TENANT_NAME)): tenant_name = TENANT_NAME[i] tenant_data.append(discover_tenant(tenant_name)) #test= {'count': {'tenant_count': len(tenant_data)}} #test_count.append(test) test_count["tenant_count"]=len(tenant_data) for tenant in tenant_data: router_dict = {} prefix = tenant['tenant_name'] router_name = prefix + '-router' router_dict['tenant_name'] = tenant['tenant_name'] router_dict['tenant_id'] = tenant['tenant_id'] router_dict['router_name'] = router_name router_dict['network_vlan'] = {} router_dict['router_detail'] = {} router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = {} router_dict['iproute_data'] = {} router_dict['interface_data'] = [] router_dict['nat_data'] = [] pdb.set_trace() router = neutron.list_routers(name=router_name)['routers'][0] if router['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: print(' - Router %s Discovered' % router_name) status = True else: print(' - Router %s Not Found' % router_name) status = False router_id = router['id'] router_dict['router_status'] = status router_data.append(router_dict) #test1= {'count': {'router_count': len(router_data)}} #test_count.append(test1) test_count["router_count"]=len(router_data) for i in range(1, NETWORK_COUNT + 1): network_index = str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" network_name = prefix + '-net-' + network_index subnet_name = prefix + "-subnet-" + network_index ins_data = [] networks = neutron.list_networks(name=network_name)['networks'] for i in range(len(networks)): if networks[i]['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: network_id = networks[i]['id'] network_vlan = networks[i]['provider:segmentation_id'] print(' - Network %s Discovered' % network_name) print(' - Network ID %s Discovered' % network_id) print(' - VLAN ID %s Discovered' % network_vlan) status = True for j in range(1, VM_COUNT + 1): vm_name = network_name + '-vm-' + str(j) ins_data.append(discover_vm_on_network(tenant['tenant_name'], vm_name, network_id)) else: print(' - Network %s Not Found' % network_name) status = False result = {'network_data': {'tenant_name': tenant['tenant_name'], 'network_name': network_name, 'network_cidr': network_cidr, 'subnet_name': subnet_name, 'network_id': network_id, 'network_vlan_id': network_vlan, 'status':status}, 'instance_data': ins_data} test_data.append(result) test_count["network_count"]=test_data except Exception: print "\n" print(' - Tenant %s Not Found' % tenant_name) if ENABLE_ASR_VERIFICATION: vrf_router_id = router_id[:6] print vrf_router_id vrfname = "nrouter" + '-' + vrf_router_id + '-' + DEPLOYMENT_ID print vrf_name asr_verify_cmd = GetASRCmd(asr_host=ASR_HOST, asr_host_port=22, asr_user=ASR_USER, asr_password=ASR_PASSWORD, asr_slots=["0"]) router_detail = {'vrfname': vrfname, 'interfaces': '', 'status': ''} ipnatpool_data = {'vrfname': vrfname, 'nat_pool_name': '', 'start_ip': '', 'end_ip': '', 'netmask': '', 'status': ''} iproute_data = {'vrfname': vrfname, 'prefix': '', 'mask': '', 'interface': '', 'next_hop_address': '', 'status': ''} interface_data = [] nat_data = [] try: router_detail = asr_verify_cmd.get_router_detail(vrfname) ipnatpool_data = asr_verify_cmd.get_ipnat_pool_detail(vrfname) iproute_data = asr_verify_cmd.get_iproute_detail(vrfname) for interface in router_detail['interfaces']: interface_data.append( asr_verify_cmd.get_network_interface_detail(vrfname, interface)) for interface in interface_data: interfaceid = DEPLOYMENT_ID + '_' + interface['vlan_id'] nat_data.append( asr_verify_cmd.get_interface_nat_access_detail( interface['vlan_id'], interfaceid)) asr_report = True except Exception as exc: print "\n" print "[ERROR] Caught exception on ASR Verification : %s" % \ (exc.message) print "\n" asr_report = False router_dict['router_detail'] = router_detail router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = ipnatpool_data router_dict['iproute_data'] = iproute_data router_dict['interface_data'] = interface_data router_dict['nat_data'] = nat_data router_data.append(router_dict) print "\n" print "=" * 50 print "Scale Test Discovery Completed" print "=" * 50 print "*" * 80 print "Scale Test Deployment OpenStack Report" print "*" * 80 print "\n" print " Tenant Discovery Results " print print_tenant_info(tenant_data) print "\n" print " Router Discovery Results " print print_router_info(router_data) print "\n" print " Network Discovery Results " print print_network_info(test_data) print "\n" print " Instance Discovery Results " print print_instance_info(test_data) print "\n" print " Tenant Name, Router Name, Network Name " print print_discovered_tenant(tenant_data,router_data,test_data) print "\n" print" Overall Count of resources" print print_consolidated_count(test_count) if ENABLE_ASR_VERIFICATION and asr_report: print " OpenStack-ASR Router VRF Verification Results " print asr_router_vrf_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR IP NAT Pool Verification Results " print asr_ipnat_pool_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR IP Route Verification Results " print asr_iproute_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR Network VRF Verification Results " print asr_network_vrf_info(router_data) print "\n" print(" OpenStack-ASR Network Interface's Dynamic NAT & " "Access list Entry Verification Results ") print asr_interface_nat_info(router_data) print "\n"
cost_threshold = tf.Variable([0, 0], dtype=tf.float32) # Create Networks # network_params = {'keep_prob': keep_prob, # 'reg_param': reg_param, # 'sizes': [num_input * num_steps, 250, 4, 250, # num_input * num_steps], # 'activations': [tf.nn.relu, tf.nn.sigmoid, tf.nn.relu, # tf.identity]} network_params = {'num_units': num_units, 'num_steps': num_steps, 'num_out': num_out} model_name = 'LSTM RNN' network = create_network('LSTM_RNN', X, Y, network_params) prediction = network.create_prediction() cost = network.create_cost() optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost) init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: if args.train else saver.restore(sess, 'model.ckpt') if args.train: costs = [] for epoch in range(training_epochs): avg_cost = 0 for i in range(training_size):
noise_param = tf.placeholder('float') cost_threshold = tf.Variable([0, 0], dtype=tf.float32) # Create Networks model_name = 'Stacked Denoising AutoEncoder' # Create an Denoising AE for each time step compression_layer = [] for i in range(num_steps): network_params = {'keep_prob': keep_prob, 'reg_param': reg_param, 'noise_param': noise_param, 'sizes': [num_input, num_units, num_input], 'activations': [tf.nn.sigmoid, tf.identity]} network = create_network('DenoisingAutoEncoder', X, X, network_params) prediction = network.create_prediction() cost = network.create_cost() optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost) denoisingAE = dict(prediction=prediction, cost=cost, name='compression_layer_denoising_ae_{}'.format(i+1), optimizer=optimizer) compression_layer.append(denoisingAE) network_params={'keep_prob': keep_prob,
def main(): """ This method will initialize the scale test deployment based on the global \ config parameters mentioned on file and creates the router with \ external gateway connectivity to public network. """ main_start_time ='US/Pacific')) print "\n" print_scale_test_config() print "\n" print "Starting Scale Test Deployment" tenant_data = [] index = TENANT_BASE_INDEX start_time ='US/Pacific')) for i in range(1, TENANT_COUNT + 1): tenant_name = TENANT_NAME_PREFIX + '-' + str(index) index += 1 try: tenant_data.append(create_tenant(tenant_name)) except Exception as exc: print "Exception accoured on Tenant Creation: %s" % (exc.message) pass end_time ='US/Pacific')) print "-" * 65 print(" Tenant & User Creation Time Summary :") print "-" * 65 print "\n" print(' - Test Started Time :\t %s' % (start_time.strftime(fmt))) print(' - Test Ended Time :\t %s' % (end_time.strftime(fmt))) print "\n" router_data = [] test_data = [] for tenant in tenant_data: router_dict = {} prefix = tenant['tenant_name'] router_name = prefix + '-router' router_dict['tenant_name'] = tenant['tenant_name'] router_dict['router_name'] = router_name router_dict['network_vlan'] = {} router_dict['router_detail'] = {} router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = {} router_dict['iproute_data'] = {} router_dict['interface_data'] = [] router_dict['nat_data'] = [] router = neutron.list_routers(name=router_name)['routers'] if not router: start_time ='US/Pacific')) router_info = neutron.create_router({ 'router': { 'name': router_name, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id'] } }) router = router_info['router'] status = True elif router[0]['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: router = router[0] status = True else: router = {} status = False router_dict['router_status'] = status networks = neutron.list_networks(name=EXTERNAL_NETWORK) network_id = networks['networks'][0]['id'] neutron.add_gateway_router(router['id'], { 'network_id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id'] }) router_id = router['id'] print(' - Created Router %s' % router['name']) print "\n" end_time ='US/Pacific')) print "\n" print "-" * 65 print(" Router %s Creation Time Summary :" % router_name) print "-" * 65 print "\n" print(' - Test Started Time :\t %s' % (start_time.strftime(fmt))) print(' - Test Ended Time :\t %s' % (end_time.strftime(fmt))) print "\n" for i in range(1, NETWORK_COUNT + 1): network_index = str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" test_data.append( create_network(tenant, router, network_index, network_cidr)) network_vlan = {} for entry in test_data: network_vlan[str(entry['network_data']['network_vlan_id'])] = \ entry['network_data']['network_name'] router_dict['network_vlan'] = network_vlan if ENABLE_ASR_VERIFICATION: vrf_router_id = router_id[:6] vrfname = "nrouter" + '-' + vrf_router_id + '-' + DEPLOYMENT_ID start_time ='US/Pacific')) asr_verify_cmd = GetASRCmd(asr_host=ASR_HOST, asr_host_port=22, asr_user=ASR_USER, asr_password=ASR_PASSWORD, asr_slots=["0"]) router_detail = { 'vrfname': vrfname, 'interfaces': '', 'status': '' } ipnatpool_data = { 'vrfname': vrfname, 'nat_pool_name': '', 'start_ip': '', 'end_ip': '', 'netmask': '', 'status': '' } iproute_data = { 'vrfname': vrfname, 'prefix': '', 'mask': '', 'interface': '', 'next_hop_address': '', 'status': '' } interface_data = [] nat_data = [] try: router_detail = asr_verify_cmd.get_router_detail(vrfname) ipnatpool_data = asr_verify_cmd.get_ipnat_pool_detail(vrfname) iproute_data = asr_verify_cmd.get_iproute_detail(vrfname) for interface in router_detail['interfaces']: interface_data.append( asr_verify_cmd.get_network_interface_detail( vrfname, interface)) for interface in interface_data: interfaceid = DEPLOYMENT_ID + '_' + interface['vlan_id'] nat_data.append( asr_verify_cmd.get_interface_nat_access_detail( interface['vlan_id'], interfaceid)) asr_report = True end_time ='US/Pacific')) print "\n" print "-" * 65 print(" ASR Functionality Verification Time Summary :") print "-" * 65 print "\n" print(' - Test Started Time :\t %s' % (start_time.strftime(fmt))) print(' - Test Ended Time :\t %s' % (end_time.strftime(fmt))) print "\n" except Exception as exc: print "\n" print "[ERROR] Caught exception on ASR Verification : %s" % \ (exc.message) print "\n" asr_report = False router_dict['router_detail'] = router_detail router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = ipnatpool_data router_dict['iproute_data'] = iproute_data router_dict['interface_data'] = interface_data router_dict['nat_data'] = nat_data router_data.append(router_dict) print "=" * 50 print "\n" print "Scale Test Deployment Completed" print "\n" print "*" * 80 print "Scale Test Deployment OpenStack Report" print "*" * 80 print "\n" print " Tenant Creation Results " print print_tenant_info(tenant_data) print "\n" print " Router Creation Results " print print_router_info(router_data) print "\n" print " Network Creation Results " print print_network_info(test_data) print "\n" print " Instance Creation Results " print print_instance_info(test_data) print "\n" if ENABLE_ASR_VERIFICATION and asr_report: print " OpenStack-ASR Router VRF Verification Results " print asr_router_vrf_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR IP NAT Pool Verification Results " print asr_ipnat_pool_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR IP Route Verification Results " print asr_iproute_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR Network VRF Verification Results " print asr_network_vrf_info(router_data) print "\n" print( " OpenStack-ASR Network Interface's Dynamic NAT & " "Access list Entry Verification Results ") print asr_interface_nat_info(router_data) print "\n"
def main(): """ This method will initialize the scale test deployment based on the global \ config parameters mentioned on file and creates the router with \ external gateway connectivity to public network. """ main_start_time ='US/Pacific')) print "\n" print_scale_test_config() print "\n" print "Starting Scale Test Deployment" tenant_data = [] index = TENANT_BASE_INDEX start_time ='US/Pacific')) for i in range(1, TENANT_COUNT + 1): tenant_name = TENANT_NAME_PREFIX + '-' + str(index) index += 1 try: tenant_data.append(create_tenant(tenant_name)) except Exception as exc: print "Exception accoured on Tenant Creation: %s" % (exc.message) pass end_time ='US/Pacific')) print "-"*65 print (" Tenant & User Creation Time Summary :") print "-"*65 print "\n" print(' - Test Started Time :\t %s' % (start_time.strftime(fmt))) print(' - Test Ended Time :\t %s' % (end_time.strftime(fmt))) print "\n" router_data = [] test_data = [] for tenant in tenant_data: router_dict = {} prefix = tenant['tenant_name'] router_name = prefix + '-router' router_dict['tenant_name'] = tenant['tenant_name'] router_dict['router_name'] = router_name router_dict['network_vlan'] = {} router_dict['router_detail'] = {} router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = {} router_dict['iproute_data'] = {} router_dict['interface_data'] = [] router_dict['nat_data'] = [] router = neutron.list_routers(name=router_name)['routers'] if not router: start_time ='US/Pacific')) router_info = neutron.create_router({'router': { 'name': router_name, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id']}}) router = router_info['router'] status = True elif router[0]['tenant_id'] == tenant['tenant_id']: router = router[0] status = True else: router = {} status = False router_dict['router_status'] = status networks = neutron.list_networks(name=EXTERNAL_NETWORK) network_id = networks['networks'][0]['id'] neutron.add_gateway_router(router['id'], {'network_id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant['tenant_id']}) router_id = router['id'] print(' - Created Router %s' % router['name']) print "\n" end_time ='US/Pacific')) print "\n" print "-"*65 print (" Router %s Creation Time Summary :" % router_name) print "-"*65 print "\n" print(' - Test Started Time :\t %s' % (start_time.strftime(fmt))) print(' - Test Ended Time :\t %s' % (end_time.strftime(fmt))) print "\n" for i in range(1, NETWORK_COUNT + 1): network_index = str(i) network_cidr = str(i) + "." + str(i) + "." + str(i) + ".0/24" test_data.append(create_network(tenant, router, network_index, network_cidr)) network_vlan = {} for entry in test_data: network_vlan[str(entry['network_data']['network_vlan_id'])] = \ entry['network_data']['network_name'] router_dict['network_vlan'] = network_vlan if ENABLE_ASR_VERIFICATION: vrf_router_id = router_id[:6] vrfname = "nrouter" + '-' + vrf_router_id + '-' + DEPLOYMENT_ID start_time ='US/Pacific')) asr_verify_cmd = GetASRCmd(asr_host=ASR_HOST, asr_host_port=22, asr_user=ASR_USER, asr_password=ASR_PASSWORD, asr_slots=["0"]) router_detail = {'vrfname': vrfname, 'interfaces': '', 'status': ''} ipnatpool_data = {'vrfname': vrfname, 'nat_pool_name': '', 'start_ip': '', 'end_ip': '', 'netmask': '', 'status': ''} iproute_data = {'vrfname': vrfname, 'prefix': '', 'mask': '', 'interface': '', 'next_hop_address': '', 'status': ''} interface_data = [] nat_data = [] try: router_detail = asr_verify_cmd.get_router_detail(vrfname) ipnatpool_data = asr_verify_cmd.get_ipnat_pool_detail(vrfname) iproute_data = asr_verify_cmd.get_iproute_detail(vrfname) for interface in router_detail['interfaces']: interface_data.append( asr_verify_cmd.get_network_interface_detail(vrfname, interface)) for interface in interface_data: interfaceid = DEPLOYMENT_ID + '_' + interface['vlan_id'] nat_data.append( asr_verify_cmd.get_interface_nat_access_detail( interface['vlan_id'], interfaceid)) asr_report = True end_time ='US/Pacific')) print "\n" print "-"*65 print (" ASR Functionality Verification Time Summary :") print "-"*65 print "\n" print(' - Test Started Time :\t %s' % (start_time.strftime(fmt))) print(' - Test Ended Time :\t %s' % (end_time.strftime(fmt))) print "\n" except Exception as exc: print "\n" print "[ERROR] Caught exception on ASR Verification : %s" % \ (exc.message) print "\n" asr_report = False router_dict['router_detail'] = router_detail router_dict['ipnatpool_data'] = ipnatpool_data router_dict['iproute_data'] = iproute_data router_dict['interface_data'] = interface_data router_dict['nat_data'] = nat_data router_data.append(router_dict) print "=" * 50 print "\n" print "Scale Test Deployment Completed" print "\n" print "*" * 80 print "Scale Test Deployment OpenStack Report" print "*" * 80 print "\n" print " Tenant Creation Results " print print_tenant_info(tenant_data) print "\n" print " Router Creation Results " print print_router_info(router_data) print "\n" print " Network Creation Results " print print_network_info(test_data) print "\n" print " Instance Creation Results " print print_instance_info(test_data) print "\n" if ENABLE_ASR_VERIFICATION and asr_report: print " OpenStack-ASR Router VRF Verification Results " print asr_router_vrf_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR IP NAT Pool Verification Results " print asr_ipnat_pool_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR IP Route Verification Results " print asr_iproute_info(router_data) print "\n" print " OpenStack-ASR Network VRF Verification Results " print asr_network_vrf_info(router_data) print "\n" print(" OpenStack-ASR Network Interface's Dynamic NAT & " "Access list Entry Verification Results ") print asr_interface_nat_info(router_data) print "\n"