def push_network_table(table, return_list): ''' Pushes a tuple to the network table prints the table in Debug mode ''' table.putNumberArray(NETWORK_KEY, return_list) NetworkTables.flush()
def main(): import cscore from networktables import NetworkTables from time import monotonic cs = cscore.CameraServer.getInstance() camera = cs.startAutomaticCapture( ) # TODO: specify path if multiple cameras camera.setVideoMode(cscore.VideoMode.PixelFormat.kYUYV, 320, 240, 50) sink = cs.getVideo(camera=camera) nt = NetworkTables.getTable('/vision') entry = nt.getEntry('info') # Allocating memory is expensive. Preallocate an array for the camera image. frame = np.zeros(shape=(240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) while True: time, frame = sink.grabFrame(frame) if time == 0: # TODO: handle error pass else: start_time = monotonic() info = process(frame) info.append(monotonic() - start_time) entry.setNumberArray(info) NetworkTables.flush()
def ramp_voltage_in_auto(self, initial_speed, ramp, rotate):"Activating flywheel at %.1f%%, adding %.3f per 50ms", initial_speed, ramp) if rotate == None: rotate = self.STATE.angular_mode.get() self.rotate = rotate self.discard_data = False self.autospeed = initial_speed / 12 NetworkTables.flush() try: while True: # check the queue in case we switched out of auto mode qdata = self.get_nowait() if qdata != queue.Empty: return qdata time.sleep(0.050) self.autospeed = self.autospeed + (ramp * 0.05) / 12 NetworkTables.flush() finally: self.discard_data = True self.autospeed = 0
def pipeline2(j): # x1 = 0 # x2 = 0 # y1 = 0 # y2 = 0 NetworkTables.flush() initial = cv2.getTickCount() capture = grabFeed() thresh = filter(capture, H_LOW.getDouble(47.5), S_LOW.getDouble(67.5), L_LOW.getDouble(70), H_HIGH.getDouble(72.5), 255, 255) im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) gudContours, mix, max, miy, may = contourfilter(contours, capture, 0.1, 10, 75) contoursNew = cv2.drawContours(capture, gudContours, -1, (240, 0, 0), 3) # # hls = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_HLS2BGR) # # gray = cv2.cvtColor(hls, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # kernel = np.ones((5,5), np.uint8) # erosion = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations = 1) # gray = np.float32(erosion) # corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, 8, 0.01, 10, useHarrisDetector=True) # print(mix, max, miy, may) # for corner in corners: # x, y = corner.ravel() # if(mix <= x <= max and miy <= y <= may): #, (x, y), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1) # sleep(0.01) displayImage(contoursNew)
def execute(self): pid_z = 0 if self.hold_heading: if self.momentum and abs(self.bno055.getHeadingRate()) < 0.005: self.momentum = False if self.vz not in [0.0, None]: self.momentum = True if not self.momentum: pid_z = self.heading_pid_out.output else: self.set_heading_sp_current() input_vz = 0 if self.vz is not None: input_vz = self.vz vz = input_vz + pid_z for module in self.modules: module_dist = math.hypot(module.x_pos, module.y_pos) module_angle = math.atan2(module.y_pos, module.x_pos) # Calculate the additional vx and vy components for this module # required to achieve our desired angular velocity vz_x = -module_dist * vz * math.sin(module_angle) vz_y = module_dist * vz * math.cos(module_angle) # TODO: re enable this and test field-oriented mode if self.field_oriented: angle = self.bno055.getAngle() vx, vy = self.robot_orient(self.vx, self.vy, angle) else: vx, vy = self.vx, self.vy module.set_velocity(vx + vz_x, vy + vz_y) self.update_odometry() self.odometry_updated = False # reset for next timestep SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_a_speed', self.modules[0].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_b_speed', self.modules[1].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_c_speed', self.modules[2].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_d_speed', self.modules[3].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_a_pos', self.modules[0].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_b_pos', self.modules[1].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_c_pos', self.modules[2].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_d_pos', self.modules[3].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_x', self.odometry_x) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_y', self.odometry_y) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_x_vel', self.odometry_x_vel) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_y_vel', self.odometry_y_vel) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_z_vel', self.odometry_z_vel) NetworkTables.flush()
def loop(): # pragma: no cover import cscore as cs from networktables import NetworkTables from time import sleep, time as now nt = NetworkTables.getTable("/components/vision") width = 320 height = 240 fps = 25 videomode = cs.VideoMode.PixelFormat.kMJPEG, width, height, fps #front_cam_id = "/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-046d_C922_Pro_Stream_Webcam_5FC7BADF-video-index0" front_cam_id = "/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-046d_HD_Pro_Webcam_C920_332E8C9F-video-index0" front_camera = cs.UsbCamera("frontcam", front_cam_id) front_camera.setVideoMode(*videomode) front_cam_server = cs.MjpegServer("frontcamserver", 5803) front_cam_server.setSource(front_camera) cvsink = cs.CvSink("cvsink") cvsink.setSource(front_camera) cvSource = cs.CvSource("cvsource", *videomode) cvmjpegServer = cs.MjpegServer("cvhttpserver", 5804) cvmjpegServer.setSource(cvSource) # Images are big. Preallocate an array to fill the image with. frame = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # Set the exposure to something bogus, in an attempt to work around a kernel bug when restarting the vision code? front_camera.setExposureAuto() sleep(1) cvsink.grabFrame(frame) # Set the exposure of the front camera to something usable. front_camera.setExposureManual(0) sleep(1) while True: time, frame = cvsink.grabFrame(frame) if time == 0: # We got an error; report it through the output stream. cvSource.notifyError(cvsink.getError()) else: t = now() x, img, num_targets, target_sep = find_target(frame) if num_targets > 0: nt.putNumber("x", x) nt.putNumber("time", t) nt.putNumber("num_targets", num_targets) nt.putNumber("target_sep", target_sep) nt.putNumber("dt", now() - t) NetworkTables.flush() cvSource.putFrame(img)
def send_results(self, results): """Sends results to the RIO depending on connecion type. Returns Nothing.""" if self.test: pass elif self.using_nt: self.entry.setDoubleArray(results) NetworkTables.flush() else: self.sock_send.sendto(f"{results[0]},{results[1]}".encode("utf-8"), (PI_IP, UDP_SEND_PORT))
def execute(self): """Store the current odometry in the queue. Allows projection of target into current position.""" self.odometry.appendleft( Odometry( self.chassis.odometry_x, self.chassis.odometry_y, self.chassis.imu.getAngle(), time.monotonic(), )) self.pong() vision_time = self.fiducial_time + self.latency self.processing_time = time.monotonic() - vision_time NetworkTables.flush()
def mainloop(self): while True: try: with self.lock: if NT_AVAIL: NetworkTables.flush() except (TypeError, AttributeError): LOGGER.debug("(Harmless?) Error during pipeline mainloop", exc_info=True) except: # todo: wildcard except LOGGER.exception("Error during pipeline mainloop") self.fps.update()
def loop(): cs = cscore.CameraServer.getInstance() camera = cs.startAutomaticCapture() # TODO: specify path if multiple cameras camera.setVideoMode(cscore.VideoMode.PixelFormat.kYUYV, 320, 240, 60) sink = cs.getVideo(camera=camera) NetworkTables.initialize(server="roborio-4774-frc.local") nt = NetworkTables.getTable('/vision') entry = nt.getEntry('info') while True: frame = np.zeros(shape=(frame_height, frame_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) info = process(sink.grabFrame(frame)[1]) info = np.array(info).flatten() entry.setNumberArray(info) NetworkTables.flush()
def main(): import cscore from networktables import NetworkTables from time import monotonic cs = cscore.CameraServer.getInstance() camera = cs.startAutomaticCapture( ) # TODO: specify path if multiple cameras camera.setVideoMode(cscore.VideoMode.PixelFormat.kYUYV, 320, 240, 30) camera.getProperty('vertical_flip').set(True) camera.getProperty('horizontal_flip').set(True) camera.getProperty('gain_automatic').set(False) camera.getProperty('gain').set(0) camera.getProperty('saturation').set(32) sink = cs.getVideo(camera=camera) source = cs.putVideo('cv', 320, 240) nt = NetworkTables.getTable('/vision') entry = nt.getEntry('info') # Allocating memory is expensive. Preallocate arrays for the camera images. frame = np.zeros(shape=(240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) mask = np.zeros(shape=(240, 320), dtype=np.uint8) hsv = np.zeros(shape=(240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) while True: time, frame = sink.grabFrame(frame) if time == 0: # error reading the frame, report to CV output stream source.notifyError(sink.getError()) else: start_time = monotonic() info = process(frame, mask, hsv) info.append(monotonic() - start_time) entry.setNumberArray(info) NetworkTables.flush() source.putFrame(mask)
def mainloop(self): while True: had_problem = False try: with self.lock: if NT_AVAIL: NetworkTables.flush() except (TypeError, AttributeError): LOGGER.debug("(Harmless?) Error during pipeline mainloop", exc_info=True) had_problem = True except: # todo: wildcard except LOGGER.exception("Error during pipeline mainloop") had_problem = True if had_problem or self.broken: # avoid clogging logs with errors time.sleep(0.5) self.fps.reset() self.fps.update()
def ramp_voltage_in_auto(self, initial_speed, ramp):'Activating robot at %.1f%%, adding %.3f per 50ms', initial_speed, ramp) self.discard_data = False self.autospeed = initial_speed / 12 NetworkTables.flush() try: while True: # check the queue in case we switched out of auto mode qdata = self.get_nowait() if qdata != queue.Empty: return qdata time.sleep(0.050) self.autospeed = self.autospeed + (ramp * 0.05) / 12 NetworkTables.flush() finally: self.discard_data = True self.autospeed = 0
def process_image(self): '''Run the processor on the image to find the target''' # rvec, tvec return as None if no target found rvec, tvec = self.peg_processor.process_image(self.camera_frame) # Send the results as one big array in order to guarantee that the results # all arrive at the RoboRio at the same time # Value is (Found, tvec, rvec) as a flat array. All values are floating point (required by NT). if rvec is None or tvec is None: res = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: res = [1.0, ] # Found res.extend(tvec) res.extend(rvec) self.target_info = res # Try to force an update of NT to the RoboRio. Docs say this may be rate-limited, # so it might not happen every call. NetworkTables.flush() return
def pipeline1(): NetworkTables.flush() initial = cv2.getTickCount() capture = grabFeed() thresh = filter(capture, 50, 70, 70, 70, 255, 255) im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) gudContours = contourfilter(contours, capture) pairs = findPairs(capture, gudContours) i = int(counter.getDouble(0.0)) try: xavg = pairs[i][2] xdist = pairs[i][4] ratio = pairs[i][10] width = pairs[i][11] height = pairs[i][12] legitheight = float(502 * 5.75) / height if (ratio > 1): angle = math.degrees(math.acos(1 / ratio)) isLeft = True else: angle = math.degrees(math.acos(ratio)) isLeft = False except: if (len(pairs) > 0): i = len(pairs) - 1 else: i = 0 xavg = 0 xdist = -1 width = 0 height = 0 angle = 0 ratio = 0 xcoord = 0 ycoord = 0 zcoord = 0 legitheight = 0 isLeft = False if (len(pairs) > 0): # widthDev.setDouble(height1) # heightDev.setDouble(wide1) # width2Dev.setDouble(height2) # height2Dev.setDouble(wide2) # print(wide1 - wide2) # print(height1 - height2) distX.setDouble(xdist) angleDev.setDouble(angle) centerX.setDouble(xavg) isLeftDev.setBoolean(isLeft) targetPresent.setBoolean(True) else: # widthDev.setDouble(0) # heightDev.setDouble(0) angleDev.setDouble(0.0) distX.setDouble(-1) centerX.setDouble(0) targetPresent.setBoolean(False) #print("ratio % d" % ratio) counter.setDouble(i) contoursNew = cv2.drawContours(capture, gudContours, -1, (240, 0, 0), 3) #, (int(xavg), int(yavg)), 5, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.line(contoursNew, (int(xavg), 0), (int(xavg), 480), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(contoursNew, (320, 0), (320, 480), (0, 0, 255), 3) if (threshNet.getBoolean(False)): finalFrame = thresh else: finalFrame = contoursNew #cv2.imshow("Team3482CV", finalFrame) #camera.putFrame(finalFrame) displayImage(finalFrame) return (ratio, legitheight, angle)
def pipeline2(): # x1 = 0 # x2 = 0 # y1 = 0 # y2 = 0 NetworkTables.flush() initial = cv2.getTickCount() capture = grabFeed() thresh = filter(capture, 50, 70, 70, 70, 255, 255) im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) gudContours = contourfilter(contours, capture) pairs = findPairs(capture, gudContours) print(pairs) i = int(counter.getDouble(0.0)) try: xavg = pairs[i][2] yavg = pairs[i][3] xdist = pairs[i][4] xcoord = pairs[i][15] ycoord = pairs[i][16] zcoord = pairs[i][17] except: if (len(pairs) > 0): i = len(pairs) - 1 else: i = 0 print("lamo you tard") xavg = 0 yavg = 0 xdist = -1 xcoord = 0 ycoord = 0 zcoord = 0 if (len(pairs) > 0): distX.setDouble(xdist) centerX.setDouble(xavg) #centerY.setDouble(yavg) targetPresent.setBoolean(True) else: distX.setDouble(-1) centerX.setDouble(0) #centerY.setDouble(0) targetPresent.setBoolean(False) distX.setDouble(xdist) counter.setDouble(i) fps = cam.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) # print(fps) contoursNew = cv2.drawContours(capture, gudContours, -1, (240, 0, 0), 3) #, (int(xavg), int(yavg)), 5, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.line(contoursNew, (int(xavg), 0), (int(xavg), IMAGE_HEIGHT), (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.line(contoursNew, (int(IMAGE_WIDTH / 2), 0), (int(IMAGE_WIDTH / 2), IMAGE_HEIGHT), (0, 0, 255), 3) displayImage(contoursNew) final = cv2.getTickCount() #fps = float((final - initial))/cv2.getTickFrequency() #print("FPS: %d" % fps) print(xcoord, ycoord, zcoord) return (xcoord, ycoord, zcoord)
def runTest(self, name, initial_speed, ramp, finished, rotate=None): try: # Initialize the robot commanded speed to 0 self.autospeed = 0 self.discard_data = True self.STATE.postTask(lambda: messagebox.showinfo( "Running " + name, "Please enable the robot in autonomous mode, and then " + "disable it before it runs out of space.\n" + "Note: The robot will continue to move until you disable it - " + "It is your responsibility to ensure it does not hit anything!", parent=self.STATE.mainGUI, )) # Wait for robot to signal that it entered autonomous mode with self.lock: self.lock.wait_for(lambda: self.mode == "auto") # Ramp the voltage at the specified rate data = self.ramp_voltage_in_auto(initial_speed, ramp, rotate) if data in ("connected", "disconnected"): self.STATE.postTask(lambda: messagebox.showerror( "Error!", "NT disconnected", parent=self.STATE.mainGUI)) return # wait for robot to say it is disabled with self.lock: self.lock.wait_for(lambda: self.mode == "disabled") # tries to retrieve disabled data starttime = time.time() while not and time.time() - starttime < timeout: NetworkTables.flush() time.sleep(0.1) if not"could not receive data") self.STATE.postTask(lambda: messagebox.showerror( "Timed out while trying to receive NT data", "Maybe try running the test again?", parent=self.STATE.mainGUI, )) return self.discard_data = True # deserializes data: "1, 2, ..." -> [[1,2,...],...] data =[0].split(", ") # turns the string sent into list data = np.array([float(s) for s in data[0:-1] ]) # turns the string values into floats data = (np.reshape( data, (-1, num_columns))).tolist() # converts list to 2d array # output sanity check if len(data) < 3: self.STATE.postTask(lambda: messagebox.showwarning( "Warning!", "Last run produced an unusually small amount of data", parent=self.STATE.mainGUI, )) else: if name == "track-width": gyro_distance = data[-1][GYRO_ANGLE_COL] - data[0][ GYRO_ANGLE_COL] gyro_distance = round( (gyro_distance * Units.RADIANS.unit).to( Units.DEGREES.unit), 3) self.STATE.postTask(lambda: messagebox.showinfo( name + " Complete", f"The robot reported rotating the following angle:\n{gyro_distance}\n" + "If that seems wrong, you should change the gyro calibration " + "in the robot program or check your gyro setup", parent=self.STATE.mainGUI, )) else: left_distance = (data[-1][L_ENCODER_P_COL] - data[0][L_ENCODER_P_COL] ) * self.STATE.units_per_rot.get() right_distance = (data[-1][R_ENCODER_P_COL] - data[0][R_ENCODER_P_COL] ) * self.STATE.units_per_rot.get() self.STATE.postTask(lambda: messagebox.showinfo( name + " Complete", "The robot reported traveling the following distance:\n" + "Left: %.3f %s" % (left_distance, self.STATE.units.get() ) + "\n" + "Right: %.3f %s" % (right_distance, self.STATE.units.get()) + "\n" + "If that seems wrong, you should change the encoder calibration " + "in the robot program or fix your encoders!", parent=self.STATE.mainGUI, )) self.stored_data[name] = data finally: self.autospeed = 0 self.STATE.postTask(finished)
def main() -> NoReturn: killer = GracefulKiller() cs.control_led(cs.LEDPreset.SLOW_BLINK) # NetworkTables connections appear to be async, so # we should set this up first to minimize startup time. if c.NT_OUTPUT: print("connecting to networktables") NetworkTables.initialize(server=c.NT_IP) sd = NetworkTables.getTable("SmartDashboard") cap = open_camera() cs.load_settings(c.SETTINGS_FILE) if c.RECORD: print("starting recording...") record = cv2.VideoWriter( vu.generate_filename(), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG"), c.CAMERA_FPS, (int(c.CAMERA_RESOLUTION[0]), int(c.CAMERA_RESOLUTION[1]))) # if c.STREAM: # print("starting video stream...") # server_queue = Queue(maxsize=2) # vu.set_frame_queue(server_queue) # server = HTTPServer(("", 1190), vu.MJPGServer) # server_thread = Thread(target=server.serve_forever) # server_thread.daemon = True # server_thread.start() if c.NT_OUTPUT: if not NetworkTables.isConnected(): cs.control_led(cs.LEDPreset.FAST_BLINK) print("waiting for networktables...") while not NetworkTables.isConnected(): time.sleep(100) # prevents flooding the CPU print("networktables ready") # initialize NT variables bc Shuffleboard gets angery if we don't # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable sd.putBoolean("vision_angle", 999) # this will never be legitimately returned sd.putBoolean("vision_shutdown", False) processing_module = importlib.import_module("processors." + c.PROCESSOR) processor = processing_module.Processor() cs.control_led(cs.LEDPreset.SOLID) print("starting...") rval = True try: while rval: if killer.kill_now: raise KeyboardInterrupt if c.RELOAD_CAMERA: print("reloading camera...") cap.release() cap = open_camera() c.RELOAD_CAMERA = False rval, frame = data, processed_frame = processor.process(frame, annotate=c.ANNOTATE) if c.WINDOW: cv2.imshow('k', processed_frame) cv2.waitKey(1) if c.NT_OUTPUT: if len(data) > 0: sd.putNumber('vision_angle', data[0].angle) NetworkTables.flush() # makes NT update immediately if sd.getBoolean("vision_shutdown", False): raise KeyboardInterrupt if c.RECORD: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable record.write(processed_frame) # if c.STREAM: # # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable # Process(target=insert_into_server_queue, args=[server_queue, processed_frame]).start() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("wrapping up!") finally: if c.RECORD: record.release() cap.release() if c.NT_OUTPUT: NetworkTables.shutdown() # if c.STREAM: # # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable # # server_thread.something()? # pass cs.control_led(cs.LEDPreset.OFF)
import numpy as np import cv2 from networktables import NetworkTables import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) #Sets up the webcam for for the video stream #IP address for network tables Roborio should be "" ip = "" NetworkTables.initialize(server=ip) NetworkTables.flush() nt = NetworkTables.getTable("ColorWheel") #size for the square region of intrest where the color will be determined roi_size = 10 ###################################### # CALIBRATION AREA # ###################################### #Use this area to callibrate your colors blue = np.array([240, 150, 38]) green = np.array([112, 140, 56]) red = np.array([34, 53, 235]) yellow = np.array([37, 178, 211]) ######################################## ########################################
def run(self): '''Main loop. Read camera, process the image, send to the MJPEG server''' frame_num = 0 errors = 0 fps_count = 0 fps_startt = time.time() imgproc_nettime = 0 # NetworkTables.addEntryListener(self.active_mode_changed) old_ts = datetime.timestamp( mode_idx = 2 mode = ["shooter", "intake", "ballfinder", "goalfinder"] mode_period = [5, 5, 40, 40] while True: try: # Check whether DS has asked for a different camera # ntmode = self.nt_active_mode # temp, for efficiency # ntmode = self.mode_chooser_ctrl.getSelected() # if ntmode != self.active_mode: # self.switch_mode(ntmode) # if self.camera_frame is None: # # self.preallocate_arrays() # now = # timestamp = datetime.timestamp(now) # if timestamp - old_ts > mode_period[(mode_idx -1 ) % 4] : # self.switch_mode(mode[mode_idx % 4]) # mode_idx += 1 # old_ts = timestamp if self.tuning: self.update_parameters() # Tell the CvReader to grab a frame from the camera and put it # in the source image. Frametime==0 on error frametime, self.camera_frame = self.current_reader.next_frame() frame_num += 1 imgproc_startt = time.time() if frametime == 0: # ERROR!! self.error_msg = self.current_reader.sink.getError() if errors < 10: errors += 1 else: # if 10 or more iterations without any stream switch cameras logging.warning( self.active_camera + " camera is no longer streaming. Switching cameras..." ) self.switch_mode(self.mode_after_error()) errors = 0 target_res = [ time.time(), ] target_res.extend(5 * [ 0.0, ]) else: self.error_msg = None errors = 0 if self.image_writer_state: self.image_writer.setImage(self.camera_frame) # frametime = time.time() * 1e8 (ie in 1/100 microseconds) # convert frametime to seconds to use as the heartbeat sent to the RoboRio target_res = [ 1e-8 * frametime, ] proc_result = self.process_image() if proc_result[2] != 0 and proc_result[2] != -1: "Process image result '{}' ".format(proc_result)) target_res.extend(proc_result) # Send the results as one big array in order to guarantee that the results # all arrive at the RoboRio at the same time # Value is (Timestamp, Found, Mode, distance, angle1, angle2) as a flat array. # All values are floating point (required by NT). self.target_info = target_res # Try to force an update of NT to the RoboRio. Docs say this may be rate-limited, # so it might not happen every call. NetworkTables.flush() # Done. Output the marked up image, if needed # Note this can also be done via the URL, but this is more efficient now = time.time() deltat = now - self.previous_output_time min_deltat = 1.0 / self.output_fps_limit if deltat >= min_deltat: self.prepare_output_image() self.output_stream.putFrame(self.output_frame) self.previous_output_time = now if frame_num == 30: # This is a bit stupid, but you need to poke the camera *after* the first # bunch of frames has been collected. self.switch_mode(self.initial_mode) fps_count += 1 imgproc_nettime += now - imgproc_startt if fps_count >= 150: endt = time.time() dt = endt - fps_startt #"{0} frames in {1:.3f} seconds = {2:.2f} FPS".format(fps_count, dt, fps_count/dt)) #"Image processing time = {0:.2f} msec/frame".format(1000.0 * imgproc_nettime / fps_count)) fps_count = 0 fps_startt = endt imgproc_nettime = 0 except Exception as e: # major exception. Try to keep going logging.error('Caught general exception: %s', e) return
def execute(self): pid_z = 0 if self.hold_heading: if self.momentum and abs(self.bno055.getHeadingRate()) < 0.005: self.momentum = False if self.vz not in [0.0, None]: self.momentum = True if self.vz is None: self.momentum = False if not self.momentum: pid_z = self.heading_pid.get() else: self.set_heading_sp_current() input_vz = 0 if self.vz is not None: input_vz = self.vz vz = input_vz + pid_z for module in self.modules: module_dist = math.hypot(module.x_pos, module.y_pos) module_angle = math.atan2(module.y_pos, module.x_pos) # Calculate the additional vx and vy components for this module # required to achieve our desired angular velocity vz_x = -module_dist*vz*math.sin(module_angle) vz_y = module_dist*vz*math.cos(module_angle) # TODO: re enable this and test field-oriented mode if self.field_oriented: angle = self.bno055.getAngle() vx, vy = self.robot_orient(self.vx, self.vy, angle) else: vx, vy = self.vx, self.vy module.set_velocity(vx+vz_x, vy+vz_y) odometry_outputs = np.zeros((8, 1)) velocity_outputs = np.zeros((8, 1)) heading = self.bno055.getAngle() heading_delta = constrain_angle(heading - self.last_heading) timestep_average_heading = heading - heading_delta / 2 for i, module in enumerate(self.modules): odometry_x, odometry_y = module.get_cartesian_delta() velocity_x, velocity_y = module.get_cartesian_vel() odometry_outputs[i*2, 0] = odometry_x odometry_outputs[i*2+1, 0] = odometry_y velocity_outputs[i*2, 0] = velocity_x velocity_outputs[i*2+1, 0] = velocity_y module.reset_encoder_delta() z_adj_delta = self.z_axis_adjustment * heading_delta z_adj_vel = self.z_axis_adjustment * self.bno055.getHeadingRate() odometry_outputs = odometry_outputs - z_adj_delta velocity_outputs = velocity_outputs - z_adj_vel delta_x, delta_y = self.robot_movement_from_odometry(odometry_outputs, timestep_average_heading) v_x, v_y = self.robot_movement_from_odometry(velocity_outputs, heading) self.odometry_x += delta_x self.odometry_y += delta_y self.odometry_x_vel = v_x self.odometry_y_vel = v_y SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_a_speed', self.modules[0].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_b_speed', self.modules[1].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_c_speed', self.modules[2].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_d_speed', self.modules[3].current_speed) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_a_pos', self.modules[0].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_b_pos', self.modules[1].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_c_pos', self.modules[2].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('module_d_pos', self.modules[3].current_measured_azimuth) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_x', self.odometry_x) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_y', self.odometry_y) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_delta_x', delta_x) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_delta_y', delta_y) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_x_vel', self.odometry_x_vel) SmartDashboard.putNumber('odometry_y_vel', self.odometry_y_vel) SmartDashboard.putNumber('imu_heading', heading) SmartDashboard.putNumber('heading_delta', heading_delta) SmartDashboard.putNumber('average_heading', timestep_average_heading) NetworkTables.flush() self.last_heading = heading
def execute(self): if self.enabled: self.chassis.field_oriented = True self.chassis.hold_heading = False odom_pos = np.array([self.chassis.odometry_x, self.chassis.odometry_y]) odom_vel = np.array([self.chassis.odometry_x_vel, self.chassis.odometry_y_vel]) speed = np.linalg.norm(odom_vel) # print("Odom speed %s" % speed) direction_of_motion, speed_sp, next_seg, over = self.pursuit.get_output(odom_pos, speed) if next_seg: self.update_heading_profile() seg_end = self.pursuit.waypoints_xy[self.waypoint_idx+1] seg_end_dist = (np.linalg.norm(self.pursuit.segment) - np.linalg.norm(seg_end - odom_pos)) if seg_end_dist < 0: seg_end_dist = 0 if self.heading_profile: heading_seg = self.heading_profile.pop(0) else: heading_seg = (self.waypoints[self.waypoint_idx+1][2], 0, 0) # get the current heading of the robot since last reset # getRawHeading has been swapped for getAngle heading = self.imu.getAngle() # calculate the heading error heading_error = heading_seg[0] - heading # wrap heading error, stops jumping by 2 pi from the imu heading_error = math.atan2(math.sin(heading_error), math.cos(heading_error)) # sum the heading error over the timestep self.heading_error_i += heading_error # calculate the derivative of the heading error d_heading_error = (heading_error - self.last_heading_error) # generate the rotational output to the chassis heading_output = ( self.kPh * heading_error + self.kVh * heading_seg[1] + self.heading_error_i*self.kIh + d_heading_error*self.kDh) # store the current errors to be used to compute the # derivatives in the next timestep self.last_heading_error = heading_error vx = speed_sp * math.cos(direction_of_motion) vy = speed_sp * math.sin(direction_of_motion) # self.chassis.set_velocity_heading(vx, vy, self.waypoints[self.waypoint_idx+1][2]) self.chassis.set_inputs(vx, vy, heading_output) SmartDashboard.putNumber('vector_pursuit_heading', direction_of_motion) SmartDashboard.putNumber('vector_pursuit_speed', speed_sp) NetworkTables.flush() if over: print("Motion over") self.enabled = False if self.waypoints[-1][3] == 0: self.chassis.set_inputs(0, 0, 0)
def flush(self): NetworkTables.flush()
def run(self): '''Main loop. Read camera, process the image, send to the MJPEG server''' frame_num = 0 errors = 0 while True: try: # Check whether DS has asked for a different camera ntmode = self.nt_active_mode # temp, for efficiency if ntmode != self.active_mode: self.switch_mode(ntmode) if self.camera_frame is None: self.preallocate_arrays() if self.tuning: self.update_parameters() # Tell the CvSink to grab a frame from the camera and put it # in the source image. Frametime==0 on error frametime, self.camera_frame = self.current_sink.grabFrame( self.camera_frame) frame_num += 1 if frametime == 0: # ERROR!! self.error_msg = self.current_sink.getError() if errors < 10: errors += 1 else: # if 10 or more iterations without any stream switch cameras logging.warning( self.active_camera + " camera is no longer streaming. Switching cameras..." ) if self.active_camera == 'intake': self.switch_mode('driver') else: self.switch_mode('intake') errors = 0 target_res = [ time.time(), ] target_res.extend(5 * [ 0.0, ]) else: self.error_msg = None errors = 0 if self.image_writer_state: self.image_writer.setImage(self.camera_frame) # frametime = time.time() * 1e8 (ie in 1/100 microseconds) # convert frametime to seconds to use as the heartbeat sent to the RoboRio target_res = [ 1e-8 * frametime, ] proc_result = self.process_image() target_res.extend(proc_result) # Send the results as one big array in order to guarantee that the results # all arrive at the RoboRio at the same time # Value is (Timestamp, Found, Mode, distance, angle1, angle2) as a flat array. # All values are floating point (required by NT). self.target_info = target_res # Try to force an update of NT to the RoboRio. Docs say this may be rate-limited, # so it might not happen every call. NetworkTables.flush() # Done. Output the marked up image, if needed now = time.time() deltat = now - self.previous_output_time min_deltat = 1.0 / self.output_fps_limit if deltat >= min_deltat: self.prepare_output_image() self.output_stream.putFrame(self.output_frame) self.previous_output_time = now if frame_num == 30: # This is a bit stupid, but you need to poke the camera *after* the first # bunch of frames has been collected. self.switch_mode(VisionServer2018.INITIAL_MODE) except Exception as e: # major exception. Try to keep going logging.error('Caught general exception: %s', e) return