    def test_issue_2127(self):
        """Test from issue 2127"""
        # Build the example DAG
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edge("A", "C")
        G.add_edge("A", "B")
        G.add_edge("C", "E")
        G.add_edge("C", "D")
        G.add_edge("E", "G")
        G.add_edge("E", "F")
        G.add_edge("G", "I")
        G.add_edge("G", "H")

        tc = nx.transitive_closure(G)
        btc = nx.Graph()

        # Create a bipartite graph based on the transitive closure of G
        for v in tc.nodes():
            btc.add_node((0, v))
            btc.add_node((1, v))

        for u, v in tc.edges():
            btc.add_edge((0, u), (1, v))

        top_nodes = {n for n in btc if n[0] == 0}
        matching = hopcroft_karp_matching(btc, top_nodes)
        vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(btc, matching, top_nodes)
        independent_set = set(G) - {v for _, v in vertex_cover}
        assert_equal({'B', 'D', 'F', 'I', 'H'}, independent_set)
    def test_issue_2127(self):
        """Test from issue 2127"""
        # Build the example DAG
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edge("A", "C")
        G.add_edge("A", "B")
        G.add_edge("C", "E")
        G.add_edge("C", "D")
        G.add_edge("E", "G")
        G.add_edge("E", "F")
        G.add_edge("G", "I")
        G.add_edge("G", "H")

        tc = nx.transitive_closure(G)
        btc = nx.Graph()

        # Create a bipartite graph based on the transitive closure of G
        for v in tc.nodes():
            btc.add_node((0, v))
            btc.add_node((1, v))

        for u, v in tc.edges():
            btc.add_edge((0, u), (1, v))

        top_nodes = set([n for n in btc if n[0] == 0])
        matching = hopcroft_karp_matching(btc, top_nodes)
        vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(btc, matching, top_nodes)
        independent_set = set(G) - set([v for _, v in vertex_cover])
        assert_equal(set(['B', 'D', 'F', 'I', 'H']), independent_set)
    def test_vertex_cover_issue_3306(self):
        G = nx.Graph()
        edges = [(0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]
        G.add_edges_from([((i, "L"), (j, "R")) for i, j in edges])

        matching = maximum_matching(G)
        vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(G, matching)
        for u, v in G.edges():
            assert u in vertex_cover or v in vertex_cover
 def test_unorderable_nodes(self):
     a = object()
     b = object()
     c = object()
     d = object()
     e = object()
     G = nx.Graph([(a, d), (b, d), (b, e), (c, d)])
     matching = maximum_matching(G)
     vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(G, matching)
     for u, v in G.edges():
         assert_true(u in vertex_cover or v in vertex_cover)
 def test_unorderable_nodes(self):
     a = object()
     b = object()
     c = object()
     d = object()
     e = object()
     G = nx.Graph([(a, d), (b, d), (b, e), (c, d)])
     matching = maximum_matching(G)
     vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(G, matching)
     for u, v in G.edges():
         assert_true(u in vertex_cover or v in vertex_cover)
 def test_vertex_cover_issue_2384(self):
     G = nx.Graph([(0, 3), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3)])
     matching = maximum_matching(G)
     vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(G, matching)
     for u, v in G.edges():
         assert_true(u in vertex_cover or v in vertex_cover)
 def test_to_vertex_cover(self):
     """Test for converting a maximum matching to a minimum vertex cover."""
     matching = maximum_matching(self.graph, self.top_nodes)
     vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(self.graph, matching, self.top_nodes)
 def test_to_vertex_cover(self):
     """Test for converting a maximum matching to a minimum vertex cover."""
     matching = maximum_matching(self.graph)
     vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(self.graph, matching)
 def test_vertex_cover_issue_2384(self):
     G = nx.Graph([(0, 3), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3)])
     matching = maximum_matching(G)
     vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(G, matching)
     for u, v in G.edges():
         assert_true(u in vertex_cover or v in vertex_cover)