def graph_1(): G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from([2, 3, 5, 6, 7]) G.add_edges_from([[2, 3], [5, 3], [6, 7], [7, 2], [5, 7]]) print(list(G.nodes())) print(list(G.edges())) print( print(distance_measures.periphery(G)) # print(,e={12: 2, 13: 3, 15: 2, 16: 3})) # print(,e={333: 3})) print(distance_measures.eccentricity(G))
def runWith(fname) : print(fname) gm=dr.GraphMaker() gm.load(fname) # dpr=gm.pagerank() dg=gm.graph() #for x in dg: print('VERT::', x) print('nodes:', dg.number_of_nodes()) print('edges:', dg.number_of_edges()) comps=nx.strongly_connected_components(dg) print('strongly connected components:',len(list(comps))) c = max(nx.strongly_connected_components(dg), key=len) mg=dg.subgraph(c) print('attracting components:', co.number_attracting_components(dg)) print('number_weakly_connected_components:',co.number_weakly_connected_components(dg)) print('Transitivity:',cl.transitivity(dg)) return e=dm.eccentricity(mg) dprint('ecc:', e),e=e) print('CENTER',cent) p=dm.periphery(mg,e=e) print('perif:', len(list(e))) #dprint('perif:', e) print('diameter:', dm.diameter(nx.Graph(mg))) print('radius:', dm.radius(nx.Graph(mg))) g = nx.Graph(dg) print('omega:', omega(g)) print('sigma:', sigma(g))
def getNodeEccentricity( self, node: V ) -> Union[int, list[Unknown], dict[Unknown, Any], float, Any, None]: """ """ return eccentricity(self.graph, v=node)
def _build_core_nodes(self): """ It builds the list of core nodes """ def get_all_nrot_neighbors(self, atom_id, visited_neighbors): """ A recursive function that hierarchically visits all atom neighbors in the graph. Parameters ---------- atom_id : int Is is both the id of the graph's node and index of the corresponding atom visited_neighbors : set[int] The ids of the nodes that have already been visited Returns ------- visited_neighbors : set[int] The updated set that contains the ids of the nodes that have already been visited """ if atom_id in visited_neighbors: return visited_neighbors visited_neighbors.add(atom_id) nrot_neighbors = self.nodes[atom_id]['nrot_neighbors'] for nrot_neighbor in nrot_neighbors: visited_neighbors = get_all_nrot_neighbors( self, nrot_neighbor, visited_neighbors) return visited_neighbors from networkx.algorithms.shortest_paths.generic import \ shortest_path_length from networkx.algorithms.distance_measures import eccentricity # Calculate graph distances according to weight values weighted_distances = dict(shortest_path_length(self, weight="weight")) # Calculate eccentricites using weighted distances eccentricities = eccentricity(self, sp=weighted_distances) # Group nodes by eccentricity nodes_by_eccentricities = defaultdict(list) for node, ecc in eccentricities.items(): nodes_by_eccentricities[ecc].append(node) # Core atoms must have the minimum eccentricity _, centered_nodes = sorted(nodes_by_eccentricities.items())[0] # Construct nrot groups with centered nodes # already_visited = set() centered_node_groups = list() for node in centered_nodes: # if node in already_visited: # continue centered_node_groups.append( get_all_nrot_neighbors(self, node, set())) # In case of more than one group, core will be the largest core_nodes = sorted(centered_node_groups, key=len, reverse=True)[0] # To do: think on what to do with the code below """ # Core can hold a maximum of one rotatable bond <- Not true! # Get all core's neighbors neighbor_candidates = set() for node in core_nodes: neighbors = self.neighbors(node) for neighbor in neighbors: if neighbor not in core_nodes: neighbor_candidates.add(neighbor) # If any core's neighbor, get the deepest one and include it to # the core if len(neighbor_candidates) > 0: branch_graph = deepcopy(self) for node in core_nodes: branch_graph.remove_node(node) branch_groups = list(nx.connected_components(branch_graph)) rot_bonds_per_group = self._get_rot_bonds_per_group(branch_groups) best_group = sorted(rot_bonds_per_group, key=len, reverse=True)[0] for neighbor in neighbor_candidates: if any([neighbor in rot_bond for rot_bond in best_group]): deepest_neighbor = neighbor break else: raise Exception('Unconsistent graph') deepest_neighbors = get_all_nrot_neighbors(self, deepest_neighbor, set()) for neighbor in deepest_neighbors: core_nodes.add(neighbor) """ self._core_nodes = core_nodes
def ver_medidas(G): print( """ Numero minimo de nodos que deben ser removidos para desconectar G """ print("Numero minimo de nodos que deben ser removidos para desconectar G :"+str(approximation.node_connectivity(G))) """ average clustering coefficient of G. """ print("average clustering coefficient of G: "+str(approximation.average_clustering(G))) """ Densidad de un Grafo """ print("Densidad de G: "+str(function.density(G))) """ Assortativity measures the similarity of connections in the graph with respect to the node degree. Valores positivos de r indican que existe una correlacion entre nodos con grado similar, mientras que un valor negativo indica correlaciones entre nodos de diferente grado """ print("degree assortativity:"+str(assortativity.degree_assortativity_coefficient(G))) """ Assortativity measures the similarity of connections in the graph with respect to the given attribute. """ print("assortativity for node attributes: "+str(assortativity.attribute_assortativity_coefficient(G,"crime"))) """ Grado promedio vecindad """ plt.plot(assortativity.average_neighbor_degree(G).values()) plt.title("Grado promedio vecindad") plt.xlabel("Nodo") plt.ylabel("Grado"); """ Grado de Centralidad de cada nodo """ plt.plot(centrality.degree_centrality(G).values()) plt.title("Grado de centralidad") plt.xlabel("Nodo") plt.ylabel("Centralidad"); """ Calcular el coeficiente de agrupamiento para nodos """ plt.plot(cluster.clustering(G).values()) plt.title("coeficiente de agrupamiento") plt.xlabel("Nodo"); """ Media coeficiente de Agrupamiento """ print("Coeficiente de agrupamiento de G:"+str(cluster.average_clustering(G))) """ Centro del grafo El centro de un grafo G es el subgrafo inducido por el conjunto de vertices de excentricidad minima. La excentricidad de v in V se define como la distancia maxima desde v a cualquier otro vertice del grafo G siguiendo caminos de longitud minima. """ print("Centro de G:"+ str( """ Diametro de un grafo The diameter is the maximum eccentricity. """ print("Diametro de G:"+str(distance_measures.diameter(G))) """ Excentricidad de cada Nodo The eccentricity of a node v is the maximum distance from v to all other nodes in G. """ plt.plot(distance_measures.eccentricity(G).values()) plt.title("Excentricidad de cada Nodo") plt.xlabel("Nodo"); """ Periferia The periphery is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to the diameter. """ print("Periferia de G:") print(distance_measures.periphery(G)) """ Radio The radius is the minimum eccentricity. """ print("Radio de G:"+str(distance_measures.radius(G))) """ PageRank calcula una clasificacion de los nodos en el grafico G en funcion de la estructura de los enlaces entrantes. Originalmente fue disenado como un algoritmo para clasificar paginas web. """ plt.plot(link_analysis.pagerank_alg.pagerank(G).values()) plt.title("Puntaje de cada Nodo") plt.xlabel("Nodo"); """ Coeficiente de Small World. A graph is commonly classified as small-world if sigma>1. """ print("Coeficiente de Small World: " + str(smallworld.sigma(G))) """ The small-world coefficient (omega) ranges between -1 and 1. Values close to 0 means the G features small-world characteristics. Values close to -1 means G has a lattice shape whereas values close to 1 means G is a random graph. """ print("Omega coeficiente: "+str(
def get_eccentricity(graph): ''' Calculates the eccentricity of nodes of a given graph. @return dictionary keying each node to its eccentricity ''' return nx_dist.eccentricity(graph)