def all_pairs_node_connectivity(G, nbunch=None, flow_func=None):
    """Compute node connectivity between all pairs of nodes of G.

    G : NetworkX graph
        Undirected graph

    nbunch: container
        Container of nodes. If provided node connectivity will be computed
        only over pairs of nodes in nbunch.

    flow_func : function
        A function for computing the maximum flow among a pair of nodes.
        The function has to accept at least three parameters: a Digraph, 
        a source node, and a target node. And return a residual network 
        that follows NetworkX conventions (see :meth:`maximum_flow` for 
        details). If flow_func is None, the default maximum flow function 
        (:meth:`edmonds_karp`) is used. See below for details. The
        choice of the default function may change from version
        to version and should not be relied on. Default value: None.

    all_pairs : dict
        A dictionary with node connectivity between all pairs of nodes
        in G, or in nbunch if provided.

    See also

    if nbunch is None:
        nbunch = G
        nbunch = set(nbunch)

    if G.is_directed():
        iter_func = itertools.permutations
        iter_func = itertools.combinations

    all_pairs = dict.fromkeys(nbunch, dict())

    # Reuse auxiliary digraph and residual network
    H = build_auxiliary_node_connectivity(G)
    mapping = H.graph['mapping']
    R = build_residual_network(H, 'capacity')
    kwargs = dict(flow_func=flow_func, auxiliary=H, residual=R)

    for u, v in iter_func(nbunch, 2):
        K = local_node_connectivity(G, u, v, **kwargs)
        all_pairs[u][v] = K

    return all_pairs
def edge_connectivity(G, s=None, t=None, flow_func=None):
    r"""Returns the edge connectivity of the graph or digraph G.

    The edge connectivity is equal to the minimum number of edges that
    must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial. If source
    and target nodes are provided, this function returns the local edge
    connectivity: the minimum number of edges that must be removed to
    break all paths from source to target in G.

    G : NetworkX graph
        Undirected or directed graph

    s : node
        Source node. Optional. Default value: None.

    t : node
        Target node. Optional. Default value: None.

    flow_func : function
        A function for computing the maximum flow among a pair of nodes.
        The function has to accept at least three parameters: a Digraph, 
        a source node, and a target node. And return a residual network 
        that follows NetworkX conventions (see :meth:`maximum_flow` for 
        details). If flow_func is None, the default maximum flow function 
        (:meth:`edmonds_karp`) is used. See below for details. The
        choice of the default function may change from version
        to version and should not be relied on. Default value: None.

    K : integer
        Edge connectivity for G, or local edge connectivity if source
        and target were provided

    >>> # Platonic icosahedral graph is 5-edge-connected
    >>> G = nx.icosahedral_graph()
    >>> nx.edge_connectivity(G)

    You can use alternative flow algorithms for the underlying 
    maximum flow computation. In dense networks the algorithm 
    :meth:`shortest_augmenting_path` will usually perform better 
    than the default :meth:`edmonds_karp`, which is faster for 
    sparse networks with highly skewed degree distributions.

    >>> nx.edge_connectivity(G, flow_func=nx.shortest_augmenting_path)

    If you specify a pair of nodes (source and target) as parameters,
    this function returns the value of local edge connectivity.

    >>> nx.edge_connectivity(G, 3, 7)

    If you need to perform several local computations among different
    pairs of nodes on the same graph, it is recommended that you reuse
    the data structures used in the maximum flow computations. See 
    :meth:`local_edge_connectivity` for details.

    This is a flow based implementation of global edge connectivity.
    For undirected graphs the algorithm works by finding a 'small' 
    dominating set of nodes of G (see algorithm 7 in [1]_ ) and 
    computing local maximum flow (see :meth:`local_edge_connectivity`)
    between an arbitrary node in the dominating set and the rest of 
    nodes in it. This is an implementation of algorithm 6 in [1]_ . 
    For directed graphs, the algorithm does n calls to the maximum 
    flow function. This is an implementation of algorithm 8 in [1]_ .

    See also

    .. [1] Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian. Connectivity Algorithms.

    if (s is not None and t is None) or (s is None and t is not None):
        raise nx.NetworkXError('Both source and target must be specified.')

    # Local edge connectivity
    if s is not None and t is not None:
        if s not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % s)
        if t not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % t)
        return local_edge_connectivity(G, s, t, flow_func=flow_func)

    # Global edge connectivity
    # reuse auxiliary digraph and residual network
    H = build_auxiliary_edge_connectivity(G)
    R = build_residual_network(H, 'capacity')
    kwargs = dict(flow_func=flow_func, auxiliary=H, residual=R)

    if G.is_directed():
        # Algorithm 8 in [1]
        if not nx.is_weakly_connected(G):
            return 0

        # initial value for \lambda is minimum degree
        L = min(G.degree().values())
        nodes = G.nodes()
        n = len(nodes)
        for i in range(n):
            kwargs['cutoff'] = L
                L = min(L, local_edge_connectivity(G, nodes[i], nodes[i+1],
            except IndexError: # last node!
                L = min(L, local_edge_connectivity(G, nodes[i], nodes[0],
        return L
    else: # undirected
        # Algorithm 6 in [1]
        if not nx.is_connected(G):
            return 0

        # initial value for \lambda is minimum degree
        L = min(G.degree().values())
        # A dominating set is \lambda-covering
        # We need a dominating set with at least two nodes
        for node in G:
            D = nx.dominating_set(G, start_with=node)
            v = D.pop()
            if D:
            # in complete graphs the dominating sets will always be of one node
            # thus we return min degree
            return L

        for w in D:
            kwargs['cutoff'] = L
            L = min(L, local_edge_connectivity(G, v, w, **kwargs))

        return L
def node_connectivity(G, s=None, t=None, flow_func=None):
    r"""Returns node connectivity for a graph or digraph G.

    Node connectivity is equal to the minimum number of nodes that
    must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial. If source
    and target nodes are provided, this function returns the local node
    connectivity: the minimum number of nodes that must be removed to break
    all paths from source to target in G.

    G : NetworkX graph
        Undirected graph

    s : node
        Source node. Optional. Default value: None.

    t : node
        Target node. Optional. Default value: None.

    flow_func : function
        A function for computing the maximum flow among a pair of nodes.
        The function has to accept at least three parameters: a Digraph, 
        a source node, and a target node. And return a residual network 
        that follows NetworkX conventions (see :meth:`maximum_flow` for 
        details). If flow_func is None, the default maximum flow function 
        (:meth:`edmonds_karp`) is used. See below for details. The
        choice of the default function may change from version
        to version and should not be relied on. Default value: None.

    K : integer
        Node connectivity of G, or local node connectivity if source
        and target are provided.

    >>> # Platonic icosahedral graph is 5-node-connected
    >>> G = nx.icosahedral_graph()
    >>> nx.node_connectivity(G)

    You can use alternative flow algorithms for the underlying maximum
    flow computation. In dense networks the algorithm
    :meth:`shortest_augmenting_path` will usually perform better
    than the default :meth:`edmonds_karp`, which is faster for
    sparse networks with highly skewed degree distributions.

    >>> nx.node_connectivity(G, flow_func=nx.shortest_augmenting_path)

    If you specify a pair of nodes (source and target) as parameters,
    this function returns the value of local node connectivity.

    >>> nx.node_connectivity(G, 3, 7)

    If you need to perform several local computations among different
    pairs of nodes on the same graph, it is recommended that you reuse
    the data structures used in the maximum flow computations. See 
    :meth:`local_node_connectivity` for details.

    This is a flow based implementation of node connectivity. The
    algorithm works by solving `O((n-\delta-1+\delta(\delta-1)/2)` 
    maximum flow problems on an auxiliary digraph. Where `\delta` 
    is the minimum degree of G. For details about the auxiliary 
    digraph and the computation of local node connectivity see 
    :meth:`local_node_connectivity`. This implementation is based 
    on algorithm 11 in [1]_.

    See also

    .. [1] Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian. Connectivity Algorithms.

    if (s is not None and t is None) or (s is None and t is not None):
        raise nx.NetworkXError('Both source and target must be specified.')

    # Local node connectivity
    if s is not None and t is not None:
        if s not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % s)
        if t not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % t)
        return local_node_connectivity(G, s, t, flow_func=flow_func)

    # Global node connectivity
    if G.is_directed():
        if not nx.is_weakly_connected(G):
            return 0
        iter_func = itertools.permutations
        # It is necessary to consider both predecessors
        # and successors for directed graphs
        def neighbors(v):
            return itertools.chain.from_iterable([G.predecessors_iter(v),
        if not nx.is_connected(G):
            return 0
        iter_func = itertools.combinations
        neighbors = G.neighbors_iter

    # Reuse the auxiliary digraph and the residual network
    H = build_auxiliary_node_connectivity(G)
    R = build_residual_network(H, 'capacity')
    kwargs = dict(flow_func=flow_func, auxiliary=H, residual=R)

    # Pick a node with minimum degree
    degree = G.degree()
    minimum_degree = min(degree.values())
    v = next(n for n, d in degree.items() if d == minimum_degree)
    # Node connectivity is bounded by degree.
    K = minimum_degree
    # compute local node connectivity with all its non-neighbors nodes
    for w in set(G) - set(neighbors(v)) - set([v]):
        kwargs['cutoff'] = K
        K = min(K, local_node_connectivity(G, v, w, **kwargs))
    # Also for non adjacent pairs of neighbors of v
    for x, y in iter_func(neighbors(v), 2):
        if y in G[x]:
        kwargs['cutoff'] = K
        K = min(K, local_node_connectivity(G, x, y, **kwargs)) 

    return K
def average_node_connectivity(G, flow_func=None):
    r"""Returns the average connectivity of a graph G.

    The average connectivity `\bar{\kappa}` of a graph G is the average
    of local node connectivity over all pairs of nodes of G [1]_ .

    .. math::

        \bar{\kappa}(G) = \frac{\sum_{u,v} \kappa_{G}(u,v)}{{n \choose 2}}


    G : NetworkX graph
        Undirected graph

    flow_func : function
        A function for computing the maximum flow among a pair of nodes.
        The function has to accept at least three parameters: a Digraph, 
        a source node, and a target node. And return a residual network 
        that follows NetworkX conventions (see :meth:`maximum_flow` for 
        details). If flow_func is None, the default maximum flow function 
        (:meth:`edmonds_karp`) is used. See :meth:`local_node_connectivity`
        for details. The choice of the default function may change from 
        version to version and should not be relied on. Default value: None.

    K : float
        Average node connectivity

    See also

    .. [1]  Beineke, L., O. Oellermann, and R. Pippert (2002). The average
            connectivity of a graph. Discrete mathematics 252(1-3), 31-45.

    if G.is_directed():
        iter_func = itertools.permutations
        iter_func = itertools.combinations

    # Reuse the auxiliary digraph and the residual network
    H = build_auxiliary_node_connectivity(G)
    R = build_residual_network(H, 'capacity')
    kwargs = dict(flow_func=flow_func, auxiliary=H, residual=R)

    num, den = 0, 0
    for u, v in iter_func(G, 2):
        num += local_node_connectivity(G, u, v, **kwargs)
        den += 1

    if den == 0: # Null Graph
        return 0
    return num / den
def minimum_edge_cut(G, s=None, t=None, flow_func=None):
    r"""Returns a set of edges of minimum cardinality that disconnects G.

    If source and target nodes are provided, this function returns the
    set of edges of minimum cardinality that, if removed, would break
    all paths among source and target in G. If not, it returns a set of
    edges of minimum cardinality that disconnects G.

    G : NetworkX graph

    s : node
        Source node. Optional. Default value: None.

    t : node
        Target node. Optional. Default value: None.

    flow_func : function
        A function for computing the maximum flow among a pair of nodes.
        The function has to accept at least three parameters: a Digraph, 
        a source node, and a target node. And return a residual network 
        that follows NetworkX conventions (see :meth:`maximum_flow` for 
        details). If flow_func is None, the default maximum flow function 
        (:meth:`edmonds_karp`) is used. See below for details. The
        choice of the default function may change from version
        to version and should not be relied on. Default value: None.

    cutset : set
        Set of edges that, if removed, would disconnect G. If source
        and target nodes are provided, the set contians the edges that
        if removed, would destroy all paths between source and target.

    >>> # Platonic icosahedral graph has edge connectivity 5
    >>> G = nx.icosahedral_graph()
    >>> len(nx.minimum_edge_cut(G))

    You can use alternative flow algorithms for the underlying 
    maximum flow computation. In dense networks the algorithm 
    :meth:`shortest_augmenting_path` will usually perform better 
    than the default :meth:`edmonds_karp`, which is faster for 
    sparse networks with highly skewed degree distributions.

    >>> len(nx.minimum_edge_cut(G, flow_func=nx.shortest_augmenting_path))

    If you specify a pair of nodes (source and target) as parameters,
    this function returns the value of local edge connectivity.

    >>> nx.edge_connectivity(G, 3, 7)

    If you need to perform several local computations among different
    pairs of nodes on the same graph, it is recommended that you reuse
    the data structures used in the maximum flow computations. See 
    :meth:`local_edge_connectivity` for details.

    This is a flow based implementation of minimum edge cut. For
    undirected graphs the algorithm works by finding a 'small' dominating
    set of nodes of G (see algorithm 7 in [1]_) and computing the maximum
    flow between an arbitrary node in the dominating set and the rest of
    nodes in it. This is an implementation of algorithm 6 in [1]_. For 
    directed graphs, the algorithm does n calls to the max flow function.
    It is an implementation of algorithm 8 in [1]_.

    See also

    .. [1] Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian. Connectivity Algorithms.

    if (s is not None and t is None) or (s is None and t is not None):
        raise nx.NetworkXError('Both source and target must be specified.')

    # reuse auxiliary digraph and residual network
    H = build_auxiliary_edge_connectivity(G)
    R = build_residual_network(H, 'capacity')
    kwargs = dict(flow_func=flow_func, residual=R, auxiliary=H)

    # Local minimum edge cut if s and t are not None
    if s is not None and t is not None:
        if s not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % s)
        if t not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % t)
        return minimum_st_edge_cut(H, s, t, **kwargs)

    # Global minimum edge cut
    # Analog to the algoritm for global edge connectivity
    if G.is_directed():
        # Based on algorithm 8 in [1]
        if not nx.is_weakly_connected(G):
            raise nx.NetworkXError('Input graph is not connected')

        # Initial cutset is all edges of a node with minimum degree
        node = min(G, key=G.degree)
        min_cut = G.edges(node)
        nodes = G.nodes()
        n = len(nodes)
        for i in range(n):
                this_cut = minimum_st_edge_cut(H, nodes[i], nodes[i+1], **kwargs)
                if len(this_cut) <= len(min_cut):
                    min_cut = this_cut
            except IndexError: # Last node!
                this_cut = minimum_st_edge_cut(H, nodes[i], nodes[0], **kwargs)
                if len(this_cut) <= len(min_cut):
                    min_cut = this_cut

        return min_cut

    else: # undirected
        # Based on algorithm 6 in [1]
        if not nx.is_connected(G):
            raise nx.NetworkXError('Input graph is not connected')

        # Initial cutset is all edges of a node with minimum degree
        node = min(G, key=G.degree)
        min_cut = G.edges(node)
        # A dominating set is \lambda-covering
        # We need a dominating set with at least two nodes
        for node in G:
            D = nx.dominating_set(G, start_with=node)
            v = D.pop()
            if D:
            # in complete graphs the dominating set will always be of one node
            # thus we return min_cut, which now contains the edges of a node
            # with minimum degree
            return min_cut
        for w in D:
            this_cut = minimum_st_edge_cut(H, v, w, **kwargs)
            if len(this_cut) <= len(min_cut):
                min_cut = this_cut

        return min_cut
def dinitz_impl(G, s, t, capacity, residual, cutoff):
    if s not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(s))
    if t not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(t))
    if s == t:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('source and sink are the same node')

    if residual is None:
        R = build_residual_network(G, capacity)
        R = residual

    # Initialize/reset the residual network.
    for u in R:
        for e in R[u].values():
            e['flow'] = 0

    # Use an arbitrary high value as infinite. It is computed
    # when building the residual network. Useful when checking
    # for infinite capacity paths.
    INF = R.graph['inf']

    if cutoff is None:
        cutoff = INF

    R_succ = R.succ

    def breath_first_search(G, R, s, t):
        rank = {}
        rank[s] = 0
        queue = deque([s])
        while queue:
            if t in rank:
            u = queue.popleft()
            for v in R_succ[u]:
                attr = R_succ[u][v]
                if v not in rank and attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'] > 0:
                    rank[v] = rank[u] + 1
        return rank

    def depth_first_search(G, R, u, t, flow, rank):
        if u == t:
            return flow
        for v in (n for n in R_succ[u] if n in rank and rank[n] == rank[u] + 1):
            attr = R_succ[u][v]
            if attr['capacity'] > attr['flow']:
                min_flow = min(flow, attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'])
                this_flow = depth_first_search(G, R, v, t, min_flow, rank)
                if this_flow > 0:
                    R_succ[u][v]['flow'] += this_flow
                    R_succ[v][u]['flow'] -= this_flow
                    return this_flow
        return 0

    flow_value = 0
    while flow_value < cutoff:
        rank = breath_first_search(G, R, s, t)
        if t not in rank:
        while flow_value < cutoff:
            blocking_flow = depth_first_search(G, R, s, t, INF, rank)
            if blocking_flow * 2 > INF:
                raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                        'Infinite capacity path, flow unbounded above.')
            elif blocking_flow == 0:
            flow_value += blocking_flow

    R.graph['flow_value'] = flow_value
    return R
def minimum_node_cut(G, s=None, t=None, flow_func=None):
    r"""Returns a set of nodes of minimum cardinality that disconnects G.

    If source and target nodes are provided, this function returns the
    set of nodes of minimum cardinality that, if removed, would destroy
    all paths among source and target in G. If not, it returns a set
    of nodes of minimum cardinality that disconnects G.

    G : NetworkX graph

    s : node
        Source node. Optional. Default value: None.

    t : node
        Target node. Optional. Default value: None.

    flow_func : function
        A function for computing the maximum flow among a pair of nodes.
        The function has to accept at least three parameters: a Digraph, 
        a source node, and a target node. And return a residual network 
        that follows NetworkX conventions (see :meth:`maximum_flow` for 
        details). If flow_func is None, the default maximum flow function 
        (:meth:`edmonds_karp`) is used. See below for details. The
        choice of the default function may change from version
        to version and should not be relied on. Default value: None.

    cutset : set
        Set of nodes that, if removed, would disconnect G. If source
        and target nodes are provided, the set contians the nodes that
        if removed, would destroy all paths between source and target.

    >>> # Platonic icosahedral graph has node connectivity 5
    >>> G = nx.icosahedral_graph()
    >>> node_cut = nx.minimum_node_cut(G)
    >>> len(node_cut)

    You can use alternative flow algorithms for the underlying maximum
    flow computation. In dense networks the algorithm
    :meth:`shortest_augmenting_path` will usually perform better
    than the default :meth:`edmonds_karp`, which is faster for
    sparse networks with highly skewed degree distributions.

    >>> node_cut == nx.minimum_node_cut(G, flow_func=nx.shortest_augmenting_path)

    If you specify a pair of nodes (source and target) as parameters,
    this function returns a local st node cut.

    >>> len(nx.minimum_node_cut(G, 3, 7))

    If you need to perform several local st cuts among different
    pairs of nodes on the same graph, it is recommended that you reuse
    the data structures used in the maximum flow computations. See 
    :meth:`minimum_st_node_cut` for details.

    This is a flow based implementation of minimum node cut. The algorithm
    is based in solving a number of maximum flow computations to determine
    the capacity of the minimum cut on an auxiliary directed network that
    corresponds to the minimum node cut of G. It handles both directed
    and undirected graphs. This implementation is based on algorithm 11 
    in [1]_.

    See also

    .. [1] Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian. Connectivity Algorithms.

    if (s is not None and t is None) or (s is None and t is not None):
        raise nx.NetworkXError('Both source and target must be specified.')

    # Local minimum node cut.
    if s is not None and t is not None:
        if s not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % s)
        if t not in G:
            raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % t)
        return minimum_st_node_cut(G, s, t, flow_func=flow_func)

    # Global minimum node cut.
    # Analog to the algoritm 11 for global node connectivity in [1].
    if G.is_directed():
        if not nx.is_weakly_connected(G):
            raise nx.NetworkXError('Input graph is not connected')
        iter_func = itertools.permutations
        def neighbors(v):
            return itertools.chain.from_iterable([G.predecessors_iter(v),
        if not nx.is_connected(G):
            raise nx.NetworkXError('Input graph is not connected')
        iter_func = itertools.combinations
        neighbors = G.neighbors_iter

    # Reuse the auxiliary digraph and the residual network.
    H = build_auxiliary_node_connectivity(G)
    R = build_residual_network(H, 'capacity')
    kwargs = dict(flow_func=flow_func, auxiliary=H, residual=R)

    # Choose a node with minimum degree.
    v = min(G, key=G.degree)
    # Initial node cutset is all neighbors of the node with minimum degree.
    min_cut = set(G[v])
    # Compute st node cuts between v and all its non-neighbors nodes in G.
    for w in set(G) - set(neighbors(v)) - set([v]):
        this_cut = minimum_st_node_cut(G, v, w, **kwargs)
        if len(min_cut) >= len(this_cut):
            min_cut = this_cut
    # Also for non adjacent pairs of neighbors of v.
    for x, y in iter_func(neighbors(v), 2):
        if y in G[x]:
        this_cut = minimum_st_node_cut(G, x, y, **kwargs)
        if len(min_cut) >= len(this_cut):
            min_cut = this_cut

    return min_cut
def boykov_kolmogorov_impl(G, s, t, capacity, residual, cutoff):
    if s not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(s))
    if t not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(t))
    if s == t:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('source and sink are the same node')

    if residual is None:
        R = build_residual_network(G, capacity)
        R = residual

    # Initialize/reset the residual network.
    # This is way too slow
    #nx.set_edge_attributes(R, 0, 'flow')
    for u in R:
        for e in R[u].values():
            e['flow'] = 0

    # Use an arbitrary high value as infinite. It is computed
    # when building the residual network.
    INF = R.graph['inf']

    if cutoff is None:
        cutoff = INF

    R_succ = R.succ
    R_pred = R.pred

    def grow():
        """Bidirectional breadth-first search for the growth stage.

           Returns a connecting edge, that is and edge that connects
           a node from the source search tree with a node from the
           target search tree.
           The first node in the connecting edge is always from the
           source tree and the last node from the target tree.
        while active:
            u = active[0]
            if u in source_tree:
                this_tree = source_tree
                other_tree = target_tree
                neighbors = R_succ
                this_tree = target_tree
                other_tree = source_tree
                neighbors = R_pred
            for v, attr in neighbors[u].items():
                if attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'] > 0:
                    if v not in this_tree:
                        if v in other_tree:
                            return (u, v) if this_tree is source_tree else (v, u)
                        this_tree[v] = u
                        dist[v] = dist[u] + 1
                        timestamp[v] = timestamp[u]
                    elif v in this_tree and _is_closer(u, v):
                        this_tree[v] = u
                        dist[v] = dist[u] + 1
                        timestamp[v] = timestamp[u]
            _ = active.popleft()
        return None, None

    def augment(u, v):
        """Augmentation stage.

           Reconstruct path and determine its residual capacity.
           We start from a connecting edge, which links a node
           from the source tree to a node from the target tree.
           The connecting edge is the output of the grow function
           and the input of this function.
        attr = R_succ[u][v]
        flow = min(INF, attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'])
        path = [u]
        # Trace a path from u to s in source_tree.
        w = u
        while w != s:
            n = w
            w = source_tree[n]
            attr = R_pred[n][w]
            flow = min(flow, attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'])
        # Trace a path from v to t in target_tree.
        w = v
        while w != t:
            n = w
            w = target_tree[n]
            attr = R_succ[n][w]
            flow = min(flow, attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'])
        # Augment flow along the path and check for saturated edges.
        it = iter(path)
        u = next(it)
        these_orphans = []
        for v in it:
            R_succ[u][v]['flow'] += flow
            R_succ[v][u]['flow'] -= flow
            if R_succ[u][v]['flow'] == R_succ[u][v]['capacity']:
                if v in source_tree:
                    source_tree[v] = None
                if u in target_tree:
                    target_tree[u] = None
            u = v
        orphans.extend(sorted(these_orphans, key=dist.get))
        return flow

    def adopt():
        """Adoption stage.

           Reconstruct search trees by adopting or discarding orphans.
           During augmentation stage some edges got saturated and thus
           the source and target search trees broke down to forests, with
           orphans as roots of some of its trees. We have to reconstruct
           the search trees rooted to source and target before we can grow
           them again.
        while orphans:
            u = orphans.popleft()
            if u in source_tree:
                tree = source_tree
                neighbors = R_pred
                tree = target_tree
                neighbors = R_succ
            nbrs = ((n, attr, dist[n]) for n, attr in neighbors[u].items()
                    if n in tree)
            for v, attr, d in sorted(nbrs, key=itemgetter(2)):
                if attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'] > 0:
                    if _has_valid_root(v, tree):
                        tree[u] = v
                        dist[u] = dist[v] + 1
                        timestamp[u] = time
                nbrs = ((n, attr, dist[n]) for n, attr in neighbors[u].items()
                        if n in tree)
                for v, attr, d in sorted(nbrs, key=itemgetter(2)):
                    if attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'] > 0:
                        if v not in active:
                    if tree[v] == u:
                        tree[v] = None
                if u in active:
                del tree[u]

    def _has_valid_root(n, tree):
        path = []
        v = n
        while v is not None:
            if v == s or v == t:
                base_dist = 0
            elif timestamp[v] == time:
                base_dist = dist[v]
            v = tree[v]
            return False
        length = len(path)
        for i, u in enumerate(path, 1):
            dist[u] = base_dist + length - i
            timestamp[u] = time
        return True

    def _is_closer(u, v):
        return timestamp[v] <= timestamp[u] and dist[v] > dist[u] + 1

    source_tree = {s: None}
    target_tree = {t: None}
    active = deque([s, t])
    orphans = deque()
    flow_value = 0
    # data structures for the marking heuristic
    time = 1
    timestamp = {s: time, t: time}
    dist = {s: 0, t: 0}
    while flow_value < cutoff:
        # Growth stage
        u, v = grow()
        if u is None:
        time += 1
        # Augmentation stage
        flow_value += augment(u, v)
        # Adoption stage

    if flow_value * 2 > INF:
        raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded('Infinite capacity path, flow unbounded above.')

    # Add source and target tree in a graph attribute.
    # A partition that defines a minimum cut can be directly
    # computed from the search trees as explained in the docstrings.
    R.graph['trees'] = (source_tree, target_tree)
    # Add the standard flow_value graph attribute.
    R.graph['flow_value'] = flow_value
    return R
def dinitz_impl(G, s, t, capacity, residual, cutoff):
    if s not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(s))
    if t not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(t))
    if s == t:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('source and sink are the same node')

    if residual is None:
        R = build_residual_network(G, capacity)
        R = residual

    # Initialize/reset the residual network.
    for u in R:
        for e in R[u].values():
            e['flow'] = 0

    # Use an arbitrary high value as infinite. It is computed
    # when building the residual network.
    INF = R.graph['inf']

    if cutoff is None:
        cutoff = INF

    R_succ = R.succ
    R_pred = R.pred

    def breath_first_search():
        parents = {}
        queue = deque([s])
        while queue:
            if t in parents:
            u = queue.popleft()
            for v in R_succ[u]:
                attr = R_succ[u][v]
                if v not in parents and attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'] > 0:
                    parents[v] = u
        return parents

    def depth_first_search(parents):
        """Build a path using DFS starting from the sink"""
        path = []
        u = t
        flow = INF
        while u != s:
            v = parents[u]
            flow = min(flow, R_pred[u][v]['capacity'] - R_pred[u][v]['flow'])
            u = v
        # Augment the flow along the path found
        if flow > 0:
            for u, v in pairwise(path):
                R_pred[u][v]['flow'] += flow
                R_pred[v][u]['flow'] -= flow
        return flow

    flow_value = 0
    while flow_value < cutoff:
        parents = breath_first_search()
        if t not in parents:
        this_flow = depth_first_search(parents)
        if this_flow * 2 > INF:
            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                    'Infinite capacity path, flow unbounded above.')
        flow_value += this_flow

    R.graph['flow_value'] = flow_value
    return R
def boykov_kolmogorov_impl(G, s, t, capacity, residual, cutoff):
    if s not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError(f"node {str(s)} not in graph")
    if t not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError(f"node {str(t)} not in graph")
    if s == t:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("source and sink are the same node")

    if residual is None:
        R = build_residual_network(G, capacity)
        R = residual

    # Initialize/reset the residual network.
    # This is way too slow
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(R, 0, 'flow')
    for u in R:
        for e in R[u].values():
            e["flow"] = 0

    # Use an arbitrary high value as infinite. It is computed
    # when building the residual network.
    INF = R.graph["inf"]

    if cutoff is None:
        cutoff = INF

    R_succ = R.succ
    R_pred = R.pred

    def grow():
        """Bidirectional breadth-first search for the growth stage.

           Returns a connecting edge, that is and edge that connects
           a node from the source search tree with a node from the
           target search tree.
           The first node in the connecting edge is always from the
           source tree and the last node from the target tree.
        while active:
            u = active[0]
            if u in source_tree:
                this_tree = source_tree
                other_tree = target_tree
                neighbors = R_succ
                this_tree = target_tree
                other_tree = source_tree
                neighbors = R_pred
            for v, attr in neighbors[u].items():
                if attr["capacity"] - attr["flow"] > 0:
                    if v not in this_tree:
                        if v in other_tree:
                            return (u, v) if this_tree is source_tree else (v,
                        this_tree[v] = u
                        dist[v] = dist[u] + 1
                        timestamp[v] = timestamp[u]
                    elif v in this_tree and _is_closer(u, v):
                        this_tree[v] = u
                        dist[v] = dist[u] + 1
                        timestamp[v] = timestamp[u]
            _ = active.popleft()
        return None, None

    def augment(u, v):
        """Augmentation stage.

           Reconstruct path and determine its residual capacity.
           We start from a connecting edge, which links a node
           from the source tree to a node from the target tree.
           The connecting edge is the output of the grow function
           and the input of this function.
        attr = R_succ[u][v]
        flow = min(INF, attr["capacity"] - attr["flow"])
        path = [u]
        # Trace a path from u to s in source_tree.
        w = u
        while w != s:
            n = w
            w = source_tree[n]
            attr = R_pred[n][w]
            flow = min(flow, attr["capacity"] - attr["flow"])
        # Trace a path from v to t in target_tree.
        w = v
        while w != t:
            n = w
            w = target_tree[n]
            attr = R_succ[n][w]
            flow = min(flow, attr["capacity"] - attr["flow"])
        # Augment flow along the path and check for saturated edges.
        it = iter(path)
        u = next(it)
        these_orphans = []
        for v in it:
            R_succ[u][v]["flow"] += flow
            R_succ[v][u]["flow"] -= flow
            if R_succ[u][v]["flow"] == R_succ[u][v]["capacity"]:
                if v in source_tree:
                    source_tree[v] = None
                if u in target_tree:
                    target_tree[u] = None
            u = v
        orphans.extend(sorted(these_orphans, key=dist.get))
        return flow

    def adopt():
        """Adoption stage.

           Reconstruct search trees by adopting or discarding orphans.
           During augmentation stage some edges got saturated and thus
           the source and target search trees broke down to forests, with
           orphans as roots of some of its trees. We have to reconstruct
           the search trees rooted to source and target before we can grow
           them again.
        while orphans:
            u = orphans.popleft()
            if u in source_tree:
                tree = source_tree
                neighbors = R_pred
                tree = target_tree
                neighbors = R_succ
            nbrs = ((n, attr, dist[n]) for n, attr in neighbors[u].items()
                    if n in tree)
            for v, attr, d in sorted(nbrs, key=itemgetter(2)):
                if attr["capacity"] - attr["flow"] > 0:
                    if _has_valid_root(v, tree):
                        tree[u] = v
                        dist[u] = dist[v] + 1
                        timestamp[u] = time
                nbrs = ((n, attr, dist[n]) for n, attr in neighbors[u].items()
                        if n in tree)
                for v, attr, d in sorted(nbrs, key=itemgetter(2)):
                    if attr["capacity"] - attr["flow"] > 0:
                        if v not in active:
                    if tree[v] == u:
                        tree[v] = None
                if u in active:
                del tree[u]

    def _has_valid_root(n, tree):
        path = []
        v = n
        while v is not None:
            if v == s or v == t:
                base_dist = 0
            elif timestamp[v] == time:
                base_dist = dist[v]
            v = tree[v]
            return False
        length = len(path)
        for i, u in enumerate(path, 1):
            dist[u] = base_dist + length - i
            timestamp[u] = time
        return True

    def _is_closer(u, v):
        return timestamp[v] <= timestamp[u] and dist[v] > dist[u] + 1

    source_tree = {s: None}
    target_tree = {t: None}
    active = deque([s, t])
    orphans = deque()
    flow_value = 0
    # data structures for the marking heuristic
    time = 1
    timestamp = {s: time, t: time}
    dist = {s: 0, t: 0}
    while flow_value < cutoff:
        # Growth stage
        u, v = grow()
        if u is None:
        time += 1
        # Augmentation stage
        flow_value += augment(u, v)
        # Adoption stage

    if flow_value * 2 > INF:
        raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
            "Infinite capacity path, flow unbounded above.")

    # Add source and target tree in a graph attribute.
    # A partition that defines a minimum cut can be directly
    # computed from the search trees as explained in the docstrings.
    R.graph["trees"] = (source_tree, target_tree)
    # Add the standard flow_value graph attribute.
    R.graph["flow_value"] = flow_value
    return R
def dinitz_impl(G, s, t, capacity, residual, cutoff):
    if s not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(s))
    if t not in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('node %s not in graph' % str(t))
    if s == t:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('source and sink are the same node')

    if residual is None:
        R = build_residual_network(G, capacity)
        R = residual

    # Initialize/reset the residual network.
    for u in R:
        for e in R[u].values():
            e['flow'] = 0

    # Use an arbitrary high value as infinite. It is computed
    # when building the residual network.
    INF = R.graph['inf']

    if cutoff is None:
        cutoff = INF

    R_succ = R.succ
    R_pred = R.pred

    def breath_first_search():
        parents = {}
        queue = deque([s])
        while queue:
            if t in parents:
            u = queue.popleft()
            for v in R_succ[u]:
                attr = R_succ[u][v]
                if v not in parents and attr['capacity'] - attr['flow'] > 0:
                    parents[v] = u
        return parents

    def depth_first_search(parents):
        """Build a path using DFS starting from the sink"""
        path = []
        u = t
        flow = INF
        while u != s:
            v = parents[u]
            flow = min(flow, R_pred[u][v]['capacity'] - R_pred[u][v]['flow'])
            u = v
        # Augment the flow along the path found
        if flow > 0:
            for u, v in pairwise(path):
                R_pred[u][v]['flow'] += flow
                R_pred[v][u]['flow'] -= flow
        return flow

    flow_value = 0
    while flow_value < cutoff:
        parents = breath_first_search()
        if t not in parents:
        this_flow = depth_first_search(parents)
        if this_flow * 2 > INF:
            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                'Infinite capacity path, flow unbounded above.')
        flow_value += this_flow

    R.graph['flow_value'] = flow_value
    return R