def test_dual_barabasi_albert(self, m1=1, m2=4, p=0.5): """ Tests that the dual BA random graph generated behaves consistently. Tests the exceptions are raised as expected. The graphs generation are repeated several times to prevent lucky shots """ seed = 42 repeats = 2 while repeats: repeats -= 1 # This should be BA with m = m1 BA1 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, seed) DBA1 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 1, seed) assert_equal(BA1.size(), DBA1.size()) # This should be BA with m = m2 BA2 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m2, seed) DBA2 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 0, seed) assert_equal(BA2.size(), DBA2.size()) # Testing exceptions dbag = dual_barabasi_albert_graph assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m1, m1, m2, 0) assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m2, m1, m2, 0) assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, -0.5) assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, 1.5)
def test_dual_barabasi_albert(self, m1=1, m2=4, p=0.5): """ Tests that the dual BA random graph generated behaves consistently. Tests the exceptions are raised as expected. The graphs generation are repeated several times to prevent lucky shots """ seed = 42 repeats = 2 while repeats: repeats -= 1 # This should be BA with m = m1 BA1 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, seed) DBA1 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 1, seed) assert BA1.size() == DBA1.size() # This should be BA with m = m2 BA2 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m2, seed) DBA2 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 0, seed) assert BA2.size() == DBA2.size() # Testing exceptions dbag = dual_barabasi_albert_graph pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m1, m1, m2, 0) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m2, m1, m2, 0) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, -0.5) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, 1.5)
def smoke_test_random_graph(self): seed = 42 G=gnp_random_graph(100,0.25,seed) G=binomial_graph(100,0.25,seed) G=erdos_renyi_graph(100,0.25,seed) G=fast_gnp_random_graph(100,0.25,seed) G=gnm_random_graph(100,20,seed) G=dense_gnm_random_graph(100,20,seed) G=watts_strogatz_graph(10,2,0.25,seed) assert_equal(len(G), 10) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(), 10) G=connected_watts_strogatz_graph(10,2,0.1,seed) assert_equal(len(G), 10) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(), 10) G=watts_strogatz_graph(10,4,0.25,seed) assert_equal(len(G), 10) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(), 20) G=newman_watts_strogatz_graph(10,2,0.0,seed) assert_equal(len(G), 10) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(), 10) G=newman_watts_strogatz_graph(10,4,0.25,seed) assert_equal(len(G), 10) assert_true(G.number_of_edges() >= 20) G=barabasi_albert_graph(100,1,seed) G=barabasi_albert_graph(100,3,seed) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(),(97*3)) G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, 0, 0, seed) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(), 99) G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 3, 0, 0, seed) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(), 97 * 3) G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, 0, 0.5, seed) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(), 99) G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 2, 0.5, 0, seed) assert_greater(G.number_of_edges(), 100 * 3) assert_less(G.number_of_edges(), 100 * 4) G=extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 2, 0.3, 0.3, seed) assert_greater(G.number_of_edges(), 100 * 2) assert_less(G.number_of_edges(), 100 * 4) G=powerlaw_cluster_graph(100,1,1.0,seed) G=powerlaw_cluster_graph(100,3,0.0,seed) assert_equal(G.number_of_edges(),(97*3)) G=random_regular_graph(10,20,seed) assert_raises(NetworkXError, random_regular_graph, 3, 21) constructor=[(10,20,0.8),(20,40,0.8)] G=random_shell_graph(constructor,seed) G=random_lobster(10,0.1,0.5,seed)
def main(): # ランダムなトポロジを生成(Barabási-Albertモデルに従う) print("Requirement: 1 <= complexity < switchNum") switchNum = input("スイッチ数(switchNum): ") complexity = input("新しいノードから既存のノードに接続するエッジの数(complexity): ") # 入力値の妥当性を確認 (1 <= complexity < switchNum) if (type(switchNum) is not int) or (type(complexity) is not int) or (not 1 <= complexity < switchNum): print("数値以外が入力されたか、上記の制約を満たしていません") exit() # 指定数のスイッチとホストを生成し接続 makeSwitch(switchNum) makeHostAndLink(switchNum) # Barabási-Albertモデルのグラフを生成 G = barabasi_albert_graph(switchNum, complexity) print(G.edges()) # 生成されたグラフに基づいてスイッチ間を接続 makeLinks(G.edges()) # グラフをpngで出力 networkx.draw(G, with_labels=True) pngpath = "test/topo_image/ba_random_" + \ str(switchNum) + "_" + str(complexity) + ".png" pyplot.savefig(pngpath) # # ファイルに出力 path = "test/ba_random_" + str(switchNum) + "_" + str(complexity) + ".conf" if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) with open(path, mode='w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(conf)) print "\nDone."
def main(): # デフォルト引数処理 if sys.argv and len(sys.argv) == 3: switchNum = int(sys.argv[1]) complexity = int(sys.argv[2]) else: switchNum = 30 complexity = 2 # Barabási-Albertモデルのグラフを生成 tmp = barabasi_albert_graph(switchNum, complexity) # ノード番号を1からに edges = [] for edge in tmp.edges(): e = list(edge) e[0] += 1 e[1] += 1 edges.append(tuple(e)) sorted(edges, key=lambda e: (e[0], e[1])) print(edges) # edgesから無向グラフ作成 G = networkx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(edges) # 外部出力 if os.path.exists('.edges'): os.remove('.edges') with open('.edges', 'w') as f: for l in sorted(G.edges(), key=lambda e: (e[0], e[1])): f.write(str(l) + "\n")
def main(): # デフォルト引数処理 if sys.argv and len(sys.argv) == 3: switchNum = int(sys.argv[1]) complexity = int(sys.argv[2]) else: switchNum = 30 complexity = 2 # Barabási-Albertモデルのグラフを生成 tmp = barabasi_albert_graph(switchNum, complexity) # ノード番号を1からに edges = [] for edge in tmp.edges(): e = list(edge) e[0] += 1 e[1] += 1 edges.append(tuple(e)) sorted(edges, key=lambda e: (e[0], e[1])) print(edges) # edgesから無向グラフ作成 G = networkx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(edges) # 外部出力 if os.path.exists('.edges'): os.remove('.edges') with open('.edges', 'w') as f: for l in sorted(G.edges(), key=lambda e: (e[0], e[1])): f.write(str(l) + "\n") # networkx.nx_agraph.view_pygraphviz(G, prog='dot') networkx.draw(G, prog="dot", with_labels=True) pngpath = ".topo_ba.png" pyplot.savefig(pngpath)
def main(arguments): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('model', help="Generative model for the random graph", type=str) parser.add_argument('node_number', help="Number of nodes", type=int) parser.add_argument('-p', '--params', help="Model specific parameter for the graph", type=float, nargs='*') parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', help="Seed for the RNG", type=int, default=42) args = parser.parse_args(arguments) if args.model == "gnp": p = args.params[0] g = gg.fast_gnp_random_graph(args.node_number, p, args.seed) for e in g.edges(): print("{0} {1}".format(e[0], e[1])) if args.model == "gnm": m = args.params[0] g = gg.gnm_random_graph(args.node_number, m, args.seed) for e in g.edges(): print("{0} {1}".format(e[0], e[1])) elif args.model == "ba": m = int(args.params[0]) g = gg.barabasi_albert_graph(args.node_number, m, args.seed) for e in g.edges(): print("{0} {1}".format(e[0], e[1])) elif args.model == "PL": #random graph with power-law distribution kmin = args.params[0] exponent = args.params[1] kmax = np.sqrt( args.node_number) * kmin * (exponent - 1.0) / (exponent - 2.0) degree_vector = np.arange(kmin, kmax + 1) degree_distribution = degree_vector**(-exponent) degree_distribution /= np.sum(degree_distribution) degree_distribution = np.concatenate( (np.array([0] * int(kmin)), degree_distribution)) cumulative_degree_distribution = np.array([ np.sum(degree_distribution[0:i]) for i in range(len(degree_distribution) + 1) ]) #generate n expected degree from the dist u_vec = random(args.node_number) expected_degree_sequence = [ np.searchsorted(cumulative_degree_distribution, u, side='right') - 1 for u in u_vec ] output_edge_PL(expected_degree_sequence)
def generate_subgraph(self, n_nodes_in_subgraph, **kwargs): """ Generate a subgraph with specified properties. Args - n_nodes_in_subgraph (int): number of nodes in each subgraph Return - G (networkx object): subgraph """ subgraph_generator = kwargs.pop('subgraph_generator', 'path') if subgraph_generator == 'cycle': G = nx.cycle_graph(n_nodes_in_subgraph) elif subgraph_generator == 'path': G = nx.path_graph(n_nodes_in_subgraph) elif subgraph_generator == 'house': G = nx.house_graph() elif subgraph_generator == 'complete': G = nx.complete_graph(n_nodes_in_subgraph) elif subgraph_generator == 'star': G = nx.star_graph(n_nodes_in_subgraph) elif subgraph_generator == 'barabasi_albert': m = kwargs.get('m', 5) G = barabasi_albert_graph(n_nodes_in_subgraph, m, seed=config.RANDOM_SEED) elif subgraph_generator == 'extended_barabasi_albert': m = kwargs.get('m', 5) p = kwargs.get('p', 0.5) q = kwargs.get('q', 0) G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(n_nodes_in_subgraph, m, p, q, seed=config.RANDOM_SEED) elif subgraph_generator == 'duplication_divergence_graph': p = kwargs.get('p', 0.5) G = duplication_divergence_graph(n_nodes_in_subgraph, p) else: raise Exception( 'The subgraph generator you specified is not implemented.') return G
def generate_base_graph(self, **kwargs): """ Generate the base graph. Return - G (networkx object): base graph """ if self.base_graph_type == 'barabasi_albert': m = kwargs.get('m', 5) n = kwargs.get('n', 500) G = barabasi_albert_graph(n, m, seed=config.RANDOM_SEED) elif self.base_graph_type == 'duplication_divergence_graph': n = kwargs.get('n', 500) p = kwargs.get('p', 0.5) G = duplication_divergence_graph(n, p, seed=config.RANDOM_SEED) else: raise Exception('The base graph you specified is not implemented') return G
def main(): # Deal with arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( 'N', action="store", type=int, help='nodes in BA and DMS' ) parser.add_argument( 'n_samples', action="store", nargs='?', default=10, type=int, help='number of samples to run' ) args = parser.parse_args() N = args.N SAMPLES = args.n_samples clustersBA = [] clustersDMS = [] for n in range(SAMPLES): print(str(n) + ' sample started') g = barabasi_albert_graph(N, 2) print('\tba created') cluster1 = nx_average_clustering_per_k(g) clustersBA.append(cluster1) print('\tba averaged') g = create_DMS(N) print('\tdms created') cluster2 = nx_average_clustering_per_k(g) clustersDMS.append(cluster2) gc.collect() print('\tdms averaged') ba = np.asarray(clustersBA) dms = np.asarray(clustersDMS) np.savetxt('./results/clustering_coefficient/'+ str(N) + '-ba.out', ba, delimiter=',') np.savetxt('./results/clustering_coefficient/'+ str(N) + '-dms.out', dms, delimiter=',')
def _createGraph(self): dlg = PropertyViewer(, self.icon, Nodes=Integer(5, 1, 100, 1), Degree=Integer(2,1,100,1)) nodes = [] edges = [] if dlg.exec_(): values = dlg.values() n = values['Nodes'] m = values['Degree'] G = rnd.barabasi_albert_graph(n, m) nodes = layout.circularNodes(n, 25) for i in G.edges_iter(): edges.append(i) return nodes, edges
def test_extended_barabasi_albert(self, m=2): """ Tests that the extended BA random graph generated behaves consistently. Tests the exceptions are raised as expected. The graphs generation are repeated several times to prevent lucky-shots """ seed = 42 repeats = 2 BA_model = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m, seed) BA_model_edges = BA_model.number_of_edges() while repeats: repeats -= 1 # This behaves just like BA, the number of edges must be the same G1 = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m, 0, 0, seed) assert_equal(G1.size(), BA_model_edges) # More than twice more edges should have been added G1 = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m, 0.8, 0, seed) assert_greater(G1.size(), BA_model_edges * 2) # Only edge rewiring, so the number of edges less than original G2 = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m, 0, 0.8, seed) assert_equal(G2.size(), BA_model_edges) # Mixed scenario: less edges than G1 and more edges than G2 G3 = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m, 0.3, 0.3, seed) assert_greater(G3.size(), G2.size()) assert_less(G3.size(), G1.size()) # Testing exceptions ebag = extended_barabasi_albert_graph assert_raises(NetworkXError, ebag, m, m, 0, 0) assert_raises(NetworkXError, ebag, 1, 0.5, 0, 0) assert_raises(NetworkXError, ebag, 100, 2, 0.5, 0.5)
def barabasi_albert_generator(args): return generators.barabasi_albert_graph(args.num_nodes, args.num_edges)
def smoke_test_random_graph(self): seed = 42 G = gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed, directed=True) G = binomial_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = fast_gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = fast_gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed, directed=True) G = gnm_random_graph(100, 20, seed) G = gnm_random_graph(100, 20, seed, directed=True) G = dense_gnm_random_graph(100, 20, seed) G = watts_strogatz_graph(10, 2, 0.25, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 10 G = connected_watts_strogatz_graph(10, 2, 0.1, tries=10, seed=seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 10 pytest.raises(NetworkXError, connected_watts_strogatz_graph, \ 10, 2, 0.1, tries=0) G = watts_strogatz_graph(10, 4, 0.25, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 20 G = newman_watts_strogatz_graph(10, 2, 0.0, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 10 G = newman_watts_strogatz_graph(10, 4, 0.25, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() >= 20 G = barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, seed) G = barabasi_albert_graph(100, 3, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == (97 * 3) G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, 0, 0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == 99 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 3, 0, 0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == 97 * 3 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, 0, 0.5, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == 99 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 2, 0.5, 0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() > 100 * 3 assert G.number_of_edges() < 100 * 4 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 2, 0.3, 0.3, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() > 100 * 2 assert G.number_of_edges() < 100 * 4 G = powerlaw_cluster_graph(100, 1, 1.0, seed) G = powerlaw_cluster_graph(100, 3, 0.0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == (97 * 3) G = random_regular_graph(10, 20, seed) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, random_regular_graph, 3, 21) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, random_regular_graph, 33, 21) constructor = [(10, 20, 0.8), (20, 40, 0.8)] G = random_shell_graph(constructor, seed) G = random_lobster(10, 0.1, 0.5, seed) # difficult to find seed that requires few tries seq = random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(10, 3, seed=14, tries=1) G = random_powerlaw_tree(10, 3, seed=14, tries=1)
def _generate_graph(self, n): return barabasi_albert_graph(n, self._params['m'])
all_degrees = # list of (vertex, degree) for deg in all_degrees: deg_hist[deg[1]] += 1 # average dist deg_dist = np.asarray(deg_hist) / g.number_of_nodes() return deg_dist N = 100000 print('Networks of size ' + str(N) + '\n') SAMPLES = 10 distsBA = [] distsDMS = [] for n in range(SAMPLES): print(str(n) + ' sample started') g = barabasi_albert_graph(N, 2) print('\tba created') dist1 = degree_distribution(g) distsBA.append(dist1) print('\tba averaged') g = create_DMS(N) print('\tdms created') dist2 = degree_distribution(g) distsDMS.append(dist2) print('\tdms averaged') gc.collect() ba = np.asarray(distsBA) dms = np.asarray(distsDMS) degreesBA = []
else: max_index = int(max_index) max_value = Q[action, max_index] Q[current_state, action] = R[current_state, action] + gamma * max_value print('max_value', R[current_state, action] + gamma * max_value) if (np.max(Q) > 0): return (np.sum(Q / np.max(Q) * 100)) else: return (0) # First we generate a random graph holding a power law link distribution. This # has the aim of keeping entropy sourced phenomena in mind. Graph = barabasi_albert_graph(MATRIX_SIZE, int(MATRIX_SIZE / LINK_FRACTION)) pos = nx.spring_layout(Graph) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(Graph, pos) nx.draw_networkx_edges(Graph, pos) nx.draw_networkx_labels(Graph, pos) R = nx.adjacency_matrix(Graph).todense() - 1 Q = np.matrix(np.zeros([MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE])) points_list = [t for t in zip(*np.where(R == 0))] for point in points_list: print(point) if point[1] == goal: R[point] = 100 else:
def generate_graph(n,p): g = random_graphs.barabasi_albert_graph(n, p, seed=None) a = nx.adjacency_matrix(g) return g, a
def generate_random_graph(n, m): print "Building random graph" G = barabasi_albert_graph(n, m, 10) return G
import graph_tool import graph_tool.all as gt from networkx.generators.random_graphs import barabasi_albert_graph from networkx.algorithms.shortest_paths.generic import average_shortest_path_length from networkx.readwrite.gml import write_gml import numpy as np import time if __name__ == '__main__': g = barabasi_albert_graph(int(1e4), 1) start_t = time.process_time() average_shortest_path_length(g) print(time.process_time() - start_t) write_gml(g, './graph.gml') g = gt.load_graph('./graph.gml') start_t = time.process_time() all_sp = gt.shortest_distance(g) vertex_avgs = graph_tool.stats.vertex_average(g, all_sp) avg_path = np.sum(vertex_avgs[0]) / (g.num_vertices() - 1) print(time.process_time() - start_t) start_t = time.process_time() sum([sum(i) for i in gt.shortest_distance(g) ]) / (g.num_vertices()**2 - g.num_vertices()) print(time.process_time() - start_t)
return gt.local_clustering(g).get_array() def max_degree(g): return gt_stats.vertex_hist(g, 'total')[1][-2] def page_rank(g): # return gt_stats.vertex_hist(g, gt.pagerank(g)) return gt.pagerank(g).get_array() def variance(g): degree_hist = gt_stats.vertex_hist(g, 'total')[0] / g.num_vertices() second_m = np.sum(degree_hist * (np.arange(len(degree_hist)) ** 2)) return second_m - avg_degree(g) ** 2 if __name__ == '__main__': nx_g = barabasi_albert_graph(int(1e3), 2) nx_apl = average_shortest_path_length(nx_g) nx_ad = 2 * nx_g.number_of_edges() / nx_g.number_of_nodes() nx_gcc = transitivity(nx_g) nx_lcc = average_clustering(nx_g) nx_md = len(degree_histogram(nx_g)) - 1 nx_drogc = max(connected_component_subgraphs(nx_g), key=len).number_of_nodes() / nx_g.number_of_nodes() second_m = np.sum(np.array(degree_histogram(nx_g)) * (np.arange(len(degree_histogram(nx_g))) ** 2)) nx_v = math.sqrt(second_m - nx_ad ** 2) nx_ap = degree_pearson_correlation_coefficient(nx_g) nx_aknn = np.flip(np.array( [it[1] for it in sorted( average_degree_connectivity(nx_g).items(), reverse=True )] ))
def test_random_graph(self): seed = 42 G = gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed, directed=True) G = binomial_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = fast_gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed) G = fast_gnp_random_graph(100, 0.25, seed, directed=True) G = gnm_random_graph(100, 20, seed) G = gnm_random_graph(100, 20, seed, directed=True) G = dense_gnm_random_graph(100, 20, seed) G = watts_strogatz_graph(10, 2, 0.25, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 10 G = connected_watts_strogatz_graph(10, 2, 0.1, tries=10, seed=seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 10 pytest.raises(NetworkXError, connected_watts_strogatz_graph, 10, 2, 0.1, tries=0) G = watts_strogatz_graph(10, 4, 0.25, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 20 G = newman_watts_strogatz_graph(10, 2, 0.0, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() == 10 G = newman_watts_strogatz_graph(10, 4, 0.25, seed) assert len(G) == 10 assert G.number_of_edges() >= 20 G = barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, seed) G = barabasi_albert_graph(100, 3, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == (97 * 3) G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, 0, 0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == 99 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 3, 0, 0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == 97 * 3 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 1, 0, 0.5, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == 99 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 2, 0.5, 0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() > 100 * 3 assert G.number_of_edges() < 100 * 4 G = extended_barabasi_albert_graph(100, 2, 0.3, 0.3, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() > 100 * 2 assert G.number_of_edges() < 100 * 4 G = powerlaw_cluster_graph(100, 1, 1.0, seed) G = powerlaw_cluster_graph(100, 3, 0.0, seed) assert G.number_of_edges() == (97 * 3) G = random_regular_graph(10, 20, seed) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, random_regular_graph, 3, 21) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, random_regular_graph, 33, 21) constructor = [(10, 20, 0.8), (20, 40, 0.8)] G = random_shell_graph(constructor, seed) def is_caterpillar(g): """ A tree is a caterpillar iff all nodes of degree >=3 are surrounded by at most two nodes of degree two or greater. ref: """ deg_over_3 = [n for n in g if >= 3] for n in deg_over_3: nbh_deg_over_2 = [ nbh for nbh in g.neighbors(n) if >= 2 ] if not len(nbh_deg_over_2) <= 2: return False return True def is_lobster(g): """ A tree is a lobster if it has the property that the removal of leaf nodes leaves a caterpillar graph (Gallian 2007) ref: """ non_leafs = [n for n in g if > 1] return is_caterpillar(g.subgraph(non_leafs)) G = random_lobster(10, 0.1, 0.5, seed) assert max([ for n in G.nodes()]) > 3 assert is_lobster(G) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, random_lobster, 10, 0.1, 1, seed) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, random_lobster, 10, 1, 1, seed) pytest.raises(NetworkXError, random_lobster, 10, 1, 0.5, seed) # docstring says this should be a caterpillar G = random_lobster(10, 0.1, 0.0, seed) assert is_caterpillar(G) # difficult to find seed that requires few tries seq = random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(10, 3, seed=14, tries=1) G = random_powerlaw_tree(10, 3, seed=14, tries=1)
from networkx.generators.random_graphs import barabasi_albert_graph from networkx.generators.directed import scale_free_graph if __name__ == "__main__": g = barabasi_albert_graph(300000, 1) #g = scale_free_graph(258000) with open("scale_free.txt", "w") as random_output: for v, neibdict in g.adjacency(): first = True for w, attr in neibdict.items(): if first: random_output.write(str(w)) first = False else: random_output.write(" " + str(w)) random_output.write("\n")