def make_graph(scene_name):
    #print("making ",scene_name)
    datadir = '../mixed_offline_data/'
    with open(os.path.join(datadir, scene_name, 'graph.json'),"r",) as f:
        graph_json = json.load(f)
    graph = netx.node_link_graph(graph_json).to_directed()
    all_states = list(graph.nodes())
    data = {x:0 for x in all_states}
    save_str = os.path.join(datadir, scene_name, 'trans.json')

    for k in all_states:
        #coor_str = get_coor_str(k)
        x, z, rot, hor = k.split('|')
        x,z,rot,hor = float(x),float(z),int(rot),int(hor)
        x += move_list[(rot//45)%8]
        z += move_list[((rot//45)+2)%8]
        neighbors = graph.neighbors(k)
        #neighbor_coor = [get_coor_str(n) for n in neighbors]
        if "{:0.2f}|{:0.2f}|{:d}|{:d}".format(x,z,rot,hor) in neighbors:
            data[k] = 1

    write_to_json(data, save_str)
p = tqdm(total=len(scene_names))

for scene_name in scene_names:

    with open(
            os.path.join(datadir, scene_name, graph_name),
    ) as f:
        graph_json = json.load(f)
    with open(
            os.path.join(datadir, scene_name, visible_file_name),
    ) as f:
        visible_data = json.load(f)
    graph = netx.node_link_graph(graph_json).to_directed()
    all_states = list(graph.nodes())
    all_objects_id = visible_data.keys()

    save_str = os.path.join(datadir, scene_name, out_name)
    data = {x: [] for x in all_objects_id}
    data['map'] = {k: all_states.index(k) for k in all_states}
    pd = tqdm(total=len(all_states) * len(all_objects_id))
    for obs_id in all_objects_id:
        all_visible_states = visible_data[obs_id]
        all_visible_states = [x for x in all_visible_states if x in all_states]
        for start_state in all_states:

            best_path_len = 9999
            for k in all_visible_states:
 def from_json(json):
     return nxparser.node_link_graph(json)