def check_road_path(road_graph, u, v): sp = nx.shortest_path(road_graph, u, v) if len(sp) >= 20: print "path too long" return None print "shortest path length", len(sp) print "shortest path", sp for i in xrange(1, len(sp) - 1): v1, v2 = sp[i], sp[i + 1] print v1, v2 road_graph.remove_edge(v1, v2) if nx.has_path(road_graph, v1, v2): fp = nx.shortest_path(road_graph, v1, v2) if 3 < len(fp) < 8: print "fix path length", len(fp) print "fix path", fp else: pass if nx.has_path(road_graph, u, v): sp2 = nx.shortest_path(road_graph, u, v) if len(sp2) <= 20 and u in sp2 and v in sp2: print "new shortest path length", len(sp2) print "new shortest path", sp2 else: pass road_graph.add_edge(v1, v2)
def test_multi_allocate_and_free(self): """Assert that resources allocated by flows are freed""" SWITCHES = ['sw1', 'sw2'] SERVERS = ['s1', 's2'] graph = self.graph max_duration = 10 durations = range(1, max_duration) steps = 100 a = nx.shortest_path(graph, choice(SERVERS), choice(SWITCHES)) b = nx.shortest_path(graph, choice(SERVERS), choice(SWITCHES)) paths = [a, b] workload = [(choice(paths), choice(durations)) for t in range(steps)] ctrls = [LinkBalancerCtrl(['sw1', 'sw2'])] sim = LinkBalancerSim(graph, ctrls) metric_before_alloc = sim.rmse_links(graph) for now, item in enumerate(workload): path, dur = item sim.free_resources(now) sim.allocate_resources(path, 1, now, dur) # Free the (up to max_duration) possibly remaining live flows for i in range(len(workload), steps + max_duration): sim.free_resources(i) metric_after_free = sim.rmse_links(graph) self.assertEqual(metric_before_alloc, metric_after_free) self.assertEqual(len(sim.active_flows), 0)
def verify(prog, src_name, dst_name): src = prog.subs.find(src_name) dst = prog.subs.find(dst_name) if src is None or dst is None: return None graphs = GraphsBuilder() cg = graphs.callgraph if nx.has_path(cg,, return ('calls', nx.shortest_path(cg,, calls = CallsitesCollector(graphs.callgraph,, for sub in prog.subs: cfg = graphs.callgraph.nodes[]['cfg'] for src in calls.srcs: for dst in calls.dsts: if src != dst and nx.has_path(cfg, src, dst): return ('sites', nx.shortest_path(cfg, src, dst)) calls.clear() return None
def pre_process(self, source_id, sink_id): #create grade values for each node try: nx.shortest_path(self.graph, source=source_id, target = sink_id) except Exception, e: #no path in between source and destination, so return false o return False
def helper(T, U, e1, e2): path1 = nx.shortest_path(T, e1[0], e1[1]) for f1 in zip(path1[0:],path1[1:]): U.add_edge(e1[0],e1[1]) U.remove_edge(f1[0],f1[1]) path2 = nx.shortest_path(T, e2[0], e2[1]) for f2 in zip(path2[0:],path2[1:]): U.add_edge(e2[0],e2[1]) if (tuple([f2[0],f2[1]]) in U.edges()): U.remove_edge(f2[0],f2[1]) newDegrees = list( if newDegrees.count(1) > Degrees.count(1): print newDegrees.count(1) print i T = U.copy() Degrees = list( U.add_edge(f2[0],f2[1]); U.add_edge(f1[0],f1[1]);
def __send_to_who(self, sender, deploy_network, civ_information, cap): """ Function to populate list to whom information should be sent """ send_to = [] if cap == "shelter": for i in range(len(deploy_network)): if[deploy_network[i].id].c_shelter is True and self.__check_in_circle([deploy_network[i].id].deploy_range, civ_information.position): path = nx.shortest_path(self.G, sender, deploy_network[i].id) send_to.append(path[1]) elif cap == "medical": for i in range(len(deploy_network)): if[deploy_network[i].id].c_medical is True and self.__check_in_circle([deploy_network[i].id].deploy_range, civ_information.position): path = nx.shortest_path(self.G, sender, deploy_network[i].id) send_to.append(path[1]) elif cap == "food": for i in range(len(deploy_network)): if[deploy_network[i].id].c_food is True and self.__check_in_circle([deploy_network[i].id].deploy_range, civ_information.position): path = nx.shortest_path(self.G, sender, deploy_network[i].id) send_to.append(path[1]) elif cap == "logistic": for i in range(len(deploy_network)): if[deploy_network[i].id].c_logistic is True and self.__check_in_circle([deploy_network[i].id].deploy_range, civ_information.position): path = nx.shortest_path(self.G, sender, deploy_network[i].id) send_to.append(path[1]) return send_to
def display_path_to(self, node_id): if node_id != self.identity.pubkey: for edge in self.edges.values(): edge.neutralize() for node in self.nodes.values(): node.neutralize() path = [] try: path = networkx.shortest_path(self.nx_graph, node_id, self.identity.pubkey) except (networkx.exception.NetworkXError, networkx.exception.NetworkXNoPath) as e: logging.debug(str(e)) try: path = networkx.shortest_path(self.nx_graph, self.identity.pubkey, node_id) except (networkx.exception.NetworkXError, networkx.exception.NetworkXNoPath) as e: logging.debug(str(e)) for node, next_node in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): if (node, next_node) in self.edges: edge = self.edges[(node, next_node)] elif (next_node, node) in self.edges: edge = self.edges[(next_node, node)] if edge: edge.highlight() self.nodes[node].highlight() self.nodes[next_node].highlight() logging.debug("Update edge between {0} and {1}".format(node, next_node))
def testSerialRandom(): """ 50 Random serial test cases """ N = 10 p = .7 runs = 0 while runs < 50: # a random graph G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p) try: nx.shortest_path(G, source=0, target=N-1) except: continue # convert to plain ndarray nw1 = nx2nw(G) # copy and join network nw2 = serialCopy(nw1) # compute effective resistance ER1 = ResNetwork( nw1, silence_level=3).effective_resistance(0, len(nw1)-1) ER2 = ResNetwork( nw2, silence_level=3).effective_resistance(0, len(nw2)-1) # increment runs runs += 1 # assertion print (ER1*2-ER2) assert (ER1*2-ER2) < 1E-6
def nca(name1, name2): G=json_graph.load(open("static/local_instance.json")) frontier1=[get_id(name1)] frontier2=[get_id(name2)] done=False while not done: #retrieve nodes in next BFS shell shell1=list(chain.from_iterable(G.predecessors(each) for each in frontier1)) shell2=list(chain.from_iterable(G.predecessors(each) for each in frontier2)) #no new nodes. End of the line if not shell1 and not shell2: return [] frontier1+=shell1 frontier2+=shell2 intersect=set(frontier1)&set(frontier2) if intersect: done=True #print intersect return [(nx.shortest_path(G,ancestor,get_id(name1)),nx.shortest_path(G,ancestor,get_id(name2))) for ancestor in list(intersect)]
def getFreePathToTarget(self, bot, current, target): ## tmp: get one of the current active paths if len(self.botWaypoints) == 0 or (len(self.botWaypoints) == 1 and bot in self.botWaypoints): return nx.shortest_path(self.graph, current, target, weight="weight") rndKey = random.choice([key for key in self.botWaypoints.keys() if key != bot]) otherPath = self.botWaypoints[rndKey][0] ## Create a dummy graph node and connect it to each nodes of the shortest path. u = "startNode" self.graph.add_node(u) for v in otherPath: self.graph.add_edge(u, v, weight=1) ## Now calculate the path lengths of all graph nodes to the shortest path nodes. distances = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(self.graph, u, weight="weight") self.graph.remove_node(u) # we don't need the dummy graph node any more del distances[u] ## Create weight heuristics based on path lengths. for node_index, length in distances.iteritems(): self.graph.node[node_index]["weight"] = length for u, v in self.graph.edges(): w = (self.graph.node[u]["weight"] + self.graph.node[v]["weight"]) * 0.5 self.graph[u][v]["weight"] = 1 / w ** 2 ## And finally calculate the path to the flanking position. return nx.shortest_path(self.graph, current, target, weight="weight")
def _generate_path(self, frame_from, frame_to): ''' Generate a path between two frames. Arguments --------- frame_from: a frame key, usually a string example: 'world' frame_to: a frame key, usually a string example: 'mesh_0' Returns ---------- path: (n) list of frame keys example: ['mesh_finger', 'mesh_hand', 'world'] inverted: boolean flag, whether the path is traversing stored matrices forwards or backwards. ''' try: path = shortest_path(self._transforms, frame_from, frame_to) inverted = False except NetworkXNoPath: path = shortest_path(self._transforms, frame_to, frame_from) inverted = True self._paths[(frame_from, frame_to)] = (path, inverted) return path, inverted
def calculate_network_measures(net, analyser): deg=nx.degree_centrality(net) clust=[] if(net.is_multigraph()): net = analyser.flatGraph(net) if(nx.is_directed(net)): tmp_net=net.to_undirected() clust=nx.clustering(tmp_net) else: clust=nx.clustering(net) if(nx.is_directed(net)): tmp_net=net.to_undirected() paths=nx.shortest_path(tmp_net, source=None, target=None, weight=None) else: paths=nx.shortest_path(net, source=None, target=None, weight=None) lengths = [map(lambda a: len(a[1]), x[1].items()[1:]) for x in paths.items()] all_lengths=[] for a in lengths: all_lengths.extend(a) max_value=max(all_lengths) #all_lengths = [x / float(max_value) for x in all_lengths] return deg.values(),clust.values(),all_lengths
def _generate_path(self, topo, src_mac, dst_mac, src_port, dst_port, src_dpid, dst_dpid): """Generate path method.""" net = nx.DiGraph(data=topo) net.add_node(src_mac) net.add_node(dst_mac) net.add_edge(int(src_dpid), src_mac, {'port': int(src_port)}) net.add_edge(src_mac, int(src_dpid)) net.add_edge(int(dst_dpid), dst_mac, {'port': int(dst_port)}) net.add_edge(dst_mac, int(dst_dpid)) target_path = None try: path = nx.shortest_path(net, src_mac, dst_mac) path2 = nx.shortest_path(net, src_mac, dst_mac) path2.pop() path2.pop(0) list_load = check_switch_load(path2, data_collection.switch_stat, constant.load_limitation) if len(list_load) > 0: # print 'lui', list_load all_paths = nx.all_simple_paths(net, src_mac, dst_mac) path_list = list(all_paths) target_path_index, target_path_cost = calculate_least_cost_path(path_list, data_collection.switch_stat, net) target_path = path_list[target_path_index] else: target_path = path print 'tarrr', target_path except Exception: target_path = None return target_path
def get_exit_paths(instance): start, finish = instance.level.botSpawnAreas[] enemy_base = Vector2(start.x, start.y) instance.graph.add_node("enemy_base", position = (start.x, start.y), weight = 0.0) instance.graph.node["enemy_base"]["exit_path"] = 0.0 instance.graph.node["enemy_base"]["camp_target"] = 0.0 instance.graph.node["enemy_base"]["camp_location"] = 0.0 for i, j in itertools.product(range(int(start.x), int(finish.x)), range(int(start.y), int(finish.y))): instance.graph.add_edge("enemy_base", instance.terrain[j][i], weight = 1.0) our_flag_node = regressions2.get_node_index(instance, enemy_score_node = regressions2.get_node_index(instance, enemy_flag_node = regressions2.get_node_index(instance, our_score_node = regressions2.get_node_index(instance, b_to_flag = nx.shortest_path(instance.graph, source="enemy_base", target = our_flag_node) b_to_def = nx.shortest_path(instance.graph, source="enemy_base", target = enemy_flag_node) b_to_def2 = nx.shortest_path(instance.graph, source="enemy_base", target = our_score_node) #Calculate how the enemy is exiting from their base. exit_paths = [(b_to_flag, 10), (b_to_def, 6), (b_to_def2, 2)] for x in range(50): position = instance.level.findRandomFreePositionInBox(instance.level.area) base_seperation = position - enemy_base base_seperation = base_seperation*15/base_seperation.length() close_pos = enemy_base + base_seperation x, y = regressions2.sanitize_position(instance, close_pos) close_pos = Vector2(x, y) node_index = regressions2.get_node_index(instance, close_pos) path = nx.shortest_path(instance.graph, source="enemy_base", target = node_index) exit_paths.append((path, 4)) return exit_paths
def randomCommodities(random_graph, numCommodities, commodityDistribution = None): '''Generates a list of commodities with reachable source and sink and numCommodity groups numbers of commodities with the same starting source ''' edgeDict = random_graph.edge nodes = set([key for key in edgeDict.iterkeys()]) commodities = [] commodityDistribution = commodityDistribution or [1] * numCommodities assert len(commodityDistribution) <= len(nodes) for xCommodities in commodityDistribution: done = False while not done: randomChoice = random.sample(nodes, 1)[0] possSinks = [k for k in nx.shortest_path(random_graph,randomChoice).iterkeys()] possSinks.remove(randomChoice) if len(possSinks) < xCommodities: pass else: nodes.remove(randomChoice) sinks = random.sample(possSinks, xCommodities) for sink in sinks: commodities.append(Commodity(randomChoice, sink, random.randint(1,50))) done = True assert len(commodities) == numCommodities for commodity in commodities: assert(commodity.sink in nx.shortest_path(random_graph, commodity.source)) return commodities
def path(self, src_ip, dst_ip): src_mac = self.get_by_attr('ip', src_ip) dst_mac = self.get_by_attr('ip', dst_ip) #print "src_mac = %s dst_mac = %s" % (src_mac, dst_mac) ofctl_ip = self.get_ip_ofctl() if src_mac is None: if ofctl_ip == src_ip: src_mac = self.get_hw_ofctl() else: return [] if dst_mac is None: if ofctl_ip == dst_ip: dst_mac = self.get_hw_ofctl() else: dst_mac = self.get_my_crossdomain_sw(dst_ip) if dst_mac is not None: try: domain_path = shortest_path(self, src_mac, dst_mac, 'weight') except Exception as e: #log.debug("ERRO ENCONTRAR O PATH - %s", e) return [] if len(domain_path) != 0: dst_sw = self.get_dst_crossdomain_sw(dst_ip) domain_path.append(dst_sw) return domain_path else: return [] try: domain_path = shortest_path(self, src_mac, dst_mac, 'weight') except Exception as e: #log.debug("ERRO SYNC ADD EDGE - %s", e) return [] return domain_path
def main(fName="cppzk.txt"): g = nx.Graph() for eachLine in open(fName): fields = eachLine.split() g.add_edge(fields[0], fields[1]) # keyConns = [["ASPA0085", "ARGA0082"], ["ARGA0082", "GLUA0194"]] keyConns = [["ASPA0085", "GLUA0194"]] # keyConns = [["ASPA0085", "ARGA0082"], ["ARGA0082", "GLUA0194"], ["ASPA0085", "GLUA0194"]] keyAtoms = {"ASPA0085":["OD1", "OD2"], "ARGA0082":["NE", "NH1", "NH2"], "GLUA0194":["OE1", "OE2"]} for eachConn in keyConns: sourceRes = eachConn[0] targetRes = eachConn[1] for eachSourceAtom in keyAtoms[sourceRes]: sourceAtom = sourceRes + eachSourceAtom if sourceAtom not in g.nodes(): continue for eachTargetAtom in keyAtoms[targetRes]: targetAtom = targetRes + eachTargetAtom if targetAtom not in g.nodes(): continue if nx.has_path(g, sourceAtom, targetAtom): print "Path between %13s%13s" % (sourceAtom, targetAtom), print nx.shortest_path(g, sourceAtom, targetAtom)
def switches_to_remove(version, graph): if version == 0: return [] elif len(graph.switches()) < 2: return [] else: scratch_graph = graph.copy() nodes = [] hosts = scratch_graph.hosts()[::version * 2] for host1 in hosts: for host2 in hosts: if host1 == host2: continue try: path = nx.shortest_path(scratch_graph, host1, host2) except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath: continue # Pick a "middle" node node = path[len(path)/2] tmp_graph = scratch_graph.copy() tmp_graph.remove_node(node) try: nx.shortest_path(tmp_graph, host1, host2) except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath: continue # If path still exists, toss node onto list scratch_graph.remove_node(node) nodes.append(node) return nodes
def get_shortest_path(self, source, destination): G = nx.DiGraph() self.update() G.add_weighted_edges_from([(link.lastHopIP, link.destinationIP, link.tcEdgeCost) for link in self.linklist]) if self.is_in_topology(source) and self.is_in_topology(destination): return nx.shortest_path(G, source, destination) elif self.is_in_topology(source): # find the closest gateway closestgw = None cost = 0 for gw in self.gatewaylist: try: splen = nx.shortest_path_length(G, source, gw) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: return None if splen > cost: cost = splen closestgw = gw if closestgw: return nx.shortest_path(G, source, closestgw) else: return None elif self.is_in_topology(destination): # should this happen? res = self.get_shortest_path(destination, source) res.reverse() return res
def get_influence(self, nodea, nodeb): ''' Returns a positive number if "nodea is more dominant than nodeb"; Returns a negative number if "nodeb is more dominant than nodea"; Returns None if no influence comparison could be performed ''' try: ab = nx.shortest_path(self.G, nodea, nodeb) except nx.NetworkXError: print "Could not find one of the nodes in the graph" return 0.0 except nx.NetworkXNoPath: ab = None try: ba = nx.shortest_path(self.G, nodeb, nodea) except nx.NetworkXError: print "Could not find one of the nodes in the graph" return 0.0 except nx.NetworkXNoPath: ba = None if ab != None and ba != None: if len(ab) > len(ba): ab = None else: ba = None if ab != None: return 1./(len(ab)) elif ba != None: return -1./len(ba) else: return 0.0
def connectTrees(milestone, milestoneTree, notMilestoneTree, rho): """Attempts to connect the most recently added-to tree to the other tree. Tries two configurations, tests for distance, and then connects.""" newMilestone = notMilestoneTree.findCloseNewMilestone(milestone) if newMilestone is None: newMilestone = notMilestoneTree.getUniformSample() pathSuccess = None #try twice, once nearby, once random for i in range(2): distance = l2Distance(milestone, newMilestone) if distance < rho: milestoneTree.addEdge(milestone, newMilestone, weight=distance) #get the path from the root to the other root to test node = newMilestone firstHalfPath = nx.shortest_path(milestoneTree.graph, source=milestoneTree.root, target=node) #print firstHalfPath secondHalfPath = nx.shortest_path(notMilestoneTree.graph, source=notMilestoneTree.root, target=node) pathSuccess = testPath(milestoneTree, firstHalfPath, notMilestoneTree, secondHalfPath) #check if the path is clear. if it is, it will be not None, #otherwise it will be None if pathSuccess is not None: return firstHalfPath, secondHalfPath if pathSuccess is None or i is 1: return None newMilestone = notMilestoneTree.getUniformSample()
def get_score(self, player_goal, opponent_goal): if not self.is_terminal(player_goal, opponent_goal): player_path = nx.shortest_path(self.G, self.player_location, player_goal, weight="weight") self.player_score -= self.score_for_path(player_path, self.G) + len(player_path) opponent_path = nx.shortest_path(self.G, self.opponent_location, opponent_goal, weight="weight") self.opponent_score -= self.score_for_path(opponent_path, self.G) + len(opponent_path) return self.player_score+self.opponent_score+1000
def road(road_file_path, comments='#'): G = nx.read_edgelist(road_file_path, comments=comments, nodetype=int) nodes = [] start_node = random.choice(G.nodes()) queue = [start_node] added_nodes = 1 seen = set() while added_nodes < MAX_ROAD_NODES and len(queue) > 0: curr = queue.pop() if curr in seen: continue else: nodes.append(curr) queue += G.neighbors(curr) seen.add(curr) added_nodes += 1 G = G.subgraph(nodes) mapping = {} for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes()): x = i / 12 y = i % 12 mapping[node] = (x, y) #nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping, copy=False) mapping2 = {} for i, node in enumerate(sorted(G.nodes())): mapping2[node] = i #nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping2, copy=False) G.graph['name'] = 'road' pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, scale = graphscale) for u in G.nodes(): G.node[u]['pos'] = pos[u] done = False for i in xrange(MAX_ROAD_ATTEMPTS): n1, n2 = sample(G.nodes(), 2) if not nx.has_path(G, n1, n2): continue sp = nx.shortest_path(G, n1, n2) if len(sp) < 8 or len(sp) > 30: continue index = random.choice(range(len(sp) / 4, 3 * len(sp) / 4)) u, v = sp[index], sp[index + 1] G.remove_edge(u, v) if not nx.has_path(G, u, v): G.add_edge(u, v) continue fp = nx.shortest_path(G, u, v) if len(fp) > 8: G.add_edge(u, v) continue #print n1, n2, u, v, sp, fp G.add_edge(u, v) set_init_road_path(G, n1, n2, u, v) return G
def printroute(self): for src in self.nodes.iterkeys(): print "[Neighors List] neighbor = %s" % (src) print nx.neighbors(self.graph, src) print "[Shortest Paths] - %s " % (src) for dst in self.nodes.iterkeys(): if src != dst: print nx.shortest_path(self.graph, src, dst)
def _find_dir_path(graph, start, end): """ Function finds the path connecting two nodes in a directed graph under the condition that the two nodes are connected either directly or by a common ancestor node. """ # first possibility: there is a direct path between the two nodes # if nx.shortest_path(graph,start,end) != False: try: check = nx.shortest_path(graph, start, end) except: check = False if check == False: # return nx.shortest_path(graph,start,end) # else: # except: # second possibility: there is a direct path between the two nodes, but # it starts from the other node # if nx.shortest_path(graph,end,start) != False: try: check = nx.shortest_path(graph, end, start) except: check = False # return nx.shortest_path(graph,end,start) # third possibility: there is no direct path between the nodes in # neither direction, but there is a path in an undirected graph if check == False: if _fop(graph.to_undirected(), start, end) != []: # here, we simply check, whether with in all paths connecting the # two nodes there is a node which directly connects to both nodes # (i.e. which is the ancestor of both nodes). If this is the case, # the respective shortest path is what we are looking for. paths = _fop(graph.to_undirected(), start, end) current_path_length = max([len(path) for path in paths]) shortest_paths = nx.shortest_path(graph) current_path = [] for path in paths: for node in path[1:-1]: if start in shortest_paths[node].keys() \ and end in shortest_paths[node].keys(): if len(path) <= current_path_length: current_path_length = len(path) current_path = path break if current_path != []: return current_path else: return False # fourth condition: there is no path connecting the nodes at all else: return False else: return check else: return check
def two_edge_swap(G): """ Implements Lu and Ravi Edge Two Swap Algorithm Input: Original graph G Output: Generate a T two edge swap output Note: Work in progress """ T = degBasedMST(G); M = count_iterable(it.combinations(list(set(G.edges()).difference(set(T.edges()))),2)) print M i = 1 for e1,e2 in it.combinations(list(set(G.edges()).difference(set(T.edges()))),2): i += 1 U = T.copy() Degrees = list( try: path1 = nx.shortest_path(T, e1[0], e1[1]) for f1 in zip(path1[0:],path1[1:]): U.add_edge(e1[0],e1[1]) U.remove_edge(f1[0],f1[1]) try: path2 = nx.shortest_path(T, e2[0], e2[1]) for f2 in zip(path2[0:],path2[1:]): U.add_edge(e2[0],e2[1]) if (tuple([f2[0],f2[1]]) in U.edges()): U.remove_edge(f2[0],f2[1]) newDegrees = list( if newDegrees.count(1) > Degrees.count(1): print newDegrees.count(1) print i T = U.copy() Degrees = list( U.add_edge(f2[0],f2[1]); except nx.NetworkXNoPath: pass U.add_edge(f1[0],f1[1]); except nx.NetworkXNoPath: pass return T
def find_dependencies(G, source_filter_function, target_filter_function=None): source_nodes = filter(source_filter_function, G.nodes()) target_nodes = filter(target_filter_function, G.nodes()) \ if target_filter_function is not None else source_nodes for source, target in itertools.product(source_nodes, target_nodes): if not source == target and nx.has_path(G, source, target): print '\n%s -> %s' % (source, target) print nx.shortest_path(G, source=source, target=target)
def initialize(self): self.makeGraph() self.graph.add_node("enemy_base") self.positions["enemy_base"] = None start, finish = self.level.botSpawnAreas[] for i, j in itertools.product(range(int(start.x), int(finish.x)), range(int(start.y), int(finish.y))): self.graph.add_edge("enemy_base", self.terrain[j][i], weight = 1.0) self.graph.add_node("base") self.positions["base"] = None start, finish = self.level.botSpawnAreas[] for i, j in itertools.product(range(int(start.x), int(finish.x)), range(int(start.y), int(finish.y))): self.graph.add_edge("base", self.terrain[j][i], weight = 1.0) self.node_EnemyFlagIndex = self.getNodeIndex( self.node_EnemyScoreIndex = self.getNodeIndex( # self.node_Bases = self.graph.add_vertex() # e = self.graph.add_edge(self.node_Bases, self.node_MyBase) # e = self.graph.add_edge(self.node_Bases, self.node_EnemyBase) vb2f = nx.shortest_path(self.graph, source="enemy_base", target=self.node_EnemyFlagIndex) vf2s = nx.shortest_path(self.graph, source=self.node_EnemyFlagIndex, target=self.node_EnemyScoreIndex) #vb2s = nx.shortest_path(self.graph, source="enemy_base", target=self.node_EnemyScoreIndex) self.node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex = "enemy_base_to_flag" self.graph.add_node(self.node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex) self.positions["enemy_base_to_flag"] = None for vertex in vb2f: self.graph.add_edge(self.node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex, vertex, weight = 1.0) self.node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex = "enemy_flag_to_score" self.graph.add_node(self.node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex) self.positions["enemy_flag_to_score"] = None for vertex in vf2s: self.graph.add_edge(self.node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex, vertex, weight = 1.0) self.node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex = "enemy_base_to_score" self.graph.add_node(self.node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex) self.positions["enemy_base_to_score"] = None # for vertex in vb2s: # self.graph.add_edge(self.node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex, vertex, weight = 1.0) ## node = self.makeNode( self.distances = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(self.graph, self.node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex) self.graph.remove_node("base") self.graph.remove_node("enemy_base") self.graph.remove_node(self.node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex) self.graph.remove_node(self.node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex) self.graph.remove_node(self.node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex) self.updateEdgeWeights() self.paths = {b: None for b in}
def setupGraphs(commander): makeGraph(commander) commander.graph.add_node("enemy_base") commander.positions["enemy_base"] = None start, finish = commander.level.botSpawnAreas[] for i, j in itertools.product(range(int(start.x), int(finish.x)), range(int(start.y), int(finish.y))): commander.graph.add_edge("enemy_base", commander.terrain[j][i], weight=1.0) commander.graph.add_node("base") commander.positions["base"] = None start, finish = commander.level.botSpawnAreas[] for i, j in itertools.product(range(int(start.x), int(finish.x)), range(int(start.y), int(finish.y))): commander.graph.add_edge("base", commander.terrain[j][i], weight=1.0) node_EnemyFlagIndex = getNodeIndex(commander, node_EnemyScoreIndex = getNodeIndex(commander, # self.node_Bases = commander.graph.add_vertex() # e = commander.graph.add_edge(self.node_Bases, self.node_MyBase) # e = commander.graph.add_edge(self.node_Bases, self.node_EnemyBase) vb2f = nx.shortest_path(commander.graph, source="enemy_base", target=node_EnemyFlagIndex) vf2s = nx.shortest_path(commander.graph, source=node_EnemyFlagIndex, target=node_EnemyScoreIndex) #vb2s = nx.shortest_path(commander.graph, source="enemy_base", target=self.node_EnemyScoreIndex) node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex = "enemy_base_to_flag" commander.graph.add_node(node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex) commander.positions["enemy_base_to_flag"] = None for vertex in vb2f: commander.graph.add_edge(node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex, vertex, weight=1.0) node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex = "enemy_flag_to_score" commander.graph.add_node(node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex) commander.positions["enemy_flag_to_score"] = None for vertex in vf2s: commander.graph.add_edge(node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex, vertex, weight=1.0) node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex = "enemy_base_to_score" commander.graph.add_node(node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex) commander.positions["enemy_base_to_score"] = None # for vertex in vb2s: # commander.graph.add_edge(self.node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex, vertex, weight = 1.0) ## node = self.makeNode( distances = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(commander.graph, node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex) commander.graph.remove_node("base") commander.graph.remove_node("enemy_base") commander.graph.remove_node(node_EnemyBaseToFlagIndex) commander.graph.remove_node(node_EnemyFlagToScoreIndex) commander.graph.remove_node(node_EnemyBaseToScoreIndex) updateEdgeWeights(commander, distances) commander.originalGraph = commander.graph
def least_common_subsumer(self, node1, node2): path1 = nx.shortest_path(self._taxonomy, node1, self._root) path2 = nx.shortest_path(self._taxonomy, node2, self._root) i = 1 lcs = self._root while i <= len(path1) and i <= len(path2): if path1[-i] == path2[-i]: lcs = path1[-i] i = i + 1 return lcs
import networkx as nx from matplotlib import pyplot as plt graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_edges_from([("root", "a"), ("a", "b"), ("a", "e"), ("b", "c"), ("b", "d"), ("d", "e")]) graph.nodes() # => NodeView(('root', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'c', 'd')) nx.shortest_path(graph, 'root', 'e') # => ['root', 'a', 'e'] nx.dag_longest_path(graph) # => ['root', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e'] list(nx.topological_sort(graph)) # => ['root', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'c'] nx.is_directed(graph) nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph)
def path_to(self, target): try: return shortest_path(, self.pos, target) except: return None
def Shortest_Path(): # #--------------------------------------DELETING/Getting rid of any previous graph----------------------------------------- global Graph, visuals, button, toolbar, G, fixed_nodes, fixed_positions, pos, graph startnode = Entry1_7.get() endnode = Entry1_8.get() #This will deal with empty Entry inputs if len(startnode) == 0: startnode = int(list(G.nodes())[-1]) #This will deal with empty Entry inputs if len(endnode) == 0: endnode = int(list(G.nodes())[-1]) p = nx.shortest_path(G) print(p) path = list(p[int(startnode)][int(endnode)]) print("PAth=" + str(path)) x = [] txt = "" nx.draw(G, pos, fixed=None, with_labels=True, node_size=800, node_color='skyblue', node_shape="s", alpha=0.5, linewidths=10, font_size=8, font_weight='bold') labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'weight') j = 0 for i in path: j = j + 1 x.append(i) plt.title('Iteration {}'.format(j)) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=x, node_size=400, node_color='yellow', node_shape="s", alpha=0.5, linewidths=10, font_size=8, font_weight='bold') # visuals.after(1000) print("Getting Inside") if str(i) == str(endnode): nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=[i], node_size=400, node_color='red', node_shape="s", alpha=0.5, linewidths=10, font_size=8, font_weight='bold') break plt.pause(1) # plt.clf() # txt = str(x) sp = plt.text(0.5, -0.1, "Shortest Path: " + txt, size=12, ha="center", transform=ax.transAxes) #Shows the Caption below the graph
def process_sentence_spacy(base_dir, sentence, sentence_entities, sentence_pairs, positive_entities, wordnet_tags=None, mask_entities=True, min_sdp_len=0, max_sdp_len=15): """Process sentence to obtain labels, instances and classes for a ML classifier :param base_dir: :param sentence: sentence processed by spacy :param sentence_entities: dictionary mapping entity ID to ((e_start, e_end), text, paths_to_root) :param sentence_pairs: dictionary mapping pairs of known entities in this sentence to pair types :param positive_entities: :param wordnet_tags: :param mask_entities: :param min_sdp_len: :param max_sdp_len: :return: labels of each pair (according to sentence_entities, word vectors and classes (pair types according to sentence_pairs) """ left_word_vectors = [] right_word_vectors = [] left_wordnets = [] right_wordnets = [] classes = [] labels = [] graph, nodes_list = get_network_graph_spacy(sentence) sentence_head_tokens_type_1, sentence_head_tokens_type_2, pos_gv, neg_gv = get_head_tokens_spacy( base_dir, sentence_entities, sentence, positive_entities) entity_offsets = [sentence_entities[x][0][0] for x in sentence_entities] for (e1, e2) in product(sentence_head_tokens_type_1, sentence_head_tokens_type_2): if sentence_head_tokens_type_1.get(e1): if int(sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e1].split('e')[-1]) > int( sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e2].split('e')[-1]): e1, e2 = e2, e1 else: if int(sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e2].split('e')[-1]) > int( sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e1].split('e')[-1]): e2, e1 = e1, e2 if sentence_head_tokens_type_1.get(e1): e1_text = sentence_entities[sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e1]] e2_text = sentence_entities[sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e2]] else: e2_text = sentence_entities[sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e2]] e1_text = sentence_entities[sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e1]] if 'train' in base_dir: middle_text = sentence.text[e1_text[0][-1]:e2_text[0][0]] if middle_text.strip() in string.punctuation: continue try: sdp = nx.shortest_path(graph, source=e1, target=e2) if len(sdp) < min_sdp_len or len(sdp) > max_sdp_len: continue neg = False is_neg_gv = False for i, element in enumerate(sdp): token_text = element.split('-')[0] if (i == 1 or i == len(sdp) - 2) and token_text in neg_gv_list:'Skipped gv {} {}:'.format( token_text, str(sdp))) if neg or is_neg_gv: continue vector = [] wordnet_vector = [] negations = 0 head_token_position = None for i, element in enumerate(sdp): if element != 'ROOT': token_idx = int( element.split('-')[-1]) # get the index of the token sdp_token = sentence[token_idx] # get the token object if mask_entities and sdp_token.idx in entity_offsets: vector.append('entity') else: vector.append(sdp_token.text) if wordnet_tags: wordnet_vector.append(wordnet_tags[token_idx]) head_token = '{}-{}'.format( sdp_token.head.lower_, sdp_token.head.i) # get the key of head token # Head token must not have its head in the path, otherwise that would be the head token # In some cases the token is its own head if head_token not in sdp or head_token == element: head_token_position = i + negations if head_token_position is None: print('Head token not found:', e1_text, e2_text, sdp) sys.exit() else: left_vector = vector[:head_token_position + 1] right_vector = vector[head_token_position:] left_wordnet = wordnet_vector[:head_token_position + 1] right_wordnet = wordnet_vector[head_token_position:] left_word_vectors.append(left_vector) right_word_vectors.append(right_vector) left_wordnets.append(left_wordnet) right_wordnets.append(right_wordnet) except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath: logging.warning('No path:', e1_text, e2_text, graph.nodes()) left_word_vectors.append([]) right_word_vectors.append([]) left_wordnets.append([]) right_wordnets.append([]) except nx.NodeNotFound: logging.warning(('Node not found:', e1_text, e2_text, e1, e2, list(sentence), graph.nodes())) left_word_vectors.append([]) right_word_vectors.append([]) left_wordnets.append([]) right_wordnets.append([]) if sentence_head_tokens_type_1.get(e1): labels.append((sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e1], sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e2])) if (sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e1], sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e2]) in sentence_pairs: classes.append( sentence_pairs[(sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e1], sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e2])]) else: classes.append(0) else: labels.append((sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e2], sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e1])) if (sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e2], sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e1]) in sentence_pairs: classes.append( sentence_pairs[(sentence_head_tokens_type_1[e2], sentence_head_tokens_type_2[e1])]) else: classes.append(0) return labels, (left_word_vectors, right_word_vectors), ( left_wordnets, right_wordnets), classes, pos_gv, neg_gv
def validate_consistent_re(N=500, delta_true=.15, sigma_true=[.1,.1,.1,.1,.1], true=dict(i=quadratic, f=constant, r=constant)): types = pl.array(['i', 'r', 'f', 'p']) ## generate simulated data model = data_simulation.simple_model(N) model.input_data['effective_sample_size'] = 1. model.input_data['value'] = 0. # coarse knot spacing for fast testing for t in types: model.parameters[t]['parameter_age_mesh'] = range(0, 101, 20) sim = consistent_model.consistent_model(model, 'all', 'total', 'all', {}) for t in 'irf': for i, k_i in enumerate(sim[t]['knots']): sim[t]['gamma'][i].value = pl.log(true[t](k_i)) age_start = pl.array(mc.runiform(0, 100, size=N), dtype=int) age_end = pl.array(mc.runiform(age_start, 100, size=N), dtype=int) data_type = types[mc.rcategorical(pl.ones(len(types), dtype=float) / float(len(types)), size=N)] a = pl.arange(101) age_weights = pl.ones_like(a) sum_wt = pl.cumsum(age_weights) p = pl.zeros(N) for t in types: mu_t = sim[t]['mu_age'].value sum_mu_wt = pl.cumsum(mu_t*age_weights) p_t = (sum_mu_wt[age_end] - sum_mu_wt[age_start]) / (sum_wt[age_end] - sum_wt[age_start]) # correct cases where age_start == age_end i = age_start == age_end if pl.any(i): p_t[i] = mu_t[age_start[i]] # copy part into p p[data_type==t] = p_t[data_type==t] # add covariate shifts import dismod3 import simplejson as json gbd_model = data.ModelData.from_gbd_jsons(json.loads(dismod3.disease_json.DiseaseJson().to_json())) model.hierarchy = gbd_model.hierarchy from validate_covariates import alpha_true_sim area_list = pl.array(['all', 'super-region_3', 'north_africa_middle_east', 'EGY', 'KWT', 'IRN', 'IRQ', 'JOR', 'SYR']) alpha = {} for t in types: alpha[t] = alpha_true_sim(model, area_list, sigma_true) print json.dumps(alpha, indent=2) model.input_data['area'] = area_list[mc.rcategorical(pl.ones(len(area_list)) / float(len(area_list)), N)] for i, a in model.input_data['area'].iteritems(): t = data_type[i] p[i] = p[i] * pl.exp(pl.sum([alpha[t][n] for n in nx.shortest_path(model.hierarchy, 'all', a) if n in alpha])) n = mc.runiform(100, 10000, size=N) model.input_data['data_type'] = data_type model.input_data['age_start'] = age_start model.input_data['age_end'] = age_end model.input_data['effective_sample_size'] = n model.input_data['true'] = p model.input_data['value'] = mc.rnegative_binomial(n*p, delta_true) / n # coarse knot spacing for fast testing for t in types: model.parameters[t]['parameter_age_mesh'] = range(0, 101, 20) ## Then fit the model and compare the estimates to the truth model.vars = {} model.vars = consistent_model.consistent_model(model, 'all', 'total', 'all', {}), model.mcmc = fit_model.fit_consistent_model(model.vars, iter=101, burn=0, thin=1, tune_interval=100), model.mcmc = fit_model.fit_consistent_model(model.vars, iter=10000, burn=5000, thin=25, tune_interval=100) graphics.plot_convergence_diag(model.vars) graphics.plot_fit(model, model.vars, {}, {}) for i, t in enumerate('i r f p rr pf'.split()): pl.subplot(2, 3, i+1) pl.plot(range(101), sim[t]['mu_age'].value, 'w-', label='Truth', linewidth=2) pl.plot(range(101), sim[t]['mu_age'].value, 'r-', label='Truth', linewidth=1) model.input_data['mu_pred'] = 0. model.input_data['sigma_pred'] = 0. for t in types: model.input_data['mu_pred'][data_type==t] = model.vars[t]['p_pred'].stats()['mean'] model.input_data['sigma_pred'][data_type==t] = model.vars[t]['p_pred'].stats()['standard deviation'] data_simulation.add_quality_metrics(model.input_data) = pandas.DataFrame(dict(true=[delta_true for t in types if t != 'rr']))['mu_pred'] = [pl.exp(model.vars[t]['eta'].trace()).mean() for t in types if t != 'rr']['sigma_pred'] = [pl.exp(model.vars[t]['eta'].trace()).std() for t in types if t != 'rr'] data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( model.alpha = pandas.DataFrame() model.sigma = pandas.DataFrame() for t in types: alpha_t = pandas.DataFrame(index=[n for n in nx.traversal.dfs_preorder_nodes(model.hierarchy)]) alpha_t['true'] = pandas.Series(dict(alpha[t])) alpha_t['mu_pred'] = pandas.Series([n.stats()['mean'] for n in model.vars[t]['alpha']], index=model.vars[t]['U'].columns) alpha_t['sigma_pred'] = pandas.Series([n.stats()['standard deviation'] for n in model.vars[t]['alpha']], index=model.vars[t]['U'].columns) alpha_t['type'] = t model.alpha = model.alpha.append(alpha_t.dropna(), ignore_index=True) sigma_t = pandas.DataFrame(dict(true=sigma_true)) sigma_t['mu_pred'] = [n.stats()['mean'] for n in model.vars[t]['sigma_alpha']] sigma_t['sigma_pred'] = [n.stats()['standard deviation'] for n in model.vars[t]['sigma_alpha']] model.sigma = model.sigma.append(sigma_t.dropna(), ignore_index=True) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics(model.alpha) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics(model.sigma) print 'delta' print print '\ndata prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f' % (model.input_data['abs_err'].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(model.input_data['rel_err'].dropna())), model.input_data['covered?'].mean()) = pandas.DataFrame() for t in types: =[t]['mu_age'].value, mu_pred=model.vars[t]['mu_age'].stats()['mean'], sigma_pred=model.vars[t]['mu_age'].stats()['standard deviation'])), ignore_index=True) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( print '\nparam prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f' % (['abs_err'].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(['rel_err'].dropna())),['covered?'].mean()) print data_simulation.initialize_results(model) data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'delta') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'mu') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'input_data') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'alpha') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'sigma') data_simulation.finalize_results(model) print model.results return model
def _neighbors(self, node, levels=1, graph=None): """Return graph of neighbors around node in graph (default: self.dataG) to a certain number of levels""" if graph is None: graph = self.dataG if not isinstance(node, (list, tuple, set)): node = [ node, ] neighbors = set(node) blocks = [[ n, ] for n in node] for i in range(levels): for n in neighbors: new_neighbors = set(graph.neighbors(n)) - neighbors blocks.append(new_neighbors) neighbors = neighbors.union(new_neighbors) G = graph.subgraph(neighbors) if len(blocks) > 1: # Create a block repersentation of our graph and make sure we're plotting # anything that connects the blocks too # Create blocks for each individual node not already in a block non_blocked = set(self.dataG.nodes()) - neighbors non_blocked = [[ a, ] for a in non_blocked] partitions = blocks + non_blocked # B = nx.blockmodel(graph, partitions) B = nx.quotient_graph(graph, partitions, relabel=True) # The resulting graph will has nodes numbered according their index in partitions # We want to go through the partitions which are blocks and find the shortest path num_blocks = len(blocks) for frm_node, to_node in zip(range(num_blocks), range(1, num_blocks - 1)): try: path = nx.shortest_path(B, frm_node, to_node) except nx.NetworkXNoPath as e: pass # In an island, which is permissible except nx.NodeNotFound as e2: pass # Node reduced away, which is permissible except nx.NetworkXError as e: tkm.showerror("Node not in graph", str(e)) return else: # Break path in B back down into path in G path2 = [] for a in path[1:-1]: # don't include end points for n in partitions[a]: neighbors.add(n) G = graph.subgraph(neighbors) return G
df = pd.read_csv('D:/Practise/advent_of_code/day_6_input.txt', header=None) df.columns = ['original'] df['to'] = df['original'].str[:3] df['from'] = df['original'].str[4:] # Solution to part 1 # Creating a directed graph G = nx.DiGraph() #Adding nodes and edges to the graph for i, j in df.iterrows(): G.add_edge(j[2], j[1]) # Finding the shortest path from each node to COM sp = nx.shortest_path(G, target='COM') # Computing total number of orbits orbits = 0 for key in sp: orbits = orbits + (len(sp[key]) - 1) print(orbits) # Part 2 #Converting the graph to an undirected graph UG = G.to_undirected() #Finding the orbital transfers needed between YOU and SAN print(len(nx.shortest_path(UG, source='YOU', target='SAN')) - 3)
def global_reaching_centrality(G, weight=None, normalized=True): """Returns the global reaching centrality of a directed graph. The *global reaching centrality* of a weighted directed graph is the average over all nodes of the difference between the local reaching centrality of the node and the greatest local reaching centrality of any node in the graph [1]_. For more information on the local reaching centrality, see :func:`local_reaching_centrality`. Informally, the local reaching centrality is the proportion of the graph that is reachable from the neighbors of the node. Parameters ---------- G : DiGraph A networkx DiGraph. weight : None or string, optional (default=None) Attribute to use for edge weights. If ``None``, each edge weight is assumed to be one. A higher weight implies a stronger connection between nodes and a *shorter* path length. normalized : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to normalize the edge weights by the total sum of edge weights. Returns ------- h : float The global reaching centrality of the graph. Examples -------- >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.DiGraph() >>> G.add_edge(1, 2) >>> G.add_edge(1, 3) >>> nx.global_reaching_centrality(G) 1.0 >>> G.add_edge(3, 2) >>> nx.global_reaching_centrality(G) 0.75 See also -------- local_reaching_centrality References ---------- .. [1] Mones, Enys, Lilla Vicsek, and Tamás Vicsek. "Hierarchy Measure for Complex Networks." *PLoS ONE* 7.3 (2012): e33799. """ if nx.is_negatively_weighted(G, weight=weight): raise nx.NetworkXError('edge weights must be positive') total_weight = G.size(weight=weight) if total_weight <= 0: raise nx.NetworkXError('Size of G must be positive') # If provided, weights must be interpreted as connection strength # (so higher weights are more likely to be chosen). However, the # shortest path algorithms in NetworkX assume the provided "weight" # is actually a distance (so edges with higher weight are less # likely to be chosen). Therefore we need to invert the weights when # computing shortest paths. # # If weight is None, we leave it as-is so that the shortest path # algorithm can use a faster, unweighted algorithm. if weight is not None: def as_distance(u, v, d): return total_weight / d.get(weight, 1) shortest_paths = nx.shortest_path(G, weight=as_distance) else: shortest_paths = nx.shortest_path(G) centrality = local_reaching_centrality # TODO This can be trivially parallelized. lrc = [ centrality(G, node, paths=paths, weight=weight, normalized=normalized) for node, paths in shortest_paths.items() ] max_lrc = max(lrc) return sum(max_lrc - c for c in lrc) / (len(G) - 1)
def shortest_path(src, dst): G = networkx.Graph() G.add_edges(topo.links) path = networkx.shortest_path(G, src, dst) return helper.to_magellan_path(path)
def paga_compare_paths(adata1, adata2, adjacency_key='connectivities', adjacency_key2=None): """Compare paths in abstracted graphs in two datasets. Compute the fraction of consistent paths between leafs, a measure for the topological similarity between graphs. By increasing the verbosity to level 4 and 5, the paths that do not agree and the paths that agree are written to the output, respectively. The PAGA "groups key" needs to be the same in both objects. Parameters ---------- adata1, adata2 : AnnData Annotated data matrices to compare. adjacency_key : str Key for indexing the adjacency matrices in `.uns['paga']` to be used in adata1 and adata2. adjacency_key2 : str, None If provided, used for adata2. Returns ------- OrderedTuple with attributes ``n_steps`` (total number of steps in paths) and ``frac_steps`` (fraction of consistent steps), ``n_paths`` and ``frac_paths``. """ import networkx as nx g1 = nx.Graph(adata1.uns['paga'][adjacency_key]) g2 = nx.Graph(adata2.uns['paga'][adjacency_key2 if adjacency_key2 is not None else adjacency_key]) leaf_nodes1 = [str(x) for x in g1.nodes() if == 1] logg.msg('leaf nodes in graph 1: {}'.format(leaf_nodes1), v=5, no_indent=True) paga_groups = adata1.uns['paga']['groups'] asso_groups1 = utils.identify_groups(adata1.obs[paga_groups].values, adata2.obs[paga_groups].values) asso_groups2 = utils.identify_groups(adata2.obs[paga_groups].values, adata1.obs[paga_groups].values) orig_names1 = adata1.obs[paga_groups].cat.categories orig_names2 = adata2.obs[paga_groups].cat.categories import itertools n_steps = 0 n_agreeing_steps = 0 n_paths = 0 n_agreeing_paths = 0 # loop over all pairs of leaf nodes in the reference adata1 for (r, s) in itertools.combinations(leaf_nodes1, r=2): r2, s2 = asso_groups1[r][0], asso_groups1[s][0] orig_names = [orig_names1[int(i)] for i in [r, s]] orig_names += [orig_names2[int(i)] for i in [r2, s2]] logg.msg('compare shortest paths between leafs ({}, {}) in graph1 and ({}, {}) in graph2:' .format(*orig_names), v=4, no_indent=True) no_path1 = False try: path1 = [str(x) for x in nx.shortest_path(g1, int(r), int(s))] except nx.NetworkXNoPath: no_path1 = True no_path2 = False try: path2 = [str(x) for x in nx.shortest_path(g2, int(r2), int(s2))] except nx.NetworkXNoPath: no_path2 = True if no_path1 and no_path2: # consistent behavior n_paths += 1 n_agreeing_paths += 1 n_steps += 1 n_agreeing_steps += 1 logg.msg('there are no connecting paths in both graphs', v=5, no_indent=True) continue elif no_path1 or no_path2: # non-consistent result n_paths += 1 n_steps += 1 continue if len(path1) >= len(path2): path_mapped = [asso_groups1[l] for l in path1] path_compare = path2 path_compare_id = 2 path_compare_orig_names = [[orig_names2[int(s)] for s in l] for l in path_compare] path_mapped_orig_names = [[orig_names2[int(s)] for s in l] for l in path_mapped] else: path_mapped = [asso_groups2[l] for l in path2] path_compare = path1 path_compare_id = 1 path_compare_orig_names = [[orig_names1[int(s)] for s in l] for l in path_compare] path_mapped_orig_names = [[orig_names1[int(s)] for s in l] for l in path_mapped] n_agreeing_steps_path = 0 ip_progress = 0 for il, l in enumerate(path_compare[:-1]): for ip, p in enumerate(path_mapped): if ip >= ip_progress and l in p: # check whether we can find the step forward of path_compare in path_mapped if (ip + 1 < len(path_mapped) and path_compare[il + 1] in path_mapped[ip + 1]): # make sure that a step backward leads us to the same value of l # in case we "jumped" logg.msg('found matching step ({} -> {}) at position {} in path{} and position {} in path_mapped' .format(l, path_compare_orig_names[il + 1], il, path_compare_id, ip), v=6) consistent_history = True for iip in range(ip, ip_progress, -1): if l not in path_mapped[iip - 1]: consistent_history = False if consistent_history: # here, we take one step further back (ip_progress - 1); it's implied that this # was ok in the previous step logg.msg(' step(s) backward to position(s) {} in path_mapped are fine, too: valid step' .format(list(range(ip - 1, ip_progress - 2, -1))), v=6) n_agreeing_steps_path += 1 ip_progress = ip + 1 break n_steps_path = len(path_compare) - 1 n_agreeing_steps += n_agreeing_steps_path n_steps += n_steps_path n_paths += 1 if n_agreeing_steps_path == n_steps_path: n_agreeing_paths += 1 # only for the output, use original names path1_orig_names = [orig_names1[int(s)] for s in path1] path2_orig_names = [orig_names2[int(s)] for s in path2] logg.msg(' path1 = {},\n' 'path_mapped = {},\n' ' path2 = {},\n' '-> n_agreeing_steps = {} / n_steps = {}.' .format(path1_orig_names, [list(p) for p in path_mapped_orig_names], path2_orig_names, n_agreeing_steps_path, n_steps_path), v=5, no_indent=True) Result = namedtuple('paga_compare_paths_result', ['frac_steps', 'n_steps', 'frac_paths', 'n_paths']) return Result(frac_steps=n_agreeing_steps/n_steps if n_steps > 0 else np.nan, n_steps=n_steps if n_steps > 0 else np.nan, frac_paths=n_agreeing_paths/n_paths if n_steps > 0 else np.nan, n_paths=n_paths if n_steps > 0 else np.nan)
def setup_asr_step_methods(m, vars, additional_stochs=[]): # groups RE stochastics that are suspected of being dependent groups = [] fe_group = [ n for n in vars.get('beta', []) if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic) ] ap_group = [ n for n in vars.get('gamma', []) if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic) ] groups += [[g_i, g_j] for g_i, g_j in zip(ap_group[1:], ap_group[:-1]) ] + [fe_group, ap_group, fe_group + ap_group] for a in vars.get('hierarchy', []): group = [] col_map = dict([[key, i] for i, key in enumerate(vars['U'].columns)]) if a in vars['U']: for b in nx.shortest_path(vars['hierarchy'], 'all', a): if b in vars['U']: n = vars['alpha'][col_map[b]] if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic): group.append(n) groups.append(group) #if len(group) > 0: #group += ap_group #groups.append(group) #group += fe_group #groups.append(group) for stoch in groups: if len(stoch) > 0 and np.all( [isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic) for n in stoch]): # only step certain stochastics, for understanding convergence #if 'gamma_i' not in stoch[0].__name__: # print 'no stepper for', stoch # m.use_step_method(mc.NoStepper, stoch) # continue #print 'finding Normal Approx for', [n.__name__ for n in stoch] if additional_stochs == []: vars_to_fit = [ vars.get('p_obs'), vars.get('pi_sim'), vars.get('smooth_gamma'), vars.get('parent_similarity'), vars.get('mu_sim'), vars.get('mu_age_derivative_potential'), vars.get('covariate_constraint') ] else: vars_to_fit = additional_stochs try: raise ValueError na = mc.NormApprox(vars_to_fit + stoch)'fmin_powell', verbose=0) cov = np.array(np.inv(-na.hess), order='F') #print 'opt:', np.round_([n.value for n in stoch], 2) #print 'cov:\n', cov.round(4) if np.all(np.eigvals(cov) >= 0): m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch, cov=cov) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: #print 'cov matrix is not positive semi-definite' m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch)
# In[11]: G.number_of_edges() # In[8]: nx.number_of_isolates(G) # In[9]: nx.density(G) # In[11]: list(nx.shortest_path(G, 'Alps', 'Aara')) # In[20]: nx.average_clustering(G) # In[33]: i = 100 print("Page:", a_links[i]) for j in range(len(matrix)): if matrix[i][j] == 1: print(j, a_links[j])
# Find the 30 airports with most edges (both in and out) graph = create_graph() a = dict( b = sorted(a, key=lambda x: x[1]) print([n for n, e in b[-30:]]) # Draw a graph over these ca = graph.subgraph([x[0] for x in b[-30:]]) draw_graph(ca) plt.savefig('Graph.svg', format='SVG') print(max(dict(, key=lambda x: x[1])) n = nx.shortest_path(ca) print('Something: ', n) # Create a flask server and plot the graph on this. Additional: Make a calculator on the app # That calculates the shortest path between two points app = Flask(__name__) tmpl = """{% block content %} <section> {{ svg }} </section> {% endblock %}""" @app.route('/') def show_svg():
#------------------------------------------------------------- #distancia promedio de un nodo a todos los de su comunidad #distancia se podria medir como el numero de links en el camino mas corto para llegar a otro. #Ej: #distancia entre 'Jet' y 'Trigger' = len(nx.shortest_path(mydolphins,'Jet','Trigger')) - 1 #Calculo de a[i] a = [ ] #contendra para cada nodo en delfines la distancia promedio a nodos de su misma comunidad for idelfin in delfines: distancias = [] for jdelfin in delfines: if mydolphins.nodes[idelfin]['comunity'] == mydolphins.nodes[jdelfin][ 'comunity']: distancias.append( len(nx.shortest_path(mydolphins, idelfin, jdelfin)) - 1) promedio = np.mean(distancias) a.append(promedio) #Calculo de b[i] b = [ ] #contendria para cada nodo en delfines la distancia promedio a nodos de otras comunidades, devuelvo el promedio minimo for idelfin in delfines: #Me quedo con las comunidades distintas a la del delfin idelfin comuni = ['blue', 'red', 'orange', 'green'] comuni.remove(mydolphins.node[idelfin]['comunity']) b_comuni = [] for c in comuni: distancias = [] for jdelfin in delfines: if mydolphins.nodes[jdelfin]['comunity'] == c:
sammap.add_edge(11, 900, func='straight_turn', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(12, 900, func='right_turn', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(12, 500, func='left_turn', max_sd=10) # adding the edge from the self made nodes to the real nodes. sammap.add_edge(100, 1, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(200, 2, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(300, 3, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(400, 4, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(500, 5, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(600, 6, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(700, 7, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(800, 8, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(900, 9, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(1000, 10, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(1100, 11, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) sammap.add_edge(1200, 12, func='lane_follow', max_sd=10) if __name__ == '__main__': start = sys.argv[1] rest = sys.argv[2:] start = int(start) rest = [int(node) for node in rest] path = [start] for goal in rest: next_path = nx.shortest_path(sammap, path[-1], goal) path.extend(nx.shortest_path(sammap, path[-1], goal)[1:]) print(path) print([node for node in path if node < 99])
def local_reaching_centrality(G, v, paths=None, weight=None, normalized=True): """Returns the local reaching centrality of a node in a directed graph. The *local reaching centrality* of a node in a directed graph is the proportion of other nodes reachable from that node [1]_. Parameters ---------- G : DiGraph A NetworkX DiGraph. v : node A node in the directed graph `G`. paths : dictionary (default=None) If this is not `None` it must be a dictionary representation of single-source shortest paths, as computed by, for example, :func:`networkx.shortest_path` with source node `v`. Use this keyword argument if you intend to invoke this function many times but don't want the paths to be recomputed each time. weight : None or string, optional (default=None) Attribute to use for edge weights. If `None`, each edge weight is assumed to be one. A higher weight implies a stronger connection between nodes and a *shorter* path length. normalized : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to normalize the edge weights by the total sum of edge weights. Returns ------- h : float The local reaching centrality of the node ``v`` in the graph ``G``. Examples -------- >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.DiGraph() >>> G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3)]) >>> nx.local_reaching_centrality(G, 3) 0.0 >>> G.add_edge(3, 2) >>> nx.local_reaching_centrality(G, 3) 0.5 See also -------- global_reaching_centrality References ---------- .. [1] Mones, Enys, Lilla Vicsek, and Tamás Vicsek. "Hierarchy Measure for Complex Networks." *PLoS ONE* 7.3 (2012): e33799. """ if paths is None: if nx.is_negatively_weighted(G, weight=weight): raise nx.NetworkXError('edge weights must be positive') total_weight = G.size(weight=weight) if total_weight <= 0: raise nx.NetworkXError('Size of G must be positive') if weight is not None: # Interpret weights as lengths. def as_distance(u, v, d): return total_weight / d.get(weight, 1) paths = nx.shortest_path(G, source=v, weight=as_distance) else: paths = nx.shortest_path(G, source=v) # If the graph is unweighted, simply return the proportion of nodes # reachable from the source node ``v``. if weight is None and G.is_directed(): return (len(paths) - 1) / (len(G) - 1) if normalized and weight is not None: norm = G.size(weight=weight) / G.size() else: norm = 1 # TODO This can be trivially parallelized. avgw = (_average_weight(G, path, weight=weight) for path in paths.values()) sum_avg_weight = sum(avgw) / norm return sum_avg_weight / (len(G) - 1)
try: c.inputs.append(direction) except OutputInterrupt: reply = c.outputs[-1] test_position = add_tuples(position, direction_movement[direction]) ship_map[test_position] = reply # visualise the search by uncommenting this # draw(ship_map, []) if reply == 1: # found an open space so add all directions from the new space to the frontier for d in direction_movement: p = add_tuples(test_position, direction_movement[d]) if p not in ship_map: frontier.append((test_position, d, deepcopy(c))) if reply == 2: target = test_position graph = build_graph(ship_map, target) shortest = networkx.shortest_path(graph, (0, 0), target) flood = networkx.eccentricity(graph, v=target) # draw(ship_map, shortest) print(f"Shortest path to oxygen is {len(shortest) - 1} commands") print(f"Oxygen is flooded in {flood} minutes") print(f"My flood took {flood_oxygen(ship_map, target)} minutes")
"""Return the words example graph from the Stanford GraphBase""" fh ='words4_dat.txt.gz', 'r') words = set() for line in fh.readlines(): line = line.decode() if line.startswith('*'): continue w = str(line[0:4]) words.add(w) return generate_graph(words) if __name__ == '__main__': G = words_graph() print("Loaded words_dat.txt containing 2174 four-letter English words.") print("Two words are connected if they differ in one letter.") print("Graph has %d nodes with %d edges" % (nx.number_of_nodes(G), nx.number_of_edges(G))) print("%d connected components" % nx.number_connected_components(G)) for (source, target) in [ ('acid', 'back'), ('awry', 'zion'), ]: print("Shortest path between %s and %s is" % (source, target)) try: sp = nx.shortest_path(G, source, target) for n in sp: print(n) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: print("None")
def choose_path(self, start, end, graph): path = nx.shortest_path(graph, start, end, weight="height") return path
def determine_inlining_order(clusters, graph): inlinings = [] for cluster in clusters: if len(cluster) == 1: inlinings.append(graph.subgraph(cluster)) continue # The steiner tree is an minimum tree spanning a specified set of nodes in a graph. It will be used to define # the inlining order. The steiner_tree algorithm is only implemented for connected, undirected graphs. # The graph is transformed accordingly. It is not possible to make a subgraph containing only the nodes of a # cluster, because they may be connected by an intermediate, unimportant node. # Only one intermediate node is allowed when inlining two core functions. All non-core nodes, that dont call # a core node are removed to prevent dead ends in the inlining graph, when the directions are restored. reduced_graph = graph.copy() for node in list(graph.nodes()): if node not in cluster and not any( [callee in cluster for callee in graph.successors(node)]): reduced_graph.remove_node(node) inlining = steiner_tree(reduced_graph.to_undirected(), cluster) inlinings.append(inlining) # After the steiner tree has been created, the direction information can now be restored from the original graph directed_inlinings = [] for inlining in inlinings: directed_inlining = nx.DiGraph() if len(inlining) > 1: for from_node in inlining: for to_node in graph.successors(from_node): if to_node in inlining and inlining.has_edge( from_node, to_node): directed_inlining.add_edge(from_node, to_node) else: directed_inlining.add_node(list(inlining.nodes())[0]) # To allow inlining, each cluster must have exactly one root. Additional roots will be moved to a new cluster. roots = get_root_nodes(directed_inlining) if len(roots) > 1: #Other roots may have nodes connected to them, that are not reachable from this root. Those nodes shall #also be moved to the new cluster. for other_root in roots[1:]: this_roots_subgraph = set([ node for node in directed_inlining if nx.has_path(directed_inlining, roots[0], node) ]) other_roots_subgraph = set([ node for node in directed_inlining if nx.has_path(directed_inlining, other_root, node) ]) other_roots_subgraph = other_roots_subgraph - this_roots_subgraph directed_inlining.remove_nodes_from(other_roots_subgraph) other_roots_inlining = determine_inlining_order( [other_roots_subgraph], graph)[0] directed_inlinings.append(other_roots_inlining) root = roots[0] if len(roots) != 0 else None # While the undirected graph was a tree, restoring the direction information may cause a cycle when two # functions call each other, which leads to an infinite loop when inlining. The edge leading towards the # root is deleted, so all nodes remain reachable from the root try: #Search for a root node candidate if none exist due to the restoration of the direction information. #Due to cycles root nodes may be called by other nodes, but only if the root node itself calls that node #through a cycle. The first suitable root node candidate is selected for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(directed_inlining): if root is not None: break assert len(cycle) == 2 for node in cycle: callers = set(directed_inlining.predecessors(node)) callees = set(directed_inlining.successors(node)) if len(callers.difference(callees)) == 0: root = node break for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(directed_inlining): # cycles cannot be longer than 2, otherwise the undirected graph would not be a tree. That is unless # two cycles are adjacent to each other, which is not recogniced by nx.simple_cycles assert len(cycle) == 2 nodeA = cycle[0] nodeB = cycle[1] path = nx.shortest_path(directed_inlining, root, nodeB) if nodeA in path: directed_inlining.remove_edge(nodeB, nodeA) else: directed_inlining.remove_edge(nodeA, nodeB) except nx.NetworkXNoCycle: pass assert len(get_root_nodes(directed_inlining)) == 1 directed_inlinings.append(directed_inlining) return directed_inlinings
def func(arg): idx, index_elements = arg DELAY = 0 DELAY_CELL = [] print("CELL:", index_elements) gdf_elements = elements[index_elements] gdf_elements = pd.merge(gdf_elements, all_catania_OD[['u', 'v', 'ORIGIN', 'DESTINATION']], on=['u', 'v'], how='left') ## drop all rows with NA values gdf_elements = gdf_elements.dropna() # gdf_elements = gdf_elements.drop_duplicates(['ORIGIN', 'DESTINATION']) gdf_elements.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) # O = list(gdf_elements.ORIGIN) O = list(gdf_elements.ORIGIN.unique()) # D = list(gdf_elements.DESTINATION) D = list(gdf_elements.DESTINATION.unique()) zipped_OD = zip(O, D) # loop ever each ORIGIN --> DESTINATION pair for (i, j) in zipped_OD: print(i,j) try: ## find shortest path based on the "cost" (time) ## NULL scenario try: init_shortest_OD_path_cost = nx.shortest_path(grafo, i, j, weight='VIASAT_cost') # using cost (time) print("DO IT++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") path_edges = list(zip(init_shortest_OD_path_cost,init_shortest_OD_path_cost[1:])) lr = nx.shortest_path_length(grafo, i,j, weight='VIASAT_cost') ## this is a time (seconds) lunghezza=[] if lr != 0: for l in path_edges: lunghezza.append(grafo [l[0]] [l[1]] [0]['length']) # get only the length for each arch between 2 path edges, [0] it the key = 0 print("km:{0:.3f} h:{1:.3f} vm:{2:.0f}".format(sum(lunghezza)/1000, lr/3600, sum(lunghezza)/1000/lr*3600)) # units == km time_OD_NULL = lr/3600 # hours length_OD_NULL = sum(lunghezza)/1000 #km ## update MAP with paths df_nodes = pd.DataFrame(path_edges) df_nodes.columns = ['u', 'v'] ## merge 'df_nodes' with 'gdf_edges' edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_cost = pd.merge(df_nodes, gdf_edges, on=['u', 'v'], how='left') edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_cost = gpd.GeoDataFrame(edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_cost) edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_cost.drop_duplicates(['u', 'v'], inplace=True) ## merge 'df_nodes' with 'TIME_EDGES' (sottorete) edges_matched_route_OD = pd.merge(df_nodes, TIME_EDGES, on=['u', 'v'], how='left') edges_matched_route_OD = gpd.GeoDataFrame(edges_matched_route_OD) edges_matched_route_OD.drop_duplicates(['u', 'v'], inplace=True) ## get the OD travel demand (counts/travelled time) (NULL SCENARIO, no penalty) ## if len(edges_matched_route_OD) > 0: ## only use vehicle number (counts, MEAN from each EDGE) and then divide by the time_OD_NULL....this is the TRAVEL_DEMAND_OD counts = (pd.DataFrame(edges_matched_route_OD))['counts'] counts = counts.dropna() ## Travel demand: divide by 4 (months), then by 30 (days), then by 16 (hours of higher traffic flow) (hours) TRAVEL_DEMAND_OD = ((((counts.sum())/1)/30)/16) # veichles/hour all over the path (trajectory) # if only for one month # TRAVEL_DEMAND_OD = ((((counts.sum()) / 4) / 30) / 16) # veichles/hour all over the path (trajectory) # if for 4 months ## for each edge (LINK) in the "element" assign a penalty time (disruption) # close a LINK (u,v pair) by adding sufficiently large penalty M (time in seconds ~ 5 hours = 18000 secs) for u, v, key, attr in grafo.edges(keys=True, data=True): attr['VIASAT_cost_penalty'] = attr.get("VIASAT_cost") zipped = zip(list(gdf_elements.u), list(gdf_elements.v)) if (u, v) in zipped: print(u,v) print("gotta!=============================================================================================") # break attr['VIASAT_cost_penalty'] = abs(float(attr['VIASAT_cost']) + penalty) print(attr['VIASAT_cost_penalty']) grafo.add_edge(u, v, key, attr_dict=attr) # get shortest path again...but now with the PENALTY shortest_OD_path_VIASAT_penalty = nx.shortest_path(grafo, i, j, weight='VIASAT_cost_penalty') path_edges = list(zip(shortest_OD_path_VIASAT_penalty, shortest_OD_path_VIASAT_penalty[1:])) lr = nx.shortest_path_length(grafo, i, j, weight='VIASAT_cost_penalty') if lr !=0: lunghezza = [] for l in path_edges: lunghezza.append(grafo[l[0]][l[1]][0][ 'length']) # get only the length for each arch between 2 path edges, [0] it the key = 0 print("km:{0:.3f} h:{1:.3f} vm:{2:.0f}".format(sum(lunghezza) / 1000, lr / 3600, sum(lunghezza) / 1000 / lr * 3600)) # units == km # total time from O--D with penalty time_OD_penalty = lr/3600 length_OD_penalty = sum(lunghezza) / 1000 # km # update MAP with paths # add shortest path (by "VIASAT cost" to the my_map df_nodes = pd.DataFrame(path_edges) df_nodes.columns = ['u', 'v'] ## merge 'df_nodes' with 'gdf_edges' edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_penalty = pd.merge(df_nodes, gdf_edges, on=['u', 'v'], how='left') edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_penalty = gpd.GeoDataFrame(edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_penalty) edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_penalty.drop_duplicates(['u', 'v'], inplace=True) ## calculate "closure impact" for each DESTINATION ## difference time between closure and normal conditions DT = time_OD_penalty - time_OD_NULL # (hours) ## closure impact if DT < penalty / 3600: DELAY = DELAY + TRAVEL_DEMAND_OD * DT * ((penalty / 3600) - DT / 2) # vehicles*hours #####---------------------------------------------############################### DELAY_OD = TRAVEL_DEMAND_OD * DT * ((penalty / 3600) - DT / 2) # vehicles*hours df_OD = pd.DataFrame(edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_penalty, columns=['u', 'v']) df_OD['importance'] = DELAY_OD ### save into the DB #####---------------------------------------------############################### DELAY_CELL.append(DELAY) print("TOTAL DELAY:", DELAY) print("max(DELAY_CELL):", max(DELAY_CELL), "CELL:", index_elements) else: DELAY = DELAY + TRAVEL_DEMAND_OD * (((penalty / 3600) ** 2) / 2) # vehicles*hours #####---------------------------------------------############################### DELAY_OD = TRAVEL_DEMAND_OD * (((penalty / 3600) ** 2) / 2) # vehicles*hours df_OD = pd.DataFrame(edges_shortest_route_VIASAT_penalty, columns=['u', 'v']) df_OD['importance'] = DELAY_OD ### save into the DB #####---------------------------------------------############################### DELAY_CELL.append(DELAY) print("TOTAL DELAY:", DELAY) print("max(DELAY_CELL):", max(DELAY_CELL), "CELL:", index_elements) # restore initial travel time for each edge (LINK)....basically we need to remove the penalty time for u, v, key, attr in grafo.edges(keys=True, data=True): zipped = zip(list(gdf_elements.u), list(gdf_elements.v)) if (u, v) in zipped: # print(u,v) # print("gotta!=============================================================================================") attr['VIASAT_cost_penalty'] = float(attr['VIASAT_cost']) grafo.add_edge(u, v, key, attr_dict=attr) with open("last_CELL_ID.txt", "w") as text_file: text_file.write("last CELL ID: %s" % (index_elements)) except ValueError: print('Contradictory paths found:', 'negative weights?') except (nx.NodeNotFound, nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath): print('O-->D NodeNotFound', 'i:', i, 'j:', j) ## for each (u,v) pair, create a new dataframe with field "importance" U = list(gdf_elements.u) V = list(gdf_elements.v) df_vulnerability = list(zip(U, V)) df_vulnerability = pd.DataFrame(df_vulnerability, columns=['u', 'v']) df_vulnerability['importance'] = DELAY df_vulnerability['CELL'] = index_elements df_vulnerability['importance'] = df_vulnerability.importance.astype('int') df_vulnerability['importance'] = df_vulnerability['importance'].replace(np.nan, 0) df_vulnerability = df_vulnerability[['u', 'v', 'CELL', 'importance']] df_vulnerability.drop_duplicates(['u', 'v', 'CELL', 'importance'], inplace=True) ### Connect to a DB and populate the DB ### connection = engine.connect() df_vulnerability.to_sql("vulnerability_" + DAY.strip() + "_" + MONTH.strip() + "_2019", con=connection, schema="public", if_exists='append')
def test_linear_program(network_factory, A): graph = network_factory(A) if A.shape == example_network_3x3.shape and np.allclose( A, example_network_3x3): fname = "example_3x3" elif A.shape == example_network_5x5.shape and np.allclose( A, example_network_5x5): fname = "example_5x5" else: fname = hash_graph(A) nx.write_graphml(graph, f"test/artifacts/{fname}.graphml") n_nodes = graph.number_of_nodes() hypothesis.note(f"number of nodes = {n_nodes}") old_weights = np.array([graph.edges[e][WEIGHT_KEY] for e in graph.edges]) _paths = nx.shortest_path(graph, weight=WEIGHT_KEY) paths = [p for _, ps in _paths.items() for _, p in ps.items()] hypothesis.note(f"paths:\n{paths}") result = linear_program(graph, paths) hypothesis.note( f"number of constraints = {len(result.problem.constraints)}") result.penalty.value = 0 result.problem.solve() assert result.problem.status == cp.OPTIMAL hypothesis.note(f"objective value = {result.problem.value}") weights = result.edge_cost.value"test/artifacts/{fname}.weights.npy", weights) hypothesis.note( f"Did we recover the edge weights? {'yes' if np.allclose(weights, old_weights) else 'no'}; max error = {abs(weights - old_weights).max()}" ) assert weights is not None assert len(weights) == graph.number_of_edges() assert weights.min() >= 0.0 graph = assign_weights(graph, weights) for u in graph.nodes: assert sum(graph.edges[u, v][WEIGHT_KEY] for v in graph.successors(u)) == pytest.approx(1.0) new_A = np.zeros_like(A) for i, j, data in graph.edges(data=True): new_A[i, j] = data[WEIGHT_KEY] old_A = A / A.sum(1).reshape(-1, 1) hypothesis.note(f"Input adjancency matrix (row-normalized):") hypothesis.note(old_A) hypothesis.note(f"Recovered adjacency matrix:") hypothesis.note(new_A) errors = [ abs(old - new) for old, new in zip(old_A.reshape(-1), new_A.reshape(-1)) if old > 0 ] hypothesis.note( f"Errors: mean={np.mean(errors)}; min={np.min(errors)}, max={np.max(errors)}" ) # Run shortest paths on graph with recovered weights expected_path_length = nx.shortest_path_length(graph, weight=WEIGHT_KEY) n_path_checks = 0 # Everything being compared is in [0, 1] so absolute tolerance is sufficient approx = lambda expected: pytest.approx(expected, abs=1e-6) for s, costs in expected_path_length: for t, cost in costs.items(): n_path_checks += 1 hypothesis.note(f"{s}->{t} path = {_paths[s][t]}") # These two should ALWAYS be the same actual_cost = result.min_trip_cost_of( (s, t)) # min path cost from solution expected_cost = path_cost( graph, _paths[s][t]) # cost of the observed path on the network hypothesis.note(f"least cost from {s}->{t} by edge weight: {cost}") hypothesis.note( f"least cost from {s}->{t} by lp variable: {actual_cost}") hypothesis.note( f"least cost from {s}->{t} by actual shortest path: {expected_cost}" ) assert expected_cost == approx(actual_cost) if not CI: # we are interested in counter examples locally, but not on CI assert cost == expected_cost
'AA_TOF_node_counts.pickle') or not os.path.exists( 'AA_TOF_counts.pickle') or not os.path.exists( 'AA_TOF_path_lengths.pickle'): counts = {} node_counts = {} path_lengths = {'length': [], 'type': []} d_keys = list(disease_gene_sets.keys()) disease = 'APLASTIC ANEMIA' disease_genes = disease_gene_sets[disease] nodes = partition(disease_genes, 2) seeds, targets = nodes[0], nodes[1] for i, seed in enumerate(seeds): for target in targets: try: path = nx.shortest_path(G, seed, target) except (nx.exception.NodeNotFound, nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath): continue paths.append(path) path_lengths['length'].append(len(path)) path_lengths['type'].append('normal') for i in range(len(path) - 1): p = G[path[i]][path[i + 1]]['predicate_name'] # add proportional weight if p in counts: counts[p] += 1 else: counts[p] = 1 # count the number times nodes occur in the paths for node in path: if node in node_counts:
else: #read speed from way class dictionary speedlist = way_dict.get(attr["highway"]) speed = speedlist[0] * 1000 / 3600 attr['cost'] = attr.get("length") / speed #print(attr.get("highway"), speedlist[0], attr.get("cost"),'-----------') G2.add_edge(u, v, key, attr_dict=attr) ''' for u,v,key,attr in G2.edges(keys=True,data=True): if attr['highway'] in highways_to_keep: H.add_edge(u,v,key,attr_dict=attr) H.graph = G2.graph ''' #G2 = nx.Graph(G1) from_n = np.random.choice(G2.nodes) to_n = np.random.choice(G2.nodes) route = nx.shortest_path(G2, from_n, to_n, weight='cost') lr = nx.shortest_path_length(G2, from_n, to_n, weight='cost') print(lr) route = nx.shortest_path(G, from_n, to_n, weight='length') path_edges = list(zip(route, route[1:])) lunghezza = [] #route_length_km = sum([G2.edge[u][v][0]['length'] for u, v in zip(route, route[1:])]) / 1000. for l in path_edges: lunghezza.append(G2[l[0]][l[1]][0]['length']) print("km:{0:.3f} h:{1:.3f} vm:{2:.0f}".format( sum(lunghezza) / 1000, lr / 3600, sum(lunghezza) / 1000 / lr * 3600)) route1 = nx.dijkstra_path(G2, from_n, to_n, weight='cost') lr1 = nx.dijkstra_path_length(G2, from_n, to_n, weight='cost') #route2 = nx.astar_path(G2,from_n,to_n,weight='length') #lr2=nx.astar_path_length(G2, from_n,to_n,weight='length')
def __init__(self, run, graph_dir='../data/annotated/whole_v4', n_components=8, min_count=50, max_var=0.1, min_edge=50, clust_algo='k_means', aggregate=-1, optimize=True, max_graphs=None, nc_only=True): # General = run self.graph_dir = graph_dir # Nodes parameters self.n_components = n_components self.min_count = min_count self.max_var = max_var # Edges parameters self.min_edge = min_edge # BUILD MNODES model_output = inference_on_list(, self.graph_dir, os.listdir(self.graph_dir), max_graphs=max_graphs, nc_only=nc_only) self.node_map = model_output['node_to_zind'] self.reversed_node_map = { value: key for key, value in self.node_map.items() } Z = model_output['Z'] # self.Z = Z # Extract the non canonical edges ids and compute distances between them nc_nodes = set() nc_edges = set() for graph_name in os.listdir(self.graph_dir)[:max_graphs]: graph_path = os.path.join(self.graph_dir, graph_name) g = pickle.load(open(graph_path, 'rb'))['graph'].to_undirected() local_nodes = set() for source, target, label in g.edges(data='label'): if label not in ['CWW', 'B53']: local_nodes.add((source, self.node_map[source])) local_nodes.add((target, self.node_map[target])) for source, sid in local_nodes: nc_nodes.add(sid) for (source, sid), (target, tid) in itertools.combinations(local_nodes, 2): try: distance = len(nx.shortest_path(g, source, target)) # TODO : Find better cutoff if distance < 7: nc_edges.add((sid, tid, distance)) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: pass list_ids = sorted(list(nc_nodes)) extracted_embeddings = Z[list_ids] clust_info = cluster(extracted_embeddings, algo=clust_algo, optimize=optimize, n_clusters=n_components) distance = True self.cluster_model = clust_info['model'] self.n_components = clust_info['n_components'] self.components = clust_info['components'] self.labels = clust_info['labels'] self.centers = clust_info['centers'] if distance: dists = cdist(Z, self.centers) scores = np.take_along_axis(dists, self.labels[:, None], axis=1) else: probas = clust_info['scores'] scores = np.take_along_axis(probas, self.labels[:, None], axis=1) self.id_to_score = { ind: scores[ind] for ind, _ in self.reversed_node_map.items() } self.spread = clust_info['spread'] self.graph = nx.Graph() # don't keep clusters that are too sparse or not populated enough # keep_clusts = cluster_filter(clusts, cov, self.min_count, self.max_var) # keep_clusts = set(keep_clusts) # print(f">>> keeping {len(self.clusts)} clusters") for id_clust in self.components: self.graph.add_node(id_clust, node_ids=set()) # Here there needs to be a modification to avoid putting wrong nodes for index, clust in enumerate(self.labels): if clust in list(set(self.labels)): nc_id = list_ids[index] self.graph.nodes[clust]['node_ids'].add(nc_id) id_to_clust = dict(zip(list_ids, self.labels)) # BUILD MEDGES for sid, tid, distance in nc_edges: # Filter out the nodes that link a cluster that got removed start_clust, end_clust = id_to_clust[sid], id_to_clust[tid] if start_clust in self.clusts and end_clust in self.clusts: if not self.graph.has_edge(start_clust, end_clust): self.graph.add_edge(start_clust, end_clust, edge_set=set()) self.graph.edges[(start_clust, end_clust)]['edge_set'].add( (sid, tid, distance)) # Filtering and hashing to_remove = list() for start, end, edge_set in self.graph.edges(data='edge_set'): # remove from adjacency if len(edge_set) < self.min_edge: to_remove.append((start, end)) for start, end in to_remove: self.graph.remove_edge(start, end)
trip_start_node_id = np.random.choice(node_id_list) trip_target_node_id = np.random.choice(node_id_list) while trip_start_node_id == trip_target_node_id: trip_target_node_id = np.random.choice(node_id_list) trip_has_path = has_path(road_network, trip_start_node_id, trip_target_node_id) while trip_has_path is False: print('we have a dud path, TRIP id: %i, nodes: %i, %i' % (passenger_trip_id, trip_start_node_id, trip_target_node_id)) trip_target_node_id = np.random.choice(node_id_list) trip_start_node_id = np.random.choice(node_id_list) trip_has_path = has_path(road_network, trip_start_node_id, trip_target_node_id) if trip_has_path is True: passenger_trip_waypoints = shortest_path(road_network, trip_start_node_id, trip_target_node_id, weight='length') passenger_trip_start_pos = [node_longitude_dict[trip_start_node_id],node_latitude_dict[trip_start_node_id]] passenger_trip_destination_pos = [node_longitude_dict[trip_target_node_id],node_latitude_dict[trip_target_node_id]] start_passenger_trip_longitude_array[passenger_trip_id] = node_longitude_dict[trip_start_node_id] start_passenger_trip_latitude_array[passenger_trip_id] = node_latitude_dict[trip_start_node_id] passenger_trip_dict[passenger_trip_id] = {'start_pos':passenger_trip_start_pos, 'start_node':trip_start_node_id, 'dest_pos':passenger_trip_destination_pos, 'dest_node':trip_target_node_id, 'route':passenger_trip_waypoints, 'route_len':len(passenger_trip_waypoints)} ### save passenger trip data with open((data_file_path+('%s_passenger_trip_data_dict_%s.pickle' % (CITY_NAME, SIM_RUN_DATE))), 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(passenger_trip_dict, handle, protocol = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def predict_edges(self, edge_list="soundcloud_edge_list.txt"): original_network = nx.read_edgelist(edge_list) scores = [[] for i in range(3)] ys = [[] for i in range(3)] degree_product_score = {} common_neighbor_score = {} geodesic_path_score = {} if len( != 0: max_degree = max( min_degree = min( else: max_degree = 0 min_degree = 0 # Cycle through each of the nodes in the graph for x, i in enumerate( # Calculate the degree of the current node i i_degree = # Find the set of neighbors for i i_neighbors = # Cycle through all of the possible connections each node could have for j in # Cannot connect to itself if i != j: # If an edge doesn't exist if not (i, j) in # Calculate the degree of the current node j j_degree = # Find the set of neighbors for j j_neighbors = # Find the degree product score if max_degree and max_degree - min_degree: degree_product_score[ i, j] = (i_degree * j_degree - min_degree) / ( max_degree * max_degree - min_degree) else: degree_product_score[i, j] = 0 scores[0].append(degree_product_score[i, j]) # Find the normalized common neighbor score if (len(list(set(i_neighbors) | set(j_neighbors)))): common_neighbor_score[i, j] = (len( list(set(i_neighbors) & set(j_neighbors)) )) / (len( list(set(i_neighbors) | set(j_neighbors)))) scores[1].append(common_neighbor_score[i, j]) else: scores[1].append(random.random() / len( # Find the shortest path between nodes i and j and compute the socre try: geodesic_path_score[i, j] = 1 / ( len(nx.shortest_path(, i, j)) - 1) scores[2].append(geodesic_path_score[i, j]) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: scores[2].append(random.random() / len( # Compute the true y's for the AUC function if original_network.has_edge(i, j): ys[0].append(1) ys[1].append(1) ys[2].append(1) # print("Degree score: ", scores[0][-1]) # print("Common Neighbors score: ", scores[1][-1]) # print("Shortest path score: ", scores[2][-1]) else: ys[0].append(0) ys[1].append(0) ys[2].append(0) # Calculate the AUC for each of the heuristics fpr = [[] for i in range(3)] tpr = [[] for i in range(3)] accs = [[] for i in range(3)] for i in range(3): if len(scores[i]) != 0 and len(ys[i]) != 0: zipped = zip(scores[i], ys[i]) sorted_zipped = sorted(zipped) new_scores = [score[0] for score in sorted_zipped] new_ys = [y[1] for y in sorted_zipped] fpr[i], tpr[i], thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(new_ys, new_scores, pos_label=1) accs[i] = metrics.auc(fpr[i], tpr[i]) else: accs[i] = 0 print("Accs: ", accs) return accs[0], accs[1], accs[2]
def shortest_path(self, node): return nx.shortest_path(self.tree, source=self.start, target=tuple(node))
G.add_edge((x, y), (x, y-1)) elif char.isalpha(): # check if portal already labeled add_portal(x, y) # add the portal edges to the graph for name in portals: if len(portals[name]) == 2: # not start or finish G.add_edge(portals[name][0], portals[name][1]) # save start and finish points start = portals['AA'][0] finish = portals['ZZ'][0] # use nx shortest_path to find between start and finish shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(G, start, finish) print("PART 1") print("Path: ", shortest_path) print("Length: ", len(shortest_path) - 1) # node sea_monster_count, subtract one for start # part 2 else: G = nx.Graph() portals = {} # key will be name, will have list of two children for ends of portal # populate maze - same as part 1 but with addition of layers for y, row in enumerate(maze): for x, char in enumerate(row): for layer in range(35): # create 35 layers of nodes - each node has extra layer if char == '.': G.add_node((x, y, layer))
def beam_search_with_heuristics(model, orig_item, preproc_item, beam_size, max_steps, from_cond=True): """ Find the valid FROM clasue with beam search """ inference_state, next_choices = model.begin_inference( orig_item, preproc_item) beam = [Hypothesis4Filtering(inference_state, next_choices)] cached_finished_seqs = [] # cache filtered trajectories beam_prefix = beam while True: # search prefixes with beam search prefixes2fill_from = [] for step in range(max_steps): if len(prefixes2fill_from) >= beam_size: break candidates = [] for hyp in beam_prefix: # print(hyp.inference_state.cur_item.state, hyp.inference_state.cur_item.node_type ) if hyp.inference_state.cur_item.state == TreeTraversal.State.CHILDREN_APPLY \ and hyp.inference_state.cur_item.node_type == "from": prefixes2fill_from.append(hyp) else: candidates += [(hyp, choice, choice_score.item(), hyp.score + choice_score.item()) for choice, choice_score in hyp.next_choices ] candidates.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(3), reverse=True) candidates = candidates[:beam_size - len(prefixes2fill_from)] # Create the new hypotheses from the expansions beam_prefix = [] for hyp, choice, choice_score, cum_score in candidates: inference_state = hyp.inference_state.clone() # cache column choice column_history = hyp.column_history[:] if hyp.inference_state.cur_item.state == TreeTraversal.State.POINTER_APPLY and \ hyp.inference_state.cur_item.node_type == "column": column_history = column_history + [choice] next_choices = inference_state.step(choice) assert next_choices is not None beam_prefix.append( Hypothesis4Filtering(inference_state, next_choices, cum_score, hyp.choice_history + [choice], hyp.score_history + [choice_score], column_history)) prefixes2fill_from.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('score'), reverse=True) # assert len(prefixes) == beam_size # emuerating beam_from = prefixes2fill_from max_size = 6 unfiltered_finished = [] prefixes_unfinished = [] for step in range(max_steps): if len(unfiltered_finished) + len(prefixes_unfinished) > max_size: break candidates = [] for hyp in beam_from: if step > 0 and hyp.inference_state.cur_item.state == TreeTraversal.State.CHILDREN_APPLY \ and hyp.inference_state.cur_item.node_type == "from": prefixes_unfinished.append(hyp) else: candidates += [(hyp, choice, choice_score.item(), hyp.score + choice_score.item()) for choice, choice_score in hyp.next_choices ] candidates.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(3), reverse=True) candidates = candidates[:max_size - len(prefixes_unfinished)] beam_from = [] for hyp, choice, choice_score, cum_score in candidates: inference_state = hyp.inference_state.clone() # cache table choice table_history = hyp.table_history[:] key_column_history = hyp.key_column_history[:] if hyp.inference_state.cur_item.state == TreeTraversal.State.POINTER_APPLY: if hyp.inference_state.cur_item.node_type == "table": table_history = table_history + [choice] elif hyp.inference_state.cur_item.node_type == "column": key_column_history = key_column_history + [choice] next_choices = inference_state.step(choice) if next_choices is None: unfiltered_finished.append( Hypothesis4Filtering( inference_state, None, cum_score, hyp.choice_history + [choice], hyp.score_history + [choice_score], hyp.column_history, table_history, key_column_history)) else: beam_from.append( Hypothesis4Filtering( inference_state, next_choices, cum_score, hyp.choice_history + [choice], hyp.score_history + [choice_score], hyp.column_history, table_history, key_column_history)) unfiltered_finished.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('score'), reverse=True) # filtering filtered_finished = [] for hyp in unfiltered_finished: mentioned_column_ids = set(hyp.column_history) mentioned_key_column_ids = set(hyp.key_column_history) mentioned_table_ids = set(hyp.table_history) # duplicate tables if len(mentioned_table_ids) != len(hyp.table_history): continue # the foreign key should be correctly used # NOTE: the new version does not predict conditions in FROM clause anymore if from_cond: covered_tables = set() must_include_key_columns = set() candidate_table_ids = sorted(mentioned_table_ids) start_table_id = candidate_table_ids[0] for table_id in candidate_table_ids[1:]: if table_id in covered_tables: continue try: path = nx.shortest_path( orig_item.schema.foreign_key_graph, source=start_table_id, target=table_id) except (nx.NetworkXNoPath, nx.NodeNotFound): covered_tables.add(table_id) continue for source_table_id, target_table_id in zip( path, path[1:]): if target_table_id in covered_tables: continue if target_table_id not in mentioned_table_ids: continue col1, col2 = orig_item.schema.foreign_key_graph[ source_table_id][target_table_id]['columns'] must_include_key_columns.add(col1) must_include_key_columns.add(col2) if not must_include_key_columns == mentioned_key_column_ids: continue # tables whose columns are mentioned should also exist must_table_ids = set() for col in mentioned_column_ids: tab_ = orig_item.schema.columns[col].table if tab_ is not None: must_table_ids.add( if not must_table_ids.issubset(mentioned_table_ids): continue filtered_finished.append(hyp) filtered_finished.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('score'), reverse=True) # filtered.sort(key=lambda x: x.score / len(x.choice_history), reverse=True) prefixes_unfinished.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('score'), reverse=True) # new_prefixes.sort(key=lambda x: x.score / len(x.choice_history), reverse=True) prefixes_, filtered_ = merge_beams(prefixes_unfinished, filtered_finished, beam_size) if filtered_: cached_finished_seqs = cached_finished_seqs + filtered_ cached_finished_seqs.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('score'), reverse=True) if prefixes_ and len(prefixes_[0].choice_history) < 200: beam_prefix = prefixes_ for hyp in beam_prefix: hyp.table_history = [] hyp.column_history = [] hyp.key_column_history = [] elif cached_finished_seqs: return cached_finished_seqs[:beam_size] else: return unfiltered_finished[:beam_size]