def test_validation(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # More clusters than samples nw = RBFKMeans(n_clusters=1000) nw.train(, epsilon=1e-5) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # Number of clusters the same as number of samples nw = RBFKMeans([0]) nw.train(, epsilon=1e-5) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # One cluster nw = RBFKMeans(n_clusters=1) nw.train(, epsilon=1e-5)
def test_classification(self): result = np.array([ [0.228, 0.312], [0.48166667, 0.76666667], ]) nw = RBFKMeans(n_clusters=2) nw.train(, epsilon=1e-5) self.assertTrue(np.all(result == np.round(nw.centers, 8))) if self.draw_plot: classes = nw.predict( for i, center in enumerate(nw.centers): positions = np.argwhere(classes[:, 0] == i) class_data = np.take(, positions[:, 0], axis=0) plt.plot(class_data[:, 0], class_data[:, 1], 'o') for center in nw.centers: plt.plot(center[0], center[1], 'kx') plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
import numpy as np from neupy.algorithms import RBFKMeans from mnist import MNIST mnistData=MNIST('./mnistData') imgTrain,lblTrain=mnistData.load_training() imgTest,lblTest=mnistData.load_testing() data = np.array(imgTrain) rbfk_net = RBFKMeans(n_clusters=40, verbose=False) rbfk_net.train(data, epsilon=1e-5) print len(rbfk_net.centers) new_data = np.array(imgTest[1]) print rbfk_net.predict(new_data).shape
X = df.drop(['Grade'], axis=1) Y = df.Grade #Using Built in train test split function in sklearn X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2) # RBF and kmeans clustering by class #Number of prototypes #prototypes = int(input("Number of seed points:")) prototypes = 12 #Finding cluster centers df_cluster = X_train df_cluster[ 'Grade'] = Y_train #Reproduce original data but only with training values rbfk_net = RBFKMeans( n_clusters=prototypes) #Chose number of clusters that you want rbfk_net.train(df_cluster, epsilon=1e-5) center = pd.DataFrame(rbfk_net.centers) # Turn the centers into prototypes values needed X_prototypes = center.iloc[:, 0:-1] Y_prototypes = center.iloc[:, -1] #Y_prototypes is the last column of center since 'Grade' is the last feature added to center. #Train GRNN GRNNet = GRNN(std=0.1) GRNNet.train(X_prototypes, Y_prototypes) # Cross validataion score = cross_val_score(GRNNet, X_train, Y_train, scoring='r2', cv=5) print("")
#print("") ClassD_df = data_train[data_train['Letter'].isin(['D'])] ClassD_data = ClassD_df.drop(['Letter'], axis=1) #print (ClassD_data) #print("") # RBF and kmeans clustering by class #Number of prototypes #prototypes = int(input("Number of prototypes:")) prototypes = 4 eps = 1e-5 #Finding cluster centers rbfk_netA = RBFKMeans( n_clusters=prototypes) #Chose number of clusters that you want rbfk_netA.train(ClassA_data, epsilon=eps) center_classA = pd.DataFrame(rbfk_netA.centers) rbfk_netB = RBFKMeans(n_clusters=prototypes) rbfk_netB.train(ClassB_data, epsilon=eps) center_classB = pd.DataFrame(rbfk_netB.centers) rbfk_netC = RBFKMeans(n_clusters=prototypes) rbfk_netC.train(ClassC_data, epsilon=eps) center_classC = pd.DataFrame(rbfk_netC.centers) #Defining my Y_train letter_classA = ['A'] * prototypes letter_classB = ['B'] * prototypes letter_classC = ['C'] * prototypes