def test_multiple_inputs(self):
        t_max = 1
        t_grid = np.linspace(0, t_max, 100)
        ode = NeuralODE(DoubleSineDumpingModel(), t=t_grid)

        xy0 = tf.to_float([0.0, 0.0])
        xyN_euler = ode.forward(xy0)

        ode = NeuralODE(DoubleSineDumpingModel(), t=t_grid,

        xyN_rk2 = ode.forward(xy0)

        ode = NeuralODE(DoubleSineDumpingModel(), t=t_grid,

        xyN_rk4 = ode.forward(xy0)

        xN_exact = np.log(2 - np.cos(t_max))
        yN_exact = np.log((np.sin(t_max) + 2) / 2)
        xyN_exact = tf.to_float([xN_exact, yN_exact])

        self.assertAllClose(xyN_euler, xyN_exact, atol=1e-2)
        self.assertAllClose(xyN_rk2, xyN_exact, atol=1e-5)
        self.assertAllClose(xyN_rk4, xyN_exact, atol=1e-6)
    def test_net_with_inner_gradient(self):
        t_vec = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 20)
        model = NNGradientModule()
        ode = NeuralODE(model, t=t_vec, solver=neural_ode.rk4_step)

        xy0 = tf.random_normal(shape=[12, 2 * 3])
        xyN = ode.forward(xy0)

        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            loss = xyN ** 2
            dLoss = g.gradient(loss, xyN)

        xy0_rec, dLdxy0, dLdW = ode.backward(xyN, dLoss)
        self.assertAllClose(xy0_rec, xy0)

        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            xyN = ode.forward(xy0)
            loss = xyN ** 2

        dLdxy0_exact, *dLdW_exact = g.gradient(loss, [xy0, *model.weights])
        self.assertAllClose(dLdxy0_exact, dLdxy0)
        self.assertAllClose(dLdW_exact, dLdW)
    def test_grad_no_grad(self):
        class CosGradModel(tf.keras.Model):
            def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
                t, x = inputs
                with tf.GradientTape() as g:
                    y = tf.sin(t * x)
                    dy = g.gradient(y, x)

                return dy

        class CosModel(tf.keras.Model):
            def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
                t, x = inputs
                y = t * tf.cos(t * x)
                return y

        t_vec = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 40)
        ode = NeuralODE(CosModel(), t=t_vec, solver=neural_ode.rk4_step)
        x0 = tf.to_float([1.0])

        cos_xN = ode.forward(x0)
        x0_rec, dLdx0, _ = ode.backward(cos_xN, cos_xN)

        ode = NeuralODE(CosGradModel(), t=t_vec, solver=neural_ode.rk4_step)
        cos_grad_xN = ode.forward(x0)
        x0_grad_rec, dLdx0_grad, _ = ode.backward(cos_grad_xN, cos_grad_xN)

        self.assertAllClose(cos_grad_xN, cos_xN)
        self.assertAllClose(x0_grad_rec, x0_rec)
        self.assertAllClose(x0, x0_rec)
        self.assertAllClose(dLdx0, dLdx0_grad)

        ode = NeuralODE(CosModel(), t=t_vec, solver=neural_ode.rk4_step)
        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            cos_xN = ode.forward(x0)
            loss = 0.5 * cos_xN ** 2

        dLdx0_exact = g.gradient(loss, [x0])

        self.assertAllClose(dLdx0_exact, dLdx0_grad)

        # build static graph
        ode = NeuralODE(CosGradModel(), t=t_vec, solver=neural_ode.rk4_step)
        ode = neural_ode.defun_neural_ode(ode)
        cos_grad_xN = ode.forward(x0)
        x0_grad_rec, dLdx0_grad, _ = ode.backward(cos_grad_xN, cos_grad_xN)

        self.assertAllClose(dLdx0_grad, dLdx0_exact)
        self.assertAllClose(x0_grad_rec, x0)
    def test_affine_with_density_exact_solution(self):
        t_grid = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 50)

        W = tf.to_float(np.random.randn(8, 8))
        x0 = tf.random_normal(shape=[3, 8])
        logdet0 = tf.zeros(shape=[3, 1])
        h0 = tf.concat([x0, logdet0], axis=1)

        class Affine(tf.keras.Model):
            def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
                t, x = inputs
                x = x[:, :8]
                y = tf.matmul(x, W)
                trace_dens = - tf.reshape(tf.trace(W), [1, 1])
                trace_dens = tf.tile(trace_dens, [3, 1])
                return tf.concat([y, trace_dens], axis=1)

        model = Affine()
        ode = NeuralODE(model, t=t_grid)
        h1 = ode.forward(h0)
        x1, logdet = h1[:, :8], h1[:, 8]

        W_exact = tf.linalg.expm(W)
        x1_exact = tf.matmul(x0[:, :8], W_exact)
        self.assertAllClose(x1, x1_exact, atol=1e-5)
        logdet_exact = - tf.log(tf.linalg.det(W_exact))
        self.assertAllClose([logdet_exact] * 3, logdet)
    def test_backward_none(self):
        t_grid = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 15)

        x0 = tf.random_normal(shape=[7, 3])

        ode = NeuralODE(NNModuleTimeDependent(), t=t_grid)
        x0_rec, *_ = ode.backward(ode.forward(x0))
        self.assertAllClose(x0_rec, x0)
    def test_nn_forward_backward(self):
        t_vec = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 20)
        model = NNModule()
        ode = NeuralODE(model, t=t_vec, solver=neural_ode.rk4_step)

        x0 = tf.random_normal(shape=[12, 3])
        xN = ode.forward(x0)
        dLoss = 2 * xN  # explicit gradient od x**2
        x0_rec, dLdx0, dLdW = ode.backward(xN, dLoss)
        self.assertAllClose(x0_rec.numpy(), x0.numpy())

        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            xN = ode.forward(x0)
            loss = xN ** 2

        dLdx0_exact, *dLdW_exact = g.gradient(loss, [x0, *model.weights])

        self.assertAllClose(dLdx0_exact, dLdx0)
        self.assertAllClose(dLdW_exact, dLdW)
    def test_function_integration(self):
        t_max = 1
        ode = NeuralODE(SineDumpingModel(), t=np.linspace(0, t_max, 1000))
        x0 = tf.to_float([0])
        xN_euler = ode.forward(x0)

        ode = NeuralODE(
            SineDumpingModel(), t=np.linspace(0, t_max, 100),

        xN_rk2 = ode.forward(x0)

        ode = NeuralODE(
            SineDumpingModel(), t=np.linspace(0, t_max, 50),

        xN_rk4 = ode.forward(x0)
        xN_exact = [np.log(2 - np.cos(t_max))]

        self.assertAllClose(xN_euler.numpy(), xN_exact, atol=1e-4)
        self.assertAllClose(xN_rk2.numpy(), xN_exact, atol=1e-4)
        self.assertAllClose(xN_rk4.numpy(), xN_exact, atol=1e-4)
    def test_backprop(self):
        t_max = 1
        t_grid = np.linspace(0, t_max, 40)

        ode = NeuralODE(SineDumpingModel(), t=t_grid,
        x0 = tf.to_float([0])
        xN = ode.forward(x0)
        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            loss = xN ** 2

        dLoss = g.gradient(loss, xN)
        x0_rec, dLdx0, dLdW = ode.backward(xN, dLoss)
        self.assertAllClose(x0_rec.numpy(), x0)
        self.assertEqual(dLdW, [])

        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            xN = ode.forward(x0)
            loss = xN ** 2

        dLdx0_exact = g.gradient(loss, x0)
        self.assertAllClose(dLdx0_exact, dLdx0)
    def test_affine_exact_solution(self):
        t_grid = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 40)

        W = tf.to_float(np.random.randn(8, 8))
        x0 = tf.random_normal(shape=[3, 8])

        class Affine(tf.keras.Model):
            def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
                t, x = inputs
                y = tf.matmul(x, W)
                return y

        model = Affine()
        ode = NeuralODE(model, t=t_grid)
        x1 = ode.forward(x0)
        x1_exact = tf.matmul(x0, tf.linalg.expm(W))
        self.assertAllClose(x1, x1_exact, atol=1e-5)
    def test_determinant_estimation(self):
        """Similar to previous one"""
        t_grid = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 5)

        W = tf.to_float(np.random.randn(8, 8))
        logdet0 = tf.zeros(shape=[1])

        class DeterminantEstimation(tf.keras.Model):
            def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
                trace_dens = - tf.trace(W)
                return trace_dens

        ode = NeuralODE(DeterminantEstimation(), t=t_grid)
        logdet = ode.forward(logdet0)

        W_exact = tf.linalg.expm(W)
        logdet_exact = - tf.log(tf.linalg.det(W_exact))
        self.assertAllClose([logdet_exact], logdet)