def chenschmidt(alg, content, style, outfile, size, stylescale, algparams): """Runs Chen and Schmidt fast style-transfer algorithm References: * * """ if alg not in ["chen-schmidt", "chen-schmidt-inverse"]: raise ValueError( "Unnaceptable subalgorithm %s for Chen-Schmidt family") # Rescale style as requested instyle = NamedTemporaryFile() copyfile(style, resize(, int(stylescale * shape(style)[0])) # Run algorithm outdir = TemporaryDirectory() runalgorithm(alg, [ "--save",, "--content", content, "--style",, "--maxContentSize", size if size is not None else shape(content)[0], "--maxStyleSize", size if size is not None else shape(content)[0], *algparams ]) # Gather output results output = + "/" + filename(content) + "_stylized" + fileext( content) convert(output, outfile) instyle.close()
def gatys(content, style, outfile, size, weight, stylescale, algparams): """Runs Gatys et al style-transfer algorithm References: * * """ # Gatys can only process one combination of content, style, weight and scale at a time, so we need to iterate tmpout = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") runalgorithm( "gatys", [ "-content_image", content, "-style_image", style, "-style_weight", weight * 100, # Because content weight is 100 "-style_scale", stylescale, "-output_image",, "-image_size", size if size is not None else shape(content)[0], *algparams ]) # Transform to original file format convert(, outfile) tmpout.close()
def test_convert_nolayers(): """Convert a single image with no layers works as expected""" for content in [CONTENTS + f for f in ["docker.png", "goldengate.jpg"]]: for ext in [".png", ".jpg", ".psd", ".tga"]: tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() outname = + "/" + "output" + ext convert(content, outname) assert len(glob( + "/" + filename(outname) + ext)) == 1 assert shape(outname) == shape(content)
def styletransfer_single(content, style, outfile, size=None, alg="gatys", weight=5.0, stylescale=1.0, algparams=None): """General style transfer routine over a single set of options""" workdir = TemporaryDirectory() # Cut out alpha channel from content rgbfile = + "/" + "rgb.png" alphafile = + "/" + "alpha.png" extractalpha(content, rgbfile, alphafile) # Transform style to png, as some algorithms don't understand other formats stylepng = + "/" + "style.png" convert(style, stylepng) # Call style transfer algorithm algfile = + "/" + "algoutput.png" if alg == "gatys": gatys(rgbfile, stylepng, algfile, size, weight, stylescale, algparams) elif alg == "gatys-multiresolution": gatys_multiresolution(rgbfile, stylepng, algfile, size, weight, stylescale, algparams) elif alg in ["chen-schmidt", "chen-schmidt-inverse"]: chenschmidt(alg, rgbfile, stylepng, algfile, size, stylescale, algparams) # Enforce correct size correctshape(algfile, content, size) # Recover alpha channel correctshape(alphafile, content, size) mergealpha(algfile, alphafile, outfile)
def gatys_multiresolution(content, style, outfile, size, weight, stylescale, algparams, startres=256): """Runs a multiresolution version of Gatys et al method The multiresolution strategy starts by generating a small image, then using that image as initializer for higher resolution images. This procedure is repeated up to the tilesize. Once the maximum tile size attainable by L-BFGS is reached, more iterations are run by using Adam. This allows to produce larger images using this method than the basic Gatys. References: * Gatys et al - Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer ( * """ # Multiresolution strategy: list of rounds, each round composed of a optimization method and a number of # upresolution steps. # Using "adam" as optimizer means that Adam will be used when necessary to attain higher resolutions strategy = [["lbfgs", 7], ["lbfgs", 7], ["lbfgs", 7], ["lbfgs", 7], ["lbfgs", 7]]"Starting gatys-multiresolution with strategy " + str(strategy)) # Initialization workdir = TemporaryDirectory() maxres = targetshape(content, size)[0] if maxres < startres: LOGGER.warning( "Target resolution (%d) might too small for the multiresolution method to work well" % maxres) startres = maxres / 2.0 seed = None tmpout = + "/tmpout.png" # Iterate over rounds for roundnumber, (optimizer, steps) in enumerate(strategy): "gatys-multiresolution round %d with %s optimizer and %d steps" % (roundnumber, optimizer, steps)) roundmax = min(maxtile("gatys"), maxres) if optimizer == "lbfgs" else maxres resolutions = np.linspace(startres, roundmax, steps, dtype=int) iters = 1000 for stepnumber, res in enumerate(resolutions): stepopt = "adam" if res > maxtile("gatys") else "lbfgs""Step %d, resolution %d, optimizer %s" % (stepnumber, res, stepopt)) passparams = algparams[:] passparams.extend([ "-num_iterations", iters, "-tv_weight", "0", "-print_iter", "0", "-optimizer", stepopt ]) if seed is not None: passparams.extend(["-init", "image", "-init_image", seed]) gatys(content, style, tmpout, res, weight, stylescale, passparams) seed = + "/seed.png" copyfile(tmpout, seed) iters = max(iters / 2.0, 100) convert(tmpout, outfile)
def neuraltile(content, style, outfile, size=None, overlap=100, alg="gatys", weight=5.0, stylescale=1.0, algparams=None): """Strategy to generate a high resolution image by running style transfer on overlapping image tiles""""Starting tiling strategy") if algparams is None: algparams = [] workdir = TemporaryDirectory() # Gather size info from original image fullshape = targetshape(content, size) # Compute number of tiles required to map all the image xtiles, ytiles = tilegeometry(fullshape, alg, overlap) # First scale image to target resolution firstpass = + "/" + "lowres.png" convert(content, firstpass) resize(firstpass, fullshape) # Chop the styled image into tiles with the specified overlap value. lowrestiles = choptiles(firstpass, xtiles=xtiles, ytiles=ytiles, overlap=overlap, + "/" + "lowres_tiles") # High resolution pass over each tile highrestiles = [] for i, tile in enumerate(lowrestiles): name = + "/" + "highres_tiles_" + str(i) + ".png" styletransfer_single(tile, style, name, size=None, alg=alg, weight=weight, stylescale=stylescale, algparams=algparams) highrestiles.append(name) # Feather tiles featheredtiles = [] for i, tile in enumerate(highrestiles): name = + "/" + "feathered_tiles_" + str(i) + ".png" feather(tile, name) featheredtiles.append(name) # Smush the feathered tiles together smushedfeathered = + "/" + "feathered_smushed.png" smush(featheredtiles, xtiles, ytiles, overlap, overlap, smushedfeathered) # Smush also the non-feathered tiles smushedhighres = + "/" + "highres_smushed.png" smush(highrestiles, xtiles, ytiles, overlap, overlap, smushedhighres) # Combine feathered and un-feathered output images to disguise feathering composite([smushedfeathered, smushedhighres], outfile) # Adjust back to desired size assertshape(outfile, fullshape)