def test_addInner(self): """ Test adding basic Deterministic InnerNode. NOTE: The DeterministicNode belongs to the class of nodes that starts with a known final number of outputs. """ print("\nTest 1: Adding InnerNode") try: builder = StaticBuilder() builder.addInput(10, name="In") enc_name = builder.addInner(3, name="In") except AttributeError: print("\nCAUGHT! Trying to assign the same name to two nodes! " "AttributeError exception\n") builder = StaticBuilder() builder.addInput(10, name="In") enc_name = builder.addInner(3, name="Det") enc1 = builder.nodes[enc_name] print('\nNode keys in builder:', list(builder.nodes.keys())) print("This node's key:", enc_name) self.assertEqual(enc1.label, 1, "The label has not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( builder.num_nodes, 2, "The number of nodes has not been " "assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( enc1.num_declared_outputs, 0, "The number of outputs of the " "DeterministicNode has not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( enc1.num_declared_inputs, 0, "The number of inputs of the " "DeterministicNode has not been assigned correctly")
def test_add_encoder0(self): """ Test commit """ tf.reset_default_graph() builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") builder.addInput(10) cust = builder.createCustomNode(1, 1, name="Custom") cust_in1 = cust.addInner(3) cust_in2 = cust.addInner(4) cust.addDirectedLink(cust_in1, cust_in2) cust.commit() builder.addOutput()
def test_CallCustom(self): """ Test, calling a CustomNode """ print("\nTest 1: Build") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") cust = builder.createCustomNode(num_inputs=1, num_outputs=1, name="Custom") cust_in1 = cust.addInner(3) cust_in2 = cust.addInner(4) cust.addDirectedLink(cust_in1, cust_in2, islot=0) cust.declareIslot(islot=0, innernode_name=cust_in1, inode_islot=0) cust.declareOslot(oslot='main', innernode_name=cust_in2, inode_oslot='main') in1 = builder.addInput(10) builder.addDirectedLink(in1, cust, islot=0) X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 10], 'X') Y = cust(X) # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence print('Y', Y) self.assertEqual(Y[0].shape[-1], 4, "")
def test_addDirectedLinks(self): """ Test adding DirectedLinks """ print("\nTest 3: Adding DirectedLinks") builder = StaticBuilder() in1 = builder.addInput(10, name="In") enc1 = builder.addInner(3, name="Det") out1 = builder.addOutput(name="Out") builder.addDirectedLink(in1, enc1) builder.addDirectedLink(enc1, out1) enc1 = builder.nodes[enc1] print('\nNode keys in builder:', list(builder.nodes.keys())) self.assertEqual( builder.num_nodes, 3, "The number of nodes has not been " "assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( enc1.num_declared_outputs, 1, "The number of outputs of the " "DeterministicNode has not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( enc1.num_declared_inputs, 1, "The number of inputs of the " "DeterministicNode has not been assigned correctly") self.assertIn( 1, builder.adj_list[0], "Node 1 has not been added to the " "adjacency list of Node 0") self.assertIn( 2, builder.adj_list[1], "Node 2 has not been added to the " "adjacency list of Node 1")
def test_BuildModel0(self): """ Test building the simplest model possible. """ print("\nTest 4: Building a Basic Model") builder = StaticBuilder(scope="Basic") in_name = builder.addInput(10) enc_name = builder.addInner(3) out_name = builder.addOutput() builder.addDirectedLink(in_name, enc_name) builder.addDirectedLink(enc_name, out_name) self.assertEqual( builder.num_nodes, 3, "The number of nodes has not been " "assigned correctly") inn, enc, out = (builder.nodes[in_name], builder.nodes[enc_name], builder.nodes[out_name]) self.assertEqual(inn._oslot_to_otensor[0].shape.as_list()[-1], enc._islot_to_itensor[0].shape.as_list()[-1], "The input tensors have not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual(enc._oslot_to_otensor[0].shape.as_list()[-1], out._islot_to_itensor[0].shape.as_list()[-1], "The input tensors have not been assigned correctly")
def test_train_custom_builder2(self): """ Build a custom Regression model whose Model graph has the rhombic design """ print("Test 1: Rhombic Design\n") # Define the builder builder = StaticBuilder('CustBuild') enc_dirs = { 'numlayers': 2, 'numnodes': 128, 'activations': 'leaky_relu', 'netgrowrate': 1.0 } input_dim = 2 in0 = builder.addInput(input_dim, name="Features") enc1 = builder.addTransformInner(10, main_inputs=in0, directives=enc_dirs) enc2 = builder.addTransformInner(10, main_inputs=in0, directives=enc_dirs) builder.addTransformInner(1, main_inputs=[enc1, enc2], numlayers=1, activations='linear', name='Prediction') reg = Regression(input_dim=2, output_dim=1, builder=builder) # save_on_valid_improvement=True) # OK! reg.train(dataset, num_epochs=10)
def test_train_custom_builder(self): """ """ print("Test 0: Chain of Encoders\n") # Define a builder. Get more control on the directives of each node enc_dirs = { 'numlayers': 2, 'numnodes': 128, 'activations': 'leaky_relu', 'netgrowrate': 1.0 } input_dim, output_dim = 2, 1 builder = StaticBuilder('CustBuild') in0 = builder.addInput(input_dim, name="Features") enc1 = builder.addTransformInner(5, main_inputs=in0, **enc_dirs) builder.addTransformInner(state_size=1, main_inputs=enc1, directives=enc_dirs, name='Prediction') # Pass the builder object to the Regression Model reg = Regression(builder=builder, output_dim=output_dim) # save_on_valid_improvement=True) # ok! reg.train(dataset, num_epochs=10)
def test_train_custom_node2(self): """ Test a custom Regression model with a CustomNode """ print("Test 2: with CustomNode\n") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") enc_dirs = { 'numlayers': 2, 'numnodes': 128, 'activations': 'leaky_relu', 'netgrowrate': 1.0 } input_dim = 2 in0 = builder.addInput(input_dim, name='Features') cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=[in0], num_outputs=1, name="Prediction") cust_in1 = cust.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=[0], directives=enc_dirs) cust_in2 = cust.addTransformInner(1, main_inputs=cust_in1, directives=enc_dirs) cust.declareOslot(oslot=0, innernode_name=cust_in2, inode_oslot_name='main') reg = Regression(builder=builder, input_dim=2, output_dim=1) # save_on_valid_improvement=True) # ok! reg.train(dataset, num_epochs=10)
def test_add_encoder2(self): """ Test commit """ print("Test 3: Declaring multiple inputs to the Custom Node") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") i1 = builder.addInput(10) i2 = builder.addInput(5) cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=[i1,i2], num_outputs=1, name="Custom") ctin1 = cust.addTransformInner(3, [0]) cust.addTransformInner(3, [1, ctin1]) print("cust.in_builder._inode_to_innernode", cust.in_builder.islot_to_innernode_names) print("cust.in_builder.input_nodes", cust.in_builder.input_nodes)
def test_train_custom_builder(self): """ """ print("Running Test 0\n") x = 10.0 * np.random.randn(100, 2) y = x[:, 0:1] + 1.5 * x[:, 1:] # + 3*x[:,1:]**2 + 0.5*np.random.randn(100,1) dataset = {'train_features': x, 'train_input_response': y} # Define a builder. # More control on the directives of each node builder = StaticBuilder() enc_dirs = { 'num_layers': 2, 'num_nodes': 128, 'activation': 'leaky_relu', 'net_grow_rate': 1.0 } input_dim, output_dim = 2, 1 in0 = builder.addInput(input_dim, name="features") enc1 = builder.addInner(1, 10, directives=enc_dirs) enc2 = builder.addInner(1, output_dim, directives=enc_dirs) out0 = builder.addOutput(name="prediction") builder.addDirectedLink(in0, enc1) builder.addDirectedLink(enc1, enc2) builder.addDirectedLink(enc2, out0) # Pass the builder object to the Regression Model reg = Regression(builder=builder) reg.visualize_model_graph("two_encoders.png") reg.train(dataset, num_epochs=50)
def test_build3(self): """ Test build """ print("Test 7: Slightly more complicated Custom build") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") i1 = builder.addInput(10) i2 = builder.addInput(5) cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=[i1,i2], num_outputs=1, name="Custom") ctin1 = cust.addTransformInner(3, [0]) ctin2 = cust.addTransformInner(3, [1, ctin1]) cust.declareOslot(oslot=0, innernode_name=ctin2, inode_oslot_name='main')
def test_init(self): """ Create a CustomNode """ print("Test 0: Initialization") builder = StaticBuilder(scope='BuildCust') i1 = builder.addInput([[3]], name='In1') cust = builder.createCustomNode(i1, 3, name="Custom") print("", print("cust.num_expected_inputs", cust.num_expected_inputs) print("cust.num_expected_outputs", cust.num_expected_outputs)
def test_build_outputs1(self): """ Test build """ print("Test 9: Building outputs") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") i1 = builder.addInput(10) i2 = builder.addInput(5) cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=[i1,i2], num_outputs=1, name="Custom") ctin1 = cust.addTransformInner(3, [0]) ctin2 = cust.addTransformInner(3, [0, ctin1, 1]) cust.declareOslot(oslot=0, innernode_name=ctin2, inode_oslot_name='main') X = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 10]) Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 5]) cust.build_outputs(imain0=X, imain1=Y)
def test_add_encoder0(self): """ Test commit """ print("Test 1: Adding nodes to Custom") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") i1 = builder.addInput(10) cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=i1, num_outputs=1, name="Custom") cust.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=[0]) print("cust.in_builder.inode_to_innernode", cust.in_builder.islot_to_innernode_names)
def test_add_encoder1(self): """ Test commit """ print("Test 2: Adding more nodes to Custom") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") i1 = builder.addInput(10) cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=i1, num_outputs=1, name="Custom") ctin1 = cust.addTransformInner(3, [0]) cust.addTransformInner(4, [ctin1]) print("cust.in_builder._inode_to_innernode", cust.in_builder.islot_to_innernode_names) print("cust.in_builder.input_nodes", cust.in_builder.input_nodes)
def test_addOutput(self): """ Test adding basic OutputNode """ print("\nTest 2: Adding OutputNode") builder = StaticBuilder() builder.addInput(10, name="In") builder.addInner(3, name="Det") o_name = builder.addOutput(name="Out") o1 = builder.nodes[o_name] print("\nNode keys in builder:", list(builder.nodes.keys())) print("This node's key:", o_name) self.assertEqual(o1.label, 2, "The label has not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( builder.num_nodes, 3, "The number of nodes has not been " "assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( o1.num_declared_outputs, 0, "The number of outputs of the " "OutputNode has not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( o1.num_declared_inputs, 0, "The number of inputs of the " "OutputNode has not been assigned correctly")
def test_build0(self): """ Test commit """ print("Test 4: Basic Custom build") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") i1 = builder.addInput(10) cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=i1, num_outputs=1, name="Custom") ctin = cust.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=[0]) cust.declareOslot(0, ctin, 'main')
def test_addInner(self): """ Test adding basic Deterministic InnerNode. NOTE: The DeterministicNode belongs to the class of nodes that starts with a known final number of outputs. """ print("Test 2: Adding InnerNode") try: builder = StaticBuilder(scope='Build0') i1 = builder.addInput(state_size=10, name="In") enc_name = builder.addTransformInner(state_sizes=3, main_inputs=i1, name="In") except AttributeError: print("\nCAUGHT! (AttributeError exception) \n" "Trying to assign the same name to two nodes!") builder = StaticBuilder(scope='Build0') i1 = builder.addInput(state_size=10, name="In") enc_name = builder.addTransformInner(state_size=3, main_inputs=i1) enc1 = builder.nodes[enc_name] print('\nNode keys in builder:', list(builder.nodes.keys())) print("This node's key:", enc_name) print("Builder adjacency matrix", builder.adj_matrix) self.assertEqual(enc1.label, 1, "The label has not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( builder.num_nodes, 2, "The number of nodes has not been " "assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( enc1.num_declared_outputs, 0, "The number of outputs of the " "DeterministicNode has not been assigned correctly") self.assertEqual( enc1.num_declared_inputs, 0, "The number of inputs of the " "DeterministicNode has not been assigned correctly")
def test_BuildModel2(self): """ Builds a model with 2 inputs. Test concatenation """ print("Test 4: Building a Model with concat") builder = StaticBuilder("Concat") in1 = builder.addInput(10) in2 = builder.addInput(20) enc1 = builder.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=[in1, in2]) in1, in2, enc1 = builder.nodes[in1], builder.nodes[in2], builder.nodes[ enc1] print("enc1._islot_to_itensor", enc1._islot_to_itensor) print("enc1._oslot_to_otensor", enc1._oslot_to_otensor)
def test_BuildModel0(self): """ Test building the simplest model possible. """ print("Test 3: Building a Basic Model") builder = StaticBuilder(scope="Basic") in_name = builder.addInput(10) enc_name = builder.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=in_name) inn, enc = builder.nodes[in_name], builder.nodes[enc_name] print("enc._islot_to_itensor", enc._islot_to_itensor) self.assertEqual(inn._oslot_to_otensor['main'].shape.as_list()[-1], enc._islot_to_itensor[0]['main'].shape.as_list()[-1], "The input tensors have not been assigned correctly")
def test_BuildModel2(self): """ Builds a model with 2 inputs. Test ConcatNode """ print("\nTest 6: Building a Model with Concat") builder = StaticBuilder("Concat") in1 = builder.addInput(10) in2 = builder.addInput(20) enc1 = builder.addInner(3, num_islots=2) out1 = builder.addOutput() builder.addDirectedLink(in1, enc1, islot=0) builder.addDirectedLink(in2, enc1, islot=1) builder.addDirectedLink(enc1, out1)
def test_BuildModel1(self): """ Test building a model with 2 outputs. Test Cloning an output """ print("\nTest 5: Building a Model with cloning") builder = StaticBuilder("Clone") in1 = builder.addInput(10) enc1 = builder.addInner(3) out1 = builder.addOutput(name="Out1") out2 = builder.addOutput(name="Out2") builder.addDirectedLink(in1, enc1) builder.addDirectedLink(enc1, out1) builder.addDirectedLink(enc1, out2)
def addInputSequence(self, state_size, name=None, node_class=PlaceholderInputNode, **dirs): """ Add an InputSequence """ node_name = StaticBuilder.addInput(self, state_size=state_size, iclass=node_class, name=name, is_sequence=True, **dirs) self.input_sequences[node_name] = self.input_nodes[node_name] return node_name
def test_merge_build1(self): """ Test Merge Node build """ builder = StaticBuilder(scope='Main') i1 = builder.addInput([[1]]) in1 = builder.addInner([[3]], node_class=NormalTriLNode) in2 = builder.addInner([[3]], node_class=NormalTriLNode) builder.addDirectedLink(i1, in1, islot=0) builder.addDirectedLink(i1, in2, islot=0) m1 = builder.addMergeNode([in1, in2], merge_class=MergeNormals) m1 = builder.nodes[m1] self.assertIn('loc', m1._oslot_to_otensor) self.assertIn('main', m1._oslot_to_otensor) self.assertIn('cov', m1._oslot_to_otensor)
def test_BuildModel3(self): """ Try to break it, the algorithm... !! Guess not mdrfkr. """ print("Test 7: Building a more complicated Model") builder = StaticBuilder("BreakIt") in1 = builder.addInput(10) in2 = builder.addInput(20) enc1 = builder.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=in1) enc2 = builder.addTransformInner(5, main_inputs=[in2, enc1]) enc1, enc2 = builder.nodes[enc1], builder.nodes[enc2] print("enc1._islot_to_itensor", enc1._islot_to_itensor) print("enc1._islot_to_itensor", enc2._islot_to_itensor) print("enc1._oslot_to_otensor", enc1._oslot_to_otensor) print("enc1._oslot_to_otensor", enc2._oslot_to_otensor)
def test_train_custom_node2(self): """ Test commit """ print("Test 1: with CustomNode\n") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") enc_dirs = { 'loc_numlayers': 2, 'loc_numnodes': 64, 'loc_activations': 'softplus', 'loc_netgrowrate': 1.0 } input_dim = 10 in0 = builder.addInput(input_dim, name='Observation') # Define Custom Recognition Model cust_rec = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=[in0], num_outputs=1, name="Recognition") cust_in2 = cust_rec.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=[0], node_class=NormalTriLNode, **enc_dirs) cust_rec.declareOslot(oslot=0, innernode_name=cust_in2, inode_oslot_name='main') # Define Custom Generative Model cust_gen = builder.createCustomNode(, num_outputs=1, name="Generative") cust_ginn1 = cust_gen.addTransformInner(16, main_inputs=[0]) cust_ginn2 = cust_gen.addTransformInner(10, main_inputs=cust_ginn1, node_class=NormalTriLNode, **enc_dirs) cust_gen.declareOslot(oslot=0, innernode_name=cust_ginn2, inode_oslot_name='main') # Define VAE and train vae = VariationalAutoEncoder(builder=builder) vae.train(dataset, num_epochs=10)
def test_build_outputs(self): """ Test commit """ print("Test 8: Building outputs") builder = StaticBuilder("MyModel") i1 = builder.addInput(10) cust = builder.createCustomNode(inputs=i1, num_outputs=1, name="Custom") ctin = cust.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=[0]) cust.declareOslot(0, ctin, 'main') X = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 10]) cust.build_outputs(imain0=X)
def test_BuildModel1(self): """ Test building the simplest stochastic model possible. """ print("\nTest 1: Building a Model with a Stochastic Node") builder = StaticBuilder(scope="BasicNormal") i1 = builder.addInput(10) in1 = builder.addTransformInner(3, main_inputs=i1, node_class=NormalTriLNode) inn, enc = builder.nodes[i1], builder.nodes[in1] self.assertEqual(inn._oslot_to_otensor['main'].shape.as_list()[-1], enc._islot_to_itensor[0]['main'].shape.as_list()[-1], "The input tensors have not been assigned correctly") print("enc._oslot_to_otensor", enc._oslot_to_otensor) print("enc._islot_to_itensor", enc._islot_to_itensor)
def addInputSequence(self, num_features, name=None, node_class=PlaceholderInputNode, **dirs): """ Add an InputSequence """ node_name = StaticBuilder.addInput(self, num_features=num_features, name=name, iclass=node_class, max_steps=self.max_steps, is_sequence=True, **dirs) self.input_sequences[node_name] = self.input_nodes[node_name] return node_name
def test_merge_build2(self): """ Test Merge Node build """ builder = StaticBuilder(scope='Main') i1 = builder.addInput([[3]], iclass=NormalInputNode, name='N1') i2 = builder.addInput([[3]], iclass=NormalInputNode, name='N2') m1 = builder.addMergeNode(node_list=[i1, i2], merge_class=MergeNormals) sess = tf.Session(graph=tf.get_default_graph()) s3 = builder.eval_node_oslot(sess, m1, oslot='cov') print("merge output", s3) print("merge output shape", s3.shape)