    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, subset):
        # load task information
        task_file = osp.join(root_dir, 'tasks/{}.csv'.format(subset))
        task = np.loadtxt(task_file, delimiter=',', dtype=str)

        # load dev annotations
        if subset == 'dev':
            dev_anno_file = osp.join(root_dir, 'annotations/dev.csv')
            dev_anno = np.loadtxt(dev_anno_file, delimiter=',', dtype=str)

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, line in enumerate(task):
            # parse task information
            vid_id, obj_id = line[:2]
            init_frame, last_frame = line[2:4].astype(int)
            init_anno = line[4:8].astype(np.float32)

            # log information
            seq_name = '_'.join([vid_id, obj_id])
            if s % 50 == 0 or s + 1 == len(task):
                ops.sys_print('Processing sequence [%d/%d]: %s...' %
                              (s + 1, len(task), seq_name))

            # parse annotations
            seq_dir = osp.join(root_dir, 'images', subset, vid_id)
            img0 = ops.read_image(seq_dir + '/000000.jpeg')
            h, w = img0.shape[:2]
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'target_num': 1

            # parse and rescale initial annotations
            anno = np.expand_dims(init_anno[[0, 2, 1, 3]], axis=0)
            anno[:, [0, 2]] *= w
            anno[:, [1, 3]] *= h

            # image paths
            frames = np.arange(init_frame, last_frame + 1, self.frame_stride)
            img_files = [osp.join(seq_dir, '%06d.jpeg' % f) for f in frames]

            # update meta information
                'frame_num': len(img_files),
                'total_instances': len(img_files),
                'frames': frames

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir):
        # image and annotation paths
        anno_files = sorted(glob.glob(
            osp.join(root_dir, '*/groundtruth_rect.txt')))
        seq_dirs = [osp.dirname(f) for f in anno_files]
        seq_names = [osp.basename(d) for d in seq_dirs]

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(
                osp.join(seq_dirs[s], 'img/*.jpg')))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',')
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len}
            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta}}

        return seq_dict
文件: tracker.py 项目: hqucv/dmtrack
    def forward_test(self, img_files, init_bbox, visualize=False, return_all=False):
        # state variables
        frame_num = len(img_files)
        if not return_all:
            bboxes = np.zeros((frame_num, 4))
            bboxes = np.zeros((frame_num, 100, 4))
        bboxes[0] = init_bbox
        times = np.zeros(frame_num)

        for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
            if self.input_type == 'image':
                img = ops.read_image(img_file, self.color_fmt)
            elif self.input_type == 'file':
                img = img_file

            begin = time.time()
            if not return_all:
                if f == 0:
                    self.init(img, init_bbox)
                    bboxes[f, :] = self.update(img, return_all=return_all)
                if f == 0:
                    self.init(img, init_bbox)
                    bboxes[f, ::] = self.update(img, return_all=return_all)
            times[f] = time.time() - begin

            if visualize:
                ops.show_image(img, bboxes[f, :4])

        return bboxes, times
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, subset):
        # image and annotation paths
        seq_dirs = []
        anno_files = []
        if 'train' in subset:
            _seq_dirs = sorted(
            _anno_files = [
                osp.join(root_dir, 'VisDrone2018-VID-train/annotations',
                         osp.basename(s) + '.txt') for s in _seq_dirs
            seq_dirs += _seq_dirs
            anno_files += _anno_files
        if 'val' in subset:
            _seq_dirs = sorted(
                    osp.join(root_dir, 'VisDrone2018-VID-val/sequences/*_v')))
            _anno_files = [
                osp.join(root_dir, 'VisDrone2018-VID-val/annotations',
                         osp.basename(s) + '.txt') for s in _seq_dirs
            seq_dirs += _seq_dirs
            anno_files += _anno_files
        seq_names = [osp.basename(s) for s in seq_dirs]

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            if s % 10 == 0 or s + 1 == len(seq_names):
                ops.sys_print('Processing [%d/%d]: %s' %
                              (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))

            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg')))
            anno_s = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
            anno_s = self._format(anno_s)

            # meta information
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': len(img_files),
                'target_num': len(set(anno_s[:, 1])),
                'total_instances': len(anno_s)

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno_s,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
文件: otb.py 项目: njuxx/GlobalTrack
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, version):
        # image and annotation paths
        valid_seqs = self.__version_dict[version]
        anno_files = sorted(list(chain.from_iterable(glob.glob(
            osp.join(root_dir, s, 'groundtruth*.txt')) for s in valid_seqs)))
        # remove empty annotation files
        # (e.g., groundtruth_rect.1.txt of Human4)
        anno_files = self._filter_files(anno_files)
        seq_dirs = [osp.dirname(f) for f in anno_files]
        seq_names = [osp.basename(d) for d in seq_dirs]
        # rename repeated sequence names
        # (e.g., Jogging and Skating2)
        seq_names = self._rename_seqs(seq_names)

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(
                osp.join(seq_dirs[s], 'img/*.jpg')))
            # special sequences
            # (visit http://cvlab.hanyang.ac.kr/tracker_benchmark/index.html for detail)
            if seq_name.lower() == 'david':
                img_files = img_files[300-1:770]
            elif seq_name.lower() == 'football1':
                img_files = img_files[:74]
            elif seq_name.lower() == 'freeman3':
                img_files = img_files[:460]
            elif seq_name.lower() == 'freeman4':
                img_files = img_files[:283]
            elif seq_name.lower() == 'diving':
                img_files = img_files[:215]
            # load annotations (to deal with different delimeters)
            with open(anno_files[s], 'r') as f:
                anno = np.loadtxt(io.StringIO(f.read().replace(',', ' ')))
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1
            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len}
            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta}}
        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, version):
        # sequence meta information
        meta_file = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'uav123.json')
        with open(meta_file) as f:
            seq_metas = json.load(f)

        # image and annotation paths
        anno_files = sorted(
            glob.glob(osp.join(root_dir, 'anno/%s/*.txt' % version)))
        seq_names = [osp.basename(f)[:-4] for f in anno_files]
        seq_dirs = [osp.join(
            root_dir, 'data_seq/UAV123/%s' % \
            for n in seq_names]

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            # valid frame range
            start_frame = seq_metas[version][seq_names[s]]['start_frame']
            end_frame = seq_metas[version][seq_names[s]]['end_frame']
            img_files = [
                osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '%06d.jpg' % f)
                for f in range(start_frame, end_frame + 1)

            # load annotations
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',')
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def show(self,
        if seq_names is None:
            seq_names = self.dataset.seq_names
        elif isinstance(seq_names, str):
            seq_names = [seq_names]
        assert isinstance(tracker_names, (list, tuple))
        assert isinstance(seq_names, (list, tuple))

        play_speed = int(round(play_speed))
        assert play_speed > 0

        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            ops.sys_print('[%d/%d] Showing results on %s...' %
                          (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))

            # mkdir if required to save screenshots
            if save:
                out_dir = osp.join(save_dir, seq_name)
                if not osp.exists(out_dir):

            # load all tracking results
            records = {}
            for name in tracker_names:
                record_file = osp.join(self.result_dir, name,
                                       '%s.txt' % seq_name)
                records[name] = np.loadtxt(record_file, delimiter=',')

            # loop over the sequence and display results
            img_files, target = self.dataset[seq_name][:2]
            img_files = img_files[::self.frame_stride]
            target['anno'] = target['anno'][self.frame_stride]
            for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
                if not f % play_speed == 0:
                img = ops.read_image(img_file)
                bboxes = [records[name][f] for name in tracker_names]
                if len(target['anno']) > f:
                    bboxes = [target['anno'][f]] + bboxes
                img = ops.show_image(img, bboxes, visualize=visualize)

                # save screenshot if required
                if save:
                    out_file = osp.join(out_dir, '%08d.jpg' % (f + 1))
                    cv2.imwrite(out_file, img)
文件: nfs.py 项目: hqucv/dmtrack
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, fps):
        # image and annotation paths
        anno_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(root_dir, '*/%d/*.txt' % fps)))
        seq_names = [osp.basename(f)[:-4] for f in anno_files]
        seq_dirs = [
            osp.join(osp.dirname(f), n) for f, n in zip(anno_files, seq_names)

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            if s % 50 == 0 or s + 1 == len(seq_names):
                ops.sys_print('Processing sequence [%d/%d]: %s...' %
                              (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg')))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], dtype=str)
            anno = anno[:, 1:5].astype(np.float32)

            # handle inconsistent lengths
            if not len(img_files) == len(anno):
                if abs(len(anno) / len(img_files) - 8) < 1:
                    anno = anno[0::8, :]
                diff = abs(len(img_files) - len(anno))
                if diff > 0 and diff <= 1:
                    n = min(len(img_files), len(anno))
                    anno = anno[:n]
                    img_files = img_files[:n]
            assert len(img_files) == len(anno)

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, subset):
        # load subset sequence names
        split_file = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'lasot.json')
        with open(split_file, 'r') as f:
            splits = json.load(f)
        seq_names = splits[subset]

        # image and annotation paths
        seq_dirs = [
            osp.join(root_dir, n[:n.rfind('-')], n, 'img') for n in seq_names
        anno_files = [
            osp.join(root_dir, n[:n.rfind('-')], n, 'groundtruth.txt')
            for n in seq_names

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            if s % 100 == 0 or s + 1 == len(seq_names):
                ops.sys_print('Processing sequence [%d/%d]: %s...' %
                              (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg')))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = self._fetch_meta(seq_dirs[s])
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, list_file):
        # image and annotation paths
        with open(list_file, 'r') as f:
            seq_names = f.read().strip().split('\n')
        seq_dirs = [osp.join(root_dir, s, 'color') for s in seq_names]
        if os.path.exists(
                osp.join(root_dir, seq_names[0], 'annotations',
            anno_files = [
                osp.join(root_dir, s, 'annotations', 'groundtruth.txt')
                for s in seq_names
            anno_files = [
                osp.join(root_dir, s, 'annotation', 'groundtruth.txt')
                for s in seq_names

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg')))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',')
            anno = self._format(anno)

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = self._fetch_meta(seq_dirs[s], seq_len)
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, subset_dirs):
        # image and annotation paths
        anno_files = [
            glob.glob(osp.join(root_dir, c, 'anno/*.txt')) for c in subset_dirs
        anno_files = sorted(sum(anno_files, []))
        seq_dirs = [
            osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(f)), 'frames',
                     osp.basename(f)[:-4]) for f in anno_files
        seq_names = [osp.basename(d) for d in seq_dirs]

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            if s % 100 == 0 or s + 1 == len(seq_names):
                ops.sys_print('Processing sequence [%d/%d]: %s...' %
                              (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))
            img_files = glob.glob(osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg'))
            img_files = sorted(img_files,
                               key=lambda f: int(osp.basename(f)[:-4]))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',')
            if anno.ndim == 1:
                anno = np.expand_dims(anno, axis=0)
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, version, subset):
        # image and annotation paths
        seq_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(
            osp.join(root_dir, subset, '*/img1')))
        parent_dirs = [osp.dirname(d) for d in seq_dirs]
        seq_names = [osp.basename(d) for d in parent_dirs]
        det_files = [osp.join(
            d, 'det/det.txt') for d in parent_dirs]
        if subset == 'train':
            gt_files = [osp.join(
                d, 'gt/gt.txt') for d in parent_dirs]
        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(
                osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg')))
            det = np.loadtxt(
                det_files[s], delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
            det = self._format_det(det)
            target = {'det': det}

            if subset == 'train':
                gt = np.loadtxt(
                    gt_files[s], delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
                gt = self._format_gt(gt)
                target.update({'anno': gt})
            # meta information
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': len(img_files),
                'target_num': -1 if subset != 'train' else len(set(gt[:, 1])),
                'total_instances': -1 if subset != 'train' else len(gt)}
            target.update({'meta': meta})

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': target}
        return seq_dict
文件: dataset.py 项目: hqucv/dmtrack
    def __getitem__(self, index):
            index (integer): Index of an image.
            img, target (tuple): where ``target`` is dict of annotations.
        img_name = self.img_names[index]
        img_info = self.img_dict[img_name]

        # parse image and annotations
        img = ops.read_image(img_info['img_file'])
        target = img_info['target']
        if hasattr(self, 'transforms') and self.transforms is not None:
            img, target = self.transforms(img, target)

        return img, target
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, subset):
        # image and annotation paths
        if subset == 'test':
            anno_files = sorted(
                glob.glob(osp.join(root_dir, 'initialization/*_s.txt')))
            anno_files = sorted(
                glob.glob(osp.join(root_dir, 'annotations/*_s.txt')))
        seq_names = [osp.basename(f)[:-4] for f in anno_files]
        seq_dirs = [
            osp.join(root_dir, 'sequences/{}'.format(n)) for n in seq_names

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(seq_dirs[s], 'img*.jpg')))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',')
            if anno.ndim == 1:
                assert anno.size == 4
                anno = anno[np.newaxis, :]
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir):
        # image and annotation paths
        seq_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(
            osp.join(root_dir, '*/*_*/')))
        seq_dirs = [d[:-1] for d in seq_dirs]
        seq_names = [osp.basename(d) for d in seq_dirs]
        anno_files = [osp.join(
            root_dir, 'annotation/annotation/{}_gt_points.txt'.format(n))
            for n in seq_names]
        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            if s % 50 == 0 or s + 1 == len(seq_names):
                ops.sys_print('Processing sequence [%d/%d]: %s...' % (
                    s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(
                osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg')))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s])
            n = min(len(img_files), len(anno))
            assert n > 0
            img_files = img_files[:n]
            anno = anno[:n]

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len}
            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta}}
        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir):
        # image and annotation paths
        anno_files = sorted(glob.glob(
            osp.join(root_dir, '*/*_gt.txt')))
        seq_dirs = [osp.dirname(f) for f in anno_files]
        seq_names = [osp.basename(d) for d in seq_dirs]
        # valid frame range for each sequence
        range_files = [glob.glob(
            osp.join(d, '*_frames.txt'))[0]
            for d in seq_dirs]
        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            # load valid frame range
            frames = np.loadtxt(
                range_files[s], dtype=int, delimiter=',')
            img_files = [osp.join(
                seq_dirs[s], 'img/%04d.jpg' % f)
                for f in range(frames[0], frames[1] + 1)]

            # load annotations
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',')
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len}
            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta}}
        return seq_dict
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, subset, list_file):
        # image and annotation paths
        with open(list_file, 'r') as f:
            seq_names = f.read().strip().split('\n')
        seq_dirs = [osp.join(root_dir, subset, s) for s in seq_names]
        anno_files = [osp.join(d, 'groundtruth.txt') for d in seq_dirs]

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            if s % 100 == 0 or s + 1 == len(seq_names):
                ops.sys_print('Processing sequence [%d/%d]: %s...' %
                              (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))
            img_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '*.jpg')))
            anno = np.loadtxt(anno_files[s], delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
            if anno.ndim == 1:
                assert anno.size == 4
                anno = anno[np.newaxis, :]
            anno[:, 2:] = anno[:, :2] + anno[:, 2:] - 1

            # meta information
            seq_len = len(img_files)
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = self._fetch_meta(seq_dirs[s])
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': seq_len,
                'target_num': 1,
                'total_instances': seq_len

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def forward_test(self, img_files, init_bbox, visualize=False):
        frame_num = len(img_files)
        times = np.zeros(frame_num)
        preds = [{
            'present': True,
            'score': 1.0,
            'xmin': init_bbox[0],
            'xmax': init_bbox[2],
            'ymin': init_bbox[1],
            'ymax': init_bbox[3]

        for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
            if self.input_type == 'image':
                img = ops.read_image(img_file, self.color_fmt)
            elif self.input_type == 'file':
                img = img_file

            begin = time.time()
            if f == 0:
                self.init(img, init_bbox)
                bbox, score, present = self.update(img)
                    'present': present,
                    'score': score,
                    'xmin': bbox[0],
                    'xmax': bbox[2],
                    'ymin': bbox[1],
                    'ymax': bbox[3]
            times[f] = time.time() - begin

            if visualize:
                ops.show_image(img, bboxes[f, :])

        # update the preds as one-per-second
        frame_stride = 30
        preds = {f * frame_stride: pred for f, pred in enumerate(preds)}

        return preds, times
    def _check_dataset(self, dataset):
        seq_num = len(dataset)
        if seq_num == 0:
            ops.sys_print('Warning: {} dataset is empty, '
                          'skip test...'.format(dataset.name))
        self.assertGreater(seq_num, 0)
        ops.sys_print('{} contains {} sequences'.format(dataset.name, seq_num))

        # sanity check
        inds = random.sample(range(seq_num), min(seq_num, 10))
        for i in inds:
            img_files, target = dataset[i]
            anno, meta = target['anno'], target['meta']
            if anno.shape[0] == 1:
                continue  # test sets
            if anno.shape[1] in [4, 8]:
                self.assertEqual(len(img_files), len(anno))
                self.assertGreaterEqual(len(img_files) - 1, anno[:, 0].max())

        # visualization
        if self.visualize:
            img_files, target = random.choice(dataset)
            anno = target['anno']

            for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
                if f >= anno.shape[0]:
                    break  # test sets
                if anno.shape[1] == 9:
                    bboxes = anno[anno[:, 0] == f, 2:6]
                elif anno.shape[1] == 8:
                    break  # TODO: points are not supported yet
                    bboxes = anno[f, :]
                img = ops.read_image(img_file)
                ops.show_image(img, bboxes, delay=1)
    def _construct_seq_dict(self, root_dir, subset):
        # image and annotation paths
        seq_dirs = []
        anno_dirs = []
        if 'train' in subset:
            _seq_dirs = sorted(
            _anno_dirs = [
                osp.join(root_dir, 'Annotations/VID/train',
                         *s.split('/')[-2:]) for s in _seq_dirs
            seq_dirs += _seq_dirs
            anno_dirs += _anno_dirs
        if 'val' in subset:
            _seq_dirs = sorted(
                glob.glob(osp.join(root_dir, 'Data/VID/val/ILSVRC2015_val_*')))
            _anno_dirs = [
                osp.join(root_dir, 'Annotations/VID/val',
                         s.split('/')[-1]) for s in _seq_dirs
            seq_dirs += _seq_dirs
            anno_dirs += _anno_dirs
        seq_names = [osp.basename(s) for s in seq_dirs]

        # construct seq_dict
        seq_dict = {}
        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            if s % 100 == 0 or s + 1 == len(seq_names):
                ops.sys_print('Processing sequence [%d/%d]: %s...' %
                              (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))

            # parse XML annotation files
            anno_files = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(anno_dirs[s], '*.xml')))
            objects = [
                ET.ElementTree(file=f).findall('object') for f in anno_files

            anno_s = []
            for f, group in enumerate(objects):
                for obj in group:
                    anno_obj = [
                        f,  # frame_id
                        int(obj.find('trackid').text),  # target_id
                        int(obj.find('bndbox/xmin').text),  # x1
                        int(obj.find('bndbox/ymin').text),  # y1
                        int(obj.find('bndbox/xmax').text),  # x2
                        int(obj.find('bndbox/ymax').text),  # y2
                        1,  # score/keep
                            obj.find('name').text),  # class_id
                    ]  # occlusion
            anno_s = np.array(anno_s, dtype=np.float32)

            # meta information
            img_files = [
                osp.join(seq_dirs[s], '%06d.JPEG' % f)
                for f in range(len(objects))
            img0 = ops.read_image(img_files[0])
            meta = {
                'width': img0.shape[1],
                'height': img0.shape[0],
                'frame_num': len(img_files),
                'target_num': len(set(anno_s[:, 1])),
                'total_instances': len(anno_s)

            # update seq_dict
            seq_dict[seq_name] = {
                'img_files': img_files,
                'target': {
                    'anno': anno_s,
                    'meta': meta

        return seq_dict
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if index > len(self):
            raise IndexError('Index out of range')
        index %= len(self.seqs)

        # get image files and annotations
        img_files, target = self.seqs[index]
        anno, meta = target['anno'], target['meta']
        # filter noisy annotations
        valid_indices = self._filter(anno, meta)
        if len(valid_indices) < 2:
            return self._random_next()

        # ramdomly sample a pair
        rand_z, rand_x = self._sample_pair(anno, valid_indices)
        if rand_z < 0 or rand_x < 0:
            return self._random_next()

        # annotations pair
        if anno.shape[1] in [4, 8]:
            # SOT-based pairs
            bboxes_z = np.expand_dims(anno[rand_z], axis=0)
            bboxes_x = np.expand_dims(anno[rand_x], axis=0)
        elif anno.shape[1] == 9:
            # MOT/VID-based pairs
            # find consistent track_ids
            mask_z = (anno[:, 0] == rand_z)
            mask_x = (anno[:, 0] == rand_x)
            z_ids, x_ids = anno[mask_z, 1], anno[mask_x, 1]
            join_ids = sorted(set(z_ids) & set(x_ids))

            # extract bounding boxes (ignore the class label)
            bboxes_z, bboxes_x = [], []
            for track_id in join_ids:
                mask_id = (anno[:, 1] == track_id)
                mask_id_z = (mask_z & mask_id)
                mask_id_x = (mask_x & mask_id)
                if mask_id_z.sum() != 1 or mask_id_x.sum() != 1:
                    ops.sys_print('Warning: found repeated ID for',
                    return self._random_next()
                bboxes_z += [anno[mask_id_z, 2:6]]
                bboxes_x += [anno[mask_id_x, 2:6]]
            bboxes_z = np.concatenate(bboxes_z, axis=0)
            bboxes_x = np.concatenate(bboxes_x, axis=0)
            assert len(bboxes_z) == len(bboxes_x) == len(join_ids)

        # image pair
        img_z = ops.read_image(img_files[rand_z])
        img_x = ops.read_image(img_files[rand_x])

        # bound annotations by image boundaries
        h, w = img_z.shape[:2]
        bboxes_z = ops.bound_bboxes(bboxes_z, [w, h])
        bboxes_x = ops.bound_bboxes(bboxes_x, [w, h])

        # build target
        target = {'bboxes_z': bboxes_z, 'bboxes_x': bboxes_x}

        # apply transforms if applicable
        if self.transforms is not None:
            return self.transforms(img_z, img_x, target)
            return img_z, img_x, target
    def run_realtime(self, tracker, visualize=False):
        ops.sys_print('Running real-time experiment...')

        # loop over the complete dataset
        for s, (img_files, target) in enumerate(self.dataset):
            seq_name = self.dataset.seq_names[s]
            ops.sys_print('--Sequence %d/%d: %s' %
                          (s + 1, len(self.dataset), seq_name))

            # skip if results exist
            record_file = os.path.join(self.result_dir, tracker.name,
                                       'realtime', seq_name,
                                       '%s_001.txt' % seq_name)
            if os.path.exists(record_file):
                ops.sys_print('  Found results, skipping %s' % seq_name)

            # rectangular bounding boxes
            anno = target['anno']
            anno_rects = anno.copy()
            if anno_rects.shape[1] == 8:
                anno_rects = self.dataset._corner2rect(anno_rects)

            # state variables
            bboxes = []
            times = []
            next_start = 0
            failure = False
            failed_frame = -1
            total_time = 0.0
            grace = 3 - 1
            offset = 0

            # tracking loop
            for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
                img = ops.read_image(img_file)
                if tracker.input_type == 'image':
                    frame = img
                elif tracker.input_type == 'file':
                    frame = img_file

                start_time = time.time()
                if f == next_start:
                    # during initial frames
                    tracker.init(frame, anno_rects[f])

                    # reset state variables
                    failure = False
                    failed_frame = -1
                    total_time = 0.0
                    grace = 3 - 1
                    offset = f
                elif not failure:
                    # during success frames
                    # calculate current frame
                    if grace > 0:
                        total_time += 1000.0 / 25
                        grace -= 1
                        total_time += max(1000.0 / 25, last_time * 1000.0)
                    current = offset + int(
                        np.round(np.floor(total_time * 25) / 1000.0))

                    # delayed/tracked bounding box
                    if f < current:
                        bbox = bboxes[-1]
                    elif f == current:
                        bbox = tracker.update(frame)

                    iou = ops.poly_iou(anno[f], bbox, bound=img.shape[1::-1])
                    if iou <= 0.0:
                        # tracking failure
                        failure = True
                        failed_frame = f
                        next_start = current + self.skip_initialize
                        # tracking succeed
                    # during failure frames
                    if f < current:
                        # skipping frame due to slow speed
                        start_time = np.NaN
                    elif f == current:
                        # current frame
                        bbox = tracker.update(frame)
                        iou = ops.poly_iou(anno[f],
                        if iou <= 0.0:
                            # tracking failure
                            bboxes[failed_frame] = [0]
                            times[failed_frame] = np.NaN
                            # tracking succeed
                    elif f < next_start:
                        # skipping frame due to failure
                        start_time = np.NaN

                # store elapsed time
                last_time = time.time() - start_time

                # visualize if required
                if visualize:
                    if len(bboxes[-1]) == 4:
                        ops.show_image(img, bboxes[-1])

            # record results
            self._record(record_file, bboxes, times)
    def run_supervised(self, tracker, visualize=False):
        ops.sys_print('Running supervised experiment...')

        # loop over the complete dataset
        for s, (img_files, target) in enumerate(self.dataset):
            seq_name = self.dataset.seq_names[s]
            ops.sys_print('--Sequence %d/%d: %s' %
                          (s + 1, len(self.dataset), seq_name))

            # rectangular bounding boxes
            anno = target['anno']
            anno_rects = anno.copy()
            if anno_rects.shape[1] == 8:
                anno_rects = self.dataset._corner2rect(anno_rects)

            # run multiple repetitions for each sequence
            for r in range(self.repetitions):
                # check if the tracker is deterministic
                if r > 0 and tracker.is_deterministic:
                elif r == 3 and self._check_deterministic(
                        'baseline', tracker.name, seq_name):
                    ops.sys_print('  Detected a deterministic tracker, '
                                  'skipping remaining trials.')
                ops.sys_print(' Repetition: %d' % (r + 1))

                # skip if results exist
                record_file = os.path.join(self.result_dir, tracker.name,
                                           'baseline', seq_name,
                                           '%s_%03d.txt' % (seq_name, r + 1))
                if os.path.exists(record_file):
                    ops.sys_print('  Found results, skipping %s' % seq_name)

                # state variables
                bboxes = []
                times = []
                failure = False
                next_start = -1

                # tracking loop
                for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
                    img = ops.read_image(img_file)
                    if tracker.input_type == 'image':
                        frame = img
                    elif tracker.input_type == 'file':
                        frame = img_file

                    start_time = time.time()
                    if f == 0:
                        # initial frame
                        tracker.init(frame, anno_rects[0])
                    elif failure:
                        # during failure frames
                        if f == next_start:
                            if np.all(anno_rects[f] <= 0):
                                next_start += 1
                                start_time = np.NaN
                                failure = False
                                tracker.init(frame, anno_rects[f])
                            start_time = np.NaN
                        # during success frames
                        bbox = tracker.update(frame)
                        iou = ops.poly_iou(anno[f],
                        if iou <= 0.0:
                            # tracking failure
                            failure = True
                            next_start = f + self.skip_initialize
                            # tracking succeed

                    # store elapsed time
                    times.append(time.time() - start_time)

                    # visualize if required
                    if visualize:
                        if len(bboxes[-1]) == 4:
                            ops.show_image(img, bboxes[-1])

                # record results
                self._record(record_file, bboxes, times)
    def show(self,
        if seq_names is None:
            seq_names = self.dataset.seq_names
        elif isinstance(seq_names, str):
            seq_names = [seq_names]
        assert isinstance(tracker_names, (list, tuple))
        assert isinstance(seq_names, (list, tuple))
        assert experiment in ['supervised', 'unsupervised', 'realtime']

        play_speed = int(round(play_speed))
        assert play_speed > 0

        # "supervised" experiment results are stored in "baseline" folder
        if experiment == 'supervised':
            experiment = 'baseline'

        # function for loading results
        def read_record(filename):
            with open(filename) as f:
                record = f.read().strip().split('\n')
            record = [[float(t) for t in line.split(',')] for line in record]
            for i, r in enumerate(record):
                if len(r) == 4:
                    record[i] = np.array(r)
                elif len(r) == 8:
                    r = np.array(r)[np.newaxis, :]
                    r = self.dataset._corner2rect(r)
                    record[i] = r[0]
                    record[i] = np.zeros(4)
            return record

        for s, seq_name in enumerate(seq_names):
            ops.sys_print('[%d/%d] Showing results on %s...' %
                          (s + 1, len(seq_names), seq_name))

            # mkdir if required to save screenshots
            if save:
                out_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, seq_name)
                if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

            # load all tracking results
            records = {}
            for name in tracker_names:
                record_file = os.path.join(self.result_dir, name, experiment,
                                           seq_name, '%s_001.txt' % seq_name)
                records[name] = read_record(record_file)

            # loop over the sequence and display results
            img_files, target = self.dataset[seq_name][:2]
            anno = target['anno']
            if anno.shape[1] == 8:
                anno = self.dataset._corner2rect(anno)
            for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
                if not f % play_speed == 0:
                img = ops.read_image(img_file)
                bboxes = [anno[f]
                          ] + [records[name][f] for name in tracker_names]
                img = ops.show_image(img, bboxes, visualize=visualize)

                # save screenshot if required
                if save:
                    out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, '%08d.jpg' % (f + 1))
                    cv2.imwrite(out_file, img)
    def report(self, tracker_names, plot_curves=False):
        if isinstance(tracker_names, str):
            tracker_names = [tracker_names]
        assert isinstance(tracker_names, (list, tuple))

        # function for loading results
        def read_record(filename):
            with open(filename) as f:
                record = f.read().strip().split('\n')
            record = [[float(t) for t in line.split(',')] for line in record]
            return record

        # assume tracker_names[0] is your tracker
        report_dir = os.path.join(self.report_dir, tracker_names[0])
        if not os.path.exists(report_dir):
        report_file = os.path.join(report_dir, 'performance.json')

        performance = {}
        for name in tracker_names:
            ops.sys_print('Evaluating %s' % name)
            ious = {}
            ious_full = {}
            failures = {}
            times = {}
            masks = {}  # frame masks for attribute tags

            for s, (img_files, target) in enumerate(self.dataset):
                anno, meta = target['anno'], target['meta']
                seq_name = self.dataset.seq_names[s]

                # initialize frames scores
                frame_num = len(img_files)
                ious[seq_name] = np.full((self.repetitions, frame_num),
                ious_full[seq_name] = np.full((self.repetitions, frame_num),
                failures[seq_name] = np.full((self.repetitions, frame_num),
                times[seq_name] = np.full((self.repetitions, frame_num),

                # read results of all repetitions
                record_files = sorted(
                        os.path.join(self.result_dir, name, 'baseline',
                                     seq_name, '%s_[0-9]*.txt' % seq_name)))
                bboxes = [read_record(f) for f in record_files]
                assert all([len(b) == len(anno) for b in bboxes])

                # calculate frame ious with burnin
                bound = ops.read_image(img_files[0]).shape[1::-1]
                seq_ious = [
                    self._calc_iou(b, anno, bound, burnin=True) for b in bboxes
                ious[seq_name][:len(seq_ious), :] = seq_ious

                # calculate frame ious without burnin
                seq_ious_full = [
                    self._calc_iou(b, anno, bound) for b in bboxes
                ious_full[seq_name][:len(seq_ious_full), :] = seq_ious_full

                # calculate frame failures
                seq_failures = [[
                    len(b) == 1 and b[0] == 2 for b in bboxes_per_rep
                ] for bboxes_per_rep in bboxes]
                failures[seq_name][:len(seq_failures), :] = seq_failures

                # collect frame runtimes
                time_file = os.path.join(self.result_dir, name, 'baseline',
                                         seq_name, '%s_time.txt' % seq_name)
                if os.path.exists(time_file):
                    seq_times = np.loadtxt(time_file, delimiter=',').T
                    times[seq_name][:len(seq_times), :] = seq_times

                # collect attribute masks
                tag_num = len(self.tags)
                masks[seq_name] = np.zeros((tag_num, frame_num), bool)
                for i, tag in enumerate(self.tags):
                    if tag in meta:
                        masks[seq_name][i, :] = meta[tag]
                # frames with no tags
                if 'empty' in self.tags:
                    tag_frames = np.array([
                        v for k, v in meta.items()
                        if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and \
                        not 'practical' in k], dtype=bool)
                    ind = self.tags.index('empty')
                    masks[seq_name][ind, :] = \
                        ~np.logical_or.reduce(tag_frames, axis=0)

            # concatenate frames
            seq_names = self.dataset.seq_names
            masks = np.concatenate([masks[s] for s in seq_names], axis=1)
            ious = np.concatenate([ious[s] for s in seq_names], axis=1)
            failures = np.concatenate([failures[s] for s in seq_names], axis=1)

            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                # average over repetitions
                warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
                ious = np.nanmean(ious, axis=0)
                failures = np.nanmean(failures, axis=0)

                # calculate average overlaps and failures for each tag
                tag_ious = np.array([np.nanmean(ious[m]) for m in masks])
                tag_failures = np.array(
                    [np.nansum(failures[m]) for m in masks])
                tag_frames = masks.sum(axis=1)

            # remove nan values
            tag_ious[np.isnan(tag_ious)] = 0.0
            tag_weights = tag_frames / tag_frames.sum()

            # calculate weighted accuracy and robustness
            accuracy = np.sum(tag_ious * tag_weights)
            robustness = np.sum(tag_failures * tag_weights)

            # calculate tracking speed
            times = np.concatenate([t.reshape(-1) for t in times.values()])
            # remove invalid values
            times = times[~np.isnan(times)]
            times = times[times > 0]
            if len(times) > 0:
                speed = np.mean(1. / times)
                speed = -1

                name: {
                    'accuracy': accuracy,
                    'robustness': robustness,
                    'speed_fps': speed

        # save performance
        with open(report_file, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(performance, f, indent=4)
        ops.sys_print('Performance saved at %s' % report_file)

        return performance