def MuonRange(E, param): """ Calculates muon range on ice using PDG data using the muon energy. Ref. PDG data for Ice @type E : float @param E : muon energy [eV] @type param : physicsconstants @param param : set of physical parameters to be used. @rtype : float @return : range [m] """ # load muon range pdg-data # filename = "muonloss_325.dat" file = open(global_datapath + filename, 'r') h, dat = gt.hreadfilev2(file) rho_ice = IC.rho_ice * /**3 dat = np.array(dat) E_mu = dat[:, 0] Range = dat[:, -3] * /**2 inter_range = interpolate.interp1d(E_mu, Range) return (inter_range(E / param.MeV) / rho_ice) / param.meter
def LoadBoosterFlux(mbparam): """ Reads booster flux and stores it in memory. Ref. : A.A. Aguilar-Arevalo et al., "Measurement of Neutrino-Induced Charged Current-Charged Pion Production Cross Sections on Mineral Oil at Enu ~ 1 GeV" arXiv:1011.3572 [hep-ex] Data : @type mbparam : miniboone_config @param mbparam : miniboone run configuration @rtype : array @return : raw flux data array """ if mbparam.Beam.LoadFlux == [] or mbparam.Beam.LoadHornPolarity != mbparam.Beam.HornPolarity: if mbparam.Beam.HornPolarity == "positive": file = open(global_datapath + "pospolarity_fluxes.dat", 'r') elif mbparam.Beam.HornPolarity == "negative": file = open(global_datapath + "negpolarity_fluxes.dat", 'r') else: print "Wrong horn polarity." quit() h, dat = gt.hreadfilev2(file) file.close() mbparam.Beam.LoadFlux = dat mbparam.Beam.LoadHornPolarity = mbparam.Beam.HornPolarity return dat else: return mbparam.Beam.LoadFlux
def MINOSEfficiency(E,mparam): """ Returns CC-event efficiencies for MINOS far detector. @type E : float @param E : energy [eV] @type mparam : minos config. parameters @param mparam : minos configuration information/parameters @rtype : float @return : CC-event efficiency """ file = open(global_datapath + "MINOS_CC_efficiency.dat",'r') h,dat = gt.hreadfilev2(file) Enu = np.array(dat)[:,0] Eff = np.array(dat)[:,1] if E/mparam.GeV <= Enu[-1]: eff_interpolate = interpolate.interp1d(Enu,Eff) return eff_interpolate(E/mparam.GeV) else : return Eff[-1]
class Sun(): name = "Sun" file = open(datapath + 'bs05_agsop.dat', 'r') header, SSM = gt.hreadfilev2(file) ## Begin Loading Standar Solar Model ## SSM = np.array(SSM) M = SSM[:, 0] R = SSM[:, 1] T = SSM[:, 2] Rho = SSM[:, 3] P = SSM[:, 4] Luminosity = SSM[:, 5] X = SSM[:, 6] ## End Loading Standard Solar Model ## SunRadius = 694439.0 # [km] Radius = 694439.0 # [km] # Define interpolators # spline interpolator #inter_rdensity = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(R,Rho) #inter_rxh = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(R,X) # linear interpolator inter_rdensity = interpolate.interp1d(R, Rho) inter_rxh = interpolate.interp1d(R, X) def rdensity(self, r): # Density at a distance r from Sun center normalize to sun radius if (r <= self.R[-1] and r >= self.R[0]): return self.inter_rdensity(r) elif (r < self.R[0]): return self.Rho[0] else: return 0.0 def rxh(self, r): # mean molecular density at distance r from center if (r <= self.R[-1] and r >= self.R[0]): return self.inter_rxh(r) elif (r < self.R[0]): return self.X[0] elif (r > self.R[-1]): return self.X[-1] else: return 0.0 def rye(self, r): # mean molecular density at distance r from center return 0.5 * (1.0 + self.rxh(r)) def rRNC(self, r): # ratio between neutral and charge current ye = self.rye(r) return -0.5 * (1.0 - ye) / ye def density(self, track): # Returns sun density at a given track position # considering radial motion # in this case geometry is trivial xkm = track.x / r = xkm / self.SunRadius if (r <= self.R[-1] and r >= self.R[0]): return np.max(self.inter_rdensity(r), 0.0) elif (r < self.R[0]): return self.Rho[0] else: return 0.0 #return self.rdensity(xkm/self.SunRadius) def ye(self, track): # Electron mean molecular weight # from J. Bacahall New Journal of Physics 6 (2004) 63, p.8 xkm = track.x / r = xkm / self.SunRadius return 0.5 * (1.0 + self.rxh(r)) #return self.rye(xkm/self.SunRadius) def RNC(self, track): # ratio between neutral and charge current xkm = track.x / return self.rRNC(xkm / self.SunRadius) @innerclass class track(): # in this case track information is trivial def __init__(self, xini, xend): # x : current position [eV] # xini : Initial radius [eV] # xendf : Final radius [eV] self.x = xini self.xini = xini self.xend = xend
#print prob # ##E = 10.0*pcc.GeV ##prob = [no.AdiabaticProbability(i,i,E,0.05,Sun,PMNS,fM2,pcc) for i in range(3)] ##print prob # #quit() #PlotNeuCompositionCompare(250*pc.GeV,Sun,pcc,pc) #quit() #PlotDM_Icecube(pcc,pc) PlotDM_MTonDetector(pcc, pc) quit() datapath = "../data/" import generaltools as gt file = open( datapath + "DataNeuOscProb_RK_antineutrino_Emin_1.0_GeV_Emax_1000.0_GeV_ineu_2_param_2+3.dat", 'r') h, d = gt.hreadfilev2(file) E = np.array(d)[:, 0] P = np.array(d)[:, 1] plt.plot(E, P)
class SunASnu(): name = "SunASnu" id = 7 file = open(datapath + 'bs05_agsop.dat', 'r') header, SSM = gt.hreadfilev2(file) ## Begin Loading Standard Solar Model ## SSM = np.array(SSM) M = SSM[:, 0] R = SSM[:, 1] T = SSM[:, 2] Rho = SSM[:, 3] P = SSM[:, 4] Luminosity = SSM[:, 5] X = SSM[:, 6] ## End Loading Standard Solar Model ## SunRadius = 694439.0 # [km] Radius = 694439.0 # [km] # Define interpolators # spline interpolator #inter_rdensity = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(R,Rho) #inter_rxh = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(R,X) # linear interpolator inter_rdensity = interpolate.interp1d(R, Rho) inter_rxh = interpolate.interp1d(R, X) def __init__(self): self.bodyparams = [] def rdensity(self, r): # Density at a distance r from Sun center normalize to sun radius if (r <= self.R[-1] and r >= self.R[0]): return self.inter_rdensity(r) elif (r < self.R[0]): return self.Rho[0] else: return 0.0 def rxh(self, r): # mean molecular density at distance r from center if (r <= self.R[-1] and r >= self.R[0]): return self.inter_rxh(r) elif (r < self.R[0]): return self.X[0] elif (r > self.R[-1]): return self.X[-1] else: return 0.0 def rye(self, r): # mean molecular density at distance r from center return 0.5 * (1.0 + self.rxh(r)) def rRNC(self, r): # ratio between neutral and charge current ye = self.rye(r) return -0.5 * (1.0 - ye) / ye def density(self, track): # Returns sun density at a given track position # considering radial motion # geometry follows from simple triangles xkm = track.x / bkm = track.b_impact / Rsun = self.Radius Rsun2 = Rsun * Rsun # normalized radius : 0 -> center, 1 -> surface r = np.sqrt(Rsun2 + xkm * xkm - 2 * xkm * np.sqrt(Rsun2 - bkm * bkm)) / Rsun if (r <= self.R[-1] and r >= self.R[0]): return np.max(self.inter_rdensity(r), 0.0) elif (r < self.R[0]): return self.Rho[0] else: return 0.0 #return self.rdensity(xkm/self.SunRadius) def ye(self, track): # Electron mean molecular weight # from J. Bacahall New Journal of Physics 6 (2004) 63, p.8 # geometry follows from simple triangles xkm = track.x / bkm = track.b_impact / Rsun = self.Radius Rsun2 = Rsun * Rsun # normalized radius : 0 -> center, 1 -> surface r = np.sqrt(Rsun2 + xkm * xkm - 2 * xkm * np.sqrt(Rsun2 - bkm * bkm)) / Rsun return 0.5 * (1.0 + self.rxh(r)) #return self.rye(xkm/self.SunRadius) def RNC(self, track): # ratio between neutral and charge current xkm = track.x / return self.rRNC(xkm / self.SunRadius) @innerclass class track(): """ Creates the Track object for the SunASnu """ def __init__(self, xini, b_impact): """ Defines the neutrino trayectory in the Sun for a given impact parameter. @type xini : float @param xini : initial position in baseline [eV^-1] @type xend : float @param xend : final position in baseline [eV^-1] @type b_impact : float @param b_impact : impact parameter (creation radius) [eV^-1] @rtype : Body.Track @return """ Radius = 694439.0 * self.x = xini self.xini = xini # full baseline self.xend = 2.0 * np.sqrt(Radius * Radius - b_impact * b_impact) self.b_impact = b_impact self.trackparams = [xini, b_impact]