def child_addCommand(self, ctx): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) log.warn("addCommand", request) if request.method != "POST": # there's a correct http status for this raise ValueError("addCommand only takes POST") # nevow has a better form than this, i hope args = dict(url.unquerify( cmd = self.cmdlog.addCommand(URIRef(args["uri"]), nowLiteral(), self.user) # accept: json for AJAX # this kind of stuff was not working on the redirect: # request.received_headers['host'] = '' # request.prepath = ['magma'] # request.setHost('', 80) message = self.addedCommandMessage(cmd) class Ret(rend.Page): def renderHTTP(self, ctx): req = inevow.IRequest(ctx) req.setHeader("Location", url.URL.fromString("").add("added", cmd)) # req.setResponseCode(303) # this would be right for non-js browsers, but i don't know how to make the page jquery read my message and not follow the redir req.write(message.encode("utf8")) req.finish() return "" return Ret()
def testQuoting(self): context = None scheme = 'http' loc = 'localhost' path = ('baz', 'buz', '/fuzz/') query = [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "=quux"), ("foobar", "?")] fragment = 'futz' u = url.URL(scheme, loc, path, query, fragment) s = flatten(url.URL(scheme, loc, path, query, fragment)) parsedScheme, parsedLoc, parsedPath, parsedQuery, parsedFragment = urlsplit(s) self.assertEqual(scheme, parsedScheme) self.assertEqual(loc, parsedLoc) self.assertEqual('/' + '/'.join([quote(p,safe='') for p in path]), parsedPath) self.assertEqual(query, url.unquerify(parsedQuery)) self.assertEqual(fragment, parsedFragment)
def testQuoting(self): context = None scheme = 'http' loc = 'localhost' path = ('baz', 'buz', '/fuzz/') query = [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "=quux"), ("foobar", "?")] fragment = 'futz' u = url.URL(scheme, loc, path, query, fragment) s = flatten(url.URL(scheme, loc, path, query, fragment)) parsedScheme, parsedLoc, parsedPath, parsedQuery, parsedFragment = urlparse.urlsplit(s) self.assertEquals(scheme, parsedScheme) self.assertEquals(loc, parsedLoc) self.assertEquals('/' + '/'.join(map(lambda p: urllib.quote(p,safe=''),path)), parsedPath) self.assertEquals(query, url.unquerify(parsedQuery)) self.assertEquals(fragment, parsedFragment)
def testQuoting(self): context = None scheme = "http" loc = "localhost" path = ("baz", "buz", "/fuzz/") query = [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "=quux"), ("foobar", "?")] fragment = "futz" u = url.URL(scheme, loc, path, query, fragment) s = flatten(url.URL(scheme, loc, path, query, fragment)) parsedScheme, parsedLoc, parsedPath, parsedQuery, parsedFragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit(s) self.assertEqual(scheme, parsedScheme) self.assertEqual(loc, parsedLoc) self.assertEqual("/" + "/".join([urllib.parse.quote(p, safe="") for p in path]), parsedPath) self.assertEqual(query, url.unquerify(parsedQuery)) self.assertEqual(fragment, parsedFragment)
def child_addCommand(self, ctx): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) log.warn("addCommand", request) if request.method != "POST": # there's a correct http status for this raise ValueError("addCommand only takes POST") # nevow has a better form than this, i hope args = dict(url.unquerify( cmd = self.cmdlog.addCommand(URIRef(args['uri']), nowLiteral(), self.user) # accept: json for AJAX # this kind of stuff was not working on the redirect: #request.received_headers['host'] = '' #request.prepath = ['magma'] #request.setHost('', 80) message = self.addedCommandMessage(cmd) class Ret(rend.Page): def renderHTTP(self, ctx): req = inevow.IRequest(ctx) req.setHeader( "Location", url.URL.fromString('').add( 'added', cmd)) # req.setResponseCode(303) # this would be right for non-js browsers, but i don't know how to make the page jquery read my message and not follow the redir req.write(message.encode('utf8')) req.finish() return '' return Ret()
def child_addCommand(self, ctx): # this is obsoleted by a magma/addCommand handler request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) if request.method != "POST": # there's a correct http status for this raise ValueError("addCommand only takes POST") # nevow has a better form than this, i hope args = dict(url.unquerify( t = iso8601.tostring(float(args.get('time', time.time())), # using current timezone, even for passed-in value (time.timezone, time.altzone)[time.daylight]) user = URIRef(args.get('user', '')) self.cmdlog.addCommand(URIRef(args['uri']), Literal(t, datatype=XS['dateTime']), user) return url.URL.fromString('')# TODO#returnPage("text/javascript",