def answer_entrain(): filename = '' print 'reading file: %s\n' %(filename) nc_file = Dataset(filename) var_names = nc_file.variables.keys() print nc_file.ncattrs() print nc_file.units print nc_file.col_names sound_var = nc_file.variables[var_names[3]] press = sound_var[:,0] height = sound_var[:,1] temp = sound_var[:,2] dewpoint = sound_var[:,3] #height must have unique values envHeight= nudge(height) #Tenv and TdEnv interpolators return temp. in deg C, given height in m #Press interpolator returns pressure in hPa given height in m interpTenv = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, envHeight, temp) interpTdEnv = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, envHeight, dewpoint) interpPress = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, envHeight, press) p900_level = np.where(abs(900 - press) < 2.) p800_level = np.where(abs(800 - press) < 7.) thetaeVal=thetaep(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc,temp[p900_level] + c.Tc,press[p900_level]*100.) height_800=height[p800_level] wTcloud = wsat(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc, press[p900_level]*100.) entrain_rate = 2.e-4 winit = 0.5 #initial velocity (m/s) yinit = [winit, height_800, thetaeVal, wTcloud] tinit = 0 tfin = 2500 dt = 10 #want to integrate F using ode45 (from MATLAB) equivalent integrator r = ode(F).set_integrator('dopri5') r.set_f_params(entrain_rate, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress) r.set_initial_value(yinit, tinit) y = np.array(yinit) t = np.array(tinit) #stop tracking the parcel when the time runs out, or if the parcel stops moving/is desecnding while r.successful() and r.t < tfin and r.y[0] > 0: #find y at the next time step #(r.integrate(t) updates the fields r.y and r.t so that r.y = F(t) and r.t = t #where F is the function being integrated) r.integrate(r.t+dt) if r.y[0] <= 0: break #keep track of y at each time step y = np.vstack((y, r.y)) t = np.vstack((t, r.t)) wvel = y[:,0] cloud_height = y[:,1] thetae_cloud = y[:,2] wT_cloud = y[:,3] plt.figure(1) plt.plot(wvel, cloud_height) plt.xlabel('vertical velocity (m/s)') plt.ylabel('height above surface (m)') plt.gca().set_title('vertical velocity of a cloud parcel vs height,\ entrainment rate of %4.1e $s^{-1}$' %entrain_rate) Tcloud = np.zeros(cloud_height.size) wvCloud = np.zeros(cloud_height.size) wlCloud = np.zeros(cloud_height.size) for i in range(0, len(cloud_height)): the_press = interpPress(cloud_height[i])*100. Tcloud[i], wvCloud[i], wlCloud[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_cloud[i], wT_cloud[i], the_press) Tadia= np.zeros(cloud_height.size) wvAdia = np.zeros(cloud_height.size) wlAdia = np.zeros(cloud_height.size) for i in range(0, len(cloud_height)): the_press = interpPress(cloud_height[i])*100. Tadia[i], wvAdia[i], wlAdia[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_cloud[0], wT_cloud[0], the_press) plt.figure(2) TcloudHandle, = plt.plot(Tcloud - c.Tc, cloud_height, 'r-') TenvHandle, = plt.plot(temp, envHeight, 'g-') TadiaHandle, = plt.plot(Tadia - c.Tc, cloud_height, 'b-') plt.xlabel('temperature (deg C)') plt.ylabel('height above surface (m)') plt.gca().set_title('temp. of rising cloud parcel vs height,\ entrainment rate of %4.1e $s^{-1}$' %entrain_rate) plt.gca().legend([TcloudHandle, TenvHandle, TadiaHandle],['cloud', 'environment', 'moist adiabat'])
xplot=convertTempToSkew(Tpseudo - c.Tc,press,skew) thetaEhandle,=plt.plot(xplot,press,'c-', linewidth=2.5) ax.legend([Thandle, TdHandle, bot, top, thetaEhandle], ['Temp (deg C)','Dewpoint (deg C)', 'LCL bot (835 hPa)','LCL top (768 hPa)','$\\theta_e$']) plt.title('convectively unstable sounding: base at 900 hPa') #print -dpdf base900_thetae.pdf #figure 2: lift cloud base by 50 hPa to 850 hPa for i in range(0,numPoints): press[i]=press[i] - 50 #find the temperature along the pseudoadiabats at press[i] Tpseudo[i]=findTmoist(theThetae[i],press[i]*100.) #find the actual temperature and dewpoint Temp[i],wv,wl=tinvert_thetae(theThetae[i],wtotal[i],press[i]*100.) Tdew[i]=Tdfind(wv,press[i]*100.) plt.figure(2) skew, ax = convecSkew(2) skewLimits=convertTempToSkew([5,30],1.e3,skew) plt.axis([skewLimits[0],skewLimits[1],1000,600]) xplot1=convertTempToSkew(Temp - c.Tc,press,skew) Thandle,=plt.plot(xplot1,press,'k-', linewidth=2.5) xplot2=convertTempToSkew(Tdew -c.Tc,press,skew) TdHandle,=plt.plot(xplot2,press,'b--', linewidth=2.5) xplot=convertTempToSkew(Tpseudo - c.Tc,press,skew) thetaEhandle,=plt.plot(xplot,press,'c-', linewidth=2.5) xplot=convertTempToSkew(Tlcl[0] - c.Tc,pLCL[0]*0.01,skew); bot,=plt.plot(xplot,pLCL[0]*0.01,'ro',markersize=12, markerfacecolor ='r') xplot=convertTempToSkew(Tlcl[-1] - c.Tc,pLCL[-1]*0.01,skew)
fig1 = plt.figure(1) skew, ax1 = convecSkew(1) pvec=np.arange(ptop, pbot, 1000) #initialize vectors Tvec_eq = np.zeros(pvec.size) Tvec_sf = np.zeros(pvec.size) wv = np.zeros(pvec.size) wl = np.zeros(pvec.size) xcoord_eq = np.zeros(pvec.size) xcoord_sf = np.zeros(pvec.size) for i in range(0, len(pvec)): Tvec_eq[i], wv[i], wl[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_eq, eqwv_bot, pvec[i]) xcoord_eq[i] = convertTempToSkew(Tvec_eq[i] - c.Tc, pvec[i]*0.01, skew) Tvec_sf[i], wv[i], wl[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_sf, sfwv_bot, pvec[i]) xcoord_sf[i] = convertTempToSkew(Tvec_sf[i] - c.Tc, pvec[i]*0.01, skew) tempA=Tvec_sf[len(Tvec_sf)-1] pressA=pbot tempB=Tvec_eq[len(Tvec_eq)-1] pressB=pbot tempC=Tvec_eq[0] pressC=ptop tempD=Tvec_sf[0] pressD=ptop; wvD=wsat(tempD,ptop) wvC=wsat(tempC,ptop)
#updraft speed plt.figure(5) maxvel=np.sqrt(2*cumCAPE); plt.plot(maxvel, presslevs[1:]*0.01,'k-'); plt.title('maximum updraft (m/s) vs. pressure (hPa)'); plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # # find storm indices # # lifted index thetaeVal=thetaep(dewpoint[0] + c.Tc,temp[0] + c.Tc,press[0]*100.) wT=wsat(dewpoint[0] + c.Tc,press[0]*100.) Tadia_500,wv,wl=tinvert_thetae(thetaeVal,wT,500.e2) Temp_500=interpTenv(500.) + c.Tc lifted_index= Temp_500 - Tadia_500 # total totals = vertical totals plus cross totals Temp_850=interpTenv(850.) + c.Tc dew_850 = interpTdenv(850.) + c.Tc TT_index=Temp_850 + dew_850 - 2*Temp_500 # Sholwater thetaeVal=thetaep(dew_850,Temp_850,850.*100.) wT=wsat(dew_850,850*100.) Tadia_500,wv,wl=tinvert_thetae(thetaeVal,wT,500.e2) sholwater=Temp_500 - Tadia_500 # SWEAT speed_850=interpSpeed(850.) speed_500=interpSpeed(500.) dir_850=interpDirec(850.)
# plot fig1 = plt.figure(1) skew, ax1 = convecSkew(1) # Initialize vector arrays. pvec = np.arange(ptop, pbot, 1000) Tvec_eq = np.zeros(pvec.size) Tvec_sf = np.zeros(pvec.size) wv = np.zeros(pvec.size) wl = np.zeros(pvec.size) xcoord_eq = np.zeros(pvec.size) xcoord_sf = np.zeros(pvec.size) for i in range(0, len(pvec)): Tvec_eq[i], wv[i], wl[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_eq, eqwv_bot, pvec[i]) xcoord_eq[i] = convertTempToSkew(Tvec_eq[i] - c.Tc, pvec[i]*0.01, skew) Tvec_sf[i], wv[i], wl[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_sf, sfwv_bot, pvec[i]) xcoord_sf[i] = convertTempToSkew(Tvec_sf[i] - c.Tc, pvec[i]*0.01, skew) tempA = Tvec_sf[len(Tvec_sf)-1] pressA = pbot tempB = Tvec_eq[len(Tvec_eq)-1] pressB = pbot tempC = Tvec_eq[0] pressC = ptop tempD = Tvec_sf[0] pressD = ptop wvD = wsat(tempD, ptop) wvC = wsat(tempC, ptop)
Temp0=15 + c.Tc Td0=2 + c.Tc # #step 1: find the lcl # wv0=wsat(Td0,press0) plcl, Tlcl =findLCL0(wv0,press0,Temp0) print 'found Plcl=%8.2f (hPa) and Tlcl=%8.2f (deg C)\n' %(plcl*1.e-2, Tlcl - c.Tc) the_thetae=thetaep(Tlcl,Tlcl,plcl) # step 2 raise air 200 hPa above plcl along pseudo adiabat, # find wsat at that temperature, compare to wv0 to find the amount # of liquid water condensed pnew = plcl - 200.e2 newTemp, newWv, newWl = tinvert_thetae(the_thetae, wv0, pnew) #check: #ws = wsat(newTemp, pnew) #wl = wv0 - ws out_msg = '\nat new pressure level %8.2f hPa\n\ the temperature is %8.2f deg C\n\ the vapor mixing ratio is %8.2f g/kg\n\ and there are %8.4f g/kg of liquid water\n\n' print out_msg %(pnew*1.e-2, newTemp - c.Tc, newWv*1.e3, newWl*1e3)