def send_message(db, redis, message, force_userlist=False):


    message_dict = message.to_dict()

    # Cache before sending.
    cache_key = "chat:%s" % message.chat_id
    redis.zadd(cache_key, message.id, json.dumps(message_dict))
    redis.zremrangebyrank(cache_key, 0, -51)

    # Prepare pubsub message
    redis_message = {
        "messages": [message_dict],

    # Reload userlist if necessary.
    if message.type in (
    ) or force_userlist:
        redis_message["users"] = get_userlist(db, redis, message.chat)

    # Reload chat metadata if necessary.
    if message.type == "chat_meta":
        redis_message["chat"] = message.chat.to_dict()

    redis.publish("channel:%s" % message.chat_id, json.dumps(redis_message))
    redis.zadd("longpoll_timeout", time.time() + 25, message.chat_id)

    # Send notifications.
    if message.type in ("ic", "ooc", "me", "spamless"):

        # Queue an update for the last_online field.
        # TODO move the PM stuff here too
        redis.hset("queue:lastonline", message.chat.id, time.mktime(message.posted.timetuple()) + float(message.posted.microsecond) / 1000000)

        online_user_ids = set(int(_) for _ in redis.hvals("chat:%s:online" % message.chat.id))
        if message.chat.type == "pm":
            offline_chat_users = db.query(ChatUser).filter(and_(
                ChatUser.chat_id == message.chat.id,
            for chat_user in offline_chat_users:
                # Only send a notification if it's not already unread.
                if message.chat.last_message <= chat_user.last_online:
                    redis.publish("channel:pm:%s" % chat_user.user_id, "{\"pm\":\"1\"}")

    # And send the message to spamless last.
    # 1 second delay to prevent the task from executing before we commit the message.
    celery.send_task("newparp.tasks.spamless.CheckSpamTask", args=(message.chat_id, redis_message), countdown=1)
def send_message(db, redis, message, user_list=None, force_userlist=False):


    message_dict = message.to_dict()

    # Cache before sending.
    cache_key = "chat:%s" % message.chat_id
    redis.zadd(cache_key, message.id, json.dumps(message_dict))
    redis.zremrangebyrank(cache_key, 0, -51)

    # Prepare pubsub message
    redis_message = {
        "messages": [message_dict],

    # Reload userlist if necessary.
    if message.type in (
    ) or force_userlist:
        if user_list is None:
            user_list = UserListStore(
                NewparpRedis(connection_pool=redis_chat_pool), message.chat_id)
        redis_message["users"] = get_userlist(user_list, db)

    # Reload chat metadata if necessary.
    if message.type == "chat_meta":
        redis_message["chat"] = message.chat.to_dict()

    redis.publish("channel:%s" % message.chat_id, json.dumps(redis_message))

    # Send notifications.
    if message.type in ("ic", "ooc", "me", "spamless"):

        # Queue an update for the last_online field.
        # TODO move the PM stuff here too
            "queue:lastonline", message.chat.id,
            time.mktime(message.posted.timetuple()) +
            float(message.posted.microsecond) / 1000000)

        if user_list is None:
            user_list = UserListStore(
                NewparpRedis(connection_pool=redis_chat_pool), message.chat_id)
        online_user_ids = user_list.user_ids_online()
        if message.chat.type == "pm":
            offline_chat_users = db.query(ChatUser).filter(
                    ChatUser.chat_id == message.chat.id,
            for chat_user in offline_chat_users:
                # Only send a notification if it's not already unread.
                if message.chat.last_message <= chat_user.last_online:
                    redis.publish("channel:pm:%s" % chat_user.user_id,

    # And send the message to spamless last.
    # 1 second delay to prevent the task from executing before we commit the message.
                     args=(message.chat_id, redis_message),