def news_item(request, news_item_id=None):
    View for a news item.

    Only responds to GET requests.
    top_news_item = get_object_or_404(NewsItem, pk=news_item_id)
    child_comments = get_child_comments(top_news_item.child_set, 0)

    header = 'News Item'

    # these are only set if there is an error or something
    comment_posting_error = get_from_session(request, 'comment_posting_error')
    comment_text = get_from_session(request, 'comment_text')
    comment_text_for_id = get_from_session(request, 'comment_text_for_id')

    # comment_text_for_id needs to be a string
    if str(comment_text_for_id) != news_item_id:
        comment_text = ''
        comment_posting_error = ''

    next = reverse('news.views.news_items.news_item', 


    return render_to_response('news/news_item.html',
            {'top_news_item': top_news_item,
             'child_comments': child_comments,
             'header': header,
             'comment_text': comment_text,
             'next': next},
def edit_comment(request, comment_id):
    View for editing a comment.

    Responds to GET and POST.  Get for getting the view and POST
    for updating the comment.
    com = get_object_or_404(Comment, pk=comment_id)

    next = reverse('news.views.comments.edit_comment', 

    # This calculates the page we came from.
    # If it is not given, it just defaults to the 
    # news item (if that's what is being deleted),
    # or the parent news item of the comment that
    # is being deleted.
    top_news_item = com.get_parent_news_item()
    from_page = request.GET.get('from', 

    # you should not be able to see this page or edit any comment
    # if you are not logged in or if you are trying to edit someone
    # else's comment
    assert_or_404(request.user.is_authenticated() and \

    # make sure the item hasn't already been deleted.
    assert_or_404(not com.dead)

    # on GET we can just return the template
    if request.method != "POST":
        comment_posting_error = get_from_session(request, 'comment_posting_error')
        comment_text = get_from_session(request, 'comment_text')
        return render_to_response('news/edit_comment.html',
                {'comment_posting_error': comment_posting_error,
                 'comment': com,
                 # this will default to comment_text but if it is blank it
                 # looks at com.text
                 'comment_text': comment_text or com.text,
                 'from_page': from_page,
                 'next': next},

    comment_text = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'comment_text')

    # if it is not valid, set the error message 
    # and reload this page
    if not valid_comment_text(comment_text):
        request.session['comment_posting_error'] = "Comment not valid"
        request.session['comment_text'] = comment_text
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)

    com.text = comment_text

    return HttpResponseRedirect(from_page)
def comment(request, comment_id):
    View for a comment.

    Only responds to GETS.
    top_comment = get_object_or_404(Comment, pk=comment_id)
    child_comments = get_child_comments(top_comment.child_set, 0)

    header = 'Comment'

    # these are set if there is an error or something when trying to post
    # the comment
    comment_posting_error = get_from_session(request, 'comment_posting_error')
    comment_text = get_from_session(request, 'comment_text')
    comment_text_for_id = get_from_session(request, 'comment_text_for_id')

    # comment_text_for_id needs to be a string
    if str(comment_text_for_id) != comment_id:
        comment_posting_error = ''
        comment_text = ''

    next = reverse('news.views.comments.comment', 


    return render_to_response('news/comment.html',
            {'top_comment': top_comment,
             'child_comments': child_comments,
             'header': header,
             'comment_posting_error': comment_posting_error,
             'comment_text': comment_text,
             'next': next},
def buy_points(request):
    Throw up a template for making a payment on an account.
    Must be logged in.
    next = reverse('news.views.payment.buy_points')

    # make sure user is authenticated
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.login.login_view') +
                '?next=' + next)

    voting_error = get_from_session(request, 'voting_error')
    return render_to_response('news/buy_points.html',
            {'next': next,
             'voting_error': voting_error,},
def change_password(request):
    Change password.

    On GETs it shows the change password page.
    On POSTs it tries to change the user's password.
    next = reverse('news.views.login.change_password')

    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
                reverse('news.views.login.login_view') +
                '?next=' + next)

    if request.method != 'POST':
        change_password_error = get_from_session(request, 
        return render_to_response('news/change_password.html',
                {'change_password_error': change_password_error,
                 'next': next},

    password1 = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'password1')
    password2 = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'password2')

    if password1 != password2:
        request.session['change_password_error'] = "Passwords do not match"
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.login.change_password'))

    if not valid_password(password1):
        request.session['change_password_error'] = "Password too long or blank"
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.login.change_password'))


    username = request.user.username

    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.users.user', args=(username,)))
def user(request, username):
    View for a user.

    On GET it shows the user profile (which is editable if 
    the user is logged in and looking at their own profile.)
    On POST it tries to update the user's profile.

    userprofile = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, user__username=username)

    next = reverse('news.views.users.user', args=(userprofile.username,))

    if request.method != 'POST':
        posting_error = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_posting_error')
        email_address = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_email')
        website = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_website')
        about = get_from_session(request, 'userprofile_about')
        return render_to_response('news/user.html',
                {'viewing_userprofile': userprofile,
                 'next': next,
                 'posting_error': posting_error,
                 'error_email': email_address,
                 'error_website': website,
                 'error_about': about},

    # don't allow users to POST without being logged in.
    # Also make sure the the user trying to post is the
    # one that is logged in.
    assert_or_404(request.user == userprofile.user)

    email_address = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'email_address')  
    website = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'website')  
    about = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'about')  
    option_show_email = request.POST.get('option_show_email', False)
    option_use_javascript = request.POST.get('option_use_javascript', False)
    option_show_dead = request.POST.get('option_show_dead', False)

    # there shouldn't be a problem with option_show_email
    # or option_use_javascript, or option_show_dead, 
    # so we can go ahead and set them
    if option_use_javascript == False:
        userprofile.option_use_javascript = False
        userprofile.option_use_javascript = True

    if option_show_email == False:
        userprofile.option_show_email = False
        userprofile.option_show_email = True

    if option_show_dead == False:
        userprofile.option_show_dead = False
        userprofile.option_show_dead = True
    if email_address and not valid_email(email_address):
        request.session['userprofile_posting_error'] = "Email address too long"
        request.session['userprofile_email'] = email_address
        request.session['userprofile_website'] = website
        request.session['userprofile_about'] = about
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.users.user',

    if website:
        website = improve_url(website)
        if not valid_url(website):
            request.session['userprofile_posting_error'] = "URL not valid"
            request.session['userprofile_email'] = email_address
            request.session['userprofile_website'] = website
            request.session['userprofile_about'] = about
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.users.user',

    if about and not valid_text(about):
        request.session['userprofile_posting_error'] = "About not valid"
        request.session['userprofile_email'] = email_address
        request.session['userprofile_website'] = website
        request.session['userprofile_about'] = about
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.users.user',

    userprofile.website = website
    userprofile.about = about
    userprofile.user.email = email_address


    return HttpResponseRedirect(
            reverse('news.views.users.user', args=(userprofile.username,)))
def submit(request):
    View for submitting an item.

    On GET it shows the page for submitting news items.
    Some of the data can be filled in from parameters
    passed in from the URL.

    On POST it tries to submit a news item.
    next = reverse('news.views.news_items.submit')

    if request.method != 'POST':
        title = ''
        url = ''
        text = ''
        submission_error = ''
        if 'submit_title' in request.session:
            title = get_from_session(request, 'submit_title')
            url = get_from_session(request, 'submit_url')
            text = get_from_session(request, 'submit_text')
            submission_error = get_from_session(request, 'submission_error')
        # this enables submission by bookmarklet
        elif 'title' in request.GET:
            title = request.GET.get('title', '')
            url = request.GET.get('url', '')
            url = urllib.unquote(url)
        return render_to_response('news/submit.html',
                {'title': title,
                 'url': url,
                 'text': text,
                 'submission_error': submission_error,
                 'next': next},

    title = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'title')
    url = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'url')
    text = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'text')

    url = improve_url(url)
    submission_error = check_submission(title, url, text)

    if submission_error:
        request.session['submit_title'] = title
        request.session['submit_url'] = url
        request.session['submit_text'] = text
        request.session['submission_error'] = submission_error 
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.news_items.submit'))

    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        request.session['submit_title'] = title
        request.session['submit_url'] = url
        request.session['submit_text'] = text
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
                    reverse('news.views.login.login_view') +
                    '?next=' + next)

    # if the url has already been posted, just vote up this story
    if url and NewsItem.objects.filter(url=url):
        newsitem = NewsItem.objects.filter(url=url)[0]
        news_item_next = reverse('news.views.news_items.news_item', 
        vote_next = reverse('news.views.voting.vote') + '?' + \
            urllib.urlencode({'id': newsitem.id, 
                              'type': 'news_item',
                              'direction': 'up',
                              'next': news_item_next})

        return HttpResponseRedirect(vote_next)

    # now we can create the news item
    newsitem = NewsItem.objects.create(poster=request.user.get_profile(),
                            title=title, url=url, text=text)
    Rated.objects.create(rankable=newsitem, userprofile=request.user.get_profile(), 

    return HttpResponseRedirect(
def login_view(request):
    Perform login or show login page.

    On GETs it shows the login page, 
    on POSTS it tries to log the user in.
    # If next is passed, get it.
    # I am only attempting to get it from POST so I can use it in testing.
    next = request.GET.get('next', reverse('news.views.news_items.index'))
    next = request.POST.get('next', next)

    if request.method != 'POST':
        # if there is a login error or create account error 
        # in session, get the value
        login_error = get_from_session(request, "login_error")
        username = get_from_session(request, "login_username")
        create_account_error = get_from_session(request, 
        create_account_username = get_from_session(request, 
        return render_to_response('news/login.html',
                {'login_error': login_error, 
                 'username': username,
                 'create_account_error': create_account_error,
                 'create_account_username': create_account_username,
                 'next': next},

    username = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'username')
    password = get_from_POST_or_404(request, 'password')
    user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)

    if user is None:
        request.session['login_error'] = "Invalid username or password"
        request.session['login_username'] = username
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.login.login_view') +
                "?next=" + next)
    if not user.is_active:
        request.session['login_error'] = "Account disabled"
        request.session['login_username'] = username
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('news.views.login.login_view') +
                "?next=" + next)

    # before we login the user, makes sure to get their session variables,
    # and put them back into the session after calling login().
    # login() will flush everything, so we need to make sure to save the stuff
    # we want.  This is used when the user trys to post 
    # a comment if they are not logged in.  We will reload 
    # the page and send them back to the page with their comment
    # already filled in.
    comment_text = get_from_session(request, 'comment_text')
    comment_text_for_id = get_from_session(request, 'comment_text_for_id')

    submit_title = get_from_session(request, 'submit_title')
    submit_url = get_from_session(request, 'submit_url')
    submit_text = get_from_session(request, 'submit_text')

    # user has be authenticated and they are active
    login(request, user)

    request.session['comment_text'] = comment_text
    request.session['comment_text_for_id'] = comment_text_for_id

    request.session['submit_title'] = submit_title
    request.session['submit_url'] = submit_url
    request.session['submit_text'] = submit_text

    return HttpResponseRedirect(next)