def make_news_bin(mode, console):
    global system, dictionaries, topics_news, languages, make_news, data, country_code, language_code, locations_data, header, topics_table, articles_table, source_table, locations_table, pictures_table

    if mode == "ap_english":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["National News"] = "national"
        topics_news["International News"] = "world"
        topics_news["Sports"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Arts/Entertainment"] = "entertainment"
        topics_news["Business"] = "business"
        topics_news["Science/Health"] = "science"
        topics_news["Technology"] = "technology"
        topics_news["Oddities"] = "oddities"

        languages = [1, 3, 4]

        language_code = 1

        country_code = 49

    elif mode == "ap_spanish":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Generales"] = "general"
        topics_news["Financieras"] = "finance"
        topics_news["Deportivas"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Espectáculos"] = "shows"

        languages = [1, 3, 4]

        language_code = 4

        country_code = 49

    elif mode == "reuters_europe_english":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["World"] = "world"
        topics_news["UK"] = "uk"
        topics_news["Health"] = "health"
        topics_news["Science"] = "science"
        topics_news["Technology"] = "technology"
        topics_news["Entertainment"] = "entertainment"
        topics_news["Sports"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Lifestyle"] = "lifestyle"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 1

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "afp_french":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Monde"] = "world"
        topics_news["Sport"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Societe"] = "society"
        topics_news["Culture"] = "culture"
        topics_news["Economie"] = "economy"
        topics_news["Politique"] = "politics"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 3

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "donaukurier_german":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Nachrichten"] = "world"
        topics_news["Wirtschaft"] = "economy"
        topics_news["Kultur"] = "culture"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 2

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "ansa_italian":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Dal mondo"] = "world"
        topics_news["Sport"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Economia"] = "economy"
        topics_news["Tecnologia"] = "technology"
        topics_news["Cultura"] = "culture"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 5

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "nu_dutch":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Algemeen"] = "general"
        topics_news["Economie"] = "economy"
        topics_news["Sport"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Tech"] = "technology"
        topics_news["Entertainment"] = "entertainment"
        topics_news["Lifestyle"] = "lifestyle"
        topics_news["Opmerkelijk"] = "noteworthy"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 6

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "reuters_japanese":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["ワールド"] = "world"
        topics_news["ビジネス"] = "business"
        topics_news["スポーツ"] = "sports"
        topics_news["テクノロジー"] = "technology"
        topics_news["エンタテインメント"] = "entertainment"

        languages = [0]

        language_code = 0

        country_code = 1

    numbers = 0

    if not os.path.exists("newstime"):

    for topics in topics_news.values():
        newstime = collections.OrderedDict()

        for keys in data.keys():
            if topics in keys:
                numbers += 1

                newstime[data[keys][3]] = get_timestamp(1) + u32(numbers)

                "newstime/newstime.%s-%s-%s-%s" %
                (str(datetime.now().hour).zfill(2), mode, topics, console),

    dictionaries = []

    header = collections.OrderedDict()
    topics_table = collections.OrderedDict()
    articles_table = collections.OrderedDict()
    source_table = collections.OrderedDict()
    locations_table = collections.OrderedDict()
    pictures_table = collections.OrderedDict()

    locations_data = newsdownload.locations_download(language_code, data)

    make_header(0, 30)
    make_topics(0, 0)


    headlines = []

    for article in data.values():
        if article[3].decode("utf-16be") not in headlines:
            headlines.append(article[3].decode("utf-16be") + "\n")

    make_news = "".join(headlines)

    return make_news
def make_news_bin(mode, console, data):
    if mode == "ap_english":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["National News"] = "national"
        topics_news["International News"] = "world"
        topics_news["Sports"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Arts/Entertainment"] = "entertainment"
        topics_news["Business"] = "business"
        topics_news["Science/Health"] = "science"
        topics_news["Technology"] = "technology"

        languages = [1, 3, 4]

        language_code = 1

        country_code = 49

    elif mode == "ap_spanish":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Generales"] = "general"
        topics_news["Financieras"] = "finance"
        topics_news["Deportivas"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Espectáculos"] = "shows"

        languages = [1, 3, 4]

        language_code = 4

        country_code = 49

    elif mode == "reuters_english":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["World"] = "world"
        topics_news["UK"] = "uk"
        topics_news["Health"] = "health"
        topics_news["Science"] = "science"
        topics_news["Technology"] = "technology"
        topics_news["Oddly Enough"] = "offbeat"
        topics_news["Entertainment"] = "entertainment"
        topics_news["Sports"] = "sports"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 1

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "zeit_german":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["General"] = "general"
        topics_news["Politik"] = "politics"
        topics_news["Wirtschaft"] = "economy"
        topics_news["Gesellschaft"] = "society"
        topics_news["Kultur"] = "culture"
        topics_news["Wissen"] = "knowledge"
        topics_news["Digital"] = "digital"
        topics_news["Sport"] = "sports"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 2

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "afp_french":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Top News"] = "topnews"
        topics_news["Société"] = "society"
        topics_news["Monde"] = "world"
        topics_news["Politique"] = "politique"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 3

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "ansa_italian":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Dal mondo"] = "world"
        topics_news["Dall'Italia"] = "italy"
        topics_news["Sport"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Economia"] = "economy"
        topics_news["Cultura"] = "culture"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 5

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "anp_dutch":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["Algemeen"] = "general"
        topics_news["Economie"] = "economy"
        topics_news["Sport"] = "sports"
        topics_news["Tech"] = "technology"
        topics_news["Entertainment"] = "entertainment"
        topics_news["Lifestyle"] = "lifestyle"
        topics_news["Opmerkelijk"] = "noteworthy"

        languages = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        language_code = 6

        country_code = 110

    elif mode == "news24_mainichi_japanese":
        topics_news = collections.OrderedDict()

        topics_news["政治"] = "politics"
        topics_news["経済"] = "economy"
        topics_news["国際"] = "international"
        topics_news["社会"] = "society"
        topics_news["スポーツ"] = "sports"
        topics_news["芸能文化"] = "entertainment"

        languages = [0]

        language_code = 0

        country_code = 1

    global system, dictionaries

    system = console

    numbers = 0

    if not os.path.exists("newstime"): os.mkdir("newstime")

    for topics in topics_news.values():
        newstime = collections.OrderedDict()

        for keys in data.keys():
            if topics in keys:
                numbers += 1

                newstime[data[keys][3]] = get_timestamp(1) + u32(numbers)

                "newstime/" + "newstime." + str(datetime.now().hour).zfill(2) +
                "-" + mode + "-" + topics + "-" + system, "w+"))

    dictionaries = []

    locations_data = newsdownload.locations_download(language_code, data)

    header = make_header(country_code, languages, language_code, 0, 30, data)
    wiimenu_articles = make_wiimenu_articles(header, data)
    topics_table = make_topics_table(header, topics_news, data)
    timestamps_table = make_timestamps_table(topics_table, topics_news, mode,
    articles_table = make_articles_table(header, locations_data, data)
    source_table = make_source_table(header, articles_table, data)
    locations_table = make_locations_table(header, locations_data)
    pictures_table = make_pictures_table(header, data)
    articles = make_articles(pictures_table, articles_table, data)
    topics = make_topics(topics_table, source_table, 0, topics_news, 0)
    source_name_copyright = make_source_name_copyright(source_table,
                                                       language_code, data)
    locations = make_locations(locations_table, locations_data)
    source_pictures = make_source_pictures(source_table, data)
    pictures = make_pictures(pictures_table, data)
    riiconnect24_text = make_riiconnect24_text()

    write = write_dictionary(mode)

    headlines = []

    for article in data.values():
        if article[3].decode("utf-16be") not in headlines:
            headlines.append(article[3].decode("utf-16be") + "\n")

    return "".join(headlines)
def process_news(name, mode, language, countries, d):
    print "News Channel File Generator \nBy Larsen Vallecillo / www.rc24.xyz\n\nMaking news.bin for %s...\n" % name

    global language_code, system

    language_code = language
    data = d.newsdata
    """If there are more than 25 news articles, delete the rest. This is so the file doesn't get too large."""

    i = 0

    for key in data.keys():
        i += 1
        if i > 25:
            del data[key]

    # data = remove_duplicates(data)
    data = remove_duplicates2(data)

    locations_data = newsdownload.locations_download(language_code, data)

    for system in ["wii", "wii_u"]:
        make_news = make_news_bin(mode, system, data, locations_data)

    if config["production"]:
        """Log stuff to Datadog."""

        """This will use a webhook to log that the script has been ran."""

        webhook = {
            "News Data has been updated!",
            "attachments": [{
                "News Data Update",
                "RiiConnect24 News Script",
                "fields": [{
                    "title": "Script",
                    "value": "News Channel (" + name + ")",
                    "short": "false"
                "https://rc24.xyz/images/webhooks/news/%s.png" % mode,
                "RiiConnect24 Script",
                int(time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())) + 25200

        for url in config["webhook_urls"]:
            requests.post(url, json=webhook, allow_redirects=True)

        filesize = sum(
            os.path.getsize(f) - 320 for f in
            glob.glob("/var/www/wapp.wii.com/news/v2/%s/%s/news.bin.*" %
                      (language_code, countries[0])))

        if filesize > 3712000:
            log("News files exceed the maximum file size amount.", "error")

        for country in countries:
            copy_file(mode, "wii", country)
            copy_file(mode, "wii_u", country)

        newsfilename = "news.bin." + str(
            datetime.utcnow().hour).zfill(2) + "." + mode + "."
        os.remove(newsfilename + "wii")
        os.remove(newsfilename + "wii_u")