def create_forecast(self, datasource_name, target_column, start_date, end_date,, callback_url=None): """Create a new forecast for a datasource :param str datasource_name: the name of the data source to forecast on :param str target_column: the column from the data source to forecast over :param datetime start_date: the first datetime of the forecast :param datetime end_date: the last datetime of the forecast :param TimeInterval result_interval: the interval between predictions in the results :param str callback_url: the url to callback to on session status change events :return the session description :rtype: SessionResponse """ response, _, headers = self._create_session( datasource_name, 'forecast', start_date, end_date, target_column, result_interval=result_interval, callback_url=callback_url) return SessionResponse(response, headers)
def create_forecast_with_metadata(self, datasource_name, column_metadata, start_date, end_date,, callback_url=None): """Create a new forecast for a datasource :param str datasource_name: the name of the data source to forecast on :param dict column_metadata: the metadata describing the columns to include in the session :param datetime start_date: the first datetime of the forecast :param datetime end_date: the last datetime of the forecast :param TimeInterval result_interval: the interval between predictions in the results :param str callback_url: the url to callback to on session status change events :return the session description :rtype: SessionResponse """ response, _, headers = self._create_session( datasource_name, 'forecast', start_date, end_date, result_interval=result_interval, is_estimate=False, column_metadata=column_metadata, callback_url=callback_url) return SessionResponse(response, headers)
def train_regression_model(self, datasource_name, target_column=None, column_metadata=None, is_estimate=False, callback_url=None): """Train a model for use in regression analysis :param str datasource_name: the name of the data source to forecast on :param str target_column: the column from the data source that will be requested in predictions :param object column_metadata: a dict of column name mapped to ColumnMetadata objects describing the columns used in the modeling process :param bool is_estimate: should this just return a cost estimate instead of running computations :param str callback_url: the url to callback to on session status change events :return the session description :rtype: SessionResponse """ response, _, headers = self._client.request_with_headers( 'POST', 'sessions/model', data={ 'predictionDomain': 'regression', 'dataSourceName': datasource_name, 'targetColumn': target_column, 'columns': column_metadata, 'isEstimate': is_estimate, 'callbackUrl': callback_url }) return SessionResponse(response, headers)
def estimate_impact(self, datasource_name, target_column, event_name, start_date, end_date, """Estimate an impact analysis on a dataset :param str datasource_name: the name of the data source to forecast on :param str target_column: the column from the data source to forecast over :param str event_name: the name of this analysis :param datetime start_date: the first datetime of the forecast :param datetime end_date: the last datetime of the forecast :param TimeInterval result_interval: the interval between predictions in the results :return the session description :rtype: SessionResponse """ response, _, headers = self._create_session(datasource_name, 'impact', start_date, end_date, target_column, event_name, result_interval, is_estimate=True) return SessionResponse(response, headers)
def list(self, datasource_name=None, event_name=None, requested_after=None, requested_before=None, session_type=None): """list the created sessions, optionally filtering on session parameters :param str datasource_name: the name of the data source to forecast on :param str event_name: filter on the event name given when running an impact analysis :param datetime requested_before: only include sessions created before this date :param datetime requested_after: only include sessions created after this date :param SessionType session_type: filter on the type of session :returns a list of :class:`SessionResponses` :rtype list """ query = { 'dataSourceName': datasource_name, 'eventName': event_name, 'requestedBefore': requested_before, 'requestedAfter': requested_after, 'sessionType': session_type } response, _, headers = self._client.request_with_headers('GET', 'sessions', params=query) return [ SessionResponse(item, headers) for item in response.get('items', []) ]
def get(self, session_id): """Get a session based on the session id :param str session_id: the session to get :returns the information about the session :rtype SessionResponse """ if session_id is None: raise ValueError('session_id is required and was not provided') response, _, headers = self._client.request_with_headers( 'GET', 'sessions/%s' % session_id) return SessionResponse(response, headers)
def list(self, datasource_name=None, event_name=None, requested_after=None, requested_before=None, session_type=None, page_number=0, page_size=50): """Get a list of all sessions, optionally filtering on session parameters :param str datasource_name: the name of the data source the session is related to :param str event_name: filter on the event name given when running an impact analysis :param datetime requested_before: only include sessions requested before this date :param datetime requested_after: only include sessions requested after this date :param SessionType session_type: filter on the type of session :param int page_number: zero-based page number of results to retrieve :param int page_size: count of results to retrieve in each page (default 50, max 1000). :returns a list of `SessionResponse` :rtype list """ query = { 'page': page_number, 'pageSize': page_size, 'dataSourceName': datasource_name, 'eventName': event_name, 'requestedBefore': requested_before, 'requestedAfter': requested_after, 'sessionType': session_type } response, _, headers = self._client.request_with_headers('GET', 'sessions', params=query) return PagedList.from_response([ SessionResponse(item, headers) for item in response.get('items', []) ], response)