async def sendToChat(self, ctx, userOne: User, userTwo: User = None): length = 0 attempts = 0 existingDict = False phrase = "" text_channel = #chat channel markovDict, existingDict = await Markov.load_pickle( os.path.join(self._chains_dir, str(userOne) + MarkovCommands._CHAINSEXT)) if existingDict: while ((phrase == "" or length < 5) and attempts < 10): #Generate new phrase if last one sucked try: phrase, length = await Markov.generateChain( markovDict, True) except ( KeyError ): #On error just make a new phrase (I'll fix this later maybe) continue if attempts >= 10: await ctx.send("Exceeded number of attempts for " + str(userOne)) else: embed = Embed( title=':speaking_head: Markov :person_shrugging:', color=0x228B22) embed.add_field(name=str(userOne), value=phrase.capitalize()) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send("No existing Markov dictionary for " + str(userOne) + ".\nUse \"d!collect <@" + str( + ">\"")
async def get_message(self): messages = await, oldest_first=True).flatten() message = None # Load the message from the channel, creating if necessary if not messages: message_content = ( f"**Select your coding skill level by reacting to this message**\n\n" f"Use {self.get_emoji('beginner')} if you're a beginner\n" f"Use {self.get_emoji('intermediate')} if you're at an intermediate skill level\n" f"Use {self.get_emoji('expert')} if you're an expert (e.g. production work experience)\n" ) embed = Embed(description=message_content, color=0x306998).set_author( name=f"Skill Level Assignment", icon_url=self.server.icon.url) embed.set_footer( text= "We reserve the right to adjust your skill level manually if " "we don't feel you've been honest about it.") message = await await self.add_reactions() else: message = messages[0] return message
def banned_word_embed(guild, word): message = f'Your message was deleted in {} because it contained the banned word {word}.' embed = Embed(title='Message Deleted!', description=message, embed.set_thumbnail(url=guild.icon_url) return embed
async def profile(self, ctx, member: Optional[Member]): member = member or userinfo = getuserfromdiscord( if userinfo: embed = Embed( title=member.display_name, description=f"Here is the info on {member.mention}", colour=member.colour, timestamp=nextcord.utils.utcnow(), ) fields = [ ("UserID", userinfo["_id"], True), ("Username", userinfo["username"], True), ( "Owned Products", "\n".join([product for product in userinfo["purchases"]]) or "None", True, ), ] for name, value, inline in fields: embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) await ctx.send(embed=embed, reference=ctx.message) else: await ctx.send( f"I was unable to find any info on {member.display_name}.", reference=ctx.message, )
def restricted_embed(guild): message = f"""You are currently restricted from using commands in {}!\n You can continue to use Joy's functions in other servers or in DMs! Speak with a moderator of {} to get more information!""" embed = Embed(title='Restricted User Warning!', description=message, embed.set_thumbnail(url=guild.icon_url) return embed
async def checktime(self, ctx): pet = PetHandler.getcurrentpet() embed = Embed(title=':motorized_wheelchair: Name: ' + str(pet['name'] + ' :motorized_wheelchair:'), color=0x228B22) embed.add_field(name='Last Checked', value=str(pet['lastchecked']), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Last Fed', value=str(pet['lastfeed']), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Last Watered', value=str(pet['lastwatered']), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Last Cleaned', value=str(pet['lastcleaned']), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Last Pet', value=str(pet['lastpet']), inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def modules(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Syntax: !modules <> Part of admin cog :return a list of numbers""" if embed = Embed(title="Gavin: Here are the modules") for m_name, c_object in embed.add_field(name=f"Module: {m_name}", value=f"Reload: cogs.{m_name.lower()}cog", inline=False) await
async def update_select(self, _, interaction: Interaction): product = str(["values"])[2:-2] embed = Embed( title=f"Update {product}", description=f"What would you like to change?",, timestamp=nextcord.utils.utcnow(), ) embed.set_footer(text="Redon Tech RPH • By: parker02311") await interaction.message.edit( "", embed=embed, view=WhatUpdateView(self.context, product, )
async def on_message_edit(self, before: Message, after: Message) -> None: logging_channel = before.guild.get_channel(int(os.environ["LOGGING_CHANNEL"])) embed = Embed( title="Message Edited", description=f"{}'s message in {} was edited",, ) embed.add_field(name="Before", value=before.content, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="After", value=after.content, inline=False) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.timestamp = await logging_channel.send(embed=embed)
async def give_product(): info = await request.get_json() try: giveproduct(info["userid"], info["productname"]) userinfo = getuser(info["userid"]) member = nextcord.utils.get(sbot.users, id=userinfo["discordid"]) if member != None: # Try to prevent it from returning an error product = getproduct(info["productname"]) productname = info["productname"] if product != None: embed = Embed( title="Thanks for your purchase!", description=f"Thank you for your purchase of **{productname}** please get it by using the links below.", colour=Colour.from_rgb(255, 255, 255), timestamp=nextcord.utils.utcnow(), ) await member.send(embed=embed) if product["attachments"] != None or product["attachments"] != []: for attachment in product["attachments"]: await member.send(attachment) return dumps(userinfo) except: return {"errors": [{"message": "Unable to give product"}]}
async def log_action( self, action: str, user: Member, mod: Member, reason: str, message: Message, **kwargs, ): additional_fields = "\n".join( [f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in kwargs.items()] ) await self.get_channel( self.settings.get("MOD_ACTION_LOG_CHANNEL", "mod-action-log") ).send( embed=Embed( description=f"Moderator: {mod.mention}\n" + (f"User: {user.mention}\n" if user else "") + f"Reason: {reason}" + ("\n" if additional_fields else "") + f"{additional_fields}\n\n" f"[Jump To Action]({message.jump_url})", color=0xCC2222, ).set_author( name=f"{action} @{user.display_name if user else mod.display_name}", icon_url=self.server.icon.url, ) )
def perma_embed(): message = f"""You are currently restricted from adding to Joy!\n You can continue to use Joy's functions, but adding to Joy has been disabled. Speak with a moderator of Joy to get more information.""" embed = Embed(title='Restricted User Warning!', description=message, return embed
async def giveproduct(self, ctx, members: Greedy[Member], *, product: str): if not len(members): await ctx.send( f"You left out a vital argument, use {}help to see all the required arguments.", refrence=ctx.message, ) elif not getproduct(product): await ctx.send(f"You inputted a incorrect product.", refrence=ctx.message) else: for member in members: data = getuserfromdiscord( if data: try: giveproduct(data["_id"], product) try: embed = Embed( title="Thanks for your purchase!", description= f"Thank you for your purchase of {product} please get it by using the links below.", colour=Colour.from_rgb(255, 255, 255), timestamp=nextcord.utils.utcnow(), ) if not member.dm_channel: await member.create_dm() await member.dm_channel.send(embed=embed) for attachment in getproduct( product)["attachments"]: await member.dm_channel.send(attachment) except: await ctx.send( f"I was unable to DM {member.mention} there product.", reference=ctx.message, ) except: await ctx.send( f"I was unable to give {member.mention} {product}.", reference=ctx.message, ) members.remove(member) else: await ctx.send( f"I was unable to give {member.mention} {product}.", reference=ctx.message, ) members.remove(member) if members: await ctx.send( "Gave " + "".join([member.mention for member in members]) + f" {product}.", reference=ctx.message, )
async def sources(intr: Interaction): """List all the sources supported""" if not await assert_check(intr, is_direct_only): return await intr.response.defer() embed = Embed( title="Supported sources", description= "This embed shows the list of all the sources currently supported", url= "", ) for gateway in sorted(source_service.get_novel_sources(), key=lambda g: g.base_url): value = f"search: {'✅' if gateway.is_search_capable else '❌'}" embed.add_field(name=f"<{gateway.base_url}>", value=value) embed.set_footer(text=f"Version {source_service.current_version}") request_embed = Embed( title="Looking for something else?", description= "You can request a new source by creating an issue at github", url="", ) await intr.send(embeds=[embed, request_embed])
async def racerinfo(self, ctx): embed = Embed(color=0x228B22) package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) thefile = os.path.join(package_dir, 'emojiracers.txt') with open(thefile) as json_file: json_object = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() emojilist = json_object['emojilist'] for emoji in emojilist: embed.add_field( name=emoji['emoji'], value='Won: ' + str(emoji['wins']) + '\nLoss: ' + str( (emoji['totalraces'] - emoji['wins'])) + '\nWin%: ' + str(math.ceil((emoji['wins'] / emoji['totalraces']) * 100)), inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def stats(self, ctx): num_bots = self.get_bots() await ctx.send(embed=Embed( title=f"Server Stats", description= (f"Of the {self.server.member_count - num_bots:,} members there are currently {self.get_online():,} " f"online!!!\n\n{self.get_pending():,} have not accepted the rules. Found {num_bots:,} bots." ), color=0x00A35A, ))
async def list_tips(self, channel, tips, label=None): formatted = [f"- {tip.label}" for tip in tips] message = "Here are all tips that are available" title = "Available Tips" if label: message = f"Here are the tips that are similar to *{label}*" title = "Possible Matches" if not len(formatted): message = "*No Tips Found*" embed = Embed(description=message, color=0x306998, title=title) while formatted: index = min(len(formatted), 5) embed.add_field(name="- - - -", value="\n".join(formatted[:index])) formatted = formatted[index:] await channel.send(embed=embed)
async def transfer(self, ctx, member: Member): await ctx.send( embed=Embed( title="Transfer Product", description="Please select the product you want to transfer.", colour=Colour.from_rgb(255, 255, 255), timestamp=nextcord.utils.utcnow(), ), view=TransferView(ctx, member), reference=ctx.message, )
async def on_member_join(self, member: Member): history = list( == if history: mod_action_log = self.get_channel( self.settings.get("MOD_ACTION_LOG_CHANNEL", "mod-action-log")) await mod_action_log.send(embed=Embed( description= f"{member.mention} has rejoined. They have a past history of mod actions.", color=0xFFE873, ).set_author(name="Member Rejoined"))
def build_mod_action_embed( self, ctx, user: Member, reason: str, title: str ) -> Embed: embed = Embed(description=reason, color=0xCC2222) embed.set_author(name=title, icon_url=self.server.icon.url) embed.set_footer(, return embed
async def getproducts(self, ctx): dbresponse = getproducts() embed = Embed( title="Products", description=f"Here is all the products I was able to get for this server!",, timestamp=nextcord.utils.utcnow(), ) fields = [] for product in dbresponse: fields.append( ( product["name"], "Product Description: " + str(product["description"]) + "\nProduct Price: " + str(product["price"]), False, ) ) for name, value, inline in fields: embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) embed.set_footer(text="Redon Tech RPH • By: parker02311") await ctx.send(embed=embed, reference=ctx.message)
async def send(self, ctx, channel, *, message): if not return title = (message[:message.find("\n")] if message.find("\n") > 0 else "") content = message[message.find("\n") + 1:] embed = Embed(title=title, description=content, color=0x306998).set_footer(, await self.server.get_channel(int(channel[2:-1])).send(embed=embed)
async def on_message_delete(self, message: Message) -> None: logging_channel = message.guild.get_channel(int(os.environ["LOGGING_CHANNEL"])) embed = Embed( title="Message Deleted", description=f"{}'s message in {} was deleted",, ) embed.add_field(name="Message", value=message.content) embed.set_thumbnail( embed.timestamp = await logging_channel.send(embed=embed)
async def history(self, ctx, member: Member): history = list( .limit(50) .order_by(ModAction.datetime.desc()) .where(ModAction.user_id == ) message = f"{member.mention} has no mod action history." title = f"Mod History for {member}" if ( ctx.invoked_with.casefold() == "whois" or not ): message = f"Here are some details about {member.mention}" title = f"Who is {member}" elif len(history): action_items = [] for action in history: details = pickle.loads(action.details.encode()) msg = details.get("message", "*No message*") link_url = details.get("link", None) link = f"\n[Jump To Action]({link_url})" if link_url else "" action_items.append( f"**{action.action_type:6} {action.datetime:%d/%m/%Y}**\n{msg}{link}" ) message = "\n".join(action_items) how_long_ago = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow()) - member.joined_at how_long_ago_msg = "Just now" if how_long_ago > timedelta(days=1): how_long_ago_msg = f"{how_long_ago // timedelta(days=1)} days ago" elif how_long_ago > timedelta(hours=1): how_long_ago_msg = f"{how_long_ago // timedelta(hours=1)} hours ago" elif how_long_ago > timedelta(minutes=5): how_long_ago_msg = f"{how_long_ago // timedelta(minutes=1)} minutes ago" await ctx.send( embed=Embed( title=title, description=message, color=0xFFE873, ) .add_field(name="Joined", value=how_long_ago_msg) .add_field(name="User ID", value=str( .add_field( name="Are They Sus?", value="🚨 Yes 🚨" if utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="🚨sus🚨") in member.roles else "No, they cool 😎", ) )
async def _send_error_to_webhook(self, error: Exception, ctx: commands.Context): async with ClientSession() as session: wh = Webhook.partial( 882811369353793576, self.settings.get("_ERROR_WEBHOOK_URL"), session=session, ) await wh.send( embed=Embed( title="🛑Error Encountered", description=f"{error}\n\nCommand: {ctx.command and ctx.command.qualified_name or ctx!r}", color=0xFF8800, ) )
async def cmd_help(self, ctx, command): embed = Embed( title=f"Help with `{command}`", description=syntax(command),, ) embed.add_field(name="Command Description", value=command.brief) embed.set_footer(text="Pembroke Bot • By: parker02311") await ctx.send(embed=embed, reference=ctx.message)
def get_comic(self, number): if number == None: comic = xkcd.getRandomComic() else: comic = xkcd.getComic(number) embed = Embed(description=comic.getAltText()) embed.set_author(name=comic.getTitle()) embed.set_image(url=comic.getImageLink()) return embed
async def send_dm( self, member: Member, embed: Embed, message: Message = None, description: str = "", ): embed.description = f"{description}\n\n" f"Reason: {embed.description}\n\n" if message: embed.description += f"[Jump To Conversation]({message.jump_url})" try: await member.send(embed=embed) return True except nextcord.errors.Forbidden: return False
async def _help_embed(self, title: str, description: Optional[str] = None, mapping: Optional[str] = None, command_set: Optional[Set[commands.Command]] = None, set_author: bool = False) -> Embed: embed = Embed(title=title) if description: embed.description = description if set_author: avatar = or embed.set_author(, icon_url=avatar.url) if command_set: # show help about all commands in the set filtered = await self.filter_commands(command_set, sort=True) for command in filtered: embed.add_field(name=self.get_command_signature(command), value=command.short_doc or "...", inline=False) elif mapping: # add a short description of commands in each cog for cog, command_set in mapping.items(): filtered = await self.filter_commands(command_set, sort=True) if not filtered: continue name = cog.qualified_name if cog else "No category" emoji = getattr(cog, "COG_EMOJI", None) cog_label = f"{emoji} {name}" if emoji else name # \u2002 is an en-space cmd_list = "\u2002".join( f"`{self.context.clean_prefix}{}`" for cmd in filtered) value = (f"{cog.description}\n{cmd_list}" if cog and cog.description else cmd_list) embed.add_field(name=cog_label, value=value) return embed
async def disabled(self, ctx): """Display Disabled Commands""" results = tool.returnDisabled(, self.c) modules = {} for m_name, c_object in modules[f"cogs.{m_name.lower()}cog"] = {} for collection in results: module = collection[0] command = collection[1] channelID = "<#" + str(collection[2]) + ">" try: modules[module][channelID] = command except KeyError as e: self.logger.error(f"Error: {e}") embeds = [] embedsTitle = [] for i, collection in enumerate(results): moduleName = collection[0] title = f"Disabled for: {moduleName}" if i == 0: embed = Embed(title=title) embedsTitle.append(title) embeds.append(embed) if modules[moduleName]: for key, value in modules[moduleName].items(): embed.add_field(name=f"Command: {str(value)}", value=f"Channel: !{str(key)}") else: if title in embedsTitle: e = embedsTitle.index(title) c_embed = embeds[e] if modules[moduleName]: for key, value in modules[moduleName].items(): c_embed.add_field(name=f"Command: {str(value)}", value=f"Channel: !{str(key)}") else: embed = Embed(title=title) embedsTitle.append(title) embeds.append(embed) if modules[moduleName]: for key, value in modules[moduleName].items(): embed.add_field(name=f"Command: {str(value)}", value=f"Channel: !{str(key)}") for embed in embeds: await ctx.send(embed=embed)