def __paste__(self, weightsCalculator): if self.copiedWeights == None: raise MessageException("Nothing to paste") if self.mll.getVertCount() != len(self.copiedWeights): raise MessageException( "Could not paste weights - vertex count does not match") prevWeights = self.getPaintTargetWeights(self.influence) vertSelection = self.mll.getVertexSelectionWeights() newWeights = weightsCalculator(prevWeights) if newWeights is None: return if vertSelection is not None: for i in range(len(vertSelection)): newWeights[i] = newWeights[i] * vertSelection[i] + prevWeights[ i] * (1 - vertSelection[i]) if self.influence == NamedPaintTarget.MASK: self.mll.setLayerMask(self.layer, newWeights) if self.influence == NamedPaintTarget.DUAL_QUATERNION: self.mll.setDualQuaternionWeights(self.layer, newWeights) else: self.mll.setInfluenceWeights(self.layer, self.influence, newWeights)
def copy(self): self.copiedWeights = self.getPaintTargetWeights(self.influence) log.debug("copied weights: %r" % self.copiedWeights) if len(self.copiedWeights) == 0: self.copiedWeights = None raise MessageException("Nothing copied")
def addMirrorInfluenceAssociationOverride(self, sourceInfluence, destinationInfluence=None, selfReference=False, bidirectional=True): ''' Adds mirror influence association override, similar to UI of "Add influences association". Self reference creates a source<->source association, bidirectional means that destination->source link is added as well ''' if self.mirrorInfluenceAssociationOverrides is None: self.mirrorInfluenceAssociationOverrides = {} if selfReference: self.mirrorInfluenceAssociationOverrides[ sourceInfluence] = sourceInfluence return if destinationInfluence is None: raise MessageException("destination influence must be specified") self.mirrorInfluenceAssociationOverrides[ sourceInfluence] = destinationInfluence if bidirectional: self.mirrorInfluenceAssociationOverrides[ destinationInfluence] = sourceInfluence
def initFromSelection(self): items = if items==None or len(items)!=2: raise MessageException("select two skinned meshes to perform this operation") self.setSourceFromMesh(items[0]) self.setDestinationFromMesh(items[1])
def getLogicalInfluenceIndex(self, influenceName): try: path = Utils.getDagPathForNode(influenceName) except: raise MessageException("Could not find influence '%s' in %s" % (influenceName, self.skinCluster)) return self.fn.indexForInfluenceObject(path)
def paste(self, replace): if self.copiedWeights == None: raise MessageException("Nothing to paste") if self.mll.getVertCount() != len(self.copiedWeights): raise MessageException( "Could not paste weights - vertex count does not match") newWeights = self.copiedWeights if not replace: prevWeights = self.getPaintTargetWeights(self.influence) newWeights = [a + b for a, b in zip(newWeights, prevWeights)] if self.influence == LayerUtils.PAINT_TARGET_MASK: self.mll.setLayerMask(self.layer, newWeights) else: self.mll.setInfluenceWeights(self.layer, self.influence, newWeights)
def execute(self): meshes = if meshes == None or len(meshes) != 2: raise MessageException( "select two skinned meshes with layers initialized to perform this operation" ) for mesh in meshes: if not MllInterface(mesh=meshes[0]).getLayersAvailable(): raise MessageException( "'%s' is not a valid selection (no skin layers available)" % mesh) from ngSkinTools.ui.initTransferWindow import TransferWeightsWindow window = TransferWeightsWindow.getInstance() window.showWindow() window.content.dataModel.setSourceMesh(meshes[0]) window.content.dataModel.setDestinationMesh(meshes[1])
def __paste__(self, weightsCalculator): if self.copiedWeights == None: raise MessageException("Nothing to paste") if self.mll.getVertCount() != len(self.copiedWeights): raise MessageException( "Could not paste weights - vertex count does not match") newWeights = weightsCalculator() if newWeights is None: return if self.influence == NamedPaintTarget.MASK: self.mll.setLayerMask(self.layer, newWeights) if self.influence == NamedPaintTarget.DUAL_QUATERNION: self.mll.setDualQuaternionWeights(self.layer, newWeights) else: self.mll.setInfluenceWeights(self.layer, self.influence, newWeights)
def __detectSkinCluster(self,mesh): mll = MllInterface() mll.setCurrentMesh(mesh) try: _,skinCluster = mll.getTargetInfo() except TypeError: raise MessageException("cannot find skin cluster attached to %s" % mesh)"detected skin cluster %s on mesh %s" % (skinCluster, mesh)) return skinCluster
def execSetCurrentSelection(self,*args): ''' handler for "<<" button ''' selList = om.MSelectionList() om.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(selList) sel = self.parseSelectionList(selList) if len(sel)<1: raise MessageException("No vertices selected") self.setSelection(sel)
def execRelax(self, *args): ''' relax button click handler. this is where it actually executes skin relax, whoop-tee-doo. ''' try: args = {} args['numSteps'] = self.controls.numSteps.getValue() args['stepSize'] = self.controls.stepSize.getValue() # do we need soft selection? self.controls.softSelection.addToArgs(args) # do we need volume association? if self.controls.useVolumeAssociation.getValue(): args['abv'] = 1 args['avr'] = self.controls.volumeAssociationRadius.getValue() # add selection+highlight as arguments # we need highlight as second argument because # other meshes for simulation might be included only through highlight. # # This will never be an empty list as we tested for vertex selection available earlier def makeList(listOrNull): if listOrNull is None: return [] return listOrNull objects = makeList( + makeList( if len(objects) == 0: raise MessageException("Nothing is selected") # execute stuff try: cmds.waitCursor(state=True) cmds.ngSkinRelax(objects, **args) finally: cmds.waitCursor(state=False) Utils.refreshPaintWeightsTool() except MessageException, err: raise err
def saveOption(varName,value): ''' saves option via optionVar ''' # variable does not exist, attempt to save it key=None if isinstance(value,float): key='fv' elif isinstance(value,int): key='iv' elif isinstance(value,basestring): key='sv' else: raise MessageException("could not save option %s: invalid value %r" % (varName,value)) cmds.optionVar(**{key:(varName,value)})
def execute(self): layerListsUi = LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerListsUI setup = DuplicateLayers() setup.setMllInterface(LayerDataModel.getInstance().mll) layers = layerListsUi.getSelectedLayers() if len(layers) == 0: raise MessageException('No layers selected') for layer in reversed(layers): setup.addLayer(layer) setup.execute() LayerDataModel.getInstance().mll.setCurrentLayer( setup.duplicateIds[-1]) LayerEvents.layerListModified.emit()
def execClosestJointAssign(self): ''' runs 'assign from closest joint' operation ''' args = {} args['bnj'] = True # by nearest joint # restrict influence list? if self.controls.rdioUseListerInfluences.getValue(): # add include joints selInfluences = self.parentWindow.targetUI.getSelectedInfluences() if len(selInfluences) == 0: raise MessageException('no influences selected') args['ij'] = '/'.join(selInfluences) args['intensity'] = self.controls.cjIntensity.getIntensity() self.controls.cjSoftSelection.addToArgs(args) self.execAssignWeights(args)
def getFullNodePath(nodeName): result =, l=True) if result is None or len(result) == 0: raise MessageException("node %s was not found" % nodeName) return result[0]
def execPreview(self,*args): sel = self.getSelectionStrings() if len(sel)<1: raise MessageException("Nothing to select")
def getMayaMainWindow(): for widget in qt.widgets.qApp.topLevelWidgets(): if widget.objectName()=='MayaWindow': return widget raise MessageException('QT Main window could not be detected')