class Ngccc(apigen.Definition):
    """Next-Generation Colored Coin Client interface."""

    def __init__(self, wallet=None, testnet=False):

        # sanitize inputs
        testnet = sanitize.flag(testnet)

        if not wallet:
            wallet = "%s.wallet" % ("testnet" if testnet else "mainnet")
        self.wallet = PersistentWallet(wallet, testnet)
        self.model_is_initialized = False

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        if name in ['controller', 'model']:
            if not self.model_is_initialized:
                self.model = self.wallet.get_model()
                self.controller = WalletController(self.model)
                slef.model_is_initialized = True
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)

    def setconfigval(self, key, value): # FIXME behaviour ok?
        """Sets a value in the configuration.
        Key is expressed as: key.subkey.subsubkey

        # sanitize inputs
        key = sanitize.cfgkey(key)
        value = sanitize.cfgvalue(value)

        kpath = key.split('.')
        value = json.loads(value)

        # traverse the path until we get to the value we need to set
        if len(kpath) > 1:
            branch = self.wallet.wallet_config[kpath[0]]
            cdict = branch
            for k in kpath[1:-1]:
                cdict = cdict[k]
            cdict[kpath[-1]] = value
            value = branch
        if kpath[0] in self.wallet.wallet_config:
            self.wallet.wallet_config[kpath[0]] = value
            raise KeyNotFound(key)

    def getconfigval(self, key):
        """Returns the value for a given key in the config.
        Key is expressed as: key.subkey.subsubkey

        # sanitize inputs
        key = sanitize.cfgkey(key)

        if not key:
            raise KeyNotFound(key)
        keys = key.split('.')
        config = self.wallet.wallet_config
        # traverse the path until we get the value
        for key in keys:
            config = config[key]
        return _print(config)

    def dumpconfig(self):
        """Returns a dump of the current configuration."""
        dict_config = dict(self.wallet.wallet_config.iteritems())
        return _print(dict_config)

    def importconfig(self, path): # FIXME what about subkeys and removed keys?
        """Import JSON config."""
        with open(path, 'r') as fp:
            config = json.loads(fp.read())
            wallet_config = self.wallet.wallet_config
            for k in config:
                wallet_config[k] = config[k]

    def issueasset(self, moniker, quantity, unit="100000000", scheme="epobc"):
        """ Issue <quantity> of asset with name <moniker> and <unit> atoms,
        based on <scheme (epobc|obc)>."""

        # sanitize inputs
        moniker = sanitize.moniker(moniker)
        quantity = sanitize.quantity(quantity)
        unit = sanitize.unit(unit)
        scheme = sanitize.scheme(scheme)

        self.controller.issue_coins(moniker, scheme, quantity, unit)
        return self.getasset(moniker)

    def addassetjson(self, data):
        """Add a json asset definition.
        Enables the use of colors/assets issued by others.

        # sanitize inputs
        data = sanitize.jsonasset(data)

        return self.getasset(data['monikers'][0])

    def addasset(self, moniker, color_description, unit=100000000):
        """Add a asset definition.
        Enables the use of colors/assets issued by others.

        # sanitize inputs
        moniker = sanitize.moniker(moniker)
        color_description = sanitize.colordesc(color_description)
        unit = sanitize.unit(unit)

            "monikers": [moniker],
            "color_set": [color_description],
            "unit" : unit
        return self.getasset(moniker)

    def getasset(self, moniker):
        """Get the asset associated with the moniker."""
        return _print(sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker).get_data())

    def listassets(self):
        """Lists all assets/colors registered."""
        assets = self.controller.get_all_assets()
        return _print(map(lambda asset: asset.get_data(), assets))

    def _getbalance(self, asset, unconfirmed, available):
        if unconfirmed:
            balance = self.controller.get_unconfirmed_balance(asset)
        elif available:
            balance = self.controller.get_available_balance(asset)
            balance = self.controller.get_total_balance(asset)
        return (asset.get_monikers()[0], asset.format_value(balance))

    def getbalance(self, moniker, unconfirmed=False, available=False):
        """Returns the balance for a particular asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        unconfirmed = sanitize.flag(unconfirmed)
        available = sanitize.flag(available)

        balance = dict([self._getbalance(asset, unconfirmed, available)])
        return _print(balance)

    def getbalances(self, unconfirmed=False, available=False):
        """Returns the balances for all assets/colors."""

        # sanitize inputs
        unconfirmed = sanitize.flag(unconfirmed)
        available = sanitize.flag(available)

        assets = self.controller.get_all_assets()
        func = lambda asset: self._getbalance(asset, unconfirmed, available)
        balances = dict(map(func, assets))
        return _print(balances)

    def newaddress(self, moniker):
        """Creates a new coloraddress for a given asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        addressrecord = self.controller.get_new_address(asset)
        coloraddress = addressrecord.get_color_address()
        return _print(coloraddress)

    def listaddresses(self, moniker):
        """Lists all addresses for a given asset"""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        addressrecords = self.controller.get_all_addresses(asset)
        return _print([ao.get_color_address() for ao in addressrecords])

    def send(self, moniker, coloraddress, amount):
        """Send <coloraddress> given <amount> of an asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        coloraddress = sanitize.coloraddress(self.model, asset, coloraddress)
        amount = sanitize.assetamount(asset, amount)

        txid = self.controller.send_coins(asset, [coloraddress], [amount])
        return _print(txid)

    def sendmanyjson(self, data):
        """Send amounts given in json fromatted data. 
        Format [{'moniker':"val",'amount':"val",'coloraddress':"val"}]
        All entries must use the same color scheme.

        # sanitize inputs
        sendmany_entries = sanitize.sendmanyjson(self.model, data)

        return _print(self.controller.sendmany_coins(sendmany_entries))

    def sendmanycsv(self, path):
        """Send amounts in csv file with format 'moniker,coloraddress,amount'.
        All entries must use the same color scheme.

        # sanitize inputs
        sendmany_entries = sanitize.sendmanycsv(self.model, path)

        return _print(self.controller.sendmany_coins(sendmany_entries))

    def scan(self):
        """Update the database of transactions."""

    def fullrescan(self):
        """Rebuild database of wallet transactions."""

    def history(self, moniker):
        """Show the history of transactions for given asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        return _print(self.controller.get_history(asset))

    def received(self, moniker):
        """Returns total received amount for each coloraddress
        of a given asset.

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        received = {}
        def reformat(data):
            coloraddress = data['color_address']
            colorvalue = data['value'].get_value()
            return (coloraddress, asset.format_value(colorvalue))
        data = self.controller.get_received_by_address(asset)
        return _print(dict(map(reformat, data)))

    def coinlog(self):
        """Returns the coin transaction log for this wallet."""
        log = defaultdict(list)
        for coin in self.controller.get_coinlog():
            moniker = coin.asset.get_monikers()[0]
            moniker = 'bitcoin' if moniker == '' else moniker
              'address' : coin.get_address(),
              'txid' : coin.txhash,
              'out' : coin.outindex,
              'colorvalue' : coin.colorvalues[0].get_value(),
              'value' : coin.value,
              'confirmed' : coin.is_confirmed(),
              'spendingtxs' : coin.get_spending_txs(),
        return _print(log)

    def dumpprivkey(self, moniker, coloraddress):
        """Private key for a given coloraddress."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        coloraddress = sanitize.coloraddress(self.model, asset, coloraddress)

        wam = self.model.get_address_manager()
        for addressrecord in wam.get_all_addresses():
            if coloraddress == addressrecord.get_color_address():
                return _print(addressrecord.get_private_key())
        raise AddressNotFound(coloraddress)

    def dumpprivkeys(self, moniker):
        """Lists all private keys for a given asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        addressrecords = self.controller.get_all_addresses(asset)
        return _print(map(lambda ar: ar.get_private_key(), addressrecords))

    def _init_p2ptrade(self):
        ewctrl = EWalletController(self.model, self.controller)
        config = {"offer_expiry_interval": 30, "ep_expiry_interval": 30}
        comm = HTTPComm(config, 'http://p2ptrade.btx.udoidio.info/messages')
        return EAgent(ewctrl, config, comm)

    def _p2ptrade_make_offer(self, we_sell, moniker, value, price, wait):

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        bitcoin = sanitize.asset(self.model, 'bitcoin')
        value = sanitize.assetamount(asset, value)
        price = sanitize.assetamount(bitcoin, price)
        wait = sanitize.integer(wait)

        total = int(Decimal(value)/Decimal(asset.unit)*Decimal(price))
        color_desc = asset.get_color_set().color_desc_list[0]
        sell_side = {"color_spec": color_desc, "value": value}
        buy_side = {"color_spec": "", "value": total}
        agent = self._init_p2ptrade()
        if we_sell:
            agent.register_my_offer(MyEOffer(None, sell_side, buy_side))
            agent.register_my_offer(MyEOffer(None, buy_side, sell_side))
        self._p2ptrade_wait(agent, wait)

    def _p2ptrade_wait(self, agent, wait):
        if wait and wait > 0:
            for _ in xrange(wait):
            for _ in xrange(4*6):

    def p2porders(self, moniker="", sellonly=False, buyonly=False):
        """Show peer to peer trade orders"""

        # sanitize inputs
        sellonly = sanitize.flag(sellonly)
        buyonly = sanitize.flag(buyonly)
        asset = None
        if moniker and moniker != 'bitcoin':
            asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        # get offers
        agent = self._init_p2ptrade()
        offers = agent.their_offers.values()
        offers = map(lambda offer: offer.get_data(), offers)

        # filter asset if given
        if asset:
            descs = asset.get_color_set().color_desc_list
            def func(offer):
                return (offer["A"]["color_spec"] in descs or
                        offer["B"]["color_spec"] in descs)
            offers = filter(func, offers)

        # filter sellonly if given
        if sellonly:
            offers = filter(lambda o: o["A"]["color_spec"] != "", offers)

        # filter buyonly if given
        if buyonly:
            offers = filter(lambda o: o["A"]["color_spec"] == "", offers)

        return _print(offers)

    def p2psell(self, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait=30):
        """Sell <assetamount> for <btcprice> via peer to peer trade."""
        self._p2ptrade_make_offer(True, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait)

    def p2pbuy(self, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait=30):
        """Buy <assetamount> for <btcprice> via peer to peer trade."""
        self._p2ptrade_make_offer(False, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait)
class TestWalletController(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.path = ":memory:"
        self.config = {
            'dw_master_key': 'test',
            'testnet': True,
            'ccc': {
                'colordb_path': self.path
            'bip0032': False
        self.pwallet = PersistentWallet(self.path, self.config)
        self.model = self.pwallet.get_model()
        self.wc = WalletController(self.model)
        self.wc.testing = True
        self.wc.debug = True
        self.colormap = self.model.get_color_map()
        self.bcolorset = ColorSet(self.colormap, [''])
        wam = self.model.get_address_manager()
        self.baddress = wam.get_new_address(self.bcolorset)
        self.baddr = self.baddress.get_address()

        self.blockhash = '00000000c927c5d0ee1ca362f912f83c462f644e695337ce3731b9f7c5d1ca8c'
        self.txhash = '4fe45a5ba31bab1e244114c4555d9070044c73c98636231c77657022d76b87f7'

        script = tools.compile(
            "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 {0} OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG".format(

        self.model.utxo_man.store.add_utxo(self.baddr, self.txhash, 0, 100,

        script = tools.compile(
            "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 {0} OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG".format(

        self.model.utxo_man.store.add_utxo(self.baddr, self.txhash, 1,
                                           1000000000, script)

        self.model.ccc.blockchain_state.bitcoind = MockBitcoinD('test')

        def x(s):
            return self.blockhash, True

        self.model.ccc.blockchain_state.get_tx_blockhash = x
        self.moniker = 'test'
        self.wc.issue_coins(self.moniker, 'obc', 10000, 1)
        self.asset = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager(
        self.basset = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager(
        self.color_id = list(self.asset.color_set.color_id_set)[0]
        self.model.ccc.metastore.set_as_scanned(self.color_id, self.blockhash)

    def test_issue(self):
        self.assertRaises(InvalidColorDefinitionError, self.wc.issue_coins,
                          self.moniker, 'nonexistent', 10000, 1)
        item = self.wc.get_history(self.asset)[0]
        self.assertEqual(item['action'], 'issued')
        self.assertEqual(item['value'], 10000)
        item = self.wc.get_history(self.asset)[0]
        self.assertEqual(item['action'], 'issued')
        self.assertEqual(item['value'], 10000)

    def test_new_address(self):
        addr = self.wc.get_new_address(self.asset)
        addrs = self.wc.get_all_addresses(self.asset)
        self.assertEqual(len(addr.get_address()), 34)
        self.assertTrue(addr in addrs)
        for d in self.wc.get_received_by_address(self.asset):
            if d['address'] == addr.get_address():
                self.assertEqual(d['value'], 0)

    def test_get_all_assets(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.asset in self.wc.get_all_assets())

    def test_get_balance(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.wc.get_total_balance(self.asset), 10000)

    def test_add_asset(self):
        moniker = 'addtest'
        params = {
            "monikers": [moniker],
            "color_set": ['obc:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:0:0'],
            "unit": 1
        asset = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager().get_asset_by_moniker(

        self.assertEqual(self.wc.get_total_balance(asset), 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.wc.get_history(asset), [])

    def test_send(self):
        addr1 = self.wc.get_new_address(self.asset)
        addr2 = self.wc.get_new_address(self.asset)
        color_addrs = [addr1.get_color_address(), addr2.get_color_address()]
        self.wc.send_coins(self.asset, color_addrs, [1000, 2000])
        self.assertRaises(AssetMismatchError, self.wc.send_coins, self.basset,
                          color_addrs, [1000, 2000])
class Ngccc(apigen.Definition):
    """Next-Generation Colored Coin Client interface."""
    def __init__(self, wallet=None, testnet=False):

        # sanitize inputs
        testnet = sanitize.flag(testnet)

        if not wallet:
            wallet = "%s.wallet" % ("testnet" if testnet else "mainnet")
        self.wallet = PersistentWallet(wallet, testnet)
        self.model = self.wallet.get_model()
        self.controller = WalletController(self.model)

    def setconfigval(self, key, value):  # FIXME behaviour ok?
        """Sets a value in the configuration.
        Key is expressed as: key.subkey.subsubkey

        # sanitize inputs
        key = sanitize.cfgkey(key)
        value = sanitize.cfgvalue(value)

        kpath = key.split('.')
        value = json.loads(value)

        # traverse the path until we get to the value we need to set
        if len(kpath) > 1:
            branch = self.wallet.wallet_config[kpath[0]]
            cdict = branch
            for k in kpath[1:-1]:
                cdict = cdict[k]
            cdict[kpath[-1]] = value
            value = branch
        if kpath[0] in self.wallet.wallet_config:
            self.wallet.wallet_config[kpath[0]] = value
            raise KeyNotFound(key)

    def getconfigval(self, key):
        """Returns the value for a given key in the config.
        Key is expressed as: key.subkey.subsubkey

        # sanitize inputs
        key = sanitize.cfgkey(key)

        if not key:
            raise KeyNotFound(key)
        keys = key.split('.')
        config = self.wallet.wallet_config
        # traverse the path until we get the value
        for key in keys:
            config = config[key]
        return _print(config)

    def dumpconfig(self):
        """Returns a dump of the current configuration."""
        dict_config = dict(self.wallet.wallet_config.iteritems())
        return _print(dict_config)

    def importconfig(self, path):  # FIXME what about subkeys and removed keys?
        """Import JSON config."""
        with open(path, 'r') as fp:
            config = json.loads(fp.read())
            wallet_config = self.wallet.wallet_config
            for k in config:
                wallet_config[k] = config[k]

    def issueasset(self, moniker, quantity, unit="100000000", scheme="epobc"):
        """ Issue <quantity> of asset with name <moniker> and <unit> atoms,
        based on <scheme (epobc|obc)>."""

        # sanitize inputs
        moniker = sanitize.moniker(moniker)
        quantity = sanitize.quantity(quantity)
        unit = sanitize.unit(unit)
        scheme = sanitize.scheme(scheme)

        self.controller.issue_coins(moniker, scheme, quantity, unit)
        return self.getasset(moniker)

    def addassetjson(self, data):
        """Add a json asset definition.
        Enables the use of colors/assets issued by others.

        # sanitize inputs
        data = sanitize.jsonasset(data)

        return self.getasset(data['monikers'][0])

    def addasset(self, moniker, color_description, unit=100000000):
        """Add a asset definition.
        Enables the use of colors/assets issued by others.

        # sanitize inputs
        moniker = sanitize.moniker(moniker)
        color_description = sanitize.colordesc(color_description)
        unit = sanitize.unit(unit)

            "monikers": [moniker],
            "color_set": [color_description],
            "unit": unit
        return self.getasset(moniker)

    def getasset(self, moniker):
        """Get the asset associated with the moniker."""
        return _print(sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker).get_data())

    def listassets(self):
        """Lists all assets/colors registered."""
        assets = self.controller.get_all_assets()
        return _print(map(lambda asset: asset.get_data(), assets))

    def _getbalance(self, asset, unconfirmed, available):
        if unconfirmed:
            balance = self.controller.get_unconfirmed_balance(asset)
        elif available:
            balance = self.controller.get_available_balance(asset)
            balance = self.controller.get_total_balance(asset)
        return (asset.get_monikers()[0], asset.format_value(balance))

    def getbalance(self, moniker, unconfirmed=False, available=False):
        """Returns the balance for a particular asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        unconfirmed = sanitize.flag(unconfirmed)
        available = sanitize.flag(available)

        balance = dict([self._getbalance(asset, unconfirmed, available)])
        return _print(balance)

    def getbalances(self, unconfirmed=False, available=False):
        """Returns the balances for all assets/colors."""

        # sanitize inputs
        unconfirmed = sanitize.flag(unconfirmed)
        available = sanitize.flag(available)

        assets = self.controller.get_all_assets()
        func = lambda asset: self._getbalance(asset, unconfirmed, available)
        balances = dict(map(func, assets))
        return _print(balances)

    def newaddress(self, moniker):
        """Creates a new coloraddress for a given asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        addressrecord = self.controller.get_new_address(asset)
        coloraddress = addressrecord.get_color_address()
        return _print(coloraddress)

    def listaddresses(self, moniker):
        """Lists all addresses for a given asset"""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        addressrecords = self.controller.get_all_addresses(asset)
        return _print([ao.get_color_address() for ao in addressrecords])

    def send(self, moniker, coloraddress, amount):
        """Send <coloraddress> given <amount> of an asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        coloraddress = sanitize.coloraddress(self.model, asset, coloraddress)
        amount = sanitize.assetamount(asset, amount)

        txid = self.controller.send_coins(asset, [coloraddress], [amount])
        return _print(txid)

    def sendmanyjson(self, data):
        """Send amounts given in json fromatted data. 
        Format [{'moniker':"val",'amount':"val",'coloraddress':"val"}]
        All entries must use the same color scheme.

        # sanitize inputs
        sendmany_entries = sanitize.sendmanyjson(self.model, data)

        return _print(self.controller.sendmany_coins(sendmany_entries))

    def sendmanycsv(self, path):
        """Send amounts in csv file with format 'moniker,coloraddress,amount'.
        All entries must use the same color scheme.

        # sanitize inputs
        sendmany_entries = sanitize.sendmanycsv(self.model, path)

        return _print(self.controller.sendmany_coins(sendmany_entries))

    def scan(self):
        """Update the database of transactions."""

    def fullrescan(self):
        """Rebuild database of wallet transactions."""

    def history(self, moniker):
        """Show the history of transactions for given asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        return _print(self.controller.get_history(asset))

    def received(self, moniker):
        """Returns total received amount for each coloraddress
        of a given asset.

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        received = {}

        def reformat(data):
            coloraddress = data['color_address']
            colorvalue = data['value'].get_value()
            return (coloraddress, asset.format_value(colorvalue))

        data = self.controller.get_received_by_address(asset)
        return _print(dict(map(reformat, data)))

    def coinlog(self):
        """Returns the coin transaction log for this wallet."""
        log = defaultdict(list)
        for coin in self.controller.get_coinlog():
            moniker = coin.asset.get_monikers()[0]
            moniker = 'bitcoin' if moniker == '' else moniker
                'address': coin.get_address(),
                'txid': coin.txhash,
                'out': coin.outindex,
                'colorvalue': coin.colorvalues[0].get_value(),
                'value': coin.value,
                'confirmed': coin.is_confirmed(),
                'spendingtxs': coin.get_spending_txs(),
        return _print(log)

    def dumpprivkey(self, moniker, coloraddress):
        """Private key for a given coloraddress."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        coloraddress = sanitize.coloraddress(self.model, asset, coloraddress)

        wam = self.model.get_address_manager()
        for addressrecord in wam.get_all_addresses():
            if coloraddress == addressrecord.get_color_address():
                return _print(addressrecord.get_private_key())
        raise AddressNotFound(coloraddress)

    def dumpprivkeys(self, moniker):
        """Lists all private keys for a given asset."""

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        addressrecords = self.controller.get_all_addresses(asset)
        return _print(map(lambda ar: ar.get_private_key(), addressrecords))

    def _init_p2ptrade(self):
        ewctrl = EWalletController(self.model, self.controller)
        config = {"offer_expiry_interval": 30, "ep_expiry_interval": 30}
        comm = HTTPComm(config, 'http://p2ptrade.btx.udoidio.info/messages')
        return EAgent(ewctrl, config, comm)

    def _p2ptrade_make_offer(self, we_sell, moniker, value, price, wait):

        # sanitize inputs
        asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)
        bitcoin = sanitize.asset(self.model, 'bitcoin')
        value = sanitize.assetamount(asset, value)
        price = sanitize.assetamount(bitcoin, price)
        wait = sanitize.integer(wait)

        total = int(Decimal(value) / Decimal(asset.unit) * Decimal(price))
        color_desc = asset.get_color_set().color_desc_list[0]
        sell_side = {"color_spec": color_desc, "value": value}
        buy_side = {"color_spec": "", "value": total}
        agent = self._init_p2ptrade()
        if we_sell:
            agent.register_my_offer(MyEOffer(None, sell_side, buy_side))
            agent.register_my_offer(MyEOffer(None, buy_side, sell_side))
        self._p2ptrade_wait(agent, wait)

    def _p2ptrade_wait(self, agent, wait):
        if wait and wait > 0:
            for _ in xrange(wait):
            for _ in xrange(4 * 6):

    def p2porders(self, moniker="", sellonly=False, buyonly=False):
        """Show peer to peer trade orders"""

        # sanitize inputs
        sellonly = sanitize.flag(sellonly)
        buyonly = sanitize.flag(buyonly)
        asset = None
        if moniker and moniker != 'bitcoin':
            asset = sanitize.asset(self.model, moniker)

        # get offers
        agent = self._init_p2ptrade()
        offers = agent.their_offers.values()
        offers = map(lambda offer: offer.get_data(), offers)

        # filter asset if given
        if asset:
            descs = asset.get_color_set().color_desc_list

            def func(offer):
                return (offer["A"]["color_spec"] in descs
                        or offer["B"]["color_spec"] in descs)

            offers = filter(func, offers)

        # filter sellonly if given
        if sellonly:
            offers = filter(lambda o: o["A"]["color_spec"] != "", offers)

        # filter buyonly if given
        if buyonly:
            offers = filter(lambda o: o["A"]["color_spec"] == "", offers)

        return _print(offers)

    def p2psell(self, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait=30):
        """Sell <assetamount> for <btcprice> via peer to peer trade."""
        self._p2ptrade_make_offer(True, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait)

    def p2pbuy(self, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait=30):
        """Buy <assetamount> for <btcprice> via peer to peer trade."""
        self._p2ptrade_make_offer(False, moniker, assetamount, btcprice, wait)
class TestWalletController(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.path = ":memory:"
        self.config = {"dw_master_key": "test", "testnet": True, "ccc": {"colordb_path": self.path}, "bip0032": False}
        self.pwallet = PersistentWallet(self.path, self.config)
        self.model = self.pwallet.get_model()
        self.wc = WalletController(self.model)
        self.wc.testing = True
        self.wc.debug = True
        self.colormap = self.model.get_color_map()
        self.bcolorset = ColorSet(self.colormap, [""])
        wam = self.model.get_address_manager()
        self.baddress = wam.get_new_address(self.bcolorset)
        self.baddr = self.baddress.get_address()

        self.blockhash = "00000000c927c5d0ee1ca362f912f83c462f644e695337ce3731b9f7c5d1ca8c"
        self.txhash = "4fe45a5ba31bab1e244114c4555d9070044c73c98636231c77657022d76b87f7"

        script = tools.compile(
            "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 {0} OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG".format(self.baddress.rawPubkey().encode("hex"))

        self.model.utxo_man.store.add_utxo(self.baddr, self.txhash, 0, 100, script)

        script = tools.compile(
            "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 {0} OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG".format(self.baddress.rawPubkey().encode("hex"))

        self.model.utxo_man.store.add_utxo(self.baddr, self.txhash, 1, 1000000000, script)

        self.model.ccc.blockchain_state.bitcoind = MockBitcoinD("test")

        def x(s):
            return self.blockhash, True

        self.model.ccc.blockchain_state.get_tx_blockhash = x
        self.moniker = "test"
        self.wc.issue_coins(self.moniker, "obc", 10000, 1)
        self.asset = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager().get_asset_by_moniker(self.moniker)
        self.basset = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager().get_asset_by_moniker("bitcoin")
        self.color_id = list(self.asset.color_set.color_id_set)[0]
        self.model.ccc.metastore.set_as_scanned(self.color_id, self.blockhash)

    def test_issue(self):
        self.assertRaises(InvalidColorDefinitionError, self.wc.issue_coins, self.moniker, "nonexistent", 10000, 1)
        item = self.wc.get_history(self.asset)[0]
        self.assertEqual(item["action"], "issued")
        self.assertEqual(item["value"], 10000)
        item = self.wc.get_history(self.asset)[0]
        self.assertEqual(item["action"], "issued")
        self.assertEqual(item["value"], 10000)

    def test_new_address(self):
        addr = self.wc.get_new_address(self.asset)
        addrs = self.wc.get_all_addresses(self.asset)
        self.assertEqual(len(addr.get_address()), 34)
        self.assertTrue(addr in addrs)
        for d in self.wc.get_address_balance(self.asset):
            if d["address"] == addr.get_address():
                self.assertEqual(d["value"], 0)

    def test_get_all_assets(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.asset in self.wc.get_all_assets())

    def test_get_balance(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.wc.get_total_balance(self.asset), 10000)

    def test_add_asset(self):
        moniker = "addtest"
        params = {"monikers": [moniker], "color_set": ["obc:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:0:0"], "unit": 1}
        asset = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager().get_asset_by_moniker(moniker)

        self.assertEqual(self.wc.get_total_balance(asset), 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.wc.get_history(asset), [])

    def test_send(self):
        addr1 = self.wc.get_new_address(self.asset)
        addr2 = self.wc.get_new_address(self.asset)
        color_addrs = [addr1.get_color_address(), addr2.get_color_address()]
        self.wc.send_coins(self.asset, color_addrs, [1000, 2000])
        self.assertRaises(AssetMismatchError, self.wc.send_coins, self.basset, color_addrs, [1000, 2000])