def plot_map(wks, x, y, data, **kwargs):

    # Set up annoying plot resources
    res = ngl.Resources()
    res.cnFillOn = True
    res.cnLinesOn = False
    res.cnFillPalette = 'MPL_viridis'

    # Add cyclic point if we need to
    if len(data.shape) == 2 and x.max() < 360:
        data, x = ngl.add_cyclic(data, x)

    # If passed 2d coordinate arrays assume they represent cell vertices,
    # otherwise assume cell centers
    if len(x.shape) == 2:
        res.cnFillMode = 'CellFill'
        res.sfXCellBounds = x
        res.sfYCellBounds = y
        res.cnFillMode = 'RasterFill'
        res.sfXArray = x
        res.sfYArray = y

    # Tweak plot appearance
    res.mpGridAndLimbOn = False
    res.mpPerimOn = False

    # Additional options passed via kwargs
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        setattr(res, key, val)

    # Make the plot
    plot = ngl.contour_map(wks, data, res)

    return plot
def plot_time_series(time, data, **kwargs):

    # Setup a plot resources object
    res = ngl.Resources()

    # Set resource values by keyword
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        setattr(res, key, val)

    # Make plot
    pl = ngl.xy(wks, time, data, res)
    return pl
def plot_image_gdal(
        wks, band1, band2, band3, 
        lat1=-90, lat2=90, lon1=0, lon2=360,

    # Clip if over maximum
    band1[band1>255] = 255
    band2[band2>255] = 255
    band3[band3>255] = 255

    # Construct RGBA colormaps
    ramp = np.linspace(0.,1.,255)
    reds = np.zeros((255,4))
    greens = np.zeros((255,4))
    blues = np.zeros((255,4))
    reds[:,0]   = ramp
    greens[:,1] = ramp
    blues[:,2]  = ramp
    # Set alpha channel (a = 1: 100% opaque; a = 0: 100% transparent)
    reds[:,3]     = 1.0 #0.8     
    greens[:,3]   = 0.0 #0.44444
    blues[:,3]    = 0.0 #0.3077

    # Generate coordinate variables since they do not exist in the data
    y = ngl.fspan(-90, 90, band1.shape[0])
    x = ngl.fspan(0, 360, band1.shape[1])

    # Set up plot resources
    mapres = ngl.Resources()
    mapres.nglDraw               = True
    mapres.nglFrame              = False
    mapres.cnFillOn              = True
    mapres.cnLinesOn             = False
    mapres.cnLineLabelsOn        = False
    mapres.cnInfoLabelOn         = False
    mapres.cnFillMode            = 'RasterFill'
    mapres.cnLevelSelectionMode  = "ExplicitLevels"
    mapres.cnLevels              = np.arange(0,254,1)
    mapres.cnFillBackgroundColor = [1., 1., 1., 1.]  #set it to black
    mapres.cnLinesOn             = False
    mapres.cnLineLabelsOn        = False
    mapres.lbLabelBarOn          = False
    mapres.sfXArray              = x
    mapres.sfYArray              = y
    # NOTE: pyngl will complain about these for the non-map plots,
    # but I want everything set ahead of time so that I can override
    # with kwargs passed into this function
    mapres.mpFillOn         = False
    mapres.mpGridAndLimbOn  = False
    mapres.mpProjection     = "Orthographic"
    mapres.mpLimitMode      = "LatLon"
    mapres.mpMinLatF        = lat1
    mapres.mpMaxLatF        = lat2
    mapres.mpMinLonF        = lon1
    mapres.mpMaxLonF        = lon2
    # Set additional plot resource passed via kwargs
    for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(mapres, key, value)

    # The green and blue maps will be overlaid on top of the red map,
    # The red map serves as the base upon which the others are overlaid,
    # so we can make this one an actual map. NOTE: I am manually overlaying
    # these plots, because I want them all to use the same plot resources.
    mapres.cnFillColors = reds
    redMap = ngl.contour_map(wks,band1,mapres)

    mapres.cnFillColors = greens
    greenMap = ngl.contour_map(wks,band2,mapres)

    mapres.cnFillColors = blues
    blueMap  = ngl.contour_map(wks,band3,mapres)

    # Return plot objects
    return redMap, greenMap, blueMap
def increase_workspace_memory(value=10000000000):
    ws_id = ngl.get_workspace_id()
    rlist = ngl.Resources()
    rlist.wsMaximumSize = value