    def __init__(self, game_key = None, cum_stats = {}):

        # conversion to GameKey from tuple allowed
        self.game_key = game_key if hasattr(game_key, 'to_tuple') else GameKey(key_tup=game_key)

        self.toi = TOI(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.TOI` summary"""

        self.rosters = Rosters(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.Rosters` summary"""

        self.summary = getGameSummary(self.game_key)

        self.face_off_comp = FaceOffComparison(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison` summary"""

        self.play_by_play = PlayByPlay(self.game_key, cum_stats)
        """The :py:class:`.PlayByPlay` summary"""

        self.event_summary = EventSummary(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.EventSummary` summary"""
    def test_face_off_comparison(self):
        from nhlscrapi.games.game import GameKey
        from nhlscrapi.games.faceoffcomp import FaceOffComparison

        gk = GameKey(2015, 3,
                     224)  # 2015, playoffs (3), NYR/WSH game 3 (game 224)
        foc = FaceOffComparison(gk)

            hth = foc.head_to_head(21, 21)  # laich v stepan
        except Exception as e:
            self.assertEqual(0, 1, 'Loading error: {0}'.format(e))

        # stepan 2/4 overall
        self.assertEqual(hth['away']['all'], {'won': 2, 'total': 4})

        # laich 1/1 in the defensive zone
        self.assertEqual(hth['home']['def'], {'won': 1, 'total': 1})

        # equivalently, stepan 0/1 in offensive
        self.assertEqual(hth['away']['off'], {'won': 0, 'total': 1})

        # face off win %
        rnd = {k: round(v, 2) for k, v in foc.fo_pct.items()}
        self.assertEqual(rnd, {'home': 0.57, 'away': 0.43})

        # neut zone face off records
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['away']['neut'], {'won': 10, 'total': 24})
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['home']['neut'], {'won': 14, 'total': 24})

        # neut zone face off %
        self.assertEqual(round(foc.fo_pct_by_zone['away']['neut'], 2), 0.42)

        # away off/home def zone face off records
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['away']['off'], {'won': 9, 'total': 23})
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['home']['def'], {'won': 14, 'total': 23})
    def test_face_off_comparison(self):
        from nhlscrapi.games.game import GameKey
        from nhlscrapi.games.faceoffcomp import FaceOffComparison

        gk = GameKey(2015,3,224)        # 2015, playoffs (3), NYR/WSH game 3 (game 224)
        foc = FaceOffComparison(gk)

            hth = foc.head_to_head(21, 21)  # laich v stepan
        except Exception as e:
            self.assertEqual(0, 1, 'Loading error: {0}'.format(e))
        # stepan 2/4 overall
        self.assertEqual(hth['away']['all'], { 'won': 2, 'total': 4 })
        # laich 1/1 in the defensive zone
        self.assertEqual(hth['home']['def'], { 'won': 1, 'total': 1 })
        # equivalently, stepan 0/1 in offensive
        self.assertEqual(hth['away']['off'], { 'won': 0, 'total': 1 })
        # face off win %
        rnd = { k: round(v, 2) for k, v in foc.fo_pct.items() }
        self.assertEqual(rnd, { 'home': 0.57, 'away': 0.43 })
        # neut zone face off records
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['away']['neut'], { 'won': 10, 'total': 24 })
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['home']['neut'], { 'won': 14, 'total': 24 })
        # neut zone face off %
        self.assertEqual(round(foc.fo_pct_by_zone['away']['neut'],2), 0.42)
        # away off/home def zone face off records
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['away']['off'], { 'won': 9, 'total': 23 })
        self.assertEqual(foc.by_zone['home']['def'], { 'won': 14, 'total': 23 })
 def __init__(self, game_key = None, cum_stats = {}):
     # conversion to GameKey from tuple allowed
     self.game_key = game_key if hasattr(game_key, 'to_tuple') else GameKey(key_tup=game_key)
     self.toi = TOI(self.game_key)
     """The :py:class:`.TOI` summary"""
     self.rosters = Rosters(self.game_key)
     """The :py:class:`.Rosters` summary"""
     #self.summary = GameSummary(game_key)
     self.face_off_comp = FaceOffComparison(self.game_key)
     """The :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison` summary"""
     self.play_by_play = PlayByPlay(self.game_key, cum_stats)
     """The :py:class:`.PlayByPlay` summary"""
     self.event_summary = EventSummary(self.game_key)
     """The :py:class:`.EventSummary` summary"""
class Game(object):
    This the primary interface to the collection of summary reports associated with every game. The
    supported reports include :py:class:`.PlayByPlay`, :py:class:`.TOI`, :py:class:`.Rosters`,
    and :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison`.
    Reports can be either lazy loaded at time of property calls or all loaded at once by calling ``load_all()``.
    :param game_key: either object :py:class:`.GameKey` or (season, game_type, game_num) tuple
    :param cum_stats: dict, values are of type :py:class:`.AccumulateStats` to be collected in play-by-play
    .. code:: python
        # example: using the Game object
        from nhlscrapi.games.game import GameKey, Game
        from nhlscrapi.games.cumstats import Corsi
        gk = GameKey(2015, 2, 224)
        g = Game(gk, { 'Corsi': Corsi() })
        # since play-by-play hasn't yet been loaded the RTSS report will
        # be parsed and the Corsi computed for each team
        # load the rest of the reports
        # report back the game's linesman
    def __init__(self, game_key = None, cum_stats = {}):
        # conversion to GameKey from tuple allowed
        self.game_key = game_key if hasattr(game_key, 'to_tuple') else GameKey(key_tup=game_key)
        self.toi = TOI(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.TOI` summary"""
        self.rosters = Rosters(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.Rosters` summary"""
        #self.summary = GameSummary(game_key)
        self.face_off_comp = FaceOffComparison(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison` summary"""
        self.play_by_play = PlayByPlay(self.game_key, cum_stats)
        """The :py:class:`.PlayByPlay` summary"""
        self.event_summary = EventSummary(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.EventSummary` summary"""
    def load_all(self):
        Force all reports to be loaded and parsed instead of lazy loading on demand.
        :returns: ``self`` or ``None`` if load fails
            return self
        except Exception as e:
            return None
    ## convenience wrapper properties
    def matchup(self):
        Return the game meta information displayed in report banners including team names,
        final score, game date, location, and attendance. Data format is
        .. code:: python
                'home': home,
                'away': away,
                'final': final,
                'attendance': att,
                'date': date,
                'location': loc
        :returns: matchup banner info
        :rtype: dict
        if self.play_by_play.matchup:
            return self.play_by_play.matchup
        elif self.rosters.matchup:
            return self.rosters.matchup
        elif self.toi.matchup:
            return self.toi.matchup
    # play related
    def plays(self):
        :returns: the plays from the game
        :rtype: list
        return self.play_by_play.plays
    #def extractors(self):
    #    return self.play_by_play.extractors
    def cum_stats(self):
        :returns: the computed cumulative stats of :py:class:`.AccumulateStats` from play-by-play
        :rtype: dict passed to ctor, values are type
        return self.play_by_play.compute_stats()
    # personnel related
    def home_skaters(self):
        :returns: the skaters that dressed for the home team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.rosters.home_skaters
    def home_coach(self):
        :returns: coach for the home team
        :rtype: string
        return self.rosters.home_coach
    def away_skaters(self):
        :returns: the skaters that dressed for the away team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.rosters.away_skaters
    def away_coach(self):
        :returns: coach for the away team
        :rtype: string
        return self.rosters.away_coach
    def refs(self):
        :returns: refs for the game
        :rtype: dict ``{ number: 'name' }``
        return self.rosters.refs
    def linesman(self):
        :returns: the linesman for the game
        :rtype: dict ``{ number: 'name' }``
        return self.rosters.linesman
    # toi related
    def home_toi(self):
        :returns: TOI shift summary for skaters on the home team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number, value :py:class:`.ShiftSummary`
        return self.toi.home_shift_summ
    def away_toi(self):
        :returns: TOI shift summary for skaters on the away team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number, value :py:class:`.ShiftSummary`
        return self.toi.away_shift_summ
    # face off related
    def home_fo_summ(self):
        :returns: home face off summary
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.face_off_comp.home_fo
    def away_fo_summ(self):
        :returns: away face off summary
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.face_off_comp.away_fo
class Game(object):
    This the primary interface to the collection of summary reports associated with every game. The
    supported reports include :py:class:`.PlayByPlay`, :py:class:`.TOI`, :py:class:`.Rosters`,
    and :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison`.

    Reports can be either lazy loaded at time of property calls or all loaded at once by calling ``load_all()``.

    :param game_key: either object :py:class:`.GameKey` or (season, game_type, game_num) tuple
    :param cum_stats: dict, values are of type :py:class:`.AccumulateStats` to be collected in play-by-play


    .. code:: python

        # example: using the Game object
        from nhlscrapi.games.game import GameKey, Game
        from nhlscrapi.games.cumstats import Corsi

        gk = GameKey(2015, 2, 224)
        g = Game(gk, { 'Corsi': Corsi() })

        # since play-by-play hasn't yet been loaded the RTSS report will
        # be parsed and the Corsi computed for each team

        # load the rest of the reports

        # report back the game's linesman
    def __init__(self, game_key=None, cum_stats={}):

        # conversion to GameKey from tuple allowed
        self.game_key = game_key if hasattr(game_key, 'to_tuple') else GameKey(

        self.toi = TOI(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.TOI` summary"""

        self.rosters = Rosters(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.Rosters` summary"""

        #self.summary = GameSummary(game_key)

        self.face_off_comp = FaceOffComparison(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison` summary"""

        self.play_by_play = PlayByPlay(self.game_key, cum_stats, game=self)
        """The :py:class:`.PlayByPlay` summary"""

        self.event_summary = EventSummary(self.game_key)
        """The :py:class:`.EventSummary` summary"""

    def load_all(self):
        Force all reports to be loaded and parsed instead of lazy loading on demand.

        :returns: ``self`` or ``None`` if load fails
            return self
        except Exception as e:
            return None

    ## convenience wrapper properties
    def matchup(self):
        Return the game meta information displayed in report banners including team names,
        final score, game date, location, and attendance. Data format is

        .. code:: python

                'home': home,
                'away': away,
                'final': final,
                'attendance': att,
                'date': date,
                'location': loc

        :returns: matchup banner info
        :rtype: dict
        if self.play_by_play.matchup:
            return self.play_by_play.matchup
        elif self.rosters.matchup:
            return self.rosters.matchup
        elif self.toi.matchup:
            return self.toi.matchup

    # play related
    def plays(self):
        :returns: the plays from the game
        :rtype: list
        return self.play_by_play.plays

    #def extractors(self):
    #    return self.play_by_play.extractors

    def cum_stats(self):
        :returns: the computed cumulative stats of :py:class:`.AccumulateStats` from play-by-play
        :rtype: dict passed to ctor, values are type
        return self.play_by_play.compute_stats()

    # personnel related
    def home_skaters(self):
        :returns: the skaters that dressed for the home team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.rosters.home_skaters

    def home_coach(self):
        :returns: coach for the home team
        :rtype: string
        return self.rosters.home_coach

    def away_skaters(self):
        :returns: the skaters that dressed for the away team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.rosters.away_skaters

    def away_coach(self):
        :returns: coach for the away team
        :rtype: string
        return self.rosters.away_coach

    def refs(self):
        :returns: refs for the game
        :rtype: dict ``{ number: 'name' }``
        return self.rosters.refs

    def linesman(self):
        :returns: the linesman for the game
        :rtype: dict ``{ number: 'name' }``
        return self.rosters.linesman

    # toi related
    def home_toi(self):
        :returns: TOI shift summary for skaters on the home team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number, value :py:class:`.ShiftSummary`
        return self.toi.home_shift_summ

    def away_toi(self):
        :returns: TOI shift summary for skaters on the away team
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number, value :py:class:`.ShiftSummary`
        return self.toi.away_shift_summ

    # face off related
    def home_fo_summ(self):
        :returns: home face off summary
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.face_off_comp.home_fo

    def away_fo_summ(self):
        :returns: away face off summary
        :rtype: dict keyed by player number
        return self.face_off_comp.away_fo