        pl["leaver_status"] = p["leaver_status"]
        if pl["leaver_status"] >= 2:
            abandons += 1

        # players = [player, hero, level, k, d, a, lh, dn, xpm, gpm, [items]]
        new_player = Player(pl["account_id"], pl["assists"], pl["deaths"],
                            pl["denies"], pl["gold"], pl["gold_per_min"],
                            pl["gold_spent"], pl["hero_damage"],
                            pl["hero_healing"], pl["hero_id"], pl["item_0"],
                            pl["item_1"], pl["item_2"], pl["item_3"],
                            pl["item_4"], pl["item_5"], pl["kills"],
                            pl["last_hits"], pl["leaver_status"], pl["level"],
                            pl["player_slot"], pl["tower_damage"],
                            pl["xp_per_min"], pl["win"])

        new_player.points = calculateHeroPoints(new_player,


    new_match.is_significant_p = True

    valid_modes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 16]  # 0 is valid for legacy reasons
    if new_match.game_mode not in valid_modes:
        new_match.is_significant_p = False

    if new_match.human_players < 10:
        new_match.is_significant_p = False

    if abandons > 0:
        new_match.is_significant_p = False
import sys

import pdb
import os

players = session.query(Player).all()
#players = session.query(Player).filter(Player.account_id == 32775483).order_by(Player.match_id.desc()).all()

for i, p in enumerate(players):
    if i % (len(players)/20) == 0:
        print i+1, "/", len(players)

    if p.match is None:

    p.points = calculateHeroPoints(p)

# old code to update win/loss
#     # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are Radiant
#     # 128, 129, 130, 131, 132 are Dire
#     if p.player_slot < 128: # Radiant
#       if p.match.radiant_win == True:
#         p.win = True
#       else:
#         p.win = False
#     else: # dire
#       if p.match.radiant_win == False:
#         p.win = True
#       else:
#         p.win = False
      abandons += 1

    # players = [player, hero, level, k, d, a, lh, dn, xpm, gpm, [items]]
    new_player = Player(pl["account_id"], pl["assists"], pl["deaths"],
                        pl["denies"], pl["gold"], pl["gold_per_min"],
                        pl["gold_spent"], pl["hero_damage"], pl["hero_healing"],
                        pl["hero_id"], pl["item_0"], pl["item_1"],
                        pl["item_2"], pl["item_3"], pl["item_4"],
                        pl["item_5"], pl["kills"], pl["last_hits"],
                        pl["leaver_status"], pl["level"],
                        pl["player_slot"], pl["tower_damage"],
                        pl["xp_per_min"], pl["win"])

    new_player.points = calculateHeroPoints(new_player, duration=match["duration"])


  new_match.is_significant_p = True

  valid_modes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 16] # 0 is valid for legacy reasons
  if new_match.game_mode not in valid_modes:
    new_match.is_significant_p = False

  if new_match.human_players < 10:
    new_match.is_significant_p = False
import sys

import pdb
import os

players = session.query(Player).all()
#players = session.query(Player).filter(Player.account_id == 32775483).order_by(Player.match_id.desc()).all()

for i, p in enumerate(players):
    if i % (len(players) / 20) == 0:
        print i + 1, "/", len(players)

    if p.match is None:

    p.points = calculateHeroPoints(p)

# old code to update win/loss
#     # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are Radiant
#     # 128, 129, 130, 131, 132 are Dire
#     if p.player_slot < 128: # Radiant
#       if p.match.radiant_win == True:
#         p.win = True
#       else:
#         p.win = False
#     else: # dire
#       if p.match.radiant_win == False:
#         p.win = True
#       else:
#         p.win = False