        debug("Content-Type: %s" % ctype)
        if ctype is None:
            # Guessing didn't work - default
            ctype = "application/octet-stream"

        # Set up HTTP form data for publish request
        # Make parameter for file with digester
        octet_param = MultipartParam("octets",
                                     digester = ni_digester)
        # Make dictionary that will dynamically retrieve ni URI when it has been made
        uri_dict = { "generator": octet_param.get_url,
                     "length": (len(ni_digester.get_url()) + len(";") +

        param_list = [octet_param,
                      ("URI",       uri_dict),
                      ("msgid",     str(random.randint(1, 32000))),
                      ("ext",       ext),
                      ("fullPut",   "yes"),
                      ("rform",     rform)]
        # full_put = False case
        # No need for complicated multipart parameters
        param_list = [("URI",       ni_name.get_url()),
                      ("msgid",     str(random.randint(1, 32000))),
                      ("ext",       ext),
                      ("fullPut",   "no"),
                      ("rform",     rform)]
def publish_with_http(ni_name, destination, authority, hash_alg, ext, locs, 
                      scheme, full_put, file_name, rform, verbose):
    @brief Action a NetInf publish request using the HTTP convergence layer
    @param ni_name NIname object instance or None - ni URI to publish if
                          given on comand line - otherwise will be constructed
    @param destination string netloc (FQDN or IP address with optional port)
                              indicating where to send publish request
    @param authority string netloc component to insert into ni name (may be "")
    @param hash_alg string name of hash algorithm used for ni URI
    @param ext string additional information to send with request if any
    @param locs list of strings with locators to publish
    @param scheme URI scheme used for ni URI
    @param full_put boolean True if the file_name with the content was given
    @param file_name string name of file to publish or None if only doing metadata
    @param rform string request format of response
    @param verbose bolean indicates how much error message output is produced
    @return 2-tuple - target - string the actual ni name published
                      payload - string - the response received on publication
    # Where to send the publish request.
    http_url = "http://%s/netinfproto/publish" % destination
    debug("Publishing via: %s" % http_url)

    # Handle full_put = True cases - we have a file with the octets in it
    if full_put:
        # Create NIdigester for use with form encoder and StreamingHTTP
        ni_digester = NIdigester()

        # Install the template URL built from the scheme, the authority and the digest algorithm
        rv = ni_digester.set_url((scheme, authority, "/%s" % hash_alg))
        if rv != ni_errs.niSUCCESS:
            raise PublishFailure("Cannot construct valid ni URL: %s" %
                                 ni_errs_txt[rv], -10)

        # Open the file if possible
            f = open(file_name, "rb")
        except Exception, e :
            raise PublishFailure("Unable to open file %s: Error: %s" %
                                 (file_name, str(e)), -11)

        # Guess the mimetype of the file
        m = magic.Magic(mime=True)
        ctype = m.from_file(file_name)
        debug("Content-Type: %s" % ctype)
        if ctype is None:
            # Guessing didn't work - default
            ctype = "application/octet-stream"

        # Set up HTTP form data for publish request
        # Make parameter for file with digester
        octet_param = MultipartParam("octets",
                                     digester = ni_digester)
        # Make dictionary that will dynamically retrieve ni URI when it has been made
        uri_dict = { "generator": octet_param.get_url,
                     "length": (len(ni_digester.get_url()) + len(";") +

        param_list = [octet_param,
                      ("URI",       uri_dict),
                      ("msgid",     str(random.randint(1, 32000))),
                      ("ext",       ext),
                      ("fullPut",   "yes"),
                      ("rform",     rform)]