def pltMethods(plumePath, plume, plm, modelStats, saveMethod=True): ''' Methods grabbed from postMINX for an individual plume. Cycles through imageMethods and numMethods for the MINX retrieved plume, has the option to use imageMethods for the model retrieved plume as well. Defaults to saveMethod = True to save the images and number methods. To view the results without saving, set saveMethod = False and run: Note that this is unadvised as all plots will show up at once. To view individual methods, please use postMINX directly. ''' import pandas as pd saveDir = os.path.join(currentDir, 'postAltOutputs', plume[7:-4]) nu.makeDir(saveDir) os.chdir(saveDir) for im in imageMethods: saveName = plume[7:-4] + im + '.png' try: eval('plm.{}(save={},filename="{}")'.format( im, saveMethod, saveName)) plt.close('all') except: plt.close('all') continue print('Save {} success!'.format(saveName)) # number methods for minx plume only numSave = plume[7:-4] + '.txt' option = 'filtered_height' numList = [] for nu in numMethods: numVal = eval('plm.{}(option="{}")'.format(nu, option)) numRow = [nu, numVal] numList += [numRow] numDF = pd.DataFrame(numList, columns=('method', option)) numDF.to_csv(numSave, sep=',', index=False) if modelStats: options = ['filtered_height', 'model_height'] for im in imageMethods: try: saveName = 'Mod_{}{}.png'.format(plume[7:-4], im) eval('plm.{}(save={}, option={}, filename="{}")'.format( im, saveMethod, options, saveName)) plt.close('all') print('Save {} success!'.format(saveName)) except: plt.close('all') continue numSave = 'Mod_{}.txt'.format(plume[7:-4]) numList = [] option1 = 'filtered_height' option2 = 'model_height' # note that this won't actually get the model opt2 = plm.Model.height os.chdir(currentDir)
def plotFuels(fuelDir, plmFuels, threshVal, pt, modifier=''): ''' Get results by fuel type. ''' nu.makeDir(fuelDir) distRanges = [[0, 10], [10, 30], [30, 60], [60, 500]] distDir = os.path.join(fuelDir, 'distances') for fuel in plmFuels: try: plmHeights = plmFuels[fuel]['plmHeights'] plmModHeights = plmFuels[fuel]['plmModHeights'] plmDists = plmFuels[fuel]['plmDists'] plmCount = plmFuels[fuel]['plmCount'] cleanPlm, cleanMod, cleanDist = clean_inv(plmHeights, plmModHeights, plmDists) overallImages(plmDists, plmHeights, plmModHeights, saveDir=fuelDir, modifier=modifier + '_fuel{}'.format(fuel)) saveStatsLite(fuelDir, plmCount, plmHeights, plmModHeights, modifier=modifier + '_fuel{}'.format(fuel)) for dRange in distRanges: try: dPlmHeights, dPlmModHeights, dPlmDists = filterPlmRange( dRange, plmHeights, plmModHeights, plmDists) overallImages( dPlmDists, dPlmHeights, dPlmModHeights, distDir, modifier=modifier + '_{}_dist{}-{}'.format(fuel, dRange[0], dRange[1])) saveStatsLite( distDir, 'N/A', dPlmHeights, dPlmModHeights, modifier=modifier + '{}_dist{}-{}'.format(fuel, dRange[0], dRange[1])) except: pass cleanModPlmRatio = [] for pInd, (plm, modPlm) in enumerate(zip(cleanPlm, cleanMod)): modPlmRatio = modPlm / plm cleanModPlmRatio += [modPlmRatio] pltDistRatio(cleanDist, cleanModPlmRatio, fuelDir, modifier=modifier + '_fuel{}'.format(fuel)) pltPlmHeightComp('fuel', fuel, cleanPlm, cleanMod, fuelDir, modifier) nu.plotFuelMap(fuelDir, plmOrigins=plmFuels[fuel]['plmXYOrigins'], modifier=modifier + '_{}'.format(fuel)) print('Fuel {} map plotted'.format(fuel)) except: pass
def scatter_3D(lons, lats, calHeights, modHeights, fireBoundaries, savePath=os.getcwd(), title='', showPlot=showPlot): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import copy #fireBoundaries is a polygon if os.path.exists(savePath) == False: nu.makeDir(savePath) print('Adding new save path {}'.format(savePath)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.autoscale() ax.plot(lons, lats, calHeights, 'o', label='CALIOP') ax.plot(lons, lats, modHeights, 'o', label='Model') x, y = fireBoundaries.exterior.xy ax.plot(x, y, color='r', label='FireBound') ax.legend() ax.set_title(title) try: plt.tight_layout(pad=0.4, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=1.0) except: pass if showPlot == True: #name and save the image to png and pkl file filename = "".join(title.split()) filename = '_'.join(filename.split(':')) pklfig = copy.copy(fig) fig.savefig(os.path.join(savePath, filename + '.png')) pklfile = '{}.pkl'.format(filename) with open(os.path.join(savePath, pklfile), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pklfig, f, protocol=2) return
def plotBiomes(biomeDir, plmBiomes, modifier=''): ''' Get results by biome. ''' nu.makeDir(biomeDir) for biome in plmBiomes: try: cleanPlm, cleanMod, cleanDist = clean_inv( plmBiomes[biome]['plmHeights'], plmBiomes[biome]['plmModHeights'], plmBiomes[biome]['plmDists']) cleanModPlmRatio = [] for pInd, (plm, modPlm) in enumerate(zip(cleanPlm, cleanMod)): modPlmRatio = modPlm / plm # is this proper division? cleanModPlmRatio += [modPlmRatio] pltDistRatio(cleanDist, cleanModPlmRatio, biomeDir, modifier=modifier + '_biome{}'.format(biome)) pltPlmHeightComp('biome', biome, cleanPlm, cleanMod, biomeDir, modifier) except: pass
def plotFSTs(season=season, spcs=spcs, spcsFiles=spcsFiles, outputName = outputName, saveDir=saveDir): # print minimum outputs rmn.fstopt(rmn.FSTOP_MSGLVL,rmn.FSTOPI_MSG_CATAST) mInds = [] for m in season: mInds += [monthList.index(m)] if os.path.exists(saveDir) == False: nu.makeDir(saveDir) for spcInd, nomvar in enumerate(spcs): try: filename = os.path.join(saveDir, 'output_file_{0}_{1}.fst'.format(outputName, nomvar)) print('Creating and saving to {}'.format(filename)) tmp = open(filename, 'w+'); tmp.close() output_file = filename file_id = rmn.fnom(output_file) open_fst = rmn.fstouv(file_id, rmn.FST_RW) open_file = spcsFiles[spcInd] print "Parameter: " + nomvar seaSpcData = get_var(, nomvar, mInds) nc_lnsp = pressures = get_pressures(nc_lnsp, mInds) timelen, levlen, latlen, lonlen = seaSpcData.shape #NOTE: uncomment the following three lines to prep data for basemap use #lonShiftSSData = shift_lon(seaSpcData) #vertInterpSSData = vert_interp(pressures, lonShiftSSData) #meanSSData = np.mean(vertInterpSSData, axis=0) #NOTE: uncommment the following four liness to use for fst plotting vertInterpSSData = vert_interp(pressures, seaSpcData) meanSSData = np.mean(vertInterpSSData, axis=0) # temp for lvl, ray in enumerate(meanSSData): meanSSData[lvl] = np.flipud(ray) scaleFac = scaleSpcs[allSpcs.index(nomvar)] scaledSSData = meanSSData*scaleFac #define grid for this file - note that the MACC grid in the file is #defined for lons -180 to 180, but the python defGrid_L can't deal #with that and defines the grid from 0 to 360 so will have to reorder #the MACC fields a bit, or they end up 180 deg out of phase # Also necessary to add one more longitude to wrap around dlatlon = 360./lonlen # this is equal to the resolution of the grid params0 = { 'grtyp' : 'Z', 'grref' : 'L', 'nj' : latlen, 'ni' : lonlen, 'lat0' : -90., 'lon0' : 0., 'dlat' : dlatlon, 'dlon' : dlatlon } MACC_grid= rmn.encodeGrid(params0) print("Grids created.") print 'Grid Shape:' + str(MACC_grid['shape']) # copies the default record new_record = rmn.FST_RDE_META_DEFAULT.copy() tic_record = rmn.FST_RDE_META_DEFAULT.copy() tac_record = rmn.FST_RDE_META_DEFAULT.copy() try: rmn.writeGrid(file_id, MACC_grid) tac = rmn.fstinl(file_id, nomvar='>>')[0] tic = rmn.fstinl(file_id, nomvar='^^')[0] tic_record.update(rmn.fstprm(tic)) tac_record.update(rmn.fstprm(tac)) tic_record.update({'datyp' : rmn.FST_DATYP_LIST['float']}) tac_record.update({'datyp' : rmn.FST_DATYP_LIST['float']}) rmn.fsteff(tic) rmn.fsteff(tac) tic_record.update({'d': MACC_grid['ay']}) tac_record.update({'d': MACC_grid['ax']}) toc_record = vgd.vgd_new_pres(const_pressure, ip1=MACC_grid['ig1'], ip2=MACC_grid['ig2']) rmn.fstecr(file_id, tic_record) # write the dictionary record to the file as a new record rmn.fstecr(file_id, tac_record) # write the dictionary record to the file as a new record vgd.vgd_write(toc_record, file_id) except: raise for rp1 in xrange(len(const_pressure)): # writes a record for every level (as a different ip1) try: # converts rp1 into a ip1 with pressure kind ip1 = rmn.convertIp(rmn.CONVIP_ENCODE, const_pressure[rp1], rmn.KIND_PRESSURE) new_record.update(MACC_grid) new_record.update({ # Update with specific meta 'nomvar': nomvar, 'typvar': 'C', 'etiket': 'MACCRean', 'ni' : MACC_grid['ni'], 'nj' : MACC_grid['nj'], 'ig1' : tic_record['ip1'], 'ig2' : tic_record['ip2'], 'ig3' : tic_record['ip3'], 'ig4' : tic_record['ig4'], 'dateo' : rmn.newdate(rmn.NEWDATE_PRINT2STAMP, 20120101, 0000000), 'deet' : 0, # Timestep in sec 'ip1' : ip1 }) #tmp_nparray = np.asfortranarray(monthly_mean[rp1]) tmp = scaledSSData[rp1] tmp = np.transpose(tmp) # data array is structured as tmp = monthly_mean[level] where monthly_mean is [level, lat, lon] new_record.update({'d': tmp.astype(np.float32)}) # Updates with data array in the form (lon x lat) print "Defined a new record with dimensions ({0}, {1})".format(new_record['ni'], new_record['nj']) rmn.fstecr(file_id, new_record) # write the dictionary record to the file as a new record except: #rmn.closeall(file_id) rmn.fstfrm(file_id) rmn.fclos(file_id) raise rmn.fstfrm(file_id) rmn.fclos(file_id) print('{} complete~'.format(filename)) except: rmn.fstfrm(file_id) rmn.fclos(file_id) raise print('Finished plotting all FSTs. ')
def pltPlume(plumePath, plume, minFRP, mod_fire, mod_nofire=None, threshVal=0, startTime=12, toSave=savePlumePlts, modelStats=True, picklePath=picklePath): ''' pltPlume() returns a plume object with FRP, filtered_height, model height, model values(AF at height), and distance from plume origin. Additional plotting methods and stats can be turned on by setting toSave=True and modelStats=True. See documentation for other parameters. ''' nu.makeDir(picklePath) try: # check to see if the pickle file exists first plm = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(picklePath, plume[0:5] + plume[6:-3] + 'pkl'), 'rb')) if plm['frp'] >= minFRP: if toSave == True: try: pltMethods(path, plume, plm, modelStats=True) except: pass return plm else: #print('{} FRP too low, plume will not be used.'.format(plume)) return None except: plm = pm.Plume.from_filename(os.path.join(plumePath, plume)) if plm['frp'] >= minFRP: try: plm.get_model(fst_dir=fireDir, ctrl_dir=noFireDir, threshold=threshVal, filestart=startTime) plm.save_plume( os.path.join(picklePath, 'Plume_{}.pkl'.format(plume[7:26]))) print('{} has been pickled.'.format(plume)) if toSave == True: try: pltMethods(plumePath, plume, plm, modelStats=True) except: pass try: return plm except: #print('Plume and Model height were not returned.') return None except: return None else: print('{} FRP too low, plume will not be used.'.format(plume)) return None
import postMINX as pm import datetime import niceUtilities as nu try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle # for now do the september cases picklePath = "/fs/site2/dev/eccc/aq/r1/eld001/MINX/Working/apr_oct/FW-GM_start00_pklPlmsOps/" savePklPath = './FW-GM_CAL_start00_pklPlmsOps' plumeList = os.listdir(picklePath) septInts = "/fs/site2/dev/eccc/aq/r1/eld001/MINX/CALIOP/intercepts_s20170901_e20170930.p" nu.makeDir(savePklPath) septArray = [] for p in plumeList: plm=pickle.load(open(os.path.join(picklePath, p), 'rb')) print(plm) plmDate =plm['datetime'] mnth = plmDate.month if mnth == 9: septArray +=[plm] firePath = '/fs/site2/dev/eccc/aq/r1/eld001/MINX/CALIOP/intercepts_s20170901_e20170930.p' fires = pickle.load(open(firePath,'rb')) firePasses = [] fireBounds = [] keptFires = [] fDays = []
plmBandList += 'B' else: plmBandList += 'R' # get the FRPS from all of the retrieved firePixels. # NOTE: did not factor in confidence level here pwrInd = 5 pixList = os.listdir(pixDir) pwrs = [] for t in pixList: tLines = nu.readFile(os.path.join(pixDir, t)) for rowInd, row in enumerate(tLines, 4): if rowInd < len(tLines): pwrs += [nu.toFloats(tLines[rowInd])[pwrInd]] nu.makeDir(saveDir) percentiles = [50, 95, 98] distRanges = [[0, 10], [10, 30], [30, 50], [50, 500]] distBins = [0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100] # pass percentiles as the modifier for pt in percentiles: savePtDir = os.path.join(saveDir, '{}_percentile'.format(pt)) nu.makeDir(savePtDir) biomeDir = os.path.join(savePtDir, 'biomeBreakdown') fuelDir = os.path.join(savePtDir, 'fuelBreakdown') pwrMin = np.percentile(pwrs, pt) print('minFRP: {}'.format(pwrMin)) plumes, plmHeights, plmModHeights, plmDists, plmBiomes, plmFuels, threshVal = pa.processPlumes( plumeDir, list(plumeList),