def _medfilter(self,im,r,rad): """ Median filtering of each slice in the cube """ log = self.log pa = bsize = self.boxcar_size # Boxcar smoothing size (def:5) mdfw = self.medfilt_width # Medfiltering width (def:11) # to accelerate the code, we bin the image and the 'r' # image down to 256x256 and do the radial profile on the binned versions sz = np.shape(im) bsy = sz[0]/4 bsx = sz[1]/4 rbin = nt.rebin(r,bsy,bsx) tmp = np.zeros(self.imsize,dtype=np.float32) # COPY: We are not modifying input image tmp[:,:] = im #NOTE: We are not using reset_num so far imbin = nt.rebin(tmp, bsy,bsx) # bin down to 256x256 for rr in range(8,np.size(rad)): # determine the median profile beyond r=8 # (irrelevant inside this because of focal plane mask) if rr < 50: ss = tmp[abs(r-rr) < .5] rad[rr] = np.median(ss[np.where(np.isfinite(ss))]) else: ss = imbin[abs(rbin-rr) < 3] rad[rr] = np.median(ss[np.where(np.isfinite(ss))]) # smooth the radial profile beyond r=22 rad[22:] = boxcar(rad,(bsize,))[22:] rad[40:] = boxcar(rad,(bsize,))[40:] # smooth even more tmp[:,:] -= gi.ginterpolate(rad,r) tmp[:,:] -= scipy.signal.medfilt2d(np.nan_to_num(tmp),mdfw) #t = time.time() #line = '%.2f' % (t-ti)'medfilter['+chan+']: ['+str(i+1)+'/'+str(sz[0])+']' +line) return tmp
def ncqlook(inputs, idir='', odir='./', log=True,lists=True, saturate=5000, nodisplay=False, full=False, port=5137): """ nqlook Get NICI data from SBF: /net/petrohue/dataflow repository for last night date. Produces a quick display of each frame plus log file and lists that can be used with niciprepare, nicimkflats and niciscience scripts. The output lists are written in the working directory. nqlook inputs='20081116' saturate=2000 display=False Get data from 20081116 with a saturation limit at 2000 and does not display (for speed)' nqlook @inlis idir='/data/myfiles' saturate=2000 display=False Get data from 'inlis' which is a list of input FITS files pathnames -one per line. The actual files are in the directory 'idir' Use a saturation limit at 2000 and does not display (for speed)' Even though you have 'inputs' parameter in here, it is not taken into account since all the FITS files from the input directory will be read. NOTE: The files bad_r.fits ans bad_b.fits are read from the nici directory wherever is it installed. """ if (inputs == None): today = dd = today.timetuple() inputs = str(dd[0]) + '%.2d'%dd[1] + '%.2d'%dd[2] if nodisplay == False: # NOTE: pyds9 should be installed in ritchie. # Needs to be part of the general installation and # an explanatory should be given in the installation Guide #ds9 = sao.ds9() try: pp = 'inet:%d' % port except: print "\n ****************** WARNING: Please start ds9." return #else: # ndis.close() # We need to know were we are. 'nici' is the package name fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('nici') pathname += '/' #loads the badpixels list for the blue and red channel bad_b = pf.getdata(pathname+'bad_b.fits') bad_r = pf.getdata(pathname+'bad_r.fits') # Chech that we can write in the current directory # the output FITS file is written here. odir = os.path.join(odir,'') # Make sure odir has '/' if not os.access(odir,os.W_OK): print "\nERROR: You do not have write access to \ this directory (output FITS file)\n" return if idir != '': idir = os.path.join(idir,'') # Make sure odir has '/' if not os.access(idir,os.R_OK): print "\nERROR: No access to input directory:",idir return pathS = '/net/petrohue/dataflow/S' froot = 'ncqlook' if 'list' not in str(type(inputs)): date = str(inputs) fits_files = getFileList(date) # see if it date format 20yymmdd. Will not work for 20?.fits if len(fits_files) == 1: dd = fits_files[0] if len(dd) == 8 and dd[:2] == '20': print 'Looking for files: ' +pathS+date+'S*.fits' fits_files = glob.glob(pathS+date+'S*.fits') froot = date else: # it is already a list: fits_files = inputs command = 'ncqlook ('+str(inputs)+',idir='+idir+',odir='+odir+',log=' \ +str(log)+',lists='+str(lists)+',saturate='+str(saturate)\ +',nodisplay='+str(nodisplay)+',full='+str(full)+')' fits_files = np.sort(fits_files) if len(fits_files)==0: print 'couldn''t find files for :'+pathS +inputs+'S*.fits' return print '\nfound '+str(len(fits_files))+ ' files.' previous_angle = -999 #define a few dummy variables previous_time = -999 previous_ra = -99 previous_dec = -999 previous_mode = 'NONE' nfiles = 0 nff = len(fits_files) cube = np.zeros((nff,256,512),dtype=np.float32) hh = 'NAME DATALAB EXPTIME CEN_WAVE FILTER_R FILTER_B (MIN-MAX rms)'+\ ' [ext1,ext2 median] OBJECT CLASS MODE NCOADD CORE2HALO' print command print hh lg = 0 if nff > 0 and (log or lists): # Open outputfiles if log: lg = open(odir+froot+'.log','w+') lg.write('COMMAND: '+command+'\n') lg.write(hh+'\n') if lists: flis_1 = open(odir+froot+'.1_flats','w+') flis_2 = open(odir+froot+'.2_flats','w+') slis_adi = open(odir+froot+'.adi','w+') slis_sdi = open(odir+froot+'.sdi','w+') slis_asdi = open(odir+froot+'.asdi','w+') slis_other = open(odir+froot+'.other','w+') parser = mathtext.MathTextParser("Bitmap") for fitsname in fits_files: t1=time.time() fd = # open the Fits file fname = os.path.basename(fitsname) if len(fd) == 0: print fname," is EMPTY." continue phu = fd[0].header inst = phu['instrume'] # instrument name for this image if inst != 'NICI': #if not NICI, get the next filename # print fname+' .. '+inst fd.close() continue if len(fd) != 3: line = ' Nici file '+fitsname+' does not have 2 extensions.' print line if log: lg.write(line+'\n') fd.close() continue nfiles += 1 im_ext1 = fd[1].data hd1 = fd[1].header # reads extension header 1 im_ext2 = fd[2].data hd2 = fd[2].header # reads extension header 1 shift_status1=-1 shift_status2=-1 # extension 1 and blue channel in # extension 2. # -1 if we do not have red channel # 0 is all good # 1 is shifted rows if hd1.get('filter_b') == None and hd1.get('filter_r') != None: shift_status1 = check_missing_rows (im_ext1,bad_r,log,lg) if hd2.get('filter_b') != None and hd1.get('filter_r') == None: shift_status2 = check_missing_rows (im_ext2,bad_b,log,lg) devs = np.zeros(8, dtype=np.float32) # Extracting the RMS of the # 8x8-folded image sample. A high value may # indicate readout noise problems for sample in range(4): x1 = 200+600*(sample % 2) x2 = 263+600*(sample % 2) y1 = 200+600*(sample/2) y2 = 263+600*(sample/2) devs[sample] = np.std(fold_88(im_ext1[x1:x2,y1:y2])) for sample in range(4): x1 = 200+600*(sample % 2) x2 = 263+600*(sample % 2) y1 = 200+600*(sample/2) y2 = 263+600*(sample/2) devs[sample+4] = np.std(fold_88(im_ext2[x1:x2,y1:y2])) ncoadd_r = hd1['ncoadd_r'] ncoadd_b = hd2['ncoadd_b'] itime_r = hd1['itime_r'] crmode = phu.get('crmode') if crmode == None: line = 'Header keyword CRMODE not found in '+fname+' -skipped.' print line if log: lg.write(line+'\n') fd.close() continue # Start forming the output line. obstype = str(phu.get('obstype')) oclass = str(phu.get('obsclass')) dichr = str(phu.get('dichroic')).lower() #adi = '' chan = '' if 'mirror' in dichr: chan = 'B' if 'open' in dichr: chan = 'R' mask = phu.get('fpmw') if 'clear' in mask.lower(): mask = '-NoMASK' else: mask = '' tmp = obstype if obstype == 'FLAT': tmp = 'FLAT['+phu.get('gcalshut')+']' # 1-Channel (ADI) (Dichroic is Mirror*(100% blue) or Open (100% red)) # 2-Channel (SDI or ASDI) (Dichroic is H-50/50*, H-CH4, H/K) mode = "OTHER" if (obstype == 'FLAT' or obstype == 'DARK'): if chan: mode = 'ADI-'+chan else: mode = 'SDI' elif (oclass == 'science'): if (crmode == 'FIXED'): if chan: mode = 'ADI-'+chan+mask else: mode = 'ASDI'+mask elif (crmode == 'FOLLOW'): if chan: mode = 'Normal'+chan+mask else: mode = 'SDI'+mask elif '-ENG' in phu.get('OBSID'): mode = '* ENGINEERING DATA *' else: mode = '***WARNING***: Not ADI, SDI nor ASDI-- '+crmode+' '+dichr line = ' '+str(phu.get('object'))+','+ oclass+','+tmp+','+mode ti_coad = ' '+str(itime_r)+','+str(ncoadd_r) dlab =' '+phu.get('DATALAB') exp_time =' %.2f'%(itime_r*ncoadd_r/60.) # exposure time ... in minutes! cenwave =' %.3f'%(float(phu.get('WAVELENG'))/10000.) # Central wavelenght in microns filter_r = ' %10.10s'%phu.get('FILTER_R') filter_b = ' %10.10s'%phu.get('FILTER_B') mindevs = ' (%8.2f,'%min(devs) maxdevs = '%8.2f)'%max(devs) medext1 = ' [%8.2f,'%np.median(im_ext1) medext2 = '%8.2f]'%np.median(im_ext2) longl = fname+dlab+exp_time+cenwave+filter_r+filter_b+mindevs+maxdevs+medext1+medext2+line+ti_coad if 'ENGINE' in mode: print longl if log: lg.write(longl+'\n') continue # hh = 'MIN-MAX rms 8x8 boxes: (min - max) MEDIAN: [ext1,ext2],(OBJECT),'\ # '(OBSCLASS),(OBSTYPE),(CRMODE),(DICHROIC),(FPMW),(ITIME),(NCOADD)' # Don't print until core2halo value is defined below. # print longl if lists: if (obstype == 'FLAT' or obstype == 'DARK'): if chan: flis_1.write(fname+'\n') else: flis_2.write(fname+'\n') elif oclass == 'science': md = mode.lower() if 'mask' in md: slis_other.write(fname+'\n') elif 'adi' in md: slis_adi.write(fname+'\n') elif 'asdi' in md: slis_asdi.write(fname+'\n') elif 'sdi' in md: slis_sdi.write(fname+'\n') else: slis_other.write(fname+'\n') # extast,hd1,astr ;extract the astrometric structure (astr) from the # first extension header # ;extract the CD matrix from the astrometric structure, # this matrix defines scale/rotation/shear ra_pointing = hd1['crval1'] # pointing RA from astrometry dec_pointing = hd1['crval2'] # pointing DEC st = np.asfarray(phu['st'].split(':')) st = dmstod(phu['st']) # sidereal time HA = st - ra_pointing/15. # defining the hour angle harr = HA + np.asfarray([0,-1/60.]) para_angle = parangle(harr, dec_pointing, -30.240750) # computing the paralactic angle. -30.240750 is the # latitude of Cerro Pachon obs_time = (dmstod(phu['LT'])*60.+720) % 1440 # here time is expressed in minutes after noon angular_rate = para_angle[0] - para_angle[1] # computing the rate of change of the paralactic angle current_angle = para_angle[0] astrom_angular_rate = (current_angle - previous_angle)/ \ (obs_time - previous_time) # angle change as found by taking the difference in # angle between this frame and the previous one telescope_offset = np.sqrt( ((ra_pointing - previous_ra)*\ math.cos(np.radians(dec_pointing)))**2+\ (dec_pointing - previous_dec)**2 ) if (crmode == 'FIXED') and (previous_mode == 'FIXED'): # we are in ADI mode if (abs(angular_rate - astrom_angular_rate) > 1/10.) \ and (telescope_offset < 1E-3) and \ ((obs_time - previous_time) < 3*exp_time): print '---------- !!!!!!!! ---------------' print 'Expected angular rate : '+str(angular_rate)+\ ' deg/minute' print 'Astrometric angular rate : '+\ str(astrom_angular_rate)+' deg/minute' # CROP THE FRAMES and get core2halo ratios crop1=0; crop2=0; c2h_1=-1; c2h_2=-1 if full: out_ext1 = rebin(im_ext1,256,256) out_ext2 = rebin(im_ext2,256,256) else: Ndev = lambda im : (np.amax(im) - np.median(im))/robust_sigma(im) tmp = rebin(im_ext1,32,32) if Ndev(tmp) > 50: # We might have a peak: crop1 = 1 c2h_1,x,y = peak2halo('',image=im_ext1) if x-128 < 0 or x+128 > 1024 or y-128 < 0 or y+128 > 1024: out_ext1 = rebin(im_ext1,256,256) crop1 = 0 else: #shift frame to center out_ext1 = im_ext1[y-128:y+128,x-128:x+128] else: out_ext1 = rebin(im_ext1,256,256) tmp = rebin(im_ext2,32,32) if Ndev(tmp) > 50: # We might have a peak: crop2 = 1 c2h_2,x,y = peak2halo('',image=im_ext2) if x-128 < 0 or x+128 > 1024 or y-128 < 0 or y+128 > 1024: out_ext2 = rebin(im_ext2,256,256) crop2 = 0 else: #shift frame to center out_ext2 = im_ext2[y-128:y+128,x-128:x+128] else: out_ext2 = rebin(im_ext2,256,256) if 1: # Do not process if there is no red flux a = out_ext1/ncoadd_r saturated_1 = a > saturate saturated_1[0:20,0:140] = 0 sat_red = np.sum(saturated_1) #IDL out_ext1>=out_ext1[ (sort(out_ext1))[.01*n_elements(out_ext1)]] szx1 = np.size(out_ext1) sout = np.sort(out_ext1.ravel()) limit = sout[.01*szx1] xmin = sout[0]; xmax= sout[np.size(sout)-1] out_ext1 = np.clip(out_ext1, limit, xmax) # we put lower and upper limits and the 1% and # 99.5% (OR NCOADD*3500) of the image #IDL out_ext1<=( out_ext1[ (sort(out_ext1))[.995*n_elements(out_ext1)]] # < (sxpar(hd1,'ncoadd_r')*saturate) ) szx1 = np.size(out_ext1) if sout[.995*szx1] < ncoadd_r*saturate: limit = ncoadd_r*saturate else: limit = sout[.995*szx1] out_ext1 = np.clip(out_ext1, xmin, limit) if 1: a = out_ext2/ncoadd_b saturated_2 = nd.rotate(a > saturate,5,reshape=False) saturated_2[0:20,0:140] = 0 sat_blue = np.sum(saturated_2) szx2 = np.size(out_ext2) sout = np.sort(out_ext2.ravel()) limit = sout[.01*szx2] xmin = sout[0]; xmax= sout[np.size(sout)-1] out_ext2 = np.clip(out_ext2, limit, xmax) # we put lower and upper limits and the 1% and # 99.5% (OR NCOADD*3500) of the image #IDL: out_ext2<=( out_ext2[ (sort(out_ext2))[.995*n_elements(out_ext2)]] # < (sxpar(hd2,'ncoadd_b')*saturate) ) szx2 = np.size(out_ext2) if sout[.995*szx2] < ncoadd_b*saturate: limit = ncoadd_b*saturate else: limit = sout[.995*szx2] out_ext2 = np.clip(out_ext2, xmin, limit) out = np.zeros((256,512),dtype=np.float32) #create the image that will receive the frames to display out[:,:256] = ((out_ext1 - np.amin(out_ext1)) / \ (np.amax(out_ext1) - np.amin(out_ext1)))[::-1,:] a = out_ext2 - np.amin(out_ext2) b = np.amax(out_ext2) - np.amin(out_ext2) out[:,256:] = nd.rotate( (a/b), 5, reshape=False)[::-1,::-1] #extract the root name of the file. name_out = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] name_out += '['+('full','crop')[crop1]+'/'+('full','crop')[crop2]+']' # Form the text to overlay onto the lower left of the output array. rgba, depth1 = parser.to_rgba(name_out, color='gray', fontsize=10, dpi=200) c = rgba[::2,::2,3] far = np.asarray(c,dtype=np.float32) stx = np.shape(far) out[:stx[0],:stx[1]] = far[::-1,:]/256 if not full: if sat_red != 0: tmp1=out[:,:256] tmp1[np.where(saturated_1)] = np.nan out[:,:256]=tmp1 if not full: if sat_blue != 0: tmp2=out[:,256:] tmp2[np.where(saturated_2)] = np.nan out[:,256:]=tmp2 if nodisplay == False: ndis.display(out,z1=-1,z2=1,zscale=False) #ds9.view(out) cube[nfiles-1,:,:] = out[::-1,:] # Now print if oclass == 'science': if chan == 'red': c2h_2=-1 if chan == 'blue': c2h_1=-1 if c2h_1 > 0 and c2h_2 > 0: longl += ',['+'%.2f,%.2f' % (c2h_1,c2h_2)+']' elif c2h_1*c2h_2 == 1: # both -1 longl += ',[,]' elif c2h_1 > 0: longl += ',['+'%.2f,' % (c2h_1)+']' else: longl += ',['+',%.2f' % (c2h_2)+']' if sat_red or sat_blue: longl += ' Saturated('+str(sat_red)+','+str(sat_blue)+')' print longl if log: lg.write(longl+'\n') previous_angle=current_angle #keep track of some variables for next iteration previous_time =obs_time previous_ra =ra_pointing previous_dec =dec_pointing previous_mode =crmode fd.close() if log: lg.close() if lists: flis_1.close() flis_2.close() slis_adi.close() slis_sdi.close() slis_asdi.close() slis_other.close() if (nfiles > 0): pf.writeto(odir+froot+'_cube.fits',cube[:nfiles,::-1,:], clobber=True) # write the output cube with cropped/binned images else: print 'No NICI files found for the specified input: ',inputs return