    def __init__(self, source, header=None, load=False, **kwargs):
          source: str | ndarray
            If source is a string, it is assumed to be a filename and an
            attempt will be made to open the corresponding NIfTI file.
            In case of an ndarray the array data will be used for the to be
            created nifti image and a matching nifti header is generated.
            If an object of a different type is supplied as 'source' a
            ValueError exception will be thrown.
          header: dict
            Additional header data might be supplied. However,
            dimensionality and datatype are determined from the ndarray and
            not taken from a header dictionary.
          load: Boolean
            If set to True the image data will be loaded into memory. This
            is only useful if loading a NIfTI image from file.
            This flag is almost useless, as the data will be loaded
            automatically whenever it is accessed.
            Additional stuff is passed to :class:`~nifti.format.NiftiFormat`.
        # setup all nifti header related stuff
        NiftiFormat.__init__(self, source, header, **kwargs)

        # where the data will go to
        self._data = None

        # load data
        if type(source) == N.ndarray:
            # assign data from source array
            self._data = source[:]
        elif type(source) in (str, unicode):
            # only load image data from file if requested
            if load:
            raise ValueError, "Unsupported source type. Only NumPy arrays and filename " + "string are supported."