def _do_post_list(start=None, stop=None, reverse=False, tags=None, categories=None,
                  sections=None, slugs=None, post_type='post', type=False, all=False,
                  lang=None, template='post_list_directive.tmpl', sort=None,
                  id=None, data=None, state=None, site=None, date=None, filename=None, post=None):
    if lang is None:
        lang = utils.LocaleBorg().current_lang
    if site.invariant:  # for testing purposes
        post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + 'fixedvaluethatisnotauuid'
        post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + uuid.uuid4().hex

    # Get post from filename if available
    if filename:
        self_post = site.post_per_input_file.get(filename)
        self_post = None

    if self_post:
        self_post.register_depfile("####MAGIC####TIMELINE", lang=lang)

    # If we get strings for start/stop, make them integers
    if start is not None:
        start = int(start)
    if stop is not None:
        stop = int(stop)

    # Parse tags/categories/sections/slugs (input is strings)
    tags = [t.strip().lower() for t in tags.split(',')] if tags else []
    categories = [c.strip().lower() for c in categories.split(',')] if categories else []
    sections = [s.strip().lower() for s in sections.split(',')] if sections else []
    slugs = [s.strip() for s in slugs.split(',')] if slugs else []

    filtered_timeline = []
    posts = []
    step = -1 if reverse is None else None

    if type is not False:
        post_type = type

    # TODO: remove in v8
    if all is not False:
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
    elif post_type == 'page' or post_type == 'pages':
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if not p.use_in_feeds]
    elif post_type == 'all':
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
    else:  # post
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if p.use_in_feeds]

    # TODO: replaces all, uncomment in v8
    # if post_type == 'page' or post_type == 'pages':
    #    timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if not p.use_in_feeds]
    # elif post_type == 'all':
    #    timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
    # else: # post
    #    timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if p.use_in_feeds]

    if categories:
        timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.meta('category', lang=lang).lower() in categories]

    if sections:
        timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.section_name(lang).lower() in sections]

    for post in timeline:
        if tags:
            cont = True
            tags_lower = [t.lower() for t in post.tags]
            for tag in tags:
                if tag in tags_lower:
                    cont = False

            if cont:


    if sort:
        filtered_timeline = natsort.natsorted(filtered_timeline, key=lambda post: post.meta[lang][sort], alg=natsort.ns.F | natsort.ns.IC)

    if date:
        filtered_timeline = [p for p in filtered_timeline if date_in_range(date, p.date)]

    for post in filtered_timeline[start:stop:step]:
        if slugs:
            cont = True
            for slug in slugs:
                if slug == post.meta('slug'):
                    cont = False

            if cont:

        bp = post.translated_base_path(lang)
        if os.path.exists(bp) and state:
        elif os.path.exists(bp) and self_post:
            self_post.register_depfile(bp, lang=lang)

        posts += [post]

    if not posts:
        return '', []

    template_deps = site.template_system.template_deps(template)
    if state:
        # Register template as a dependency (Issue #2391)
        for d in template_deps:
    elif self_post:
        for d in template_deps:
            self_post.register_depfile(d, lang=lang)

    template_data = {
        'lang': lang,
        'posts': posts,
        # Need to provide str, not TranslatableSetting (Issue #2104)
        'date_format': site.GLOBAL_CONTEXT.get('date_format')[lang],
        'post_list_id': post_list_id,
        'messages': site.MESSAGES,
    output = site.template_system.render_template(
        template, None, template_data)
    return output, template_deps
def _do_post_list(start=None, stop=None, reverse=False, tags=None, categories=None,
                  slugs=None, post_type='post', show_all=False, lang=None,
                  template='post_list_directive.tmpl', sort=None, id=None,
                  data=None, state=None, site=None, date=None):
    if lang is None:
        lang = utils.LocaleBorg().current_lang
    if site.invariant:  # for testing purposes
        post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + 'fixedvaluethatisnotauuid'
        post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + uuid.uuid4().hex

    filtered_timeline = []
    posts = []
    step = -1 if reverse is None else None

    # TODO: remove in v8
    if show_all is None:
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
    elif post_type == 'page':
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if not p.use_in_feeds]
    elif post_type == 'all':
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
    else:  # post
        timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if p.use_in_feeds]

    # TODO: replaces show_all, uncomment in v8
    # if post_type == 'page':
    #    timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if not p.use_in_feeds]
    # elif post_type == 'all':
    #    timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
    # else: # post
    #    timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if p.use_in_feeds]

    if categories:
        timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.meta('category', lang=lang).lower() in categories]

    for post in timeline:
        if tags:
            cont = True
            tags_lower = [t.lower() for t in post.tags]
            for tag in tags:
                if tag in tags_lower:
                    cont = False

            if cont:


    if sort:
        filtered_timeline = natsort.natsorted(filtered_timeline, key=lambda post: post.meta[lang][sort], alg=natsort.ns.F | natsort.ns.IC)

    if date:
        filtered_timeline = [p for p in filtered_timeline if date_in_range(date, p.date)]

    for post in filtered_timeline[start:stop:step]:
        if slugs:
            cont = True
            for slug in slugs:
                if slug == post.meta('slug'):
                    cont = False

            if cont:

        bp = post.translated_base_path(lang)
        if os.path.exists(bp) and state:

        posts += [post]

    if not posts:
        return []

    # Register template as a dependency (Issue #2391)

    template_data = {
        'lang': lang,
        'posts': posts,
        # Need to provide str, not TranslatableSetting (Issue #2104)
        'date_format': site.GLOBAL_CONTEXT.get('date_format')[lang],
        'post_list_id': post_list_id,
        'messages': site.MESSAGES,
    output = site.template_system.render_template(
        template, None, template_data)
    return output
    def handler(self, start=None, stop=None, reverse=False, tags=None, require_all_tags=False, categories=None,
                sections=None, slugs=None, post_type='post', type=False,
                lang=None, template='post_list_directive.tmpl', sort=None,
                id=None, data=None, state=None, site=None, date=None, filename=None, post=None):
        """Generate HTML for post-list."""
        if lang is None:
            lang = utils.LocaleBorg().current_lang
        if site.invariant:  # for testing purposes
            post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + 'fixedvaluethatisnotauuid'
            post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + uuid.uuid4().hex

        # Get post from filename if available
        if filename:
            self_post = site.post_per_input_file.get(filename)
            self_post = None

        if self_post:
            self_post.register_depfile("####MAGIC####TIMELINE", lang=lang)

        # If we get strings for start/stop, make them integers
        if start is not None:
            start = int(start)
        if stop is not None:
            stop = int(stop)

        # Parse tags/categories/sections/slugs (input is strings)
        categories = [c.strip().lower() for c in categories.split(',')] if categories else []
        sections = [s.strip().lower() for s in sections.split(',')] if sections else []
        slugs = [s.strip() for s in slugs.split(',')] if slugs else []

        filtered_timeline = []
        posts = []
        step = None if reverse is False else -1

        if type is not False:
            post_type = type

        if post_type == 'page' or post_type == 'pages':
            timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if not p.use_in_feeds]
        elif post_type == 'all':
            timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
        else:  # post
            timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if p.use_in_feeds]

        # self_post should be removed from timeline because this is redundant
        timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.source_path != filename]

        if categories:
            timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.meta('category', lang=lang).lower() in categories]

        if sections:
            timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.section_name(lang).lower() in sections]

        if tags:
            tags = {t.strip().lower() for t in tags.split(',')}
            if require_all_tags:
                compare = set.issubset
                compare = operator.and_
            for post in timeline:
                post_tags = {t.lower() for t in post.tags}
                if compare(tags, post_tags):
            filtered_timeline = timeline

        if sort:
            filtered_timeline = natsort.natsorted(filtered_timeline, key=lambda post: post.meta[lang][sort], alg=natsort.ns.F | natsort.ns.IC)

        if date:
            _now = utils.current_time()
            filtered_timeline = [p for p in filtered_timeline if date_in_range(utils.html_unescape(date), p.date, now=_now)]

        for post in filtered_timeline[start:stop:step]:
            if slugs:
                cont = True
                for slug in slugs:
                    if slug == post.meta('slug'):
                        cont = False

                if cont:

            bp = post.translated_base_path(lang)
            if os.path.exists(bp) and state:
            elif os.path.exists(bp) and self_post:
                self_post.register_depfile(bp, lang=lang)

            posts += [post]

        if not posts:
            return '', []

        template_deps = site.template_system.template_deps(template)
        if state:
            # Register template as a dependency (Issue #2391)
            for d in template_deps:
        elif self_post:
            for d in template_deps:
                self_post.register_depfile(d, lang=lang)

        template_data = {
            'lang': lang,
            'posts': posts,
            # Need to provide str, not TranslatableSetting (Issue #2104)
            'date_format': site.GLOBAL_CONTEXT.get('date_format')[lang],
            'post_list_id': post_list_id,
            'messages': site.MESSAGES,
            '_link': site.link,
        output = site.template_system.render_template(
            template, None, template_data)
        return output, template_deps
    def handler(self, start=None, stop=None, reverse=False, tags=None, require_all_tags=False, categories=None,
                sections=None, slugs=None, post_type='post', type=False,
                lang=None, template='post_list_directive.tmpl', sort=None,
                id=None, data=None, state=None, site=None, date=None, filename=None, post=None):
        """Generate HTML for post-list."""
        if lang is None:
            lang = utils.LocaleBorg().current_lang
        if site.invariant:  # for testing purposes
            post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + 'fixedvaluethatisnotauuid'
            post_list_id = id or 'post_list_' + uuid.uuid4().hex

        # Get post from filename if available
        if filename:
            self_post = site.post_per_input_file.get(filename)
            self_post = None

        if self_post:
            self_post.register_depfile("####MAGIC####TIMELINE", lang=lang)

        # If we get strings for start/stop, make them integers
        if start is not None:
            start = int(start)
        if stop is not None:
            stop = int(stop)

        # Parse tags/categories/sections/slugs (input is strings)
        categories = [c.strip().lower() for c in categories.split(',')] if categories else []
        sections = [s.strip().lower() for s in sections.split(',')] if sections else []
        slugs = [s.strip() for s in slugs.split(',')] if slugs else []

        filtered_timeline = []
        posts = []
        step = None if reverse is False else -1

        if type is not False:
            post_type = type

        if post_type == 'page' or post_type == 'pages':
            timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if not p.use_in_feeds]
        elif post_type == 'all':
            timeline = [p for p in site.timeline]
        else:  # post
            timeline = [p for p in site.timeline if p.use_in_feeds]

        # self_post should be removed from timeline because this is redundant
        timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.source_path != filename]

        if categories:
            timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.meta('category', lang=lang).lower() in categories]

        if sections:
            timeline = [p for p in timeline if p.section_name(lang).lower() in sections]

        if tags:
            tags = {t.strip().lower() for t in tags.split(',')}
            if require_all_tags:
                compare = set.issubset
                compare = operator.and_
            for post in timeline:
                post_tags = {t.lower() for t in post.tags}
                if compare(tags, post_tags):
            filtered_timeline = timeline

        if sort:
            filtered_timeline = natsort.natsorted(filtered_timeline, key=lambda post: post.meta[lang][sort], alg=natsort.ns.F | natsort.ns.IC)

        if date:
            _now = utils.current_time()
            filtered_timeline = [p for p in filtered_timeline if date_in_range(utils.html_unescape(date), p.date, now=_now)]

        for post in filtered_timeline[start:stop:step]:
            if slugs:
                cont = True
                for slug in slugs:
                    if slug == post.meta('slug'):
                        cont = False

                if cont:

            bp = post.translated_base_path(lang)
            if os.path.exists(bp) and state:
            elif os.path.exists(bp) and self_post:
                self_post.register_depfile(bp, lang=lang)

            posts += [post]

        if not posts:
            return '', []

        template_deps = site.template_system.template_deps(template)
        if state:
            # Register template as a dependency (Issue #2391)
            for d in template_deps:
        elif self_post:
            for d in template_deps:
                self_post.register_depfile(d, lang=lang)

        template_data = {
            'lang': lang,
            'posts': posts,
            # Need to provide str, not TranslatableSetting (Issue #2104)
            'date_format': site.GLOBAL_CONTEXT.get('date_format')[lang],
            'post_list_id': post_list_id,
            'messages': site.MESSAGES,
            '_link': site.link,
        output = site.template_system.render_template(
            template, None, template_data)
        return output, template_deps