def try_evosuite(self, classes_dir, tests_src, sut_class, mutant, evosuite_params=None): junit = JUnit(, classpath=classes_dir) return (junit.run_with_mutant(self.suite_evosuite, sut_class, mutant) if self.suite_evosuite else None)
def try_randoop(self, classes_dir, tests_src, sut_class, mutant, randoop_params=None): junit = JUnit(, classpath=classes_dir) return (junit.run_with_mutant(self.suite_randoop, sut_class, mutant) if self.suite_randoop else None)
def test_run_junit(self): junit = JUnit(, self.classpath) output = junit.exec(self.suite_dir, self.suite_classes_dir, self.sut_class, self.suite_classes[0]) self.assertTrue(output.ok_tests_number > 0) self.assertTrue(output.fail_tests == 0) self.assertTrue(len(output.fail_test_set) == 0) self.assertTrue(output.run_time > 0)
def test_run_junit_timeout(self): junit = JUnit(, self.classpath) result = junit.exec(self.suite_dir, self.suite_classes_dir, self.sut_class, self.suite_classes[0], 0) self.assertEqual(0, result.ok_tests) self.assertEqual(0, result.fail_tests) self.assertEqual(0, len(result.fail_test_set)) self.assertEqual(0, result.run_time) self.assertIsNone(result.coverage) self.assertTrue(result.timeout)
def test_run_junit_with_mutant(self): junit = JUnit(, self.classpath) mujava = MuJava(, calculator_mutants_dir()) mutants = mujava.read_log() mujava.compile_mutants(self.classpath, mutants) output = junit.exec_with_mutant(self.suite_dir, self.suite_classes_dir, self.sut_class, self.suite_classes[0], mujava.read_log()[1]) self.assertTrue(output.ok_tests > 0) self.assertTrue(output.fail_tests > 0) self.assertTrue(len(output.fail_test_set) > 0) self.assertTrue(output.run_time > 0)
def check_class_coverage(self, classes_dir, sut_class, mutant, evo_test_result, ran_test_result): evosuite_coverage = False randoop_coverage = False original_dir = os.path.join(mutant.dir[:mutant.dir.rfind(os.sep)], 'ORIGINAL') original = Mutant(mid='ORIGINAL', operator=None, line_number=None, method=None, transformation=None, dir=original_dir) junit = JUnit(, classpath=classes_dir) orig_evosuite_result = (junit.run_with_mutant(self.suite_evosuite, sut_class, original) if self.suite_evosuite else None) orig_ran_result = (junit.run_with_mutant(self.suite_randoop, sut_class, original) if self.suite_randoop else None) if orig_evosuite_result == None and evo_test_result == None: evosuite_coverage = True elif orig_evosuite_result == None or evo_test_result == None: evosuite_coverage = False else: evosuite_coverage = (orig_evosuite_result.coverage.class_coverage == evo_test_result.coverage.class_coverage) if orig_ran_result == None and ran_test_result == None: randoop_coverage = True elif orig_ran_result == None or ran_test_result == None: randoop_coverage = False else: randoop_coverage = (orig_ran_result.coverage.class_coverage == ran_test_result.coverage.class_coverage) return (evosuite_coverage and randoop_coverage)
class SuiteRunner(): def __init__(self, java, suite, suite_env): = java self.suite = suite self.suite_env = suite_env self.junit = JUnit(, classpath=suite_env.classes_dir) def run_with_mutant(self, mutant): return self.junit.run_with_mutant(self.suite, self.suite_env.sut_class, mutant) def get_tool_name(self): return self.suite.tool_name
def try_evosuite_diff(self, classes_dir, sut_class, mutant_dir, project_dep): junit = JUnit(, classpath=classes_dir) res = junit.run_with_mutant(self.suite_evosuite_diff, sut_class, mutant_dir) return res
def test_run_junit_timeout(self): junit = JUnit(, self.classpath) with self.assertRaises(subprocess.TimeoutExpired): junit.exec(self.suite_dir, self.suite_classes_dir, self.sut_class, self.suite_classes[0], 0)
def try_randoop(self, classes_dir, sut_class, mutant_dir, project_dep): junit = JUnit(, classpath=classes_dir) return (junit.run_with_mutant(self.suite_randoop, sut_class, mutant_dir) if self.suite_randoop else None)
def run_test_suite(self, classes_dir, sut_class, mutant_dir, project_dep): junit = JUnit(, classpath=classes_dir) res = junit.run_with_mutant(self.test_suite, sut_class, mutant_dir) return res
def run(self, orig_project_dir, mutants_dir, sut_class, randoop_params=None, evosuite_diff_params=None, evosuite_params=None, nimrod_output_dir=None): start_time = time() nimrod_results = dict() # Compile Project With Maven print("Compiling the project with maven...") _, orig_classes_dir = self.maven.compile(orig_project_dir, clean=True) # Compile Tests with Maven print("Compiling the tests with maven...") _, orig_test_classes_dir = self.maven.test_compile(orig_project_dir) # get outcome results nimrod_output_dir = self._check_output_dir( nimrod_output_dir if nimrod_output_dir else os.path. join(orig_project_dir, OUTPUT_DIR)) self.junit = JUnit(, classpath=orig_classes_dir) # 1. Execute the dev tests (through Maven) - IMPORTANT: Skip this line and take the survived mutants (in case of Defects4J) # **** Save the survived mutants # 2. Take the survived mutants and execute TCE tce_eqvs, tce_dups = self._try_tce(orig_project_dir, orig_classes_dir, mutants_dir, sut_class) # **** Remove TCE equivalents and duplicates (TODO: need log results before) # self._del_mutants(mutants_dir, set(tce_eqvs+tce_dups)) # 3. Generate automatic tests with EvoSuite and Randoop (based on original) auto_generated_tests_dir = self._gen_automatic_tests( orig_classes_dir, mutants_dir, nimrod_output_dir, sut_class, randoop_params, evosuite_params) # Save the automatic tests alongside the dev tests (combined test set) self._combine_tests(orig_test_classes_dir, auto_generated_tests_dir) # Exec tests on original program print("Executing tests on original...") num_tests, num_failures, num_errors, num_skipped, failed_tests = self.maven.test( orig_project_dir, sut_class) # Stop execution in case of flaky tests if (num_failures > 0 or num_errors > 0): print( "*** ERROR - Flaky tests or error in automatic test generation. Please check executing: mvn test." ) print( "num_tests: {0}, num_failures: {1}, num_errors: {2}, num_skipped: {3}, failed_tests: {4}" .format(num_tests, num_failures, num_errors, num_skipped, failed_tests)) return #Configure mutant tool, compile mutants dir, and return the mutants set nimrod_non_equivs = set() nimrod_survived_muts = set() mutants = self.get_mutants(orig_classes_dir, mutants_dir) # print("Total mutants: {0}".format(len(mutants))) # esse numero nao eh real, pois soh pega os mutantes do arq de log print("Mutant analysis phase started") for mutant in mutants: # Does not exec TCE eqvs and dupl mutants if (mutant.mid[mutant.mid.index('_') + 1:] in tce_eqvs): if ('$' not in mutant.method ): # ib case of $ means interal class which is a TCE error print("Mutant {0} is equivalent".format(mutant.mid)) nimrod_results[mutant.mid] = NimrodResult( mutant.mid, mutant.operator, mutant.line_number, mutant.method, mutant.transformation, True, '', '', '', '', '', '', '') continue if (os.path.isdir(mutant.dir)): evosuite_diff_output_dir = self._gen_evosuite_diff( sut_class, evosuite_diff_params, orig_classes_dir, auto_generated_tests_dir, mutant) # test_result = self._exec_junit(evosuite_diff_output_dir, sut_class, mutant) test_result = self.try_evosuite_diff(orig_classes_dir, evosuite_diff_output_dir, sut_class, mutant, evosuite_diff_params) if test_result.fail_tests > 0 or test_result.timeout: #If killed by EvoSuiteR Diff print("Mutant {0} is NOT equivalent. Killed by {1}".format( mutant.mid, self._get_test_files( evosuite_diff_output_dir.suite_dir))) nimrod_non_equivs.add(mutant) nimrod_results[mutant.mid] = NimrodResult( mutant.mid, mutant.operator, mutant.line_number, mutant.method, mutant.transformation, False, True, test_result.fail_tests, self._get_test_files( evosuite_diff_output_dir.suite_dir), test_result.timeout, 1, False, '') else: # print("Mutant {0} was NOT killed by EvoSuiteR".format(mutant.mid)) # self._remove_wrong_test(evosuite_diff_output_dir.suite_dir) nimrod_survived_muts.add(mutant) # Junta todos os testes gerados com os testes do desenvolvedor self._combine_tests(orig_test_classes_dir, auto_generated_tests_dir) # Executa no programa original num_tests, num_failures, num_errors, num_skipped, failed_tests = self.maven.test( orig_project_dir, sut_class) self._copy_coverage_report_to_output_dir(orig_project_dir, nimrod_output_dir, 'original') orig_coverage = self._get_coverage(orig_project_dir, sut_class) # Stop execution in case of flaky tests if (num_failures > 0 or num_errors > 0): print( "*** ERROR - Flaky tests or error in automatic test generation. Please check executing: mvn test." ) print( "num_tests: {0}, num_failures: {1}, num_errors: {2}, num_skipped: {3}, failed_tests: {4}" .format(num_tests, num_failures, num_errors, num_skipped, failed_tests)) return # Próximo passo calcular o Coverage e montar o Rank for mutant in nimrod_survived_muts: # Copia o mutante para a pasta correta em target/classes copy_dir(mutant.dir, orig_classes_dir) try: # Executa o os testes combinados com o mutante que nao morreu com EvoSuiteR - Pega Coverage num_tests, num_failures, num_errors, num_skipped, failed_tests = self.maven.test( orig_project_dir, sut_class) self._copy_coverage_report_to_output_dir( orig_project_dir, nimrod_output_dir, mutant.mid) mut_coverage = self._get_coverage(orig_project_dir, sut_class) executions, test_cases_cps = self._get_mutation_line_info( mut_coverage, mutant.line_number) diff_lines = self._get_diff_coverage_lines( orig_coverage, mut_coverage) if (num_failures > 0 or num_errors > 0): print( "Mutant {0} is NOT equivalent. Killed by {1}.".format( mutant.mid, failed_tests)) nimrod_results[mutant.mid] = NimrodResult( mutant.mid, mutant.operator, mutant.line_number, mutant.method, mutant.transformation, False, True, num_failures + num_errors, failed_tests, False, executions, False if len(diff_lines) > 0 else True, len(diff_lines)) else: print("Mutant {0} may be equivalent. Coverage is {1}.". format( mutant.mid, 'Different' if len(diff_lines) > 0 else 'Equal')) nimrod_results[mutant.mid] = NimrodResult( mutant.mid, mutant.operator, mutant.line_number, mutant.method, mutant.transformation, False, False, '', '', False, executions, False if len(diff_lines) > 0 else True, len(diff_lines)) except Exception as e: print("**ERROR: Test timedout to mutant {0}".format( mutant.mid)) # Adiciona mutante como diferenete e justifica com Timeout print("Mutant {0} is NOT equivalent. Timeout error.".format( mutant.mid)) nimrod_results[mutant.mid] = NimrodResult( mutant.mid, mutant.operator, mutant.line_number, mutant.method, mutant.transformation, False, True, '', '', True, 0, False, '') self._print_output(nimrod_results) self.write_to_csv(nimrod_results, output_dir=nimrod_output_dir, filename='nimrod.csv', exclude_if_exists=True) print('Finished Nimrod analysis of {0} mutants in {1} secs: '.format( len(nimrod_results), round((time() - start_time), 2)))
def __init__(self, java, suite, suite_env): = java self.suite = suite self.suite_env = suite_env self.junit = JUnit(, classpath=suite_env.classes_dir)