        specifier = project.create_specifier(object, allow_partial=allow_partial) if project else None
        specifier_uuid = specifier.item_uuid if specifier else object.uuid
        d = {"version": 1, "type": "graphic", "uuid": str(specifier_uuid)}
        if specifier and specifier.context_uuid: d["context_uuid"] = str(specifier.context_uuid)
        return d
    elif isinstance(object, DataStructure):
        project = project or object.project
        specifier = project.create_specifier(object, allow_partial=allow_partial) if project else None
        specifier_uuid = specifier.item_uuid if specifier else object.uuid
        d = {"version": 1, "type": "structure", "uuid": str(specifier_uuid)}
        if specifier and specifier.context_uuid: d["context_uuid"] = str(specifier.context_uuid)
        return d
    elif isinstance(object, DisplayItem.DisplayItem):
        project = project or object.project
        specifier = project.create_specifier(object, allow_partial=allow_partial) if project else None
        specifier_uuid = specifier.item_uuid if specifier else object.uuid
        d = {"version": 1, "type": "display_item", "uuid": str(specifier_uuid)}
        if specifier and specifier.context_uuid: d["context_uuid"] = str(specifier.context_uuid)
        return d
    return None

ElementalMappingEdge = Schema.entity("elemental_mapping_edge", None, None, {
    "atomic_number": Schema.prop(Schema.INT),
    "shell_number": Schema.prop(Schema.INT),
    "subshell_index": Schema.prop(Schema.INT),
    "fit_interval": Schema.fixed_tuple([Schema.prop(Schema.FLOAT), Schema.prop(Schema.FLOAT)]),
    "signal_interval": Schema.fixed_tuple([Schema.prop(Schema.FLOAT), Schema.prop(Schema.FLOAT)]),

DataStructure.register_entity(ElementalMappingEdge, entity_name="Elemental Mapping Edge")
# TODO: notifying, storage, resolving, moving

# TODO: are interval descriptors implicit now?
# TODO: display_layers could be a record
# TODO: display_properties could be a record
# TODO: layout could be a record
# TODO: closed_items should be a set of references

Calibration = Schema.record({
    "offset": Schema.prop(Schema.FLOAT),
    "scale": Schema.prop(Schema.FLOAT),
    "units": Schema.prop(Schema.STRING),

Point = Schema.fixed_tuple(

Size = Schema.fixed_tuple(

Rect = Schema.fixed_tuple([Point, Size])

Vector = Schema.fixed_tuple([Point, Point])

Interval = Schema.fixed_tuple(

DataItem = Schema.entity(