文件: gmm.py 项目: Garyfallidis/nipy
    def show(self, x, gd, density=None, axes=None):
        Function to plot a GMM, still in progress
        Currently, works only in 1D and 2D

        x: array of shape(n_samples, dim)
           the data under study 
        gd: GridDescriptor instance
        density: array os shape(prod(gd.n_bins))
                 density of the model one the discrete grid implied by gd
                 by default, this is recomputed
        import matplotlib.pylab as mp
        # recompute the density if necessary
        if density==None:
            density = self.mixture_likelihood(gd,x)

        import pylab
        if axes is None:
            axes = pylab.figure()

        if gd.dim==1:
            from nipy.neurospin.utils.emp_null import smoothed_histogram_from_samples
            h, c = smoothed_histogram_from_samples(x, normalized=True)
            #step = 3.5*np.std(x)/np.exp(np.log(np.size(x))/3)
            #bins = max(10,(x.max()-x.min())/step)
            #xmin = 1.1*x.min() - 0.1*x.max()
            #xmax = 1.1*x.max() - 0.1*x.min()
            #h,c = np.histogram(x, bins, [xmin, xmax], normed=True)

            offset = (c.max()-c.min())/(2*c.size)
            grid = gd.make_grid()
            h /= h.sum()
            h /= (2*offset)
            mp.plot(c[:-1]+offset, h)
            mp.plot(grid, density)

        if gd.dim==2:
            xm = gd.lim[0]
            xM = gd.lim[1]
            ym = gd.lim[2]
            yM = gd.lim[3]

            gd0 = gd.n_bins[0]
            Pdens= np.reshape(density, (gd0, np.size(density)/gd0))
            axes.imshow(Pdens.T, None, None, None, 'nearest',
                      1.0, None, None,'lower',[xm, xM, ym, yM])
            axes.plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], '.k')
            axes.axis([xm, xM, ym, yM])
        return axes
def test_smooth_histo():
   test smoothed histogram geenration
   x = np.random.randn(n)
   h, c = smoothed_histogram_from_samples(x, normalized=True)
   thh = 1./np.sqrt(2*np.pi)
   hm = h.max()
   #print hm, thh
   assert np.absolute(hm-thh)<0.15