def bandpass_filter(in_file, lowpass, highpass, TR):
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from os import path
    from nipype.interfaces.afni.preprocess import Bandpass
    from nipype import config, logging

    out_file = 'func_filtered.nii'
    bp = Bandpass()
    bp.inputs.highpass = highpass
    bp.inputs.lowpass = lowpass
    bp.inputs.in_file = in_file
    bp.inputs.tr = TR
    bp.inputs.out_file = out_file
    bp.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'

    out_file = path.abspath(out_file)
    return (out_file)
def get_alff(input, TR, path_output, hp_freq=0.01, lp_freq=0.08, cleanup=True):
    This function calculates ALFF and fALFF from a preprocessed (motion correction, nuisance 
    regression, etc.) resting-state time series. ALFF is computed by bandpass filtering the time 
    time series and computing the voxel-wise standard deviation of the filtered time series. fALFF
    is computed by dividing ALFF by the voxel-wise standard deviation of the unfiltered time series.
    Additionally, ALFF and fALFF are expressed in z-score. This function follows the script found in
        *input: input time series.
        *TR: repetition time in s.
        *hp_freq: highpass cutoff frequency in Hz.
        *lp_freq: lowpass cutoff frequency in Hz.
        *cleanup: delete intermediate files.

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 27-02-2019        
    Last modified: 15-04-2020
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from scipy.stats import zscore
    from nipype.interfaces.afni.preprocess import Bandpass
    from nipype.interfaces.afni.utils import TStat, Calc
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # make output folder
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # get path and filename
    _, file, _ = get_filename(input)

    # filtering
    bandpass = Bandpass()
    bandpass.inputs.in_file = input
    bandpass.inputs.highpass = hp_freq
    bandpass.inputs.lowpass = lp_freq
    bandpass.inputs.tr = TR
    bandpass.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    bandpass.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output,
                                            file + "_filtered.nii")

    # standard deviation over frequency
    stddev_filtered = TStat()
    stddev_filtered.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_output,
                                                  file + "_filtered.nii")
    stddev_filtered.inputs.args = "-stdev"
    stddev_filtered.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    stddev_filtered.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, 'alff.nii')

    # standard deviation of the unfiltered nuisance corrected image
    stddev_unfiltered = TStat()
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.in_file = input
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.args = "-stdev"
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, 'temp.nii')

    # falff calculations
    falff = Calc()
    falff.inputs.in_file_a = os.path.join(path_output, 'alff.nii')
    falff.inputs.in_file_b = os.path.join(path_output, 'temp.nii')
    falff.inputs.args = '-float'
    falff.inputs.expr = '(1.0*a)/(1.0*b)'
    falff.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    falff.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, 'falff.nii')

    # alff in z-score
    alff_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_output, "alff.nii"))
    alff_array = alff_img.get_fdata()
    alff_array = zscore(alff_array, axis=None)

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(alff_array, alff_img.affine, alff_img.header)
    nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_output, "alff_z.nii"))

    # falff in z-score
    falff_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_output, "falff.nii"))
    falff_array = falff_img.get_fdata()
    falff_array = zscore(falff_array, axis=None)

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(falff_array, falff_img.affine, falff_img.header)
    nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_output, "falff_z.nii"))

    # cleanup
    if cleanup:
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_output, "temp.nii"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_output, file + "_filtered.nii"))