    def verify_from(self, actor_whom_sender_claims_to_be: "Character", message: bytes, signature: Signature = None,
                    signature_is_on_cleartext=False) -> tuple:
        Inverse of encrypt_for.

        :param actor_that_sender_claims_to_be: A Character instance representing the actor whom the sender claims to be.  We check the public key owned by this Character instance to verify.
        :param messages: The messages to be verified.
        :param decrypt: Whether or not to decrypt the messages.
        :param signature_is_on_cleartext: True if we expect the signature to be on the cleartext.  Otherwise, we presume that the ciphertext is what is signed.
        :return: (Whether or not the signature is valid, the decrypted plaintext or NO_DECRYPTION_PERFORMED)
        if not signature and not signature_is_on_cleartext:
            raise ValueError("You need to either provide the Signature or decrypt and find it on the cleartext.")

        cleartext = NO_DECRYPTION_PERFORMED

        if signature_is_on_cleartext:
            if decrypt:
                cleartext = self._crypto_power.decrypt(message)
                signature, message = BytestringSplitter(Signature)(cleartext, return_remainder=True)
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't look for a signature on the cleartext if we're not decrypting.")

        actor = self._lookup_actor(actor_whom_sender_claims_to_be)

        return signature.verify(message, actor.seal), cleartext
    def verify_from(self,
                    actor_whom_sender_claims_to_be: "Character",
                    message_kit: Union[MessageKit, bytes],
                    signature: Signature=None,
                    signature_is_on_cleartext=False) -> tuple:
        Inverse of encrypt_for.

        :param actor_that_sender_claims_to_be: A Character instance representing
            the actor whom the sender claims to be.  We check the public key
            owned by this Character instance to verify.
        :param messages: The messages to be verified.
        :param decrypt: Whether or not to decrypt the messages.
        :param signature_is_on_cleartext: True if we expect the signature to be
            on the cleartext. Otherwise, we presume that the ciphertext is what
            is signed.
        :return: Whether or not the signature is valid, the decrypted plaintext
        # TODO: In this flow we now essentially have two copies of the public key.  See #174.
        # One from the actor (first arg) and one from the MessageKit.
        # Which do we use in which cases?

        # if not signature and not signature_is_on_cleartext:
        # TODO: Since a signature can now be in a MessageKit, this might not be accurate anymore.  See #174.
        # raise ValueError("You need to either provide the Signature or \
        #                   decrypt and find it on the cleartext.")

        cleartext = NO_DECRYPTION_PERFORMED

        if signature_is_on_cleartext:
            if decrypt:
                cleartext_with_sig = self.decrypt(message_kit)
                signature, cleartext = BytestringSplitter(Signature)(cleartext_with_sig,
                message_kit.signature = signature  # TODO: Obviously this is the wrong way to do this.  Let's make signature a property.
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't look for a signature on the cleartext if we're not \
            message = cleartext
            alice_pubkey = message_kit.alice_pubkey
            # The signature is on the ciphertext.  We might not even need to decrypt it.
            if decrypt:
                message = message_kit.ciphertext
                cleartext = self.decrypt(message_kit)
                message = bytes(message_kit)
            alice_pubkey = actor_whom_sender_claims_to_be.public_key(SigningPower)

        if signature:
            is_valid = signature.verify(message, alice_pubkey)
            # Meh, we didn't even get a signature.  Not much we can do.
            is_valid = False

        return is_valid, cleartext