def main():
    global ttf_font, font_size, unit
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NumberLink check and drawing tool')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--font', default=ttf_font, help='TrueType font file (default: %(default)s)')
    parser.add_argument('--font-size', metavar='N', type=int, default=font_size, help='font size (default: %(default)s)')
    parser.add_argument('--unit', metavar='N', type=int, default=unit, help='unit square size (default: %(default)s)')
    parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help='test GIF output')
    parser.add_argument('qfile', metavar='Q-FILE', help='input file (Q-file)')
    parser.add_argument('afile', metavar='A-FILE', help='target file (A-file)')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    ttf_font = args.font
    font_size = args.font_size
    unit = args.unit
    if args.test:
    qfile = args.qfile
    afile = args.afile
    print(qfile, afile)
    nlc = NLCheck()
    q = nlc.read_input_file(qfile)
    a = nlc.read_target_file(afile)
    #a = nlc.clean_a(q, a)
    # 回答をチェックする
    nlc.verbose = True
    judges = nlc.check( q, a )
    print("judges = ", judges)
    # 描画する
    images = draw(q, a, nlc)
    bfile = os.path.basename(qfile)
    bfile = os.path.splitext(bfile)[0] # 拡張子をトル
    for num, img in enumerate(images):
        ifile = "%s.%d.gif" % (bfile, num+1) # 層の番号は1から始まる
        img.save(ifile, 'gif')
    if 1 < len(images):
        merge_images(images).save(bfile+'.gif', 'gif')
文件: nldraw.py 项目: dasadc/conmgr
def main():
    qfile, afile = sys.argv[1:]
    afile = sys.argv[2]
    print qfile, afile
    nlc = NLCheck()
    q = nlc.read_input_file(qfile)
    a = nlc.read_target_file(afile)
    #print "q=",q
    #print "a=",a
    #a = nlc.clean_a(q, a)
    # 回答をチェックする
    nlc.verbose = True
    judges = nlc.check(q, a)
    print "judges = ", judges
    # 描画する
    images = draw(q, a, nlc)
    bfile = basename(qfile)
    bfile = re.sub("\.txt", "", bfile)
    num = 0
    for img in images:
        ifile = "%s.%d.gif" % (bfile, num)
        print ifile
        num += 1
文件: nldraw.py 项目: kotarot/conmgr
def main():
    qfile, afile = sys.argv[1:]
    afile = sys.argv[2]
    print qfile,afile
    nlc = NLCheck()
    q = nlc.read_input_file(qfile)
    a = nlc.read_target_file(afile)
    #print "q=",q
    #print "a=",a
    #a = nlc.clean_a(q, a)
    # 回答をチェックする
    nlc.verbose = True
    judges = nlc.check( q, a )
    print "judges = ", judges
    # 描画する
    images = draw(q,a,nlc)
    bfile = basename(qfile)
    bfile = re.sub("\.txt", "", bfile)
    num = 0
    for img in images:
        ifile = "%s.%d.gif" % (bfile, num)
        print ifile
        num += 1
def solve(num):
    global project_dir
    o = NLCheck()
    output_info = info['output_info'][num]
    via_to_line = get_via_to_line(info, num)
    adata = 'SIZE %dX%dX%d\r\n' % info['size']
    fail = False
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    for layer, info2 in sorted(output_info.items()):
        if layer[0] != 'L' or not layer[1:].isdigit():
        qfile = info2['ofile']
        afile = exec_solver(qfile)
        #print layer, qfile, afile
        input_data = o.read_input_file(qfile)
        target_data = o.read_target_file(afile)
        target_data2 = o.clean_a(input_data, target_data)
        judges = o.check(input_data, target_data2)
        best = best_target(judges)
        print "judges = ", judges
        print "best = ", best
        #print "best target_data = ", target_data2[best[0]]
        ilayer = int(layer[1:])  # 1,2,…
        via_linenum = get_via_linenum_mat(info, ilayer, via_to_line)
        adata += 'LAYER %d\r\n' % ilayer
        if best[0] is None:
            fail = True
            bd = target_data2[best[0]]
            adata += generate_A_data(bd, info2['map_line_num'], via_linenum)
            if 0:
                root, ext = os.path.splitext(afile)
                gfile = root + '.gif'
                gif = o.graphic_gif(input_data, [bd], gfile)
                print "gif = ", gif
    if fail:
        output_info['judges'] = None
        return None
        # afile: 2016年版ルールの回答ファイルの名前
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(info['convert_q']))
        afile = root + ('.%d.A.txt' % num)
        afile2 = os.path.join(project_dir, afile)
        with open(afile2, 'w') as fp:
        # 2016年版ルールで回答チェック
        input_data = o.read_input_file(info['convert_q'])
        target_data = o.read_target_str(adata)
        judges = o.check(input_data, target_data)
        print "afile = ", afile
        print "judges = ", judges
        output_info['afile'] = afile
        output_info['judges'] = judges
        if judges[0][0]:
            # 正解が出た
            gfile = root + ('.%d.A.gif' % num)
            gfile2 = os.path.join(project_dir, gfile)
            gif = o.graphic_gif(input_data, target_data, gfile2)
            print "gif = ", gif

        return afile
# Aファイルを読み込んで、空白マスの割合を計算する
# 実行例 ./space.py ../../ADC2015_QA/A/*txt

import os, sys, re
sys.path.insert(1, '../server')

from nlcheck import NLCheck
nlc = NLCheck()

pat = re.compile('(.*)_A([0-9]+)\.txt')

print "user,A,area,zeros,rate"

for file in sys.argv[1:]:
    res = nlc.read_target_file(file)
    for i in res:
        y, x = i.shape
        area = y * x
        nzeros = len(i[i == 0])  # 値が0の個数
        rate = float(nzeros) / (float(area))
        f1 = os.path.basename(file)
        m = pat.match(f1)
        user = '******'
        anum = '?'
        if m is not None:
            user = m.group(1)
            anum = m.group(2)
        print "%s,%d,%d,%d,%f" % (user, int(anum), area, nzeros, rate)
文件: space.py 项目: kotarot/conmgr
# Aファイルを読み込んで、空白マスの割合を計算する
# 実行例 ./space.py ../../ADC2015_QA/A/*txt

import os, sys, re
sys.path.insert(1, '../server')

from nlcheck import NLCheck
nlc = NLCheck()

pat = re.compile('(.*)_A([0-9]+)\.txt')

print "user,A,area,zeros,rate"

for file in sys.argv[1:]:
    res = nlc.read_target_file(file)
    for i in res:
        y,x = i.shape
        area = y*x
        nzeros = len(i[i==0]) # 値が0の個数
        rate = float(nzeros) / (float(area))
        f1 = os.path.basename(file)
        m = pat.match(f1)
        user = '******'
        anum = '?'
        if m is not None:
            user = m.group(1)
            anum = m.group(2)
        print "%s,%d,%d,%d,%f" % (user, int(anum), area, nzeros, rate)