 def setup_species(self):
     """extract species from vasp objects to make one list for whole set of systems"""
     from nlep import getx_from_specie, set_nlep_fromx
     self.species = {}
     for s in self.systems:
         for symbol, specie in s.objective.vasp.species.items():
             #                print "system symbol is", symbol
             self.species[symbol] = specie
     idx = 0
     self.species_dict = {}
     for symbol, specie in self.species.items():
         #            print symbol, specie
         xspan = len(getx_from_specie(specie))
         spec = SpecRec(symbol, specie, idx, idx + xspan)
         idx += xspan
         self.species_dict[symbol] = spec
文件: systems.py 项目: mdavezac/LaDa
    def setup_species(self):
        """extract species from vasp objects to make one list for whole set of systems"""
        from nlep import getx_from_specie, set_nlep_fromx
        self.species = {}
        for s in self.systems:
            for symbol, specie in s.objective.vasp.species.items():
#                print "system symbol is", symbol
                self.species[symbol] = specie
        idx = 0
        self.species_dict = {}
        for symbol, specie in self.species.items():
#            print symbol, specie
            xspan = len(getx_from_specie(specie))
            spec = SpecRec(symbol, specie, idx, idx+xspan)
            idx += xspan
            self.species_dict[symbol] = spec
 def get_nlep_params_x(self):
     from nlep import getx_from_specie, set_nlep_fromx
     x = []
     for symbol, specie in self.species.items():
         x += getx_from_specie(specie)
     return x
文件: systems.py 项目: mdavezac/LaDa
 def get_nlep_params_x(self):
     from nlep import getx_from_specie, set_nlep_fromx
     x = []
     for symbol, specie in self.species.items():
         x += getx_from_specie(specie)
     return x