class BasicTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.db = DatabaseAPI() self.onto = self.db.get_onto() def test_add_and_remove_tools(self): with self.onto as onto: # populate the workspace self.db.add_object(onto.Screwdriver, x=1, y=2, color="red") self.db.add_object(onto.Screwdriver, x=3, y=1, color="blue") self.db.add_object(onto.Hammer, x=4, y=4, color="blue") self.db.add_object(onto.Pliers, x=3, y=3, color="green") # try a few queries about the workspace print("All objects in the workspace:") pp(self.db.get_all_tools()) print() print("All screwdrivers in the workspace:") pp(self.db.get_class_objects(onto.Screwdriver)) print() print("All blue objects in the workspace:") pp(self.db.get_objects_by_color("blue")) print() # # update position of the pliers # pliers = self.db.get_class_objects(onto.Pliers)[0] # self.db.update_object_position(pliers, x=5, y=4) # print("The pliers after updating its position:") # print(pliers) # print() # delete the nail print("Deleting the pliers...") self.db.delete_object(pliers) print("List of pliers:") pp(self.db.get_class_objects(onto.Pliers)) print() # process a NL instruction nl_processor = NLProcessor() input_sentence = "Now take the screwdriver and put it in the right corner." robot_program = nl_processor.process_text(input_sentence) print() print("Program") print("--------") print(robot_program)
class AreaDetector(CrowModule): namespace = db.onto def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.db_api = DatabaseAPI() def detect_area(self, tagged_text: TaggedText) -> db.onto.ObjectPlaceholder: area_list = self.db_api.get_class_objects(db.onto.Area) for area in area_list: if tagged_text.contains_text( self.logger.debug( f"Area detected for \"{tagged_text.get_text()}\": {area}") return area return None