def gen_missing_successor(ctree, error):
	success, response = tree_transform.add_node(ctree, error[1], error[2], in_place=False)
	assert success, response

	ntree, nnode = response
	nnode_index = nnode.parent.subtrees.index(nnode)

	info = {
		'type': 'add',
		'label': get_label(nnode),
		'span': nnode.span,
		'subtrees': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in nnode.subtrees],
		'parent': nnode.parent.label,
		'family': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in nnode.parent.subtrees],
		'auto preterminals': get_preterminals(nnode),
		'auto preterminal span': nnode.span,
		'left siblings': nnode.parent.subtrees[:nnode_index],
		'right siblings': nnode.parent.subtrees[nnode_index + 1:],
		'over_word': len(nnode.subtrees) == 1 and nnode.subtrees[0].is_terminal(),
		'over words': reduce(lambda prev, node: prev and node.is_terminal(), nnode.subtrees, True),

	return (True, ntree, info)
def gen_missing_successor(ctree, error):
	success, response = tree_transform.add_node(ctree, error[1], error[2], in_place=False)
	assert success, response

	ntree, nnode = response
	nnode_index = nnode.parent.subtrees.index(nnode)

	info = {
		'type': 'add',
		'label': get_label(nnode),
		'span': nnode.span,
		'subtrees': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in nnode.subtrees],
		'parent': nnode.parent.label,
		'family': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in nnode.parent.subtrees],
		'auto preterminals': get_preterminals(nnode),
		'auto preterminal span': nnode.span,
		'left siblings': nnode.parent.subtrees[:nnode_index],
		'right siblings': nnode.parent.subtrees[nnode_index + 1:],
		'over_word': len(nnode.subtrees) == 1 and nnode.subtrees[0].is_terminal(),
		'over words': reduce(lambda prev, node: prev and node.is_terminal(), nnode.subtrees, True),

	return (True, ntree, info)
def gen_move_successor(source_span, left, right, new_parent, cerrors, gold):
    success, response = tree_transform.move_nodes(
        source_span.subtrees[left:right + 1], new_parent, False)
    assert success, response

    ntree, nodes, new_parent = response
    new_left = new_parent.subtrees.index(nodes[0])
    new_right = new_parent.subtrees.index(nodes[-1])

    # Find Lowest Common Ancestor of the new and old parents
    full_span = (min(source_span.span[0], new_parent.span[0]),
                 max(source_span.span[1], new_parent.span[1]))
    lca = new_parent
    while not (lca.span[0] <= full_span[0] and full_span[1] <= lca.span[1]):
        lca = lca.parent

    info = {
        'movers': [get_label(node) for node in nodes],
        'mover info': [(get_label(node), node.span) for node in nodes],
        'new_family': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in new_parent.subtrees],
        'old_family': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in source_span.subtrees],
        'start left siblings':
        [get_label(node) for node in source_span.subtrees[:left]],
        'start right siblings':
        [get_label(node) for node in source_span.subtrees[right + 1:]],
        'end left siblings':
        [get_label(node) for node in new_parent.subtrees[:new_left]],
        'end right siblings':
        [get_label(node) for node in new_parent.subtrees[new_right + 1:]],
        'auto preterminals':
        'auto preterminal span':

    if left == right and nodes[-1].span[1] - nodes[-1].span[0] == 1:
        preterminal = nodes[-1]
        while preterminal.word is None:
            preterminal = preterminal.subtrees[0]
        gold_eq = gold.get_nodes('lowest', preterminal.span[0],
        if gold_eq is not None:
            info['POS confusion'] = (get_label(preterminal),

    # Consider fixing a missing node in the new location as well
    nerrors = parse_errors.ParseErrorSet(gold, ntree)
    to_fix = None
    for error in nerrors.missing:
        if error[1][0] <= nodes[0].span[0] and nodes[-1].span[1] <= error[1][1]:
            if error[1] == (nodes[0].span[0], nodes[-1].span[1]):
            if error[1][0] < new_parent.span[0] or error[1][
                    1] > new_parent.span[1]:
            if to_fix is None or to_fix[1][0] < error[1][0] or error[1][
                    1] < to_fix[1][1]:
                to_fix = error
    if to_fix is not None:
        info['added and moved'] = True
        info['added label'] = error[2]

        unmoved = []
        for node in new_parent.subtrees:
            if to_fix[1][0] < node.span[0] and node.span[1] < to_fix[1][1]:
                if node not in nodes:
        info['adding node already present'] = False
        if len(unmoved) == 1 and unmoved[0].label == to_fix[2]:
            info['adding node already present'] = True

        success, response = tree_transform.add_node(ntree,
        assert success, response
        ntree, nnode = response

    return (False, ntree, info)
def gen_move_successor(source_span, left, right, new_parent, cerrors, gold):
	success, response = tree_transform.move_nodes(source_span.subtrees[left:right+1], new_parent, False)
	assert success, response

	ntree, nodes, new_parent = response
	new_left = new_parent.subtrees.index(nodes[0])
	new_right = new_parent.subtrees.index(nodes[-1])

	# Find Lowest Common Ancestor of the new and old parents
	full_span = (min(source_span.span[0], new_parent.span[0]), max(source_span.span[1], new_parent.span[1]))
	lca = new_parent
	while not (lca.span[0] <= full_span[0] and full_span[1] <= lca.span[1]):
		lca = lca.parent

	info = {
		'type': 'move',
		'old_parent': get_label(source_span),
		'new_parent': get_label(new_parent),
		'movers': [get_label(node) for node in nodes],
		'mover info': [(get_label(node), node.span) for node in nodes],
		'new_family': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in new_parent.subtrees],
		'old_family': [get_label(subtree) for subtree in source_span.subtrees],
		'start left siblings': [get_label(node) for node in source_span.subtrees[:left]],
		'start right siblings': [get_label(node) for node in source_span.subtrees[right+1:]],
		'end left siblings': [get_label(node) for node in new_parent.subtrees[:new_left]],
		'end right siblings': [get_label(node) for node in new_parent.subtrees[new_right+1:]],
		'auto preterminals': get_preterminals(lca),
		'auto preterminal span': lca.span

	if left == right and nodes[-1].span[1] - nodes[-1].span[0] == 1:
		preterminal = nodes[-1]
		while preterminal.word is None:
			preterminal = preterminal.subtrees[0]
		gold_eq = gold.get_nodes('lowest', preterminal.span[0], preterminal.span[1])
		if gold_eq is not None:
			info['POS confusion'] = (get_label(preterminal), get_label(gold_eq))

	# Consider fixing a missing node in the new location as well
	nerrors = parse_errors.Parse_Error_Set(gold, ntree)
	to_fix = None
	for error in nerrors.missing:
		if error[1][0] <= nodes[0].span[0] and nodes[-1].span[1] <= error[1][1]:
			if error[1] == (nodes[0].span[0], nodes[-1].span[1]):
			if error[1][0] < new_parent.span[0] or error[1][1] > new_parent.span[1]:
			if to_fix is None or to_fix[1][0] < error[1][0] or error[1][1] < to_fix[1][1]:
				to_fix = error
	if to_fix is not None:
		info['added and moved'] = True
		info['added label'] = error[2]

		unmoved = []
		for node in new_parent.subtrees:
			if to_fix[1][0] < node.span[0] and node.span[1] < to_fix[1][1]:
				if node not in nodes:
		info['adding node already present'] = False
		if len(unmoved) == 1 and unmoved[0].label == to_fix[2]:
			info['adding node already present'] = True

		success, response = tree_transform.add_node(ntree, to_fix[1], to_fix[2], in_place=False)
		assert success, response
		ntree, nnode = response

	return (False, ntree, info)