def demo2():
    from nltk.cfg import Nonterminal, CFGProduction, CFG
    nonterminals = 'S VP NP PP P N Name V Det'
    (S, VP, NP, PP, P, N, Name, V,
     Det) = [Nonterminal(s) for s in nonterminals.split()]
    productions = (
        # Syntactic Productions
        CFGProduction(S, NP, VP),
        CFGProduction(NP, Det, N),
        CFGProduction(NP, NP, PP),
        CFGProduction(VP, VP, PP),
        CFGProduction(VP, V, NP, PP),
        CFGProduction(VP, V, NP),
        CFGProduction(PP, P, NP),
        CFGProduction(PP, 'up', 'over', NP),

        # Lexical Productions
        CFGProduction(NP, 'I'),
        CFGProduction(Det, 'the'),
        CFGProduction(Det, 'a'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'man'),
        CFGProduction(V, 'saw'),
        CFGProduction(P, 'in'),
        CFGProduction(P, 'with'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'park'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'dog'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'statue'),
        CFGProduction(Det, 'my'),
    grammar = CFG(S, productions)

    text = 'I saw a man in the park'.split()
    d = CFGDemo(grammar, text)
def demo():
    from nltk.cfg import Nonterminal, CFGProduction, CFG
    nonterminals = 'S VP NP PP P N Name V Det'
    (S, VP, NP, PP, P, N, Name, V,
     Det) = [Nonterminal(s) for s in nonterminals.split()]

    productions = (
        # Syntactic Productions
        CFGProduction(S, NP, VP),
        CFGProduction(NP, Det, N),
        CFGProduction(NP, NP, PP),
        CFGProduction(VP, VP, PP),
        CFGProduction(VP, V, NP, PP),
        CFGProduction(VP, V, NP),
        CFGProduction(PP, P, NP),
        CFGProduction(PP, 'up', 'over', NP),

        # Lexical Productions
        CFGProduction(NP, 'I'),
        CFGProduction(Det, 'the'),
        CFGProduction(Det, 'a'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'man'),
        CFGProduction(V, 'saw'),
        CFGProduction(P, 'in'),
        CFGProduction(P, 'with'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'park'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'dog'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'statue'),
        CFGProduction(Det, 'my'),

    #productions *= 10
    grammar = CFG(S, productions)

    def cb(cfg):
        print cfg

    top = Tk()
    editor = CFGEditor(top, grammar, cb)
    Label(top, text='\nTesting CFG Editor\n').pack()
    Button(top, text='Quit', command=top.destroy).pack()
def demo():
    Create a shift reduce parser demo, using a simple grammar and

    from nltk.cfg import Nonterminal, CFGProduction, CFG
    nonterminals = 'S VP NP PP P N Name V Det'
    (S, VP, NP, PP, P, N, Name, V,
     Det) = [Nonterminal(s) for s in nonterminals.split()]

    productions = (
        # Syntactic Productions
        CFGProduction(S, [NP, VP]),
        CFGProduction(NP, [Det, N]),
        CFGProduction(NP, [NP, PP]),
        CFGProduction(VP, [VP, PP]),
        CFGProduction(VP, [V, NP, PP]),
        CFGProduction(VP, [V, NP]),
        CFGProduction(PP, [P, NP]),

        # Lexical Productions
        CFGProduction(NP, ['I']),
        CFGProduction(Det, ['the']),
        CFGProduction(Det, ['a']),
        CFGProduction(N, ['man']),
        CFGProduction(V, ['saw']),
        CFGProduction(P, ['in']),
        CFGProduction(P, ['with']),
        CFGProduction(N, ['park']),
        CFGProduction(N, ['dog']),
        CFGProduction(N, ['statue']),
        CFGProduction(Det, ['my']),

    grammar = CFG(S, productions)

    # tokenize the sentence
    sent = Token(TEXT='my dog saw a man in the park with a statue')

    ShiftReduceParserDemo(grammar, sent).mainloop()
    def __init__(self, parent, cfg=None, set_cfg_callback=None):
        self._parent = parent
        if cfg is not None: self._cfg = cfg
        else: self._cfg = CFG(Nonterminal('S'), [])
        self._set_cfg_callback = set_cfg_callback

        self._highlight_matching_nonterminals = 1

        # Create the top-level window.
        self._top = Toplevel(parent)

        self._startframe.pack(side='top', fill='x', expand=0)
        self._prodframe.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
        self._buttonframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='x', expand=0)

def regexp():
    Demo regexp grammar
    from nltk.cfg import Nonterminal, CFGProduction, CFG
    nonterminals = 'NP N AND'
    (NP, N, AND) = [Nonterminal(s) for s in nonterminals.split()]
    productions = (
        CFGProduction(NP, NP, AND, NP),
        CFGProduction(NP, N),

        CFGProduction(N, 'cabbages'),
        CFGProduction(AND, 'and'),
        CFGProduction(N, 'kings'),
    grammar = CFG(NP, productions)

    sent = 'cabbages and kings'
    text = WSTokenizer().tokenize(sent)

    RecursiveDescentParserDemo(grammar, text).mainloop()
 def _apply(self, *e):
     productions = self._parse_productions()
     start = Nonterminal(self._start.get())
     cfg = CFG(start, productions)
     if self._set_cfg_callback is not None: