def build_association_distribution():
    assoc = ConditionalFreqDist()

    # For each document in the "Brown Corpus"...
    for document in brown.files():
        words = brown.tagged_words(document)

        # For each word that's a noun...
        for index, (word, tag) in enumerate(words):
            if tag.startswith('N'):

                # Look at any nouns in the next 5 words...
                window = words[index + 1:index + 5]
                for (window_word, window_tag) in window:
                    if window_tag.startswith('N'):

                        # And add them to our freq. distribution

    return assoc
def build_association_distribution():
    assoc = ConditionalFreqDist()
    # For each document in the "Brown Corpus"...
    for document in brown.files():
        words = brown.tagged_words(document)
        # For each word that's a noun...
        for index, (word, tag) in enumerate(words):
            if tag.startswith('N'):

                # Look at any nouns in the next 5 words...
                window = words[index+1:index+5]
                for (window_word, window_tag) in window:
                    if window_tag.startswith('N'):

                        # And add them to our freq. distribution

    return assoc
def brown_information_content(output_filename, compounds_filename, stopwords_filename=None, smoothing=True):

    # A list of all the noun and verb parts of speech as recorded in the
    # Brown corpus. Currently many are ignored because the Wordnet morphy()
    # method, which derives the base form of inflected words, can't handle
    # contractions, genetive forms etc.

    noun_tags = [
        "nn",  # N. sing. common (burden)
        #        'nn$',        # N. sing. common, genetive (company's)
        #        'nn+bez',    # N. sing. common + 'to be' pres. 3rd pers sing. (wife's)
        #        'nn+hvd',    # N. sing. common + 'to have' past (James'd)
        #        'nn+hvz',    # N. sing. common + 'to have' pres. 3rd pers sing. (guy's)
        #        'nn+in',    # N. sing. common + prep. (buncha)
        #        'nn+md',    # N. sing. common + modal aux. (sun'll)
        #        'nn+nn',    # N. sing. common, hyphenated pair (stomach-belly)
        "nns",  # N. plu. common (burdens)
        #        'nns$',        # N. plu. common genetive (companies')
        #        'nns+md',    # N. plu. common + modal aux. (cowboys'll)
        "np",  # N. sing. proper (September)
        #        'np$',        # N. sing. proper genetive (William's)
        #        'np+bez',    # N. sing. proper + 'to be' pres. 3rd pers sing. (Rob's)
        #        'np+hvd',    # N. sing. proper + 'to have' past (James'd)
        #        'np+hvz',    # N. sing. proper + 'to have' pres. 3rd pers sing. (Bill's)
        #        'np+md',    # N. sing. proper + modal aux. (John'll)
        "nps",  # N. plu. proper (Catholics)
        #        'nps$',        # N. plu. proper, genetive (Republicans')
        "nr",  # N. sing. adverbial (today, Saturday, East)
        #        'nr$',        # N. sing. adverbial, genetive (Saturday's)
        #        'nr+md'        # N. sing. adverbial + modal aux. (today'll)
        "nrs",  # N. plu. adverbial (Sundays)
        "nc",  # N. compound (jigsaw puzzle, egg cup)

    verb_tags = [
        "vb",  # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. (find, act)
        #        'vb+at',    # V. base: pres. or inf. + article (wanna)
        #        'vb+in',    # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. + prep. (lookit)
        #        'vb+jj',    # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. + adj. (die-dead)
        #        'vb+ppo',    # V. pres. + pronoun, personal, acc. (let's)
        #        'vb+rp',    # V. imperative + adverbial particle (g'ahn, c'mon)
        #        'vb+vb',    # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. hyphenated pair (say-speak)
        "vbd",  # V. past (said, produced)
        "vbg",  # V. pres. part./gerund (keeping, attending)
        #        'vbg+to',    # V. pres part. + infinitival to (gonna)
        "vbn",  # V. past part. (conducted, adopted)
        #        'vbn+to',    # V. past part. + infinitival to (gotta)
        "vbz",  # V. pres. 3rd pers. sing. (deserves, seeks)
        "vbc",  # V. compound (band together, run over)

    outfile = open(output_filename, "wb")

    if compounds_filename:
        compounds = read_word_list(compounds_filename)
        compounds = []

    if stopwords_filename:
        stopwords = read_word_list(stopword_filename)
        stopwords = []

    noun_fd = FreqDist()
    verb_fd = FreqDist()

    count = 0
    increment = 10000

    sys.stdout.write("Building initial frequency distributions")

    for file in brown.files():
        for sentence in brown.tagged_sents(file):

            if len(sentence) == 0:

            # Greedily search for compound nouns/verbs. The search is naive and
            # doesn't account for inflected words within the compound (so
            # variant forms of the compound will not be identified e.g. the
            # compound 'abdominal cavities' will not be recognised as the plural of
            # 'abdominal cavity'); this is in keeping with the original Perl
            # implementation. Rectifying this is mildy tricky in that some compound
            # constituents are expected to be inflected e.g. 'abandoned ship' so
            # it isn't possible to simply uninflect each constituent before
            # searching; rather, a list of variant compounds containing all possible
            # inflected/uninflected constituents would be needed (compounds rarely
            # exceed length four so the quadratic search space wouldn't be too scary).

            new_sentence = []
            compound = sentence.pop(0)

            # Pop (word token, PoS tag) tuples from the sentence until all words
            # have been consumed. Glue the word tokens together while they form
            # a substring of a valid compound. When adding a new token makes the
            # compound invalid, append the current compound onto the new sentence
            # queue and assign the new (token, tag) tuple as the current compound base.

            while len(sentence) > 0:
                (token, tag) = sentence.pop(0)
                token = token.lower()

                # Add this token to the current compound string, creating a
                # candidate compound token that may or may not exist in Wordnet.
                compound_token = compound[0] + " " + token

                # Perform a binary search through the list of all compounds. The
                # search necessarily accepts partial matches. The search returns
                # the compound type ('nc' for noun compound or 'vbc' for verb
                # compound) of the matched compound, or False if no match was
                # found. Recording the compound type is necessary so that the
                # correct frequency distribution can be updated later.

                compound_tag = substr_binary_search(compound_token, compounds)

                if compound_tag:
                    compound = (compound_token, compound_tag)

                # If appending the new token to the current compound results in
                # an invalid compound, append the current compound to the new
                # sentence queue and reset it, placing the new token as the
                # beginning of a (possible) new compound.

                    compound = (token, tag)

            # The final (possibly compound) token in each sentence needs to be
            # manually appended onto the new sentence list.


            for (token, tag) in new_sentence:

                # Give the user some feedback to let him or her know the
                # distributions are still being built. The initial stage can take
                # quite some time (half an hour or more).

                count += 1

                if count % increment == 0:

                # Basic splitting based on the word token's POS. Later this could
                # be further developed using the additional (now commented out)
                # tag types and adding conditional checks to turn e.g. "you'll"
                # into "you" + "will". This would increase the accuracy of the
                # distribution, as currently all such contractions are discarded
                # (because they won't match any entries in the dictionary).

                if tag in noun_tags:
                    pos = "noun"
                    dictionary = N
                    freq_dist = noun_fd

                elif tag in verb_tags:
                    pos = "verb"
                    dictionary = V
                    freq_dist = verb_fd

                    token = None

                # If the word form is inflected e.g. plural, retrieve its base
                # or uninflected form.

                if token is not None:

                    if dictionary.has_key(token):
                        uninflected_token = token
                        uninflected_token = morphy(token, pos)

                    uninflected_token = None

                # Increment the count for each sense of the word token, there
                # being no practical way to distinguish between word senses in the
                # Brown corpus (SemCor would be another story).

                if uninflected_token:
                    for synset in dictionary[uninflected_token]:

    # If smoothing is True perform Laplacian smoothing i.e. add 1 to each
    # synset's frequency count.

    if smoothing:
        for sample in noun_fd:
        for sample in verb_fd:

    # Propogate the frequency counts up the taxonomy structure. Thus the
    # root node (or nodes) will have a frequency equal to the sum of all
    # of their descendent node frequencies (plus a bit extra, if the root
    # node appeared in the source text). The distribution will then adhere
    # to the IR principle that nodes (synsets) that appear less frequently
    # have a higher information content.

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Finding taxonomy roots...")

    noun_roots = get_roots(N)
    verb_roots = get_roots(V)

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Propogating frequencies up the taxonomy trees...")

    for root in noun_roots:
        propogate_frequencies(noun_fd, root)

    for root in verb_roots:
        propogate_frequencies(verb_fd, root)

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")

    # Output the frequency distributions to a file. Rather than pickle the
    # frequency distributions, and the synsets contained therein, output
    # a dict of synset identifiers and probabilities. This results in a file
    # which is a great deal smaller than the pickled FreqDist object file.

    sys.stdout.write("Converting to synset/sample count dictionaries...")

    noun_dict = {}
    verb_dict = {}

    # The probabilities are not calculated as is normal for a frequency
    # distribution (i.e. sample count / sum of all sample counts). Instead
    # they are (sample count / sample count of root node), because of the
    # propagation step that was performed earlier; this has the desirable
    # consequence that root nodes have a probability of 1 and an
    # Information Content (IC) score of 0.

    root = N["entity"][0].synset

    for sample in noun_fd:
        noun_dict[sample.offset] = (noun_fd[sample], noun_fd[root])

    for sample in verb_fd:
        root = sample.hypernym_paths()[0][0]
        verb_dict[sample.offset] = (verb_fd[sample], verb_fd[root])

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Writing probability hashes to file %s..." % (output_filename))

    pickle.dump(noun_dict, outfile)
    pickle.dump(verb_dict, outfile)

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")

def brown_information_content(output_filename, compounds_filename, \
        stopwords_filename=None, smoothing=True):

    # A list of all the noun and verb parts of speech as recorded in the
    # Brown corpus. Currently many are ignored because the Wordnet morphy()
    # method, which derives the base form of inflected words, can't handle
    # contractions, genetive forms etc.

    noun_tags = [
        'nn',  # N. sing. common (burden)
        #        'nn$',        # N. sing. common, genetive (company's)
        #        'nn+bez',    # N. sing. common + 'to be' pres. 3rd pers sing. (wife's)
        #        'nn+hvd',    # N. sing. common + 'to have' past (James'd)
        #        'nn+hvz',    # N. sing. common + 'to have' pres. 3rd pers sing. (guy's)
        #        'nn+in',    # N. sing. common + prep. (buncha)
        #        'nn+md',    # N. sing. common + modal aux. (sun'll)
        #        'nn+nn',    # N. sing. common, hyphenated pair (stomach-belly)
        'nns',  # N. plu. common (burdens)
        #        'nns$',        # N. plu. common genetive (companies')
        #        'nns+md',    # N. plu. common + modal aux. (cowboys'll)
        'np',  # N. sing. proper (September)
        #        'np$',        # N. sing. proper genetive (William's)
        #        'np+bez',    # N. sing. proper + 'to be' pres. 3rd pers sing. (Rob's)
        #        'np+hvd',    # N. sing. proper + 'to have' past (James'd)
        #        'np+hvz',    # N. sing. proper + 'to have' pres. 3rd pers sing. (Bill's)
        #        'np+md',    # N. sing. proper + modal aux. (John'll)
        'nps',  # N. plu. proper (Catholics)
        #        'nps$',        # N. plu. proper, genetive (Republicans')
        'nr',  # N. sing. adverbial (today, Saturday, East)
        #        'nr$',        # N. sing. adverbial, genetive (Saturday's)
        #        'nr+md'        # N. sing. adverbial + modal aux. (today'll)
        'nrs',  # N. plu. adverbial (Sundays)
        'nc',  # N. compound (jigsaw puzzle, egg cup)

    verb_tags = [
        'vb',  # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. (find, act)
        #        'vb+at',    # V. base: pres. or inf. + article (wanna)
        #        'vb+in',    # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. + prep. (lookit)
        #        'vb+jj',    # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. + adj. (die-dead)
        #        'vb+ppo',    # V. pres. + pronoun, personal, acc. (let's)
        #        'vb+rp',    # V. imperative + adverbial particle (g'ahn, c'mon)
        #        'vb+vb',    # V. base: pres. imp. or inf. hyphenated pair (say-speak)
        'vbd',  # V. past (said, produced)
        'vbg',  # V. pres. part./gerund (keeping, attending)
        #        'vbg+to',    # V. pres part. + infinitival to (gonna)
        'vbn',  # V. past part. (conducted, adopted)
        #        'vbn+to',    # V. past part. + infinitival to (gotta)
        'vbz',  # V. pres. 3rd pers. sing. (deserves, seeks)
        'vbc'  # V. compound (band together, run over)

    outfile = open(output_filename, "wb")

    if compounds_filename:
        compounds = read_word_list(compounds_filename)
        compounds = []

    if stopwords_filename:
        stopwords = read_word_list(stopword_filename)
        stopwords = []

    noun_fd = FreqDist()
    verb_fd = FreqDist()

    count = 0
    increment = 10000

    sys.stdout.write("Building initial frequency distributions")

    for file in brown.files():
        for sentence in brown.tagged_sents(file):

            if len(sentence) == 0:

            # Greedily search for compound nouns/verbs. The search is naive and
            # doesn't account for inflected words within the compound (so
            # variant forms of the compound will not be identified e.g. the
            # compound 'abdominal cavities' will not be recognised as the plural of
            # 'abdominal cavity'); this is in keeping with the original Perl
            # implementation. Rectifying this is mildy tricky in that some compound
            # constituents are expected to be inflected e.g. 'abandoned ship' so
            # it isn't possible to simply uninflect each constituent before
            # searching; rather, a list of variant compounds containing all possible
            # inflected/uninflected constituents would be needed (compounds rarely
            # exceed length four so the quadratic search space wouldn't be too scary).

            new_sentence = []
            compound = sentence.pop(0)

            # Pop (word token, PoS tag) tuples from the sentence until all words
            # have been consumed. Glue the word tokens together while they form
            # a substring of a valid compound. When adding a new token makes the
            # compound invalid, append the current compound onto the new sentence
            # queue and assign the new (token, tag) tuple as the current compound base.

            while len(sentence) > 0:
                (token, tag) = sentence.pop(0)
                token = token.lower()

                # Add this token to the current compound string, creating a
                # candidate compound token that may or may not exist in Wordnet.
                compound_token = compound[0] + ' ' + token

                # Perform a binary search through the list of all compounds. The
                # search necessarily accepts partial matches. The search returns
                # the compound type ('nc' for noun compound or 'vbc' for verb
                # compound) of the matched compound, or False if no match was
                # found. Recording the compound type is necessary so that the
                # correct frequency distribution can be updated later.

                compound_tag = substr_binary_search(compound_token, compounds)

                if compound_tag:
                    compound = (compound_token, compound_tag)

                # If appending the new token to the current compound results in
                # an invalid compound, append the current compound to the new
                # sentence queue and reset it, placing the new token as the
                # beginning of a (possible) new compound.

                    compound = (token, tag)

            # The final (possibly compound) token in each sentence needs to be
            # manually appended onto the new sentence list.


            for (token, tag) in new_sentence:

                # Give the user some feedback to let him or her know the
                # distributions are still being built. The initial stage can take
                # quite some time (half an hour or more).

                count += 1

                if count % increment == 0:

                # Basic splitting based on the word token's POS. Later this could
                # be further developed using the additional (now commented out)
                # tag types and adding conditional checks to turn e.g. "you'll"
                # into "you" + "will". This would increase the accuracy of the
                # distribution, as currently all such contractions are discarded
                # (because they won't match any entries in the dictionary).

                if tag in noun_tags:
                    pos = "noun"
                    dictionary = N
                    freq_dist = noun_fd

                elif tag in verb_tags:
                    pos = "verb"
                    dictionary = V
                    freq_dist = verb_fd

                    token = None

                # If the word form is inflected e.g. plural, retrieve its base
                # or uninflected form.

                if token is not None:

                    if dictionary.has_key(token):
                        uninflected_token = token
                        uninflected_token = morphy(token, pos)

                    uninflected_token = None

                # Increment the count for each sense of the word token, there
                # being no practical way to distinguish between word senses in the
                # Brown corpus (SemCor would be another story).

                if uninflected_token:
                    for synset in dictionary[uninflected_token]:

    # If smoothing is True perform Laplacian smoothing i.e. add 1 to each
    # synset's frequency count.

    if smoothing:
        for sample in noun_fd:
        for sample in verb_fd:

    # Propogate the frequency counts up the taxonomy structure. Thus the
    # root node (or nodes) will have a frequency equal to the sum of all
    # of their descendent node frequencies (plus a bit extra, if the root
    # node appeared in the source text). The distribution will then adhere
    # to the IR principle that nodes (synsets) that appear less frequently
    # have a higher information content.

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Finding taxonomy roots...")

    noun_roots = get_roots(N)
    verb_roots = get_roots(V)

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Propogating frequencies up the taxonomy trees...")

    for root in noun_roots:
        propogate_frequencies(noun_fd, root)

    for root in verb_roots:
        propogate_frequencies(verb_fd, root)

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")

    # Output the frequency distributions to a file. Rather than pickle the
    # frequency distributions, and the synsets contained therein, output
    # a dict of synset identifiers and probabilities. This results in a file
    # which is a great deal smaller than the pickled FreqDist object file.

    sys.stdout.write("Converting to synset/sample count dictionaries...")

    noun_dict = {}
    verb_dict = {}

    # The probabilities are not calculated as is normal for a frequency
    # distribution (i.e. sample count / sum of all sample counts). Instead
    # they are (sample count / sample count of root node), because of the
    # propagation step that was performed earlier; this has the desirable
    # consequence that root nodes have a probability of 1 and an
    # Information Content (IC) score of 0.

    root = N['entity'][0].synset

    for sample in noun_fd:
        noun_dict[sample.offset] = (noun_fd[sample], noun_fd[root])

    for sample in verb_fd:
        root = sample.hypernym_paths()[0][0]
        verb_dict[sample.offset] = (verb_fd[sample], verb_fd[root])

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Writing probability hashes to file %s..." %

    pickle.dump(noun_dict, outfile)
    pickle.dump(verb_dict, outfile)

    sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")
