with open("awards.csv", "w") as out_file:
        out_file.write("Org,# of Awards,Total Award Amount\n")
        for rec in award_recs:
            out_file.write(rec + "," + str(award_recs[rec][0]) + "," + str(award_recs[rec][1]) + "\n")

    # Extract abstract ID from filename
    abstractID = fileid.replace(".txt", "")
    abstractID = re.split("[\/]", abstractID)
    abstractID = abstractID[2]

    # Reset counter for the number of sentences in the abstract
    sent_num = 0

    # Find abstract by looping through paragraphs, counting them, and applying the GetAbstract function
    para_num = -1
    for para in corpus.paras(fileid):
        para_num += 1

    # If the abstract is blank, add 1 to the distribution for 0 sentences
    if abstract == []:
        if 0 not in sent_dist:
            sent_dist[0] = 1
            sent_dist[0] += 1

    # Loop through each sentence in the abstract
    for line in abstract:

        # Iterate the sentence counter
        sent_num += 1
from TreeTaggerWrapper import treetaggerwrapper
#1) build a TreeTagger wrapper:
tagger = treetaggerwrapper.TreeTagger(TAGLANG='en',TAGDIR='D:/Programme/TreeTagger')
#2) tag your text.
tags = tagger.TagText("This is a very short text to tag.")
#3) use the tags list... (list of string output from TreeTagger).
print tags

# Check, whether the format of the tagged postings is good for the tagged corpus reader
# p.51 NLTK Cookbook
input_directory = path
from nltk.corpus.reader import TaggedCorpusReader
reader = TaggedCorpusReader(input_directory, r'.*\.txt')
# ['The', 'expense', 'and', 'time', 'involved', 'are', ...]

# testing the import #
#import sys
import myMath

print myMath.add(4,5)
print myMath.division(4, 2)
print myMath.multiply(10, 5)
print myMath.fibonacci(8)
print myMath.squareroot(48)