def relvort(u, v, lats, lons):
    Compute the relative vertical vorticity of the wind
        u ([type]): 2D arrays of u wind components, in meters per second
        v ([type]): 2D arrays of v wind components, in meters per second
        Returns in units of per second

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(u)

    #Compute the gradient of the wind
    dudy = calculate.compute_gradient(u, lats, lons)[1]
    dvdx = calculate.compute_gradient(v, lats, lons)[0]

    #Compute relative vorticity (dv/dx - du/dy)
    vort = np.subtract(dvdx, dudy)

    #Account for southern hemisphere
    tlons, tlats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
    vort[tlats < 0] = vort[tlats < 0] * -1

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        vort = xr.DataArray(vort, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return vort
def grid_area_average_degree(prod, deg, lats, lons):
    Area averaging a lat/lon grid by a specified radius in degrees (not kilometers)
        prod ([type]): 2D variable to be area-averaged
        deg ([type]): Degree radius to smooth over (e.g., 2 for 2 degrees)
        lats ([type]): [description]
        lons ([type]): [description]
        [type]: [description]

    #Check if input product is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(prod)

    #Determine radius in gridpoint numbers
    res = abs(lats[1] - lats[0])

    #Perform area-averaging
    radius = int(float(deg) / res)
    kernel = np.zeros((2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1))
    y1, x1 = np.ogrid[-radius:radius + 1, -radius:radius + 1]
    mask = x1**2 + y1**2 <= radius**2
    kernel[mask] = 1
    prod = ndimage.filters.generic_filter(prod, np.average, footprint=kernel)

    #Convert back to xarray dataarray, if specified
    if use_xarray == 1:
        prod = xr.DataArray(prod, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    #Return product
    return prod
def advection(var, u, v, lats, lons):
    Compute the magnitude of horizontal advection of a scalar quantity by the wind
        var ([type]): 2D scalar field (e.g. temperature)
        u ([type]): 2D arrays of u & v wind components, in meters per second
        v ([type]): 2D arrays of u & v wind components, in meters per second
        Returns in units of (scalar unit) per second

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(var)

    #Compute the gradient of the variable
    ddx, ddy = calculate.compute_gradient(var, lats, lons)

    #Compute advection (-v dot grad var)
    #adv = -1 * ((ddx*u) + (ddy*v))
    adv = np.add(np.multiply(ddx, u), np.multiply(ddy, v))
    adv = np.multiply(-1.0, adv)

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        adv = xr.DataArray(adv, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return adv
def divergence(u, v, lats, lons):
    Compute the horizontal divergence of a vector
        var ([type]): 2D scalar field (e.g. temperature)
        u ([type]): 2D arrays of u & v wind components, in meters per second
        v ([type]): 2D arrays of u & v wind components, in meters per second
        Returns in units of per second

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(u)

    #Compute the gradient of the wind
    dudx = calculate.compute_gradient(u, lats, lons)[0]
    dvdy = calculate.compute_gradient(v, lats, lons)[1]

    #div = dudx + dvdy #dv/dx - du/dy
    div = np.add(dudx, dvdy)

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        div = xr.DataArray(div, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return div
def ageo(hght, u, v, lats, lons):
    Compute the u and v components of the ageostrophic wind
        hght ([type]): 2D scalar geopotential height field (m)
        u ([type]):  2D arrays of u components of wind (m/s)
        v ([type]):  2D arrays of v components of wind (m/s)
        Returns in units of meters per second

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(hght)

    #Compute the geostrophic wind
    ug, vg = geo(hght, lats, lons)

    #Compute the ageostrophic wind
    ua = u - ug
    va = v - vg

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        ua = xr.DataArray(ua, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        va = xr.DataArray(va, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return ua, va
def geo(hght, lats, lons):
    Compute the u and v components of the geostrophic wind
        hght ([type]): 2D scalar geopotential height field (m)
        Returns in units of meters per second

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(hght)

    #Compute geopotential height gradient on pressure surface
    dzdx, dzdy = calculate.compute_gradient(hght, lats, lons)

    #2D array of Coriolis parameter for each lat/lon
    cor = coriolis(lats, lons)

    #Compute the geostrophic wind
    ug = (-1.0 * dzdy * g) / cor
    vg = (dzdx * g) / cor

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        ug = xr.DataArray(ug, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        vg = xr.DataArray(vg, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return ug, vg
def absvort(u, v, lats, lons):
    Compute the absolute vertical vorticity of the wind

        u ([type]): 2D arrays of u wind components, in meters per second
        v ([type]): 2D arrays of v wind components, in meters per second
        Returns in units of per second

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(u)

    #Compute relative vorticity
    vort = relvort(u, v, lats, lons)

    #Compute the Coriolis parameter (after converting lat to radians)
    cor2d = coriolis(lats, lons)

    #Compute absolute vorticity (relative + coriolis parameter)
    vort = np.add(vort, cor2d)

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        vort = xr.DataArray(vort, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return vort
def qvect(temp, hght, lev, lats, lons, smooth, static_stability=1):
    Compute the u and v components of the Q-vector
        temp ([type]): 2D scalar temperature field (K)
        hght ([type]):  2D scalar geopotential height field (m)
        lev ([type]): Pressure level (hPa)
        lats ([type]): 1D arrays of lat
        lons ([type]): 1D arrays of lon
        smooth ([type]): integer representing sigma level of smoothing
        static_stability (int, optional): assumed to be 1, unless provided. Defaults to 1.
        Returns in units of meters per second

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(temp)

    #Smooth data
    hght = ndimage.gaussian_filter(hght, sigma=smooth, order=0)
    temp = ndimage.gaussian_filter(temp, sigma=smooth, order=0)

    #Convert pressure to Pa
    levPa = lev * 100.0

    #Compute the geostrophic wind
    ug, vg = geo(hght, lats, lons)

    #Compute the constant out front
    const = (-1.0 * Rd) / (levPa * static_stability)

    #Compute gradient quantities
    dtdx, dtdy = calculate.compute_gradient(temp, lats, lons)
    dudx, dudy = calculate.compute_gradient(ug, lats, lons)
    dvdx, dvdy = calculate.compute_gradient(vg, lats, lons)

    #Compute u,v components of Q-vector
    Qu = const * ((dudx * dtdx) + (dvdx * dtdy))
    Qv = const * ((dudy * dtdx) + (dvdy * dtdy))

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        Qu = xr.DataArray(Qu, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        Qv = xr.DataArray(Qv, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return Qu, Qv
def isentropic_transform(temp, u, v, lev, lats, lons, levs, tomask=1):
    Transform a variable to isentropic coordinates, specifying a single isentropic level
        temp ([type]): 3D temperature array (K)
        u ([type]): 3D wind array (u)
        v ([type]): 3D wind array (v)
        lev ([type]): Desired isentropic level (K, scalar)
        lats ([type]): 1D lat array
        lons ([type]): 1D lon array
        levs ([type]): 1D pressure array
        tomask (int, optional): mask array values where the desired isentropic surface is below the
#                               ground. Yes=1, No=0. Default is yes (1). Defaults to 1.
        Returns a python list with the following quantities:
        [0] = 2D pressure array
        [1] = u-wind
        [2] = v-wind
        [3] = d(theta)/dp
        [4] = 2D array corresponding to the first k-index of where the
              theta threshold is exceeded.

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(temp)

    #If using xarray, convert to numpy
    if use_xarray == 1:
        temp = temp.values
        u = u.values
        v = v.values

    #Subset data values to below 100 hPa
    tlev = float(lev)

    #Arrange a 3D pressure array of theta
    vtheta = np.copy(temp) * 0.0

    nvert, nlat, nlon = np.shape(temp)
    for k in range(0, nvert):
        vtheta[k] = theta(temp[k], levs[k])

    #Arrange 2D arrays of other values
    tpres = 0
    tu = 0
    tv = 0

    #Eliminate any NaNs to avoid issues
    temp = np.nan_to_num(temp)
    u = np.nan_to_num(u)
    v = np.nan_to_num(v)
    vtheta = np.nan_to_num(vtheta)


    #Step 0: Get 3d array of pressure
    levs3d = np.copy(temp) * 0.0

    nvert, nlat, nlon = np.shape(temp)
    for k in range(0, nvert):
        levs3d[k] = (vtheta[0] * 0.0) + levs[k]

    #Step 1: find first instances bottom-up of theta exceeding threshold

    #Check where the theta threshold is exceeded in the 3D array
    check_thres = np.where(vtheta >= tlev)
    check_ax1 = check_thres[0]
    check_ax2 = check_thres[1]
    check_ax3 = check_thres[2]

    #This is a 2D array corresponding to the first k-index of where the
    #theta threshold is exceeded.
    thres_pos = np.copy(vtheta[0]) * 0.0

    #Loop through all such positions and only record first instances
    for i in range(0, len(check_ax1)):
        pres_level = check_ax1[i]
        jval = check_ax2[i]
        ival = check_ax3[i]

        if thres_pos[jval][ival] == 0: thres_pos[jval][ival] = pres_level

    #Step 2: get the theta values corresponding to this axis

    #Convert the position of the theta threshold values to something readable
    thres_pos = thres_pos.astype('int64')
    thres_last = thres_pos - 1
    thres_last[thres_last < 0] = 0

    #replace NaNs, if any
    thres_pos = np.nan_to_num(thres_pos)
    thres_last = np.nan_to_num(thres_last)
    vtheta = np.nan_to_num(vtheta)

    #Get theta values where it's first exceeded and 1 vertical level below it
    ktheta = np.ndarray.choose(thres_pos, vtheta)
    ltheta = np.ndarray.choose(thres_last, vtheta)

    #Get the difference in theta between levels
    diffu = np.abs(np.subtract(tlev, ktheta))
    diffl = np.abs(np.subtract(tlev, ltheta))

    #Percentage from the lower level to the upper one
    perc = np.divide(diffl, np.add(diffu, diffl))

    #Step 3: find pressure at this level

    valu = np.ndarray.choose(thres_pos, levs3d)
    vall = np.ndarray.choose(thres_last, levs3d)

    #Adjustment factor
    fac = np.multiply(np.subtract(vall, valu), perc)

    #New pressure
    tpres = np.subtract(vall, fac)

    #Step 3a: get d(theta)/dp array

    #d(theta)/dp = ktheta-ltheta / valu-vall
    dthetadp = np.divide(np.subtract(ktheta, ltheta), np.subtract(valu, vall))

    #Convert to units of K/Pa
    dthetadp = np.divide(dthetadp, 100)

    #Step 4: find wind at this level

    uu = np.ndarray.choose(thres_pos, u)
    ul = np.ndarray.choose(thres_last, u)
    vu = np.ndarray.choose(thres_pos, v)
    vl = np.ndarray.choose(thres_last, v)

    fac = np.multiply(np.subtract(ul, uu), perc)
    tu = np.subtract(ul, fac)

    fac = np.multiply(np.subtract(vl, vu), perc)
    tv = np.subtract(vl, fac)


    if tomask == 1:
        pres = np.ma.masked_where(thres_pos <= 1.0, tpres)
        u = np.ma.masked_where(thres_pos <= 1.0, tu)
        v = np.ma.masked_where(thres_pos <= 1.0, tv)

    #Convert back to xarray, if specified initially
    if use_xarray == 1:
        pres = xr.DataArray(pres, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        u = xr.DataArray(u, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        v = xr.DataArray(v, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return pres, u, v, dthetadp, thres_pos
def integrated_vapor(temp, rh, pressfc, levs, lats, lons):
    Compute integrated vapor over a certain pressure layer, assuming the pressure
    interval is constant.
        temp ([type]): 3D array (lev,lat,lon)  of temperature (K)
        rh ([type]): 3D array (lev,lat,lon) of relative humidity (in %)
        pressfc ([type]): Surface pressure (hPa)
        levs ([type]): 1D array of pressure levels (hPa)

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(temp)

    #If using xarray, convert to numpy
    if use_xarray == 1:
            temp = temp.values
            rh = rh.values

    #Convert pressure to hPa
    levs = levs * 100.0

    #determine vertical dz in Pa, assuming levs array is uniform
    vint = (levs[1] - levs[0])

    #pres,lons0,lats0 = np.meshgrid(rh.lev,lons,lats)
    nvert, nlat, nlon = np.shape(rh)
    pres = np.copy(rh) * 0.0

    #Arrange a 3D pressure array
    for k in range(0, nvert):
        pres[k] += levs[k]

        #Mask by surface pressure
        tmp = rh[k]
        tmp[pressfc < levs[k]] = 0.0
        rh[k] = tmp

    #saturated vapor pressure in Pa
    es = vapor_pressure(temp) * 100.0

    #get e from RH (in decimals) in Pa
    e = (rh / 100.0) * es

    #Approximate specific humidity q ~ w
    w = 0.622 * (e / pres)  #used to be 0.622
    q = w

    #Compute integrated vapor
    iv = np.trapz(q, axis=0, dx=vint) / -9.8

    #Return ut, vt as xarray DataArrays
    if use_xarray == 1:
        iv = xr.DataArray(iv, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return iv
def ivt(temp, rh, levs, u, v, lats, lons):
    Compute integrated vapor transport, assuming the pressure interval is constant
        temp ([type]): 3D array (lev,lat,lon)  of temperature (K)
        rh ([type]): 3D array (lev,lat,lon) of relative humidity (in %)
        levs ([type]): 1D array of pressure levels (hPa)
        u ([type]):  3D array u-wind (m/s)
        v ([type]):  3D array v-wind (m/s)

    #Check if input is an xarray dataarray
    use_xarray = arr.check_xarray(temp)

    #If using xarray, convert to numpy arrays
    if use_xarray == 1:
            temp = temp.values
            rh = rh.values
            u = u.values
            v = v.values

    #Get list of pressure levels in hPa, convert to Pa
    levs = levs * 100.0  #convert pressure to Pa

    #determine vertical dz in Pa, assuming levs array is uniform
    vint = (levs[1] - levs[0])

    nvert, nlat, nlon = np.shape(rh)
    pres = np.copy(rh) * 0.0

    #Arrange a 3D pressure array
    for k in range(0, nvert):
        pres[k] += levs[k]

    #saturated vapor pressure in Pa
    es = vapor_pressure(temp) * 100.0

    #get e from RH (in decimals) in Pa
    e = (rh / 100.0) * es

    #Approximate specific humidity q ~ w
    q = 0.622 * (e / pres)

    #Compute u and v components of IVT vector
    ut = np.trapz(u * q, axis=0, dx=vint) / -9.8
    vt = np.trapz(v * q, axis=0, dx=vint) / -9.8

    #Compute magnitude of IVT vector
    ivt = np.sqrt(np.add(np.square(ut), np.square(vt)))

    #Convert back to xarray dataset, if initially passed as one
    if use_xarray == True:
        ut = xr.DataArray(ut, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        vt = xr.DataArray(vt, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        ivt = xr.DataArray(ivt, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['lat', 'lon'])

    return ut, vt, ivt