        with redis.acquire_lock(task_id):
            status = redis.hget('task:'+task_id, 'status')
            if status == 'queued' or status == 'allocating' or status == 'allocated':
                task.service_queue(redis, task_id, redis.hget('task:'+task_id, 'service'))
                task.set_status(redis, 'task:'+task_id, 'queued')
                task.work_queue(redis, task_id, service)
        # check integrity of tasks
        if redis.hget(task_id, 'priority') is None:
            redis.hset(task_id, 'priority', 0)
        if redis.hget(task_id, 'queued_time') is None:
            redis.hset(task_id, 'queued_time', time.time())

    # Desallocate all resources that are not anymore associated to a running task
    resources = services[service].list_resources()

    for resource in resources:
        keyr = 'resource:%s:%s' % (service, resource)
        running_tasks = redis.hgetall(keyr)
        for g, task_id in six.iteritems(running_tasks):
            with redis.acquire_lock(task_id):
                status = redis.hget('task:'+task_id, 'status')
                if not(status == 'running' or status == 'terminating'):
                    redis.hdel(keyr, g)

# TODO: start multiple workers here?
worker = Worker(redis, services,
                cfg.getint('default', 'refresh_counter'),
                cfg.getint('default', 'quarantine_time'))
    if redis.hget('task:' + task_id, 'queued_time') is None:
        redis.hset('task:' + task_id, 'queued_time', time.time())

if services[service].valid:
    # Desallocate all resources that are not anymore associated to a running task
    resources = services[service].list_resources()

    # TODO:
    # if multiple workers are for same service with different configurations
    # or storage definition change - restart all workers

    redis.delete('admin:resources:' + service)
    for resource in resources:
        redis.lpush('admin:resources:' + service, resource)
        keygr = 'gpu_resource:%s:%s' % (service, resource)
        running_tasks = redis.hgetall(keygr)
        for g, task_id in six.iteritems(running_tasks):
            with redis.acquire_lock(task_id):
                status = redis.hget('task:' + task_id, 'status')
                if not (status == 'running' or status == 'terminating'):
                    redis.hdel(keygr, g)
        keycr = 'cpu_resource:%s:%s' % (service, resource)
        running_tasks = redis.hgetall(keycr)
        for c, task_id in six.iteritems(running_tasks):
            with redis.acquire_lock(task_id):
                status = redis.hget('task:' + task_id, 'status')
                if not (status == 'running' or status == 'terminating'):
                    redis.hdel(keycr, c)

# define ttl policy for a task