def calculate_territory(img_path, corners, predictor=Classifier()):
    print(img_path, corners)
    img = Image.open(img_path)
    rect_img, homography, H = rectify_image(img, corners)
    stones = extract_stones(rect_img)
    predictions = [(x, y, predictor.predict(stone)) for stone, x, y in stones]
    gf = build_gamefield(predictions)
    area = fill_territory_onlinego(gf)
    score = calc_score(area)
    return gf, area, H.tolist(), score
    def randomize_training_params(self):
        Creates classifier and network with randomized parameters
        :return: None
        self.nn = Classifier()
        self.nn.perc_train = random.choice(self.perc_train_values)
        self.nn.batch_size = random.randint(*self.range_batch_size)
        self.nn.learning_rate = random.choice(self.learning_rates)
        self.nn.neurons_per_layer = [random.randint(*self.range_hidden_neuron)
                                     for _ in range(random.randint(*self.range_hidden))]
        self.nn.activation_h = random.choice(self.activations_names)
        self.nn.regularization_type = random.choice(self.regularization_names)
        self.nn.regularization_rate = random.choice(self.regularization_rates)
        feature_ids = [DataSet.FEATURE_X1, DataSet.FEATURE_X2]
        # select which input features to use

        self.nn.features_ids = feature_ids

 def randomize_training_params(self):
     Creates classifier and network with randomized parameters
     :return: None
     self.nn = Classifier()
     self.nn.perc_train = random.choice(self.perc_train_values)
     self.nn.batch_size = random.randint(*self.range_batch_size)
     self.nn.learning_rate = random.choice(self.learning_rates)
     self.nn.neurons_per_layer = [
         for _ in range(random.randint(*self.range_hidden))
     self.nn.activation_h = random.choice(Classifier.activations_names)
     self.nn.regularization_type = random.choice(
     self.nn.regularization_rate = random.choice(self.regularization_rates)
     feature_ids = [i for i in range(DataSet.NUM_FEATURES)]
     feature_ids = feature_ids[0:random.randint(1, len(feature_ids))]
     self.nn.features_ids = feature_ids
    def randomize_training_params(self):
        Creates classifier and network with randomized parameters
        :return: None
        self.nn = Classifier()
        self.nn.perc_train = random.choice(self.perc_train_values)
        self.nn.batch_size = random.randint(*self.range_batch_size)
        self.nn.learning_rate = random.choice(self.learning_rates)
        self.nn.neurons_per_layer = [random.randint(*self.range_hidden_neuron)
                                     for _ in range(random.randint(*self.range_hidden))]
        self.nn.activation_h = random.choice(self.activations_names)
        self.nn.regularization_type = random.choice(self.regularization_names)
        self.nn.regularization_rate = random.choice(self.regularization_rates)

        # select which input features to use
        if self.fixed_feature_ids is not None:
            self.nn.features_ids = self.feature_ids
            # random
            feature_bits = random.randint(0, pow(2, DataSet.NUM_FEATURES))
            self.nn.features_ids = [i for i in range(DataSet.NUM_FEATURES) if feature_bits & pow(2, i) != 0]

class Run():
    num_samples = 500  # always a fixed number of data points
    noise_values = [0]
    perc_train_values = [60]  # percentage of training to test
    range_batch_size = [10,10]
    learning_rates = [0.03]
    regularization_rates = [0.0]
    range_hidden = [2,2]
    range_hidden_neuron = [4,4]
    epochs_per_config = [950]  # number of epochs to run each nnet configuration for
    activations_names = [Classifier.ACTIVATION_TANH]
    regularization_names = [Classifier.REGULARIZATION_NONE]

    PARAM_TYPE_INT = 'int'
    PARAM_TYPE_DOUBLE = 'double'
    PARAM_TYPE_STR = 'string'
    PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT = 'output'

    MODE_FULL = 'full'  # a single directory, with randomized data for each run
    MODE_PSA_RUNS = 'psa_runs'  # a few randomized data, in separate directories

    fixed_noise = 0

    # mode_psa_datasets = DataSet.all_data_names
    mode_psa_datasets = [DataSet.DATA_GAUSS]  # debug

    def __init__(self):
        self.data = None
        self.nn = None

    def randomize_data(self, dataset_name=None, noise=None):
        Build dataset with randomized parameters
        :param dataset_name: dataset name. if None, will randomize
        :param noise: noise [0 .. 50]. if None will randomly pick
        :return: None
        # dataset parameters
        dataset_name = random.choice(DataSet.all_data_names) if dataset_name is None else dataset_name
        noise = random.choice(self.noise_values) if noise is None else noise
        self.data = DataSet(dataset_name, self.num_samples, noise)

    def randomize_training_params(self):
        Creates classifier and network with randomized parameters
        :return: None
        self.nn = Classifier()
        self.nn.perc_train = random.choice(self.perc_train_values)
        self.nn.batch_size = random.randint(*self.range_batch_size)
        self.nn.learning_rate = random.choice(self.learning_rates)
        self.nn.neurons_per_layer = [random.randint(*self.range_hidden_neuron)
                                     for _ in range(random.randint(*self.range_hidden))]
        self.nn.activation_h = random.choice(self.activations_names)
        self.nn.regularization_type = random.choice(self.regularization_names)
        self.nn.regularization_rate = random.choice(self.regularization_rates)
        feature_ids = [DataSet.FEATURE_X1, DataSet.FEATURE_X2]
        # select which input features to use

        self.nn.features_ids = feature_ids


    def param_info_header():
        return ['label', 'name', 'type', 'info']

    def param_info(self):
        max_hidden = self.range_hidden[1]
        return ([['data', 'Data', self.PARAM_TYPE_STR, 'Which dataset do you want to use?'],
                 ['noise', 'Noise', self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'Noise'],
                 ['training_ratio', 'Training Ratio', self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'Ratio of training to test data'],
                 ['batch_size', 'Batch Size', self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'Batch Size']] +
                [[f, f, self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, f] for f in DataSet.feature_idx_to_name] +
                [['layer_count', 'Layers Count', self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'Number of hidden layers'],
                 ['neuron_count', 'Neurons Count', self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'Total number of neurons in hidden layers']] +
                [['H'+str(i), 'H'+str(i), self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'H'+str(i)] for i in range(1, max_hidden + 1)] +
                [['learning_rate', 'Learning rate', self.PARAM_TYPE_DOUBLE, 'Learning rate'],
                 ['activation', 'Activation', self.PARAM_TYPE_STR, 'Activation'],
                 ['regularization', 'Regularization', self.PARAM_TYPE_STR, 'Regularization'],
                 ['regularization_rate', 'Regularization rate', self.PARAM_TYPE_DOUBLE, 'Regularization rate']])

    def param_names(self):
        returns array of string names for the parameters. matching 1-to-1 with param_str
        info = self.param_info()
        return [info[i][0] for i in range(len(info))]

    def param_str(self):
        returns array of parameter values in string format. matching 1-to-1 to the param_names()
        layer_count = len(self.nn.neurons_per_layer)
        max_hidden = self.range_hidden[1]
        return ([self.data.dataset_name,
                 str(self.nn.batch_size)] +
                ['1' if i in self.nn.features_ids else '0' for i in DataSet.all_features] +
                 str(sum(self.nn.neurons_per_layer))] +
                [str(self.nn.neurons_per_layer[i]) if i < layer_count else '0' for i in range(max_hidden)] +

    def save_plot(self, filename):
        Generates the plot using the current data and training state
        :param filename: output filename
        :return: None

        colormap = colors.ListedColormap(["#f59322", "#e8eaeb", "#0877bd"])
        x_min, x_max = -6, 5.5  # grid x bounds
        y_min, y_max = -6, 5.5  # grid y bounds
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 900),
                             np.linspace(y_min, y_max, 900))

        data_points = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]
        data_grid = DataSet(None, len(data_points), 0, data_points=data_points)

            z = self.nn.predict_labels(data_grid.features).reshape(xx.shape)
            z = np.zeros(np.shape(xx))
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=175)
        # plt.imshow(z, cmap=colormap, interpolation='nearest')
        plt.contourf(xx, yy, z, cmap=colormap, alpha=0.8)
        num_training = self.data.num_training(self.nn.perc_train)
        point_color = self.data.labels
        # plot training data points
        plt.scatter(self.data.points[:num_training, 0], self.data.points[:num_training, 1],
                    c=point_color[:num_training], edgecolors='w', s=40, cmap=colormap)
        # plot test data points
        plt.scatter(self.data.points[num_training:, 0], self.data.points[num_training:, 1],
                    c=point_color[num_training:], edgecolors='k', s=30, cmap=colormap)
        plt.xlim(x_min, x_max)
        plt.ylim(y_min, y_max)

    def create_dir(dirname, clean=False):
        Creates the directory if doesn't exist
        :param dirname: directory path
        :param clean: whether to clean the directory
        :return: None
        if clean:
            shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True)

        if not os.path.exists(dirname):

    def save_current_run(self, filename):
            yp = self.nn.predict_labels(self.data.features)
            yp = 1 - self.data.labels
        if Config.SAVE_LABELS_NEG_POS:
            yp = [-1 if label == 0 else 1 for label in yp]
        header = 'label_pred'
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            f.write(header + '\n')
            for v in yp:
                f.write(str(v) + '\n')

    def calc_tpr_fpr(self):
        calculates the true positive rate and false positive rate
        :return: [train_tpr, train_fpr, test_tpr, test_fpr]
        labels_pred = self.nn.predict_labels(self.data.features)
        num_training = self.data.num_training(self.nn.perc_train)
        stats = []
        for population in ['train', 'test']:
            if population == 'train':
                y = self.data.labels[:num_training]  # true labels for training
                yp = labels_pred[:num_training]  # predicted labels for training
            else:  # population == 'test'
                y = self.data.labels[num_training:]  # true labels for test
                yp = labels_pred[num_training:]  # predicted labels for test

            num_p = list(y).count(1)  # number of positive labels
            num_n = list(y).count(0)  # number of negative labels
            num_tp = [l == 1 and lp == 1 for l, lp in zip(y, yp)].count(True)  # true positives
            num_fp = [l == 0 and lp == 1 for l, lp in zip(y, yp)].count(True)  # false positives
            # num_tn = [l == 0 and lp == 0 for l, lp in zip(y, yp)].count(True)  # true positives
            # num_fn = [l == 1 and lp == 0 for l, lp in zip(y, yp)].count(True)  # true positives
            tpr = 0 if num_tp == 0 else num_tp/num_p  # true positive rate
            fpr = 0 if num_fp == 0 else num_fp/num_n  # false positive rate
            # tnr = 0 if num_tn == 0 else num_tn/num_n  # true negative rate
            # fnr = 0 if num_fn == 0 else num_fn/num_p  # false negative rate
            stats = stats + [tpr, fpr]
        return stats

    def execute_runs(self, mode, num_runs, resume=False, test=False):
        Executes several training runs, each with different parameters and saves the results
        :param mode: experiment mode.
            MODE_FULL randomizes all parameters including the input data, per run
            MODE_PSA_RUNS generates different datasets and runs the psa separately for each
        :param num_runs: number of runs per experiment to add to the output
        :param resume: whether to resume the runs. if True, the runs will continue until there are num_runs records.
        iter_index = -1
        while True:
            iter_index += 1
            if mode == self.MODE_FULL:
                if iter_index == 1:
                out_dir = '../output/full'
                self.create_dir(out_dir, clean=not resume)
                curr_data = None
            elif mode == self.MODE_PSA_RUNS:
                if iter_index >= len(self.mode_psa_datasets):
                noise = self.fixed_noise
                dataset_name = self.mode_psa_datasets[iter_index]
                out_dir = '../output/' + dataset_name + '_' + str(noise)
                l = 0
                check_folder = True
                while check_folder is True:
                    if os.path.isdir(out_dir):
                        for l in range(0,100):
                            out_dir = '../output/' + 'eqml' + '_' + str(noise)\
                                      + '_' + str(l)
                            if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
                                check_folder = False

                self.create_dir(out_dir, clean=not resume)
                if test is True:
                    input_filename = '../testdata/testml.txt'

                    input_filename = 'data.txt'

                if resume and os.path.exists(input_filename):
                    curr_data = DataSet.create_from_file(input_filename)
                    curr_data.noise = noise
                    curr_data.dataset_name = dataset_name
                    Run.num_samples = curr_data.num_samples()
                    assert(curr_data.num_samples() == Run.num_samples)

                print("Invalid mode:" + str(mode))
            run_id = 0
            index_filename = out_dir + '/runsInfo.txt'
            print('index table: ' + index_filename)
            if resume and os.path.exists(index_filename):
                index_table = np.genfromtxt(index_filename, dtype=None, delimiter='\t', names=True, autostrip=False)
                if len(index_table) > 0 and 'ID' in index_table.dtype.fields:
                    run_id = index_table['ID'][-1] + 1
                print('Resuming from ID {}'.format(run_id))

            write_header = (not os.path.exists(index_filename)) or (not resume)
            # create write the header for the runs.txt file
            f_runs = open(index_filename, 'a+' if resume else 'w+')
            all_param_info = \
                ([['ID', 'ID', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'ID'],
                  ['imagePath', 'Image path', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'Output image path']] +
                 self.param_info() +
                 [['epoch', 'Epoch', self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'Number of Epochs (of processing all training data)'],
                  ['iteration', 'Iterations', self.PARAM_TYPE_INT, 'Number of Iterations (of processing a batch)'],
                  ['success', 'Success', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'Whether the training finished successfully'],
                  ['total_time', 'Total time (ms)', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'Total time at this epoch'],
                  ['mean_time', 'Mean time (ms)', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'Mean time per epoch'],
                  ['train_loss', 'Training loss', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'Training loss at epoch'],
                  ['test_loss', 'Test loss', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'Test loss at epoch'],
                  ['train_TPR', 'TPR for train', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'True positive rate for training data'],
                  ['train_FPR', 'FPR for train', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'False positive rate for training data'],
                  # ['train_TNR', 'TNR for train', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'True negative rate for training data'],
                  # ['train_FNR', 'FNR for train', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'False negative Rate for training data'],
                  ['test_TPR', 'TPR for test', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'True positive rate for test data'],
                  ['test_FPR', 'FPR for test', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'False positive rate for test data'],
                  # ['test_TNR', 'TNR for test', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'True negative rate for test data'],
                  # ['test_FNR', 'FNR for test', self.PARAM_TYPE_OUTPUT, 'False negative Rate for test data'],

            # save the paramInfo.txt
            with open(out_dir + '/paramInfo.txt', 'w') as fpi:
                fpi.write('\t'.join(self.param_info_header()) + '\n')
                fpi.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join(i) for i in all_param_info]))

            # write the header for the runs.txt
            if write_header:
                f_runs.write('\t'.join([i[0] for i in all_param_info]) + '\n')
            images_dir = out_dir + '/images'
            runs_dir = out_dir + '/runs'

            self.create_dir(images_dir, clean=not resume)
            self.create_dir(runs_dir, clean=not resume)

            while run_id < num_runs:
                if curr_data is None:
                    self.data = curr_data  # reuse the same data
                    self.data = curr_data  # reuse the same data
                # print the parameters
                print('configuration (%d of %d)' % (int(run_id / len(self.epochs_per_config)) + 1,
                                                    int(num_runs / len(self.epochs_per_config))))
                print(', '.join(a[0] + ': ' + a[1] for a in zip(self.param_names(), self.param_str())))

                prev_step = 0
                total_time = 0
                for epoch in self.epochs_per_config:
                    curr_step = int(epoch * curr_data.num_samples() / self.nn.batch_size)
                    # curr_step = epoch # in the online demo epoch == iter: https://github.com/tensorflow/playground/blob/67cf64ffe1fc53967d1c979d26d30a4625d18310/src/playground.ts#L898

                    time_start = time.time()

                    # train the network
                    success = True
                        train_loss, test_loss = self.nn.train(self.data, restart=False, num_steps=curr_step - prev_step)
                        train_loss, test_loss = 1, 1
                        success = False

                    total_time += (time.time() - time_start) * 1000.0
                    mean_time = total_time / epoch

                        train_tpr, train_fpr, test_tpr, test_fpr = self.calc_tpr_fpr()
                        train_tpr, train_fpr, test_tpr, test_fpr = 0, 1, 0, 1
                        success = False

                    print('(epoch: %d, step: %d), '
                          '(total_time: %g, mean_time: %g), '
                          '(training loss: %g, test loss: %g), '
                          '(train_tpr: %g, train_fpr: %g test_tpr: %g, test_fpr: %g)' %
                          (epoch, curr_step,
                           round(total_time, 2), round(mean_time, 2),
                           round(train_loss, 2), round(test_loss, 2),
                           round(train_tpr, 2), round(train_fpr, 2), round(test_tpr, 2), round(test_fpr, 2)))

                    image_filename = images_dir + '/' + str(run_id) + ".png"
                    run_filename = runs_dir + '/' + str(run_id) + ".txt"

                         image_filename[len(out_dir)+1:]] +
                        self.param_str() +
                         str(round(total_time, 3)),
                         str(round(mean_time, 3)),
                         str(round(train_loss, 3)),
                         str(round(test_loss, 3)),
                         str(round(train_tpr, 3)),
                         str(round(train_fpr, 3)),
                         str(round(test_tpr, 3)),
                         str(round(test_fpr, 3)),
                         ]) +
                    prev_step = curr_step
                    run_id += 1
                    if run_id >= num_runs:
from nn import Classifier

from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from flask_cors import CORS
import base64
import os
import numpy as np

app = Flask(__name__)
classifier = Classifier()
CORS(app, headers=['Content-Type'])

@app.route("/", methods=["POST", "GET", 'OPTIONS'])
def index_page():
    return render_template('index.html')

def about():
    return render_template('about.html')

@app.route('/hook', methods=["GET", "POST", 'OPTIONS'])
def predict():
    answer = ""

    if request.method == 'POST':
        image_b64 = request.values['imageBase64']
        image_encoded = image_b64.split(',')[1]
        image = base64.decodebytes(image_encoded.encode('utf-8'))
        prediction = classifier.predict(image)
    # debug_img.save(input_file + '_debug2.png')

    stones = extract_stones(rect_img)
    if args.extract_stones:
        label_map = {}
        for folder in ['white', 'black', 'empty', 'unknown']:
            for img_file in os.listdir(f'train/{folder}/'):
                label_map[img_file] = folder

        img_name = os.path.basename(input_file)
        for stone, x, y in stones:
            stone_name = f'{img_name}_{x}_{y}.png'
            label = label_map.get(stone_name, 'unknown')

    predictor = Classifier()
    predictions = [(x, y, predictor.predict(stone)) for stone, x, y in stones]
    gf = build_gamefield(predictions)
    debug_img = draw_stones(debug_img, gf)
    # debug_img.save(input_file + '_debug3.png')

    debug_img = draw_territory(img, gf, homography)
    score = calc_score(gf)
    debug_img = draw_score(debug_img, score)
    debug_img.save(input_file + '_debug1.png')

    gf = fill_territory_onlinego(gf)
    debug_img = draw_stones(debug_img, gf)
    # debug_img.save(input_file + '_debug4.png')
# iris dataset from sklearn

iris = load_iris()
x_data = iris.data
y_data = iris.target

# split on train and test sets
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_data,

# The energy function - cross-entropy loss
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

model = Classifier()
model = model.to(device)

if arg.optimizer == 'sa':
    optimizer = SimulatedAnnealing(params=model.parameters(),