class Main(App): def build(self): self._init_view() main_l = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') self.nnet = NNet(n_input=INPUT, n_hidden=HIDDEN, n_output=OUTPUT, learning_rate=LR) self._prepare_nnet() main_l.add_widget(self._paint_w) main_l.add_widget(self._conf_l) return main_l def _init_view(self): self._conf_l = BoxLayout(size_hint=(None, None), width=WINDOW_WIDTH, height=CONFIG_HEIGHT) self._paint_w = PaintWidget(size_hint=(None, None), width=WINDOW_WIDTH, height=PAINT_HEIGHT) self._clear_b = Button(text='clear') self._clear_b.bind(on_press=self.clear) self._query_b = Button(text='query') self._query_b.bind(on_press=self.query) self._conf_l.add_widget(self._clear_b) self._conf_l.add_widget(self._query_b) def _prepare_nnet(self): try: self.nnet.restore(MODEL_PATH) except: from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data/', one_hot=True) for episode in range(EPISODES): batch_input, batch_target = mnist.train.next_batch(BATCH_SIZE) if episode % 100 == 0: status = True else: status = False self.nnet.train(batch_input, batch_target, status) def clear(self, instance): self._paint_w.clear_canvas() def query(self, instance): predict = str( self.nnet.predict( self._paint_w.get_prepared_data( (28, 28)).reshape(1, INPUT) / 255)[0]) Popup(title='predict', content=Label(text=predict), size_hint=(None, None), size=(200, 200)).open()
test_i_raw = idx2numpy.convert_from_file('mnist\\t10k-images.idx3-ubyte') test_l_raw = idx2numpy.convert_from_file('mnist\\t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte') tr_i = tr_i_raw.reshape([len(tr_i_raw), 784]) / 255 test_i = test_i_raw.reshape([len(test_i_raw), 784]) / 255 tr_l = np.full([len(tr_l_raw), 10], 0) test_l = np.full([len(test_l_raw), 10], 0) for i in range(len(tr_l_raw)): tr_l[i][tr_l_raw[i]] = 1 for i in range(len(test_l_raw)): test_l[i][test_l_raw[i]] = 1 nn = NNet(784, 10, layers=[16, 20]), tr_l, batch=32, timeout=60 * 0.5, epochs=3) nn.plot_stats() res = nn.predict(test_i) acc_matrix = np.zeros((10, 10)) for i in range(len(test_i)): index_predicted = res[i].argmax() index_true = test_l[i].argmax() if index_predicted != index_true: acc_matrix[index_true, index_predicted] += 1 acc_matrix = acc_matrix / len(test_i) plt.matshow(acc_matrix) plt.xlabel('predicted values') plt.ylabel('true values') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 10)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 10)) plt.colorbar()
class AlphaZero(AbstractModel): def __init__(self, state_encoder, exploration_rate, number_of_mcts_simulations): super().__init__(state_encoder) self.exploration_rate = exploration_rate self.number_of_mcts_simulations = number_of_mcts_simulations self.visited_states = set() self.examples = [] self.P = {} #P[s][a] = policy value for move a in state s self.Q = {} #Q[s][a] = q-value of taking action a from state s self.N = { } #N[s][a] = number of times algorithm played action a from state s self.is_learning = False = NNet(self.input_nodes, self.output_nodes) def simulate_game(self, env, depth=0): s = self.state_encoder.state_to_vector(env.return_state(False)) if s not in self.visited_states: self.Q[s] = [0] * self.output_nodes self.N[s] = [0] * self.output_nodes if env.end or depth >= 200: return self.get_score_at_end_pos(env.current_player, env.winner) if s not in self.visited_states: self.visited_states.add(s) prediction = self.P[s] = prediction[0][0] v = prediction[1][0][0] print(v) return v best_action = (-float("inf"), -1) for action, avail in enumerate( self.state_encoder.available_outputs(env)): if avail: upper_confidence_bound = self.Q[s][ action] + self.exploration_rate * self.P[s][action] * (sum( self.N[s])**0.5) / (1 + self.N[s][action]) best_action = max(best_action, (upper_confidence_bound, action)) action = best_action[1] cur_player = env.current_player #print("moving", self.output_to_move(action, env.return_state())) env.move(self.state_encoder.output_to_move(action, env.return_state())) player_after_move = env.current_player v = self.simulate_game(env, depth + 1) if cur_player != player_after_move: v *= -1 self.Q[s][action] = (self.N[s][action] * self.Q[s][action] + v) / (self.N[s][action] + 1) self.N[s][action] += 1 return v def get_pi(self, state): ns = np.array(self.N[state]) if sum(ns) == 0: ns = np.ones(self.output_nodes) return ns / sum(ns) def get_scores_for_each_move(self, env): for _ in range(self.number_of_mcts_simulations): ecp = env.copy() result = self.simulate_game(ecp, 0) #print('game_result = ',result) s = self.state_encoder.state_to_vector(env.return_state(False)) pi = self.get_pi(s) if self.is_learning: self.examples.append((s, pi.copy(), None)) return pi def get_best_move(self, env): state = env.return_state() aval_vector = self.state_encoder.available_outputs(env) raw_prediction = self.get_scores_for_each_move(env) prediction = raw_prediction * aval_vector assert sum(prediction) > 0 prediction /= sum(prediction) #for i in range(len(prediction)): # assert prediction[i] == raw_prediction[i] return self.state_encoder.output_to_move( np.random.choice(len(prediction), p=prediction), state) def update_model_after_game(self, env): if self.is_learning: #abs(ex[0][0] - loser) is 1 if current player is winner, 0 is he lost and 0.5 if loser == 0.5 self.examples = [(ex[0], ex[1], ex[2] if ex[2] is not None else self.get_score_at_end_pos(ex[0][0], env.winner)) for ex in self.examples] def produce_new_version(self): new_net = NNet(self.input_nodes, self.output_nodes) new_net.train(self.examples) az = AlphaZero(self.state_encoder, self.exploration_rate, self.number_of_mcts_simulations) = new_net return az def get_score_at_end_pos(self, current_player, winner): if current_player == winner: return 1 elif current_player == 1 - winner: return -1 return 0