class RoutingNeighbors(Model):
    class Meta:
        db_table = "mac"
        engine = MergeTree("date", ("managed_object", "ts"))

    date = DateField(description=_("Date"))
    ts = DateTimeField(description=_("Created"))
    managed_object = ReferenceField(
        description=_("Object Name")
    interface = StringField(
        description=_("Physical Interface")
    subinterface = StringField(
        description=_("Logical Interface")
    neighbor_address = StringField(
        description=_("Neighbor Address")
    neighbor_object = ReferenceField(
        description=_("Neighbor Object")
    protocol = StringField(
    bgp_local_as = UInt64Field(
        description=_("BGP Local AS")
    bgp_remote_as = UInt64Field(
        description=_("BGP Remogte AS")
class Span(Model):
    class Meta:
        db_table = "span"
        engine = MergeTree("date", ("server", "service", "ts", "in_label"))

    date = DateField(description=_("Date"))
    ts = DateTimeField(description=_("Created"))
    ctx = UInt64Field(description=_("Span context"))
    id = UInt64Field(description=_("Span id"))
    parent = UInt64Field(description=_("Span parent"))
    server = StringField(description=_("Called service"))
    service = StringField(description=_("Called function"))
    client = StringField(description=_("Caller service"))
    duration = UInt64Field(description=_("Duration (us)"))
    sample = Int32Field(description=_("Sampling rate"))
    error_code = UInt32Field(description=_("Error code"))
    error_text = StringField(description=_("Error text"))
    in_label = StringField(description=_("Input arguments"))
    out_label = StringField(description=_("Output results"))

    def transform_query(cls, query, user):
        return query
class MAC(Model):
    MAC address table snapshot

    Common queries:

    Last seen MAC location:

    SELECT timestamp, object, interface
    FROM mac
      date >= ?
      AND mac = ?
       AND uni = 1
    ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;

    All MAC locations for date interval:

    SELECT timestamp, object, interface
    FROM mac
      date >= ?
      AND mac = ?
      AND uni = 1;
    class Meta(object):
        db_table = "mac"
        engine = MergeTree("date", ("ts", "managed_object"))

    date = DateField(description=_("Date"))
    ts = DateTimeField(description=_("Created"))
    managed_object = ReferenceField(ManagedObject,
                                    description=_("Object Name"))
    mac = UInt64Field(description=_("MAC"))
    interface = StringField(description=_("Interface"))
    interface_profile = ReferenceField(InterfaceProfile,
                                       description=_("Interface Profile"))
    segment = ReferenceField(NetworkSegment, description=_("Network Segment"))
    vlan = UInt16Field(description=_("VLAN"))
    is_uni = UInt8Field(description=_("Is UNI"))

    def mac_filter(self, query, offset=0, limit=400, convert_mac=False):
        Filter interface to MACDB
        :param query: Query to MACDB
        :param query: dict
        :param offset: Offset output data
        :type offset: int
        :param limit: Offset output data
        :type limit: limit data count
        :param convert_mac: Conver MAC from int to str represent
        :return: list query result from MACDB
        select max(ts), managed_object, interface, vlan from mac
        where like(MACNumToString(mac), 'A0:AB:1B%') group by managed_object, interface, vlan;
        query_field = ["mac", "managed_object"]
        t0 = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(
        t0 = t0.replace(microsecond=0)

        if not query:

        f_filter = {
            "$and": [
                    "$gte": [{
                        "$field": "date"
                    }, t0.date().isoformat()]
                    "$gte": [{
                        "$field": "ts"
                    }, t0.isoformat(sep=" ")]
        for k in query:
            field = k
            q = "eq"
            if "__" in field:
                field, q = k.split("__")
            if field not in query_field:
                # Not implemented
            if q == "like" and not convert_mac:
                field = "MACNumToString(mac)"
            # @todo convert mac all
            if isinstance(query[k], list) and len(query[k]) == 1:
                arg = query[k][0].strip()
            elif isinstance(query[k], six.string_types):
                arg = query[k].strip()
                arg = query[k]
            f_filter["$and"] += [{"$%s" % q: [{"$field": field}, arg]}]
        if not f_filter:
        fields = [
                "expr": "argMax(ts, ts)",
                "alias": "timestamp",
                "order": 0
                "expr": "mac",
                "alias": "mac",
                "group": 1
                "expr": "vlan",
                "alias": "vlan",
                "group": 2
                "expr": "managed_object",
                "alias": "managed_object",
                "group": 3
                "expr": "argMax(interface, ts)",
                "alias": "interface"
        if convert_mac:
            fields[1]["expr"] = "MACNumToString(mac)"
        # @todo paging (offset and limit)
        # @todo check in list
        ch_query = {"fields": fields, "filter": f_filter, "limit": limit}
        if offset:
            ch_query["offset"] = offset
        res = self.query(ch_query)
        # print res
        for r in res["result"]:
            yield dict(zip(res["fields"], r))

    def get_neighbors_by_mac(self, macs, mos=None):
        Return list BI ID MO by interfaces. Filter mo by macs
        :param macs: list(int)
        :param mos: list(int)
        :return: Dict {mo_a: {iface1: [mo1, mo2], iface2: [mo3, mo4], ...}, mo_b: ...}
        if not macs and not mos:
        neighbors = defaultdict(dict)
        if mos:
            query = {"managed_object__in": mos}
            query = {"mac__in": macs}
        for r in self.mac_filter(query):
            agg = int(r["managed_object"])
            if r["interface"] in neighbors[agg]:
                neighbors[agg][r["interface"]] += [int(r["mac"])]
                neighbors[agg][r["interface"]] = [int(r["mac"])]

        return neighbors

    def get_mac_history(self, mac):
        return []
class Flows(Model):
    Netflow collector model
    class Meta:
        db_table = "flows"
        engine = MergeTree("date", ("ts", "managed_object"))

    date = DateField(description=_("Date"))
    ts = DateTimeField(description=_("Created"))
    managed_object = ReferenceField(ManagedObject,
                                    description=_("Object Name"))
    # Coordinates
    x = Float64Field(description=_("Longitude"))
    y = Float64Field(description=_("Latitude"))
    version = UInt8Field(description=_("Flow version"))
    in_bytes = UInt64Field(description=_("Incoming octets"))
    in_pkts = UInt64Field(description=_("Incoming packets"))
    flows = UInt16Field(description=_("Aggregated flows"))
    protocol = UInt8Field(description=_("IP protocol type"))
    src_tos = UInt8Field(description=_("Type of Service byte"))
    tcp_flags = UInt8Field(description=_("TCP flags cumulative byte"))
    l4_src_port = UInt8Field(description=_("TCP/UDP src port number"))
    ipv4_src_addr = IPv4Field(description=_("IPv4 source address"))
    src_mask = UInt8Field(description=_("Number of mask bits in src adr"))
    input_snmp = UInt16Field(description=_("Input interface index"))
    ipv4_dst_port = UInt8Field(description=_("TCP/UDP dst port number"))
    ipv4_dst_addr = IPv4Field(description=_("IPv4 destination address"))
    dst_mask = UInt8Field(description=_("Number of mask bits in dst adr"))
    output_snmp = UInt16Field(description=_("Output interface index"))
    ipv4_next_hop = IPv4Field(description=_("IPv4 adr of nexthop router"))
    src_as = UInt32Field(description=_("Src BGP AS number"))
    dst_as = UInt32Field(description=_("Dst BGP AS number"))
    bgp_ipv4_next_hop = UInt32Field(
        description=_("Nexthop router's IP in BGP domain"))
    mul_dst_pkts = UInt64Field(
        description=_("IP multicast outgoing packet counter"))
    mul_dst_bytes = UInt64Field(
        description=_("IP multicast outgoing packet counter"))
    last_switched = UInt32Field(
        description=_("System uptime when last pkt of flow was switched"))
    first_switched = UInt32Field(
        description=_("System uptime when last pkt of flow was switched"))
    out_bytes = UInt64Field(description=_("Outgoing octets"))
    out_pkts = UInt64Field(description=_("Outgoing packets"))
    min_pkt_lngth = UInt16Field(
        description=_("Min IP pkt length on inc packets of flow"))
    max_pkt_lngth = UInt16Field(
        description=_("Max IP pkt length on inc packets of flow"))
    # ipv6_src_addr = IPv6Field(description=_("IPv6 source address"))
    # ipv6_dst_addr = IPv6Field(description=_("IPv6 destination address"))
    # ipv6_src_mask = UInt8Field(description=_("Length of IPv6 source mask in contiguous bits"))
    # ipv6_dst_mask = UInt8Field(description=_("Length of IPv6 destination mask in contiguous bits"))
    # ipv6_flow_label = UInt32Field(description=_("IPv6 flow label as in RFC2460"))
    icmp_type = UInt16Field(description=_("ICMP packet type"))
    mul_igmp_type = UInt8Field(description=_("IGMP packet type"))
    sampling_interval = UInt32Field(
        description=_("Rate of sampling of packets"))
    sampling_algorithm = UInt8Field(description=_(
        "Type of algorithm for sampled netflow: 01 deterministic or 02 random sampling"
    flow_active_timeout = UInt16Field(description=_(
        "Timeout value in seconds for active entries in netflow cache"))
    flow_inactive_timeout = UInt16Field(description=_(
        "Timeout value in seconds for inactive entries in netflow cache"))
    engine_type = UInt8Field(
        description=_("Type of flow switching engine: RP=0, VIP/Linecard=1"))
    engine_id = UInt8Field(description=_("ID number of flow switching engine"))
    total_bytes_exp = UInt32Field(description=_("Counter for bytes exported"))
    total_pkts_exp = UInt32Field(description=_("Counter for pkts exported"))
    total_flows_exp = UInt32Field(description=_("Counter for flows exported"))
    ipv4_src_prefix = UInt32Field(
        description=_("IPv4 source address prefix (Catalyst architecture)"))
    ipv4_dst_prefix = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "IPv4 destination address prefix (Catalyst architecture)"))
    mpls_top_label_type = UInt8Field(description=_("MPLS top label type"))
    mpls_top_label_ip_addr = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "Forwarding equivalent class corresponding to MPLS top label"))
    flow_sampler_id = UInt8Field(description=_("ID from 'show flow-sampler'"))
    flow_sampler_mode = UInt8Field(
        description=_("Type of algorithm used for sampling data"))
    flow_sampler_random_interval = UInt32Field(
        description=_("Packet interval at which to sample"))
    min_ttl = UInt8Field(description=_("Minimum TTL on incoming packets"))
    max_ttl = UInt8Field(description=_("Maximum TTL on incoming packets"))
    ipv4_ident = UInt16Field(description=_("IPv4 identification field"))
    dst_tos = UInt8Field(description=_(
        "Type of Service byte setting when exiting outgoing interface"))
    in_src_mac = UInt64Field(description=_("Incoming source MAC address"))
    out_dst_mac = UInt64Field(
        description=_("Outcoming destination MAC address"))
    src_vlan = UInt16Field(
        description=_("VLAN id associated with ingress interface"))
    dst_vlan = UInt16Field(
        description=_("VLAN id associated with egress interface"))
    ip_protocol_version = UInt8Field(description=_(
        "IP protocol version for IPv4 is 4 and 6 for IPv6. If none, assumed 4")
    direction = UInt8Field(
        description=_("Flow direction: 0 -- ingress, 1 -- egress flow"))
    # ipv6_next_hop = IPv6Field(description=_("IPv6 address of nexthop router"))
    # bgp_ipv6_next_hop = IPv6Field(description=_("IPv6 address of nexthop router in BGP domain"))
    # ipv6_option_headers = IPv6Field(
    #    description=_("Bit-encoded field identifying IPv6 option headers found in the flow")
    # )
    mpls_label1 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 1 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label2 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 2 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label3 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 3 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label4 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 4 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label5 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 5 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label6 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 6 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label7 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 7 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label8 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 8 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label9 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 9 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    mpls_label10 = UInt32Field(description=_(
        "MPLS label at position 10 in the stack. This comprises 20 bits of MPLS label, 3 EXP (experimental) bits and 1 S (end-of-stack) bit"
    in_dst_mac = UInt64Field(description=_("Incoming destination MAC address"))
    out_src_mac = UInt64Field(description=_("Outcoming source MAC address"))
    if_name = StringField(
        description=_("Shortened interface name i.e.: 'FE1/0'"))
    if_desc = StringField(
        description=_("Full interface name i.e.: 'FastEthernet 1/0'"))
    sampler_name = StringField(description=_("Name of the flow sampler"))
    in_permanent_bytes = UInt32Field(
        description=_("Running byte counter for a permanent flow"))
    in_permanent_pkts = UInt32Field(
        description=_("Running packet counter for a permanent flow"))
    fragment_offset = UInt16Field(
        description=_("The fragment-offset value from fragmented IP packets"))
    forwarding_status = UInt8Field(description=_(
        "Forwarding status is encoded on 1 byte with the 2 left bits giving the status and the 6 remaining bits giving the reason code."
    mpls_pal_rd = UInt64Field(description=_("MPLS PAL Route Distinguisher"))
    mpls_prefix_len = UInt8Field(
        description=_("Number of consecutive bits in the MPLS prefix length"))
    src_traffic_index = UInt32Field(
        description=_("BGP Policy Accounting Source Traffic Index"))
    dst_traffic_index = UInt32Field(
        description=_("BGP Policy Accounting Destination Traffic Index"))
    application_description = StringField(
        description=_("Application description"))
    application_tag = UInt16Field(description=_(
        "8 bits of engine ID, followed by n bits of classification"))
    application_name = StringField(
        description=_("Name associated with a classification"))
    postipDiffServCodePoint = UInt8Field(description=_(
        "The value of a Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) encoded in the Differentiated Services Field, after modification"
    replication_factor = UInt32Field(
        description=_("Multicast replication factor"))