class Client:
  '''A TinFoil Net client
  Builds the "social" features ontop of the underlying network framework.

  def __init__(self, udpPort = 4000, vanillaEntangled = False):
    '''Initializes a Tinfoil Node.'''
    self.udpPort = udpPort
    self.postCache = {}
    # TODO(cskau): we need to ask the network for last known sequence number
    self.sequenceNumber = 0
    self.friends = set()
    # TODO(cskau): Retrieve these every time we re-join.
    self.sharingKeys = {}
    self.postIDNameTuple = {}
    self.vanillaEntangled = vanillaEntangled

  def join(self, knownNodes):
    """Join the social network.
    Calculate our userID and join network at given place.
    This involves:
    - generating a random ID by solving cryptographic puzzles,
      which serves as a guard against Sybil attacks.
    - generate public and private keys for new id.
    - notifying and requesting involved parties of the selected position.
    OR if the user has already created his ID in the past.
    - use the previously established private key to authenticate in network.
    # Check to see if we have already been authenticated with the network.
    id = None
    rsaKey = None
    x = None

    if os.path.exists(constants.PATH_TO_ID % self.udpPort):
      fID = open(constants.PATH_TO_ID % self.udpPort, 'r')
      id = fID.read()

      fKey = open(constants.PATH_TO_RSAKEY % self.udpPort, 'r')
      rsaKey = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.importKey(pickle.load(fKey))

      fX = open(constants.PATH_TO_X % self.udpPort, 'r')
      x = long(fX.read())

    # Generate new node from scratch or based on already known values.
    self.node = TintangledNode(id = id, udpPort = self.udpPort, vanillaEntangled = self.vanillaEntangled)

    # Save node data to file if node is new.
    if id == None:
      # Save ID, RSAKey and X to file.
      fID = open(constants.PATH_TO_ID % self.udpPort, 'w')

      fKey = open(constants.PATH_TO_RSAKEY % self.udpPort, 'w')
      pickle.dump(self.node.rsaKey.exportKey(), fKey)

      fX = open(constants.PATH_TO_X % self.udpPort, 'w')
      self.node.rsaKey = rsaKey
      self.node.x = x
      # Alternative: add rsaKey and x as optional parameters in
      # TintangledNode.__init__.

    print('Your ID is: %s   - Tell your friends!' % self.node.id.encode('hex'))
    self.node.keyCache[self.node.id] = self.node.rsaKey
    # Add ourself to our friends list, so we can see our own posts too..
        ('%s:publickey' % (self.node.id)),

  def share(self, resourceID, friendsID):
    """Share some stored resource with one or more users.
    Allow other user(s) to access store resource by issuing sharing key
    unique to the user-resource pair.
    Code Sketch:
      sharingKey[resourceID][otherUserID] = encrypt(
        "SharingKey(resourceID, otherUserID)",
    if not resourceID in self.sharingKeys:
      print('Error: Can\'t share. Post sharing key not found (yet).')
      sharingKeyName = ('%s:share:%s' % (resourceID, friendsID))
      sharingKeyEncrypted = self._encryptForUser(
      # We might not have user's public key yet..
      if sharingKeyEncrypted is not None:
        print('Storing sharing key for: %s : %s' % (
        self.node.publishData(sharingKeyName, sharingKeyEncrypted)
        print('Couldn\'t share. Friend\'s public key not found.')

  def _encryptForUser(self, content, userID, callback = None):
    """Encrypt some content asymetrically with user's public key."""
    userKey = self._getUserPublicKey(userID, callback)
    if userKey is None:
      return None
    return self._encryptKey(content, userKey)

  def _getUserPublicKey(self, userID, callback = None):
    """Returns the public key corresponding to the specified userID, if any."""
    if userID in self.node.keyCache:
      return self.node.keyCache[userID]
    publicKeyName = ('%s:publickey' % (userID))
    publicKeyID = self.node.getNameID(publicKeyName)
    # TODO(cskau): This is a defer !!
    publicKeyDefer = self.node.iterativeFindValue(publicKeyID)
    def _addPublicKeyToLocalCache(result):
      if type(result) == dict:
        for r in result:
          self.node.keyCache[userID] = pickle.loads(result[r])
        print('Could not find public key for: %s' % (
    if callback is not None:
    return None

  def _encryptKey(self, content, publicKey):
    """Encrypts content (sharing key) using the specified public key."""
    return publicKey.encrypt(content, '') # '' -> K not needed when using RSA.

  def _decryptKey(self, content):
    """Decrypts content (sharing key) using node's own private key."""
    return self.RSAkey.decrypt(content)

  def unshare(self, resourceID, friendsID):
    """ Unshare previously shared resource with one of more users.
    Ask network to delete specific, existing sharing keys.
    This can never be safer than the network allows it.
    Malicious peer might simply keep the sharing keys despite all.
    Code Sketch:
    shareKeyID = ('%s:share:%s' % (resourceID, friendsID))

  def post(self, content):
    """ Post some resource to the network.
    Ask the network to store some (encrypted) resource.
    This should be encrypted with a symmetric key which will be private
    until shared through the above share() method.
    newSequenceNumber = self._getSequenceNumber()
    postKey = util.generateRandomString(constants.SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH)
    #nonce = util.generateRandomString(constants.NONCE_LENGTH)
    # Use sequence number as nonce - that way we dont need to include it
    nonce = util.int2bin(newSequenceNumber, nbytes = constants.NONCE_LENGTH)
    encryptedContent = self._encryptPost(postKey, nonce, content)
    postName = ('%s:post:%s' % (self.node.id, newSequenceNumber))
    postID = self.node.getNameID(postName)
    # We need to remember post keys used so we can issue sharing keys later
    self.sharingKeys[postID] = postKey
    postDefer = self.node.publishData(postName, encryptedContent)
    # update our latest sequence number
    latestName = ('%s:latest' % (self.node.id))
    latestDefer = self.node.publishData(latestName, newSequenceNumber)
    # store post key by sharing the post with ourself
    postDefer.addCallback(lambda result: self.share(postID, self.node.id))

  def _getSequenceNumber(self):
    """Return next, unused sequence number unique to this user."""
    # TODO(cskau): we probably need to ask the network to avoid sync errors.
    #  Case: a user might publish from multiple clients at a time.
    self.sequenceNumber += 1
    return self.sequenceNumber

  def _encryptPost(self, key, nonce, post):
    """Encrypt a post with a symmetric key.

    @param key: must be 16, 24, or 32 bytes long.
    @type key: str


    if not len(key) in [16, 24, 32]:
      raise Exception(
          'Specified key had an invalid key length, it should be 16, 24 or 32.')
    if len(nonce) != constants.NONCE_LENGTH:
      raise Exception(
          'Specified nonce had an invalid key length, it should be 16.')

    aesKey = Crypto.Cipher.AES.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_CBC, nonce)
    # NOTE(cskau): *input* has to be a 16-multiple, pad with whitespace
    return aesKey.encrypt(post + (' ' * (16 - (len(post) % 16))))

  def _decryptPost(self, key, nonce, post):
    """Decrypt a post with a symmetric key.

    @param key: must be 16, 24, or 32 bytes long.
    @type key: str


    if not len(key) in [16, 24, 32]:
      raise Exception(
          'Specified key had an invalid key length, it should be 16, 24 or 32.')
    if len(nonce) != constants.NONCE_LENGTH:
      raise Exception(
          'Specified nonce had an invalid key length, it should be 16.')

    aesKey = Crypto.Cipher.AES.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_CBC, nonce)
    decryptedMessage = aesKey.decrypt(post)
    # remove any whitespace padding.
    return decryptedMessage.strip()

  def _processUpdatesResult(self, result):
    """Process post updates when we get them as callbacks."""
    for resultKey in result:
      if isinstance(resultKey, entangled.kademlia.contact.Contact):
        print("WARN: key not found!")
      # for some reason a contact is mixed in at times..
      if not isinstance(result[resultKey], entangled.kademlia.contact.Contact):
        postID = resultKey
        friendsID, n = self.postIDNameTuple[postID]
        self.postCache[friendsID][n] = {
          'post': result[postID],
          'id': postID,

  def getUpdates(self, friendsID, lastKnownSequenceNumber):
    """ Check for and fetch new updates on user(s)
    Ask for latest known post from a given user and fetch delta since last
     fetched update.
    Code Sketch:
      latestSequenceNumber = get("latest(otherUserID)")
      latestPostID = hash(otherUserID + latestSequenceNumber)
      latestPost = get(latestPostID)
    keyName = '%s:latest' % (friendsID)
    keyID = self.node.getNameID(keyName)
    def _processSequenceNumber(result):
      if type(result) == dict:
        lastSequenceNumber = int(result[keyID])
        for n in range(lastKnownSequenceNumber, (lastSequenceNumber + 1)):
          # There isn't actually any post 0 (which is kinda stupid..)
          if n == 0:
          postName = ('%s:post:%s' % (friendsID, n))
          postID = self.node.getNameID(postName)
          self.postIDNameTuple[postID] = (friendsID, n)
          # ask network for updates
        print('Could not find sequence number for: %s' % (
    # NOTE(cskau): it's all deferred so we can't do much here
    # TODO(cskau): maybe just return cache?

  ## ---- "Soft" API ----

  def addFriend(self, friendsID):
    """Adds the specified friendsID to the user's friend set."""
    if len(friendsID) != constants.ID_LENGTH:
      raise 'Malformed ID'
    self.postCache[friendsID] = {}

  def getDigest(self, n = 10):
    """Gets latest n updates from friends."""
    digest = {}
    for f in self.friends:
      # update post cache
      lastKnownPost = max([0] + self.postCache[f].keys())
      # Do eventual update of cache
      #  Note: unfortunaly we can't block and wait for updates, so make do
      self.getUpdates(f, lastKnownPost)
    for f in self.friends:
      for k in self.postCache[f].keys()[-n:]:
        postID = self.postCache[f][k]['id']
        if postID in self.sharingKeys:
          self.postCache[f][k].update({'key': self.sharingKeys[postID]})
                  util.int2bin(k, nbytes = constants.NONCE_LENGTH),
          sharingKeyName = ('%s:share:%s' % (postID, self.node.id))
          sharingKeyID = self.node.getNameID(sharingKeyName)
          def _createClosureForPSKR(postID):
            def _processSharingKeyResult(result):
              if type(result) == dict:
                for r in result:
                  if not isinstance(result[r], entangled.kademlia.contact.Contact):
                    self.sharingKeys[postID] = self.node.rsaKey.decrypt(
                print('Could not find sharing key for: %s : %s' % (
            return _processSharingKeyResult
      # get last n from this friend
      digest[f] = self.postCache[f].items()[-n:][::-1]
    return digest